THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS ~linoty-Third Year, No, 33 Mason, Michigan, Thursday, August 14, 1952 Ord Price Dies Peaches Are Ripe Parties Choose Delegates At Plainfield • Never has thew heen a lwl· lcr cr·op of penehcs in Ingham Of Heart Attack orchards, T~nrly vnrl<'iles, both for cunning and table usr•, Ill!' For State Conventions at helnr,: piciwd I his wee it. From IUfrs llt~lcl 'l'hursday for now until lute fail there will Lt•udin~ AuctiOII!'er and !)[' lrcc-t ipeneri peadws uvail· Ht~n.d of Implemtmt l~lrm ;;b!e at. the Powm·s, Doelttcr und J~crguson orchards, Dans· Death clnimed one of Ing- vlllc, the Hansen orclmnl In Lansing and Grand Rapids lmm county':> most widely AUI(•Jius nnrl the Palmer anrl !mown men Monday morning. Wnrdowsld orciwrds ut Leslie. Orcl G. Price, 61, died of a Plums nrc nlso hcinr.: pkkr•d State Ticlwls heat·l attack at the home of at the Waniowslll orr:luml at Republicans Are Democrats Claim I ,yle Kleinsmith, west of Leslie. PPnrs, 11 short l'rop, and Will /Je Filled Plainfield. Mt·. Price had gone early npplcs ure also availublc Eager for Battle They'll Win Again In lhe Kleinsmith farm, 5 At county r•onvenllons held now. ncpuhlif'flllS showed unwonted In Mason T U c s d 11 y and miles from his own, on a PagP!'Iless for hallie al I heir conn· WPrlnesrlay nights Ingham He· They'll win again bccnusc thq chut·ch mission. ty convention at the Legion Mc­ Jllthlicans an rl DPmnct·ats people won't t1·ust the Republl· Mr. l'rlc·P was a member o[ a morlnl hu!ldinr.: 'l'unsday night. chose delegate.~ to the state r:ans, rlt•clared Democrats at their I'CJmmltlee o( the Plalnllr.ld Melh· Boy Rescues Bull Tlwy turned out In record nttm· r•onvenllons. r·ounly r•onvenllnn In Mason mils! c•hur1'11 In clwrr::e of rnls)nr:: bPI'S, In ncidltmn to the :m:; dele· Dclegal<'s lo the slate !'Oil· Wednesday nlr.:ht, funrts by farm operations. He was gales seated lhme were close to venlions will clwosc cancli· Momlity anri intolligcncc of tho t.tllllnr.: with Mrs. Kleinsmith From Burning Barn I on spectators. dales lor attorney gctwt<il, sec·· Demor:mls will win out over tho wlwn hr. salrl he felt s!C'!t, Before Young Hcpuhlleans were right rclary of stale, nurlilor general stupidity of Hepuhiicans, ProfCil· a rlrwtcll' could he called, Mr. Price Near Stockbridge up in IIH• fmnt r.1nk. 'l'hcy shout­ and st,tlc trcasmer on parli· sor Edgar Wau,::h nf the political dlcrl. ed their wllllnr.:ness to hear the san llcl<ets, and canrllrlalcs for sl'icn<"c rlcparl mcnt of Michigan For 10 year·s Mr. Pril'e hnd sui· Because a fl-ye<tr·old hoy user! brunt o[ tile November hattie. supreme rcourl justke 011 the Slate Normal, Ypsilanti, asserted. fc•rr•cl pPrlnrllc heart nltaclts. He his !wad lhc los~ in a farm fire Instead of staid old guardsmen non-parlisan licoltl'l, Ile keynoted the r•onvcntlon. conllnur.rl his busy schedule, how­ COWBOYS UA'l'l~ '1'0 WAI'r as clal'l<­ but helped out with the animal parade. at Stocltbrlrlr::c Jasl Friday after·· dromng tlwir way thmur::h the Rcprcsenlalion at the state Waugh declared that Republl· ever. lie sLipervlscd the opera· ness closes in on the hvestock paradc!i. Don­ Larry .John Swan, 10, is at the right. He noon was materially rr.rluced. usual parliamentary pmccdure, convcnllon is hascd 011 the cans have abandoned the prlncl· t nms on his own farm, headed ald Oman, 13, of Fitchbmg b at the left in ' is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Swan of L;~rry Budd, !l, w.1s home alone 1here were Boy Scouts blowing vote cast In l!l51J for sect elary pies of Abraham Lincoln. He the farm auction firm oC, Ord the pictut·e above. lie is a son of Mt·. and Mrs. Mason. The boys arc members of Ingham at the Wayne Gccr farm ott Kane bugles and waving Jla,::s, a dance of state. There Is 1 rlele,::alc charged Rcpuhlieans wllh brealt· Price & Sons and llw Ord Price Wilfol'd Oman. Douglas Wi!Hon, 11, son of 4-H clubs. The pictme was taken just before road when he saw r,molte coming band playinr:: rhumbas and con· for each 750 votes cast for scc­ ing the League of Nations under & Sons Implement company at Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson of Fitchburg, is the parucle started Wednesday night. Pa­ from the barn. He lmmcrliatcly ,::as, aml pretty girls slnglnr:: rct.u·y of