8, 1909. 8 THE SEATTLE REPUBLICAN FRIDAY, JANUARY and the defects of NORTHWEST BRIEFS. achievements Scandinavian American Bank. the Brother in Black. In a few A resolution was introduced at Write Today straight-forward, clean-cut re- a copy meeting the city for of the recent of marks, free from partiality or "THE BANK ACCOUNT" council asking Mayor John E. prejudice, he pointed out to his a new, neat little 8-page paper aa full Philadelphia, of good things as an egg is of meat. Reyburn of to send auditors the shortcomings of the MAILED FREE. the Liberty Bell to the Alaska- Negro and deplored the fact there The Scandinavian-American Bank, Yukon-Pacific Exposition. was such a general impulse with Alaska Building, Seattle, Wash. d'Oreille River Navi- them to rush to the already over- The Pend E. N. BROOKS & CO. gation Co. has just inaugurated crowded cities where the cost of For Frills For Men. the best river service which the living is the highest and competi- HXQK traveling 1 public has ever enjoyed tion the" greatest. With Booker CLASS HABEBDASEEBT on that river. T. Washington, Mayor Miller 1331 Second Aye., Seattle, Wash. agreed life of the agri- The teachers' institute held in that the culturist is the most independent Spokane is being well attended. • Albert Hansen. existence in the world. He men- Eyes Carefully Examined and Two-thirds of the Columbia riv- tioned the fact that along many Properly Fitted With Glasses er bridge is completed and about lines the Negro had already at- 706 First Avenue. 1,000 feet of St. Paul tunnel tained eminence, and that too in through the Bitter Root mountains the face of almost unsurmountable McGraw & Kittinger. remain to be driven. Altogether obstacles. He said it was unjust Real Estate there is not fiftymiles of the Mil- to condemn the whole race for the and Insurance waukee road unbuilt to connect misdeeds of a few evil-minded 695 Seattle with Chicago. members; that it was an undeni- 529 Colman Blk., Phone Main A building six stories high, to able fact that the race included TREEN BHOE COMPANY cost $100,000, is to be built in many who were anything but a ' Always Carry the Best. Vancouver by the American Life credit to it, a statement, he added, Cnatomor* Carefully Cared JTor. and Accident Insurance Company JOHN FRANKLIN MILLER, which applied equally well to ev- of the State of Washington. Van- Mayor of Seattle, Who Is Very Much in the Public Eye Just Now. ery other race. 707 First Aye., Seattle, Wash. couver is to be the home office of The remarks of J. E. Hawkins EMANCIPATION EXERCISES. W. H. FINCK the company, which is capitalized lish experts to be the best ever were scholarly and well timed. The exercises, under the au- Pioneer Jeweler and Watch Maker. at $500,000. seen in England. * He thoroughly reviewed the situa- spices of the Sunday Forum, tion, presenting a long list of illus- Oar Holiday Specials Unaqnaled. It is reported that enough mem- were CHAMBER OF COMMERCE which held in the auditorium trious representative men and 816 Second Avenue, bers of the legislature have al- Seattle, Wash. of the Y. M. C. A. Building on women of the race whose lives are ready pledged themselves to pass DELEGATES HOME FROM New Year's night, commemorative worthy of emulation. Mr. Hawk- The Comfort. the proposed bill to prohibit race- THE ORIENT. Newly furnished rooms. Walking of the issuing of the Emancipation ins expressed very optimistic dis- track gambling, and it is expected The report soon to be submitted tance; rent reasonable; rooms by til* Proclamation by Abraham Lin- views in regard to the future of day or week. that public sentiment will impel to the Pacific Coast Chambers of coln, were witnessed by a large the Negro, and said: "Like any I. I3EAEL WALKEB, the senatorial body to join in the Commerce by the members of the Street. and representative audience, other race of people, the Negro 1101-UOS Jackson reform even if it is not enthusiast- commission who have recently re- which taxed the capacity of the needs to apply himself in order in favor of the prohibition. turned from a ten weeks' stay in PURCELL'S SAFE COMPANY ically main hall and extended far into bring the Orient, promises to contain to to the surface his natural Halls Safe and Lock Co.'s Safes and From the most recent reports the balcony. Everything that was motto much of interest to the peopel. intelligence." His was evi- Vaults. from California it is expected that said and done had for its object dently Harry W. Treat, E. F. Blame and "Excelsior," for he dem- Phones Main 667; Ind. 3197 Governor-elect Cosgrove will re- the elimination of race feeling, the top J. D. Lowman were among the onstrated the fact that at the 312 Occidental Aye., Seattle, Wash turn for the