South Tipperary Senior Hurling Final Match Programme 2011 PATHS TO FINAL 2011 Pos. Team Played Woo Drew Lost Score D1ff Points 1 CJ Kichams Mullinahone 5 3 1 1 7 7 Semi 2 Carrick Davins 5 2 2 1 ·18 6 Semi 3 Carrick Swans 5 2 2 1 13 6 Semi • Killenaule 5 2 1 2 10 SSeml 5 8alllngarry 5 2 0 3 18 • 6 Ballybacon Grange 5 1 0 • ·2' 2 Rd 1 Venue Referees Apr.11 Carrick Swans 0-13 Ki ll en~ule 1-10 KHsheelan !S,O e la hu n~ 10-Apr Carrick Davins 0-16 Ballybacon 1-12 Glonmel f.!Y= 07-Apr Ballingarry 1-19 Mullinahane 0-14 Clonean N.Cosgrove Rd 2 01.May Car r i!<~ Qavins 2-12 Carrick Swans 1-15 Davin Pk S.Roche 02-May Ballinga!!y 2-13 Killenaule 0-5 Clonmel N.Cosgrove 02-May Baltybacon 0-12 Mullinahone 0-17 Clonmel K.Oelahuntv Rd 3 10-Jun K ilienil!~ I ~ 3-21 Carrick Davlns O·B Clonmel P.lvors 10-May MultinS!hone 1-16 Carrick Swans 2-11 Monroe W.Barrett 15-May Ballybacon 1-22 BalJingam 2-14 Clonmel N.Cosgrove Rd 4 04-Jun M u llinil!bQn~ 1-16 Kiltenaule 0-11 Davin Pk N.QQsgro:t§; 05-Jun Q~!Ii~!S !;2~vi n s 1-13 Ballingarry 1-10 Monroe K.Delahunty 05-Jun Qarri~!s ~wans 3-16 Ballybacon 1-10 Monroe Fergal Horgan Rd 5 26-Jun Klllena!!,!l§; 2-15 Ballybacon 0-11 Felhard S.Roche 26-Jun Q~rri~k ~wans 0-15 Ballingarry 1-10 Klisheelan N.Cosgrove 26-Jun Carrick Davins 1-15 Mullinahone 1-15 Clonmel K.Delahunty Semi 17-Jul Qa!Ii!l<k Dilvins 0-14 Killenaule ' ·9 Monroe K.Delahunty 17-Jul Qi!rri!;;k §wans ' ·9 Mullinahone 0-12 Monroe Fergal Horgan Replay 11 -Sep Q J. KlchS!ms 1-16 Carrick Swans 0-13 Fethard AET S.Roche Final 09-0ct QarriSO!s D!i!vins C.J.Kichams Clonmel N Cosgrove Failte 6n gCathaoirleach Ba mhaith liom failte roimh gach einne go Cluain Meala inniu le­ haghaidh Cluichi Cheannais lamana Thiobraid Arann Theas . Ta suil agam go mbeidh cluichi den scoith again agus go mbeidh an bua ag an bhfoireann is fearr. I extend a warm welcome to the Players, Officials & Supporters to Clonmel today for the South Senior Hurling Final between C J Kichams Mutlinahone and Carrick Davins. This years final takes on a special significance as the two teams have not met in a final for 16 years (1995) with Mullinahone, successful on that occasion and Carnck Davins hoping to add to their 11 Titles, the last in 1979(32Yeras Ago) they will be hoping to lift the Tomas Q/Rian Cup. I would also like to welcome all to Cion mel this evening MUlnt;r Sceiitharince agus Cathair Dun lascaig who will contest the Minor B Hurling Final forthe JimmyFennessyCup. Both of those teams have had many a great tussle at underage level over the last number of years and todays final should be no e)(ception. Good luck to both teams. During these very difficult economic times I would like to thank our supporters and patrons for their continued support. I would like to wish our Referees today and their Officials the very best of luck at todays games. Congratulations to Noel Cosgrove our Referee in charge of the South SH Final and to Pa ShelleywhotakeschargeofMBH Final. Finally to our hosts Clonmel Commercials & St Marys I say a sincere thank you for presenting your outstanding facilities as a most suitable venue for what promises to be a feast of hurling. Risteord MocAoghoin Cot hooirleoch CLARAN LAE 1.30pm M inor 8 Hurling Final SHEHEENARINKY v CAHIR Referee Po Shelley (Killenaule) 2.45pm Presentation of Jimmy Fennessy Cup 2.5Spm Amhran na 8hfian 3.00pm Senior Hurling Final C J KICHAMS MUlliNAHONE v CARRICK DAVINS Referee Noel Cosgrove ( Marlfield) 4.45pm Presentation of 0 Rian Cup by Risteard Mac Aoghain 201 1 SENIOR HURLING SOUTH FINAL PREVIEW Carrick Davin~ arc through to their fitst final nppcal1l11Ce 111 16 yClirs. This year Carrick Davins brought n brc:uh offresh air [oour Senior Ilurling Championship with the Carrick. local derby played In 0:1\ in I'ark the highlight to date. The League Championship "as ,cry interesting thh year with C\cry gam\! on a klllfe edge to see who \H1Uld make the last fom. With Klllcnaule, Mullinahone, Clrric!.. Swans & C:l1Tick Davins all making il to the Semi Final. Carrick Davlll~ v Killenaulc, \\jlh Da"in~ rc\crsing last year resull. Carrick Swans v C J Kichams Mullinahone wa~ played ending in II draw. With drdma in the Boord NOm o .. er the replay. eventually taking place in September. Maybe we would have:m all Carrick Final or II repeat of his! years final, neilher was 10 be, wilh a n\!