Volume 42, Number 2, 2006 Volume 42 Number 2 2006 CONTENTS Greetings and Reflections Can I Use It on Monday? Editorial Pedometer Challenge Day Maureen Napier-Ross 2 Marla McVay 36 President’s Message Nature Scavenger Hunt with Pedometers Vince Spila 3 Jodi Palmer and Jennifer Russ 37 Calling on Students Teaching Physical Education Bob Wright 38 Body Ball—Versatility in Motion Mater Your Munchies Tim O’Donnell 5 Tammy Hipes 39 Cross Country for All School Levels: Variations to Keep the Program Interesting Feature Teacher, Feature School Lawrence King 6 Robert Routledge Memorial Address— Relay Type Games: Suggestions for Teachers Introduction Lawrence King 7 Sharin Adams 41 Omnikin Cooperative Games Robert Routledge Memorial Address HPEC 2006 Steeve Vigneault 9 Brian Erickson 43 Teaching Games for Understanding Certificate of Commendation Award Winners 46 Theresa Maxwell 11 CAHPERD Young Professional Award 51 My Stress Score CAHPERD Recognizes RAP Winning Schools! 52 Canadian Mental Health Association 18 CAHPERD Physical Education Teaching Relaxation Techniques Excellence Award 57 Canadian Mental Health Association 19 HPEC Distinguished Service Awards Dealing with Doubles: Carrie Yanishewski 58 Large Group Activities for Elementary Students Del Lomsnes 22 Research Profiling the Characteristics of Exceptional Ultimate Frisbee 101 Teaching in Physical Education Gian-Carlo Carra 27 David Chorney 60 Striking the Balance Between Running and Health Dale Macdonald 28 Conference Update Track and Field Conference 2006 Photos 64 Doug Lamont 30 Conference 2007 Update 67 Copyright © 2006 by The Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA), 11010 142 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5N 2R1. Unless otherwise indicated in the text, reproduction of material in Runner is authorized for classroom and professional development use, provided that each copy contains full acknowledge- ment of the source and that no charge is made beyond the cost of reprinting. Any other reproduction in whole or in part without prior written consent of the ATA is prohibited. Runner is published three times yearly by the ATA for the Health and Physical Education Council (HPEC). Opinions of writers are not necessarily those of the ATA or the HPEC. Editor: Maureen Napier-Ross, Calgary. Editorial and production services: Document Production staff, ATA. ISSN 0707-3186 Individual copies of this journal can be ordered at the following prices: 1 to 4 copies, $7.50 each; 5 to 10 copies, $5.00 each; over 10 copies, $3.50 each. Please add 5 per cent shipping and handling and 6 per cent GST. Please contact Distribution at Barnett House to place your order. In Edmonton, dial (780) 447-9400, ext 321; toll free in Alberta, dial 1-800-232-7208, ext 321. This journal is available on microfilm from Canadian Education Index, Micromedia Limited, Acquisitions/CEI, 20 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario M5C 2N8. Runner, Volume 42, Number 2, 2006 1 Greetings and Reflections Editorial Maureen Napier-Ross Welcome to the conference issue of Runner. HPEC take a peek at what sessions were offered. Did you get hosted its 45th annual conference from May 4–6, 2006, a pedometer when you handed in your session evalu- at Mount Royal College. I am a bit biased, as I sat on ation? Good! You’ll enjoy “Pedometer Challenge Day” the conference committee, but it was truly a wonderful in this issue. Did you miss the Robert Routledge address? conference! Your evaluations of the sessions, the venue Brian Erickson has given us a copy of his speech, and you and the calibre of speakers speak volumes of the work can read through it and be re-energized for the school and dedication that the conference committee put forth year. There is much to be proud of in Alberta’s gyms and over the past two years. It’s hard to believe that two classrooms, and you are the heart and soul of these years of planning have come and gone, yet we are success stories! Enjoy this issue and bask in some of the looking forward to Conference 2007 in Edmonton and memories of a great conference and conferences past. a repeat of the enthusiasm for health and physical edu- Once again, if you have any articles, lesson plans or cation programming in Alberta. assessment ideas, or if you just want to share a story In this issue, readers will enjoy a few handouts from about physical education or health, please contact the session instructors who answered a call for information editor of Runner. We would love to hear from you and on their presentations after the conference. If you would ensure that this publication meets your professional and like more information about the sessions, please go to personal growth and development needs. the HPEC website at www.hpec.ab.ca/hpec2006 and Have a great fall! Welcome back! 2 Runner, Volume 42, Number 2, 2006 President’s Message Vince Spila Physical education has come to the forefront of ev- executive members, and quick link to the Schools Come eryone’s mind, with 2005 having been the Interna- Alive and Ever Active Schools projects. We also revital- tional Year of Sport and Education and with the imple- ized the intramurals portfolio, which is a very important mentation of Alberta Education’s Daily Physical part of a quality physical education program. Activity (DPA) initiative. The Health and Physical Educa- Each year, the ATA Educational Trust seeks the as- tion Council has made great strides in promoting this sistance of specialist councils to help promote funding initiative, and your executive should be commended. opportunities for teachers to offset the costs of attend- Our 11 district representatives throughout the prov- ing ATA specialist council conferences. This past year, ince strongly support daily physical education programs. six out of the ten $300 grants were awarded for atten- This year they focused on the DPA initiative, presenting dance at this year’s HPEC conference! numerous sessions locally, at conventions and confer- Alberta had nine nominations for the CAHPERD/ ences, and in their drive-in workshops. Wintergreen Phys-Ed Physical Education Teaching Excel- Schools Come Alive, a project of HPEC in collabora- lence Award, more than almost all of the other prov- tion with the Alberta Regional Professional Develop- inces and territories combined, and second only to ment Consortia and Alberta Education, supported Ontario. This is a true testament to the exceptional Alberta schools with the implementation of the Daily physical education leaders we have in our Alberta Physical Activity initiative by offering every school ju- schools. Congratulations to Patty Fyhn of Calgary, this risdiction in the province the opportunity to access one year’s CAHPERD/Wintergreen Phys-Ed Physical Educa- free day of professional development from Schools tion Teaching Excellence Award for Alberta! Come Alive, to meet the needs of that jurisdiction. HPEC Conference 2006, “Doing it Daily!” was a Schools Come Alive has facilitated over 90 workshops truly amazing and inspiring experience! Congratulations across the province; more than 40 have been a result to the cochairs of HPEC Conference 2006 and your of the above collaboration. committee. Your time, dedication and commitment to Ever Active Schools, the second HPEC project, has professional development have allowed you to present approximately 150 member schools to date. This year, a full and enriching program this year. The preconfer- Ever Active Schools offered the first-ever Student Lead- ence workshops touched many facets of health, physi- ership Camp in November. This workshop was designed cal education and athletics. The numerous sessions to provide student leaders with the necessary knowl- offered throughout the conference were excellent and edge, skills and attitudes to address physical activity relevant; I walked away with ready-to-use material for and screen time in their school communities. Ever Active my classes on Monday. The panel presentations added Schools, in conjunction with the Alberta Regional Pro- a new flavour to the conference and our keynote fessional Development Consortia, also organized eight speaker, Stephen Lundin, was memorable. The numer- Energizer Days throughout the province. All current ous awards presented reinforce the excellent leadership Ever Active Schools, as well as other schools interested in physical education in our Alberta schools. in joining the program, were invited to be a part of these One of my most memorable highlights of the confer- exciting days. ence occurred just before the president’s social. I was This past year, our website was brought up to date invited to meet with many of the past presidents one with new information and fresh ideas. You can now on one in a small reception before they were to march access all of HPEC’s position papers, contact any of the in to be greeted by the rest of the conference delegates. Runner, Volume 42, Number 2, 2006 3 I was humbled in their presence and realized then that It has been an honour to serve as your Health and the Health and Physical Education Council has deep Physical Education Council president this past year and roots and is a well established entity. I am honoured to I thank you. I would also like to thank the members of be a part of it. the executive. Their tireless efforts, their dedication to I would like to congratulate and welcome Shawn professional development and their commitment to O’Neill to the position of president for the year 2006/07. health and physical education have made my role as Shawn has been a valuable member of our executive president a very enjoyable one. I look forward to con- for many years, was very involved with HPEC Confer- tinuing to assist and support this council and the ence 2006 and will be a definite asset to the leadership physical education teachers of Alberta in the many years of HPEC.
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