inauguration, after vocations, number of members who left Se- in all and along all lines which he will go back to Califor- more; attle on the 21st of September for there is always room for Seattle Electric Co. nia for the winter. that the paramount issue was not Japan. The trip was not only in- Secure our prices on Electric Fix- Five thousand dollars has now teresting but instructive, and an i so much one of color as of fitness. tures before letting your contract Latest Designs Exclusively. been subscribed for the fruit can- excellent opportunity was offered PI. R. Cayton's address was neries at Vancouver, and a com- reminiscent of slavery days, of the The Seattle Electric Company, to study the conditions existing Aye. Commer- then existing conditions and of the 907 First mittee of the Vancouver on the other side of the water and cial Club will further canvass the to become familiar with the atti- dependence placed upon the faith- by "quality folks." Stetson & Post Mill Co. city for the purpose of raising tude of the orientals toward Amer- ful slave the was no more BUILDING MATERIAL $4,000 more. icans. The Japanese and Chinese h! B^^^mW*^^ He said that it than right and fitting that the race had Of all kinds. Delivered on short The Yakima Produce Company vied with each other in making the I. ISRAEL WALKER, made progress, for every induce- notice. has now prepared for shipment to stay of the members of the com- President Sunday Forum, Who Gave every London, England, two-carloads of mission pleasant, and magnificent the Public the Excellent Program ment, advantage had been Emancipation Exercises. Established 1875. Tel. Main 711 for at the offered, and, admonishing his fancy Yakima Valley apples exhibits were promised for the Bonney-Watson In no was auditors not to overlook the small- Co. customers in the British Isles. A. Y. P. fair. instance effecting of a mutual understand- hostility er things, he said that if the Negro UNDERTAKERS An annual picnic for the entire there a feeling of shown ing between the races and the lo- suggestions were less polite, less a gentleman, Preparing bodies for shipment a Palouse country, taking in more and many valuable cation of a neutral ground upon made by the Seattle delegates if his credit were not as good as specialty. All orders by telephone particularly the counties of Spo- which they might meet. days, then as a or were received with approval by in ante-bellum telegraph promptly attended kane and Whitman, in Washing- Mr. I. I. Walker, president of not the officials abroad, and an invita- race he was retrograding and to. Telephone Main 13. ton and Latah, in Idaho, and ab- the Forum, after explaining the advancing. sorbing the famous Whitman tion was extended to have another nature and purpose of the organi- delegattion sent to complete the The musical numbers rendered Sunset Telephone & Telegraph county picnic held at Elberton, is zation under the auspices of which consisted of the Triumphal March Co. work commenced by this one. given, which, as a festive summer event planned the program was from Damascus, by a chorus of Representative Japanese and Chi- non- LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE for the inhabitants of the Palouse he expressed it, was the only voices; a trio, nese business men will probably twenty-five ladies' CONNECTION by the Spokane & Inland Electric political and non-sectarian organi- selections by the Whangdoodle return the visit of the commission among people, Business Office, Third and Spring Company. zation the colored and a solo by Mrs. Daisie some time in the spring, thereby Quartet, _ "Warden McAllis- having for its object the moral Oregon's Fish further promoting the already ex- Taylor. I People's Savings Bank. ter believes that the Columbia riv- and intellectual upbuilding of the isting feeling of friendliness. GERTRUDE CHRISMAN. Edward C. Neufelder, Prest. er is being over-fished and advo- race, in a few well chosen words R. J. Reekie, Vice Prest. condi- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Jos. T. Oreenleaf, Cashier regulation of aol gear an reviewed the situation and Incorporated 19th, cates the only State of Washington, for King County. Dec. 1889. Judge Wilson R. Gay, the Miller, Plaintiff, vs. Mil- Comm#rctal Savlng-s and Trust shorter tion of the race locally, after which Nelson Grace \u25a0 Exchange. a fishing season. He also ler, General Bank and new judge on the King county DefendantNo Summons. Seattle, attention to the vast number he introduced the next speaker, The State of Washington to the said Cor. Second and Pike St. Wart calls bench, will for the present take Grace Miller, Defendant: irrigating in use which Mayor John F.
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