\\ Final pairing. Carrie!" O,l\ ins & C J Kichams Mullinahone. This pair mel in Rd 5 game oflhe League drawing 1· 15 \!ac h and lasl met ina Final III 1995 wilh (' J Kichams 5·11 OavinsO-IO on Ihal occasion taking Ihe honour~. With bolh le,lnh making greal progress as Iht: yeaTunfolded, today:; match should bea thriller. The hunger of 16 years out in the wildemess by Carrick OaHU:; will certainly put il up to (' J K ichams who were defeated la~t year 111 the ~enll linal. They h:Lve regrouped \\ ith their county player.; Paul ('UIT.ltl. Eoin Kelly. up and coming Sean Cumm. I:::oin Fennelly. Calhaliloran and their long Ilen ing playef!, AJ Cronin. Paul Kelly, Niall Curran. Ky Vaughan will make il very difficult for a O:L\ins team that has at full black Jonathan Coady ably a~~lsted by Richard McGmth. Michael Ryan. Lee Mackey, Stephen Cronin, in Ihe backline, Ihe stylish Willie O'Dwyer in the middle of the field. 3 ButleTS up front wilh GeT Robinson will :t11 not 10 be found wanting on this occasion. We willh both reams the,cry bc~t of Luck mthe Final today III Clonmel Sponslield the last final at the \enuewas in 2006. Wilh Ihe Dan Breen fin .. lnow fiJ\.ed for Sunday Oct 16 (u 3.30 in Semple St .. dium between CJonoully Rossmore ... Orom Inch [ would like to thank all the Teams for the enjoyment aftordcd to us during the year and wish each and everyone of them thebc~t ofluck in the rcmainderof2011. Is Mist' Vollmg 08roill Nod Cosgro\ l' (" la rlficld) I!> one of our expeTLenced Referee:. Na RelteclI'i having alre .. dy Referl..'Cd the South 5 !-1 Finals of 2006 2007 has also (;I\..en charge of County 511 hnal "Ith other !-Iurlmg ChampionshIp' hnals o,,'r Ihe 11I\t Ii\ e )"l'ar.. "11h County e'lp.:T1encc a:. "ell miller hl~ belt Referl..'i.'([ Munster Intcrnu... dl:llc Hurllllg hnal 2009, Christy RIIIg lI urhng FlnaI2008,aho ":t'> III chargctoduleof4All lrel<tlld SII Colleges Flnab we \\ I~h Noel and hI:. Umpire, P J O''Acam, I- ddic Ryan. Se:U1lc Ryan, John O'C'l lI aghan the very besl of Luck in the I· malloday. 1'3 S h e ll e~ (Killenaule) bone of our 10nge~1 :.enmg referees" ho has taken ch:lTge of all Hurling I'mal" up 10 IntenllcdmlC o,er the l a~t ten yca!'.;1 Loyal and dcdlelLtcd referee fOf South Uoan! hall<. from K.llcnaulc and" e wi~h him lind tll~ Umpire,> Ihe \ ery be:;llook mthe MH IJ I Hwltoday. 2011 CARRICK DAVINS GAA CLUB Today Is a proud day for all Carrick Davin players, members and supporters, as we once again reach the South Tipperary Senior Hurling Final . It ;s an accumulation of the dedication, hard work and effort displayed by this group of players and mentors. These players have been loyal to the dub overthe years since starting out at juvenile level and today we thank all our Juvenile coaches and mentors who have shaped and developed their skills and teamwork. Huge credit must go to the current selectors of the panel - Nica Butler, Jimmy Ryan, Paddy • Ryan John Robinson and to trainer Don lyons all have shown true commitment this is their second year in charge and they are clearly doing an excellent job with the players. This Is Carrick Davins second season back playing senior hurling after a few years absence, making the step-up after winning the County Intermediate Hurling Final in 2009. Our last victory in a Senior Hurling South Final was back in 1979, where Jimmy Ryan captained Carrick Davins. lt is fitting today that Jimmy Ryan is still strongly involved with the Davins, as he is currently a selector with the team. Between 1965 and 1980, Carrick Oavins competed in 14 South Finals, winning 11. Our captain today is Keith Condon. A skilled and dedicated hurler, he is a real leader on the field. Carrick Oavins was founded almost 90 y::! ars ago in 1922. It was named In honour of Carrick on Suir man Maurice Davin who was the Gaelic Athletic Association's first President. Over that time span our club has achieved great successes on the field of play, most recently in 2011 with the Under 16 Football Team winning the County Football Championship and our Junior Hurlers winning the South Title. It is a number of years since we participated in the Junior Championship and we are lucky to have such a committed panel of players.
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