E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2005 No. 72 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was ‘‘with malice toward none, with char- vote which is scheduled for 6 o’clock called to order by the Honorable JOHN ity for all . [so we can finish] the tonight. If we are able to invoke clo- E. SUNUNU, a Senator from the State of work we are in.’’ ture at 6, then we would immediately New Hampshire. Amen. vote up or down on the nomination of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s f John Bolton. We will also receive from prayer will be offered by our guest the House a short-term extension of Chaplain, Rabbi Gary Zola, Jacob PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE the highway bill. We will need to pass Rader Marcus Center, Cincinnati, OH. The Honorable JOHN E. SUNUNU led that measure before we finish our work the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: for the week as well. We hope to finish PRAYER I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the our business this evening, and if so, we The guest Chaplain offered the fol- United States of America, and to the Repub- would not be in session on Friday. That lowing prayer: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, implies a full day today, a lot of discus- Eternal One, Rock of all ages, help us indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. sion and cooperation among our col- to hear the voices of our forebears that f leagues to accomplish that. We will be still linger in the silent places of this making further announcements regard- historic Chamber of debate and deci- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING ing our schedule when we return at the sion. Let us draw devotional inspira- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE close of business today. tion this morning from the life of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Finally, I ask unanimous consent Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, founder of the clerk will please read a communication that at 5:30, Senator STEVENS be recog- Hebrew Union College, who led this to the Senate from the President pro nized for up to 10 minutes, to be fol- Senate in prayer 135 years ago to this tempore (Mr. STEVENS). lowed by the Democratic leader for 10 very week. May one brief moment from The legislative clerk read the fol- minutes, to be followed by the major- the life of this famed American clergy- lowing letter: ity leader for up to 10 minutes. man renew in us a commitment to the U.S. SENATE, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- core of righteous living. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, pore. Without objection, it is so or- For we have been taught that once, Washington, DC, May 26, 2005. dered. when this rabbi took ill amidst a class To the Senate: f and was compelled to descend from his Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, teaching platform, a young, eager stu- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY dent jumped up, grabbed his arm, and appoint the Honorable JOHN E. SUNUNU, a LEADER said: ‘‘May I help you down, Doctor?’’ Senator from the State of New Hampshire, to perform the duties of the Chair. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- In response to this question, the TED STEVENS, pore. The Democratic leader is recog- rabbi uttered words that remind us President pro tempore. nized. anew of what is good and what God Mr. SUNUNU thereupon assumed the does require of us all: ‘‘Never help a f chair as Acting President pro tempore. person down,’’ the rabbi told his stu- dent. ‘‘Try always to help people up.’’ f ORDER OF BUSINESS In this year, marking 350 years of RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Mr. REID. Mr. President, so we have Jewish life in America, we offer up our LEADER an orderly process on our side, I would prayerful and reverential gratitude to ask unanimous consent that of the the source of life for implanting within The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- time that has been allotted this side, our hearts the vision of our noble Re- pore. The majority leader is recog- Senator BOXER be given 45 minutes; public, ever striving to help people up. nized. Senator DODD, 60 minutes; Senator O may all who labor in this House— f SARBANES, 15 minutes; Senator VOINO- and in every house—be inspired anew VICH, 30 minutes; Senator KERRY, 30 by the prophet Micah’s exhortation, a SCHEDULE minutes; Senator FEINGOLD, 20 min- charge that the father of this Nation Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, today, fol- utes; Senator NELSON of Florida, 10 deeply cherished and repeatedly cited: lowing the leader time, we will resume minutes; Senator OBAMA, 15 minutes; Do justly, love mercy, and walk hum- debate on the nomination of John Senator REID, 15 minutes; and Senator bly with thy God. Bolton to be ambassador to the Secu- BIDEN to control the remaining time Fervently we pray that the vision we rity Council of the United Nations. The for 15 minutes. I am quite certain that hallow will animate all of us to live debate will be divided until the cloture the staff has worked it out so our time ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S5945 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:24 Jan 30, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2005SENATE\S26MY5.REC S26MY5 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S5946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 26, 2005 is equal to what Senator LUGAR con- mittee, to make certain that each of Donald McHenry, 83 to nothing—so trols on his side. If there is any dif- the arguments that has been presented they had votes—Jeane Kirkpatrick, 81 ference in the numbers, he and Senator has been met and fairly argued. to nothing. The largest ‘‘no’’ vote was DODD can adjust it accordingly. During the entirety of the debate Richard Holbrooke, who had 16 against The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- yesterday, the arguments that were him. Bill Richardson was 100 to noth- pore. Without objection, it is so or- made were not new ones. They may be ing; John Negroponte, voice vote; Dan- dered. important ones, and perhaps they will forth, voice vote. f be reargued today. But I ask Members I am putting this in the RECORD be- to think constructively now about the cause when you listen to my friends RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME President of the United States, his de- who are supporting John Bolton, you The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- sire for reform of the United Nations, would think that this is just a run-of- pore. Under the previous order, the and his desire to have John Bolton the-mill type appointment, that it is leadership time is reserved. there at the United Nations to work in usual to have this kind of firestorm. f that capacity for reform of an institu- Nothing could be further from the tion that the United States wishes to EXECUTIVE SESSION truth. This nomination is a diversion see much stronger, more able, and cer- from the consensus candidates that we tainly a valuable part of American di- have had in the past. Since my chair- NOMINATION OF JOHN ROBERT plomacy and national security policy. man talked about all the support John BOLTON TO BE THE REPRESENT- I yield the floor. Bolton has, I ask unanimous consent to ATIVE OF THE UNITED STATES The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- print in the RECORD in a letter dated OF AMERICA TO THE UNITED pore. The Senator from California is May 9, 2005. NATIONS recognized. There being no objection, the mate- Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, I listen rial was ordered to be printed in the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- to my distinguished chairman, and I RECORD, as follows: pore. Under the previous order, the wonder who he is actually talking Senate will resume executive session Updated May 9, 2005. about when he says there is so much Hon. RICHARD G. LUGAR, for the consideration of Calendar No. support for John Bolton. There has Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Dirksen 103, which the clerk will report. been an unprecedented outcry of Re- Senate Office Building, Washington, DC. The legislative clerk read the nomi- publicans and Democrats against this Hon. JOSEPH R. BIDEN, nation of John Robert Bolton, of Mary- nomination. Ranking Member, Senate Foreign Relations land, to be the Representative of the I ask unanimous consent to print in Committee, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, DC. United States of America to the United ECORD the R the votes on U.S. ambas- DEAR SENATOR LUGAR AND SENATOR BIDEN: Nations. sadors at the United Nations since 1945. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- We have noted with appreciation the moves There being no objection, the mate- of President Bush at the beginning of his sec- pore. Under the previous order, the rial was ordered to be printed in the ond term to improve U.S. relations with the time until 6 p.m. will be equally di- RECORD, as follows: countries of the European Union and of the vided between the chairman and rank- VOTES ON U.S. AMBASSADORS TO THE UN United Nations. Maintaining these ties and ing member of the Foreign Relations the willingness of those countries to cooper- Edward R. Stettinius, Jr. (1945–1946): Voice ate with the United States is essential to Committee, of which 1 hour will be re- Vote U.S.
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