st al c. JJardinr.:. with doing nothing un· The ·Rcpuhlicans will hold Mason. lie was also acltve In in the cent ct• leading Douglas Omnn':; calf. rade:; will also pass the gmndstand 7:30 summoner! Mrs. Gccr's fa I her, sweet melodies. dcr Coolirlr::c and plunging Eur· at Ray Iladlcy, who lives next door. their slate convention 111 Grand r·ommunlty affair~;, In the Plain· Young Wilson raises hogs as a 4-II pl'ojecl, on Thlll'sday and Friday nights. ScOLil Jiarry Spcnny of Mason O(ll' anrl lite world into despair field Methodist church and the Then the boy ran to the barn, did the bu,::Jing. Other Mason Rapids Saturday, August JG. under Hoover. He ehargcd Rcpttb· county fair. grabhed the hull by the haitct· and Scouts bore the colors. Nate Dcmocr.tts will meet Ill· Lan· licans with scttlnr:: the stage for sing Saturday. Conventions As a member of the county fair coaxed him out through the Frye's band provided music. Naziism. He called the London News Index IJames and smoite. Twins Joyce and Joan Rcnnclls have been mover! up from disarmament pact st upld and the hnmrl Mr. Price wns at the fair· Want ads, P.tgc:; 6, 7 and 8, thea· usual September dales grounds Sunday ni,::ht to attend Stumbling back into the barn of Lansing did the singing, Kello,::g Pact of 1929 useless. I'arl 1. to spccrlUil the printinr:: of bal· the f'itoral conC'crt. Ile felt well I hrough the smoke, tile boy Gem~e Loomis, a young law­ No llo)Hl fm• Ilor•tmbllCAIL'i .. Fair Crowds Grow Soda! news, Page 1, Part 1; reached and unfastened the door yer, 11cynotcrl the convention. He lots fot• the Novembct· 4 elec­ Repuhlic<rns were closed down Sunday night and when he left Page 1[, Part 2. tion. The speed up is to pet'· home for the J{lelnsmith farm of a box stall In which 2 veal belabored the Democrats for the and pul out of business by the Church news, Par::c 5, Part calves were housed. lie forced Korean, mess and for the slogan, mit men and women overseas people In 1932 and still don't real· Monday morning. to vote by mail. 2. the calves Into the ailey between "Don'! let them lake It away; im it, Waugh insisted. He rc· !Uuson Uuslness Opel'lalml Lcr.:al notices, Page 8, Part 1; stanchions but !hey refuser! to r::o you've never had it better be· \ minded Democrats of the hopeless Three years ar::o this month Page G, Part 2; Page 8, Part After SloW Start alon,::. He ~lnally had to abandon fore." l'ampai,::ns waged by Republicans Orr! Price & Sons had the formal 3. opening of their Implement hulld· them when the calves ran back to Slogan Is A II adu•d 111 lfl3G, 1910 and1!l14. He pointed Fait· officials look to Thursday nighl, Fl'iclay and Sutut·· Erlitori.tls, P;cgc 2, Part:~. their stall. Atrocity Pulled· to the defeat in l!l48 when the tnr.: 11 mtlc east of Mason at the F.trm news, Pages 4 and 5, Loomis ur~crl the people to ex· corner of M-36 anrl Dexter Trail. day to puli the record books up to last year's totals. Hadley caller! the Stockbridge amine the slor.:an. He pointed to Republicans relied upon the Gal· Part 3. !up poll. He rapper! the confused Mt·. Price was horn March 6, The Ingham county fait· madr! a cold ~~art Monday wil h fire department anrl In just 6 the spiralinr:: inflation brought on On Atrocity Show Republican policy over Korea. · 1R[J1, at Big Roclt, Illinois. When ovet·cast skies and a steady ch·izzlc. The children's clay events minulcs, he satd the /lrcmcn were by ,::ovcrnment policiC's, He men· 1 Waugh expressed pity for Gcn• he was Hi the family moved to a were cancelled in lavot· of Sutw·day morning. The TV on the scene. The farm is 4 ,~ tioned high prices and high taxes. At Fairgrounds farm ncar Star City, Indiana. Hit· Run Driver miips from town. By then the He asserted t11at the steel stril<:c, crnl Eisenhower. He told clelc­ wrestling stars didn't dt·aw the expec1ed crowd to the gmncl­ barn was hcyond saving. The 1 ga tcs I hat Repu hlicans renlized Many Hoosiers were then selling stand. The usually popular· auto lhl'ili show was scratched, hrou,::ht on by President Tru· Somconc, maybe a Nor·th Ko· llwir Indiana farms at high prices rear of the house was charred by man's intervention in the dispute, rcan Rcrl, started a t hievinr.: war they couldn't win with Taft, who which didn't hcl[l boo';l the crowd.
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