VOLUME 13 ^ OyirrEO ^ NUMBER 168 Washington, Friday, August 27, 1948 TITLE 6— AGRICULTURAL CREDIT committees, and county agricultural CONTENTS conservation committees under the Chapter II— Production and Mar­ general supervision and direction of the Air Force Department Pa8® keting Administration (Commodity Manager, CCC. Forms will be distrib­ Rules and regulations: Credit) uted through the offices of State and Note regarding regulations____ 5007 county committees. County commit­ [1948 C. C. C. Bye B ulletin 1] tees will determine or cause to be deter­ Alien Property, Office of mined the quantity and grade of the Notices: P a rt 266- —R y e L o a n s a n d P u r c h a s e rye, the amount of the loan or purchase, Vesting orders,* etc.: A g r e e m e n t s and the value of the rye delivered under Bahnsen, Emma, et al______ 5015 1848 RYE PRICE SUPPORT PROGRAM the program. All loan and purchase Compagnie Electro - Mécan­ BULLETIN documents will be completed and ap­ ique— _— c------------------- 5016 proved by the county committee, which Del Drago, Marcel__________ 5015 This bulletin states the requirements Garibaldi, Hope MacMichael- 5016 with respect to the 1948 Rye Loan and will retain copies of airsuch documents. The county committee may designate Heiler, Joseph W___________ 5016 Purchase Agreement Program formu­ Heyman, Hella Hilde________ 5016 lated by Commodity Credit Corporation in writing certain employees of the coun­ ty agricultural conservation association Hirschberg, Alex___________ 5016 (hereinafter referred to as CCC) and Rothschild, Kurt___________ 5016 the Production and Marketing Adminis­ to approve forms on behalf of the com­ tration (hereinafter referred to as mittee. Army Department PMA). Loans and purchase agreements The county committee will furnish the Rules and regulations: will be made available in accordance borrower with the names of local lending Transfer of regulations_______ 4999 with this bulletin on eligible rye pro­ agencies approved for making disburse­ Census Bureau duced in 1948. ment on loan documents or with the ad­ dress of the CCC field office to which Rules and regulations: Sec. loan documents may be forwarded for Foreign trade statistics: 266.201 A dm inistration. disbursement. Export Declaration, Shipper’s; 266.202 Availability of loans and purchase additional copies required agreements. § 266.202 Availability of loans and for export control________ 4999 266.203 Approved lending agencies. purchase agreements—(a) Area. (1) Shipping weight information 266.204 Eligible producer. Loans shall be available on eligible rye 266.205 Eligible rye. on shipper’s export declara­ 266.206 Eligible storage. in eligible farm storage in the States and tions not requiréd for truck, 266.207 Approved forms. counties for which loan rates are shown rail or mail shipments-___ 4999 266.208 D eterm ination of quantity. in § 266.224. Civil Aeronautics Board 266.209 D eterm ination of dockage. (2) Loans shall be available on eligi­ 266.210 Liens. ble rye stored in eligible warehouses in Rules and regulations: 266.211 Service fees. all areas. Aircraft airworthiness limited 266.212 Set-offs. (3) Purchase agreements shall be category; recertification____ 4999 266.213 In terest rate. Commodity Credit Corporation 266.214 Transfer of producer’s equity. available on eligible rye in all areas 266.215 Safeguarding of th e rye. where loans are available. Rules and regulations: 266.216 Insurance. (b) Time. Loans and purchase agree­ Loans and purchase agree­ 266.217 Loss or damage to the rye." ments shall be available through De­ ments; 1948 price support 266.218 Personal liability. cember 31, 1948, and the applicable doc­ program: 266.219 M aturity and satisfaction. uments must be signed by the producer Pea, dry edible smooth______ 4995 266.220 Removal of the rye under loan. and delivered or mailed to the county Rye---------------------------------- 4989 266.221 Release of th e rye under loan. committee not later than such date. 266.222 Purchase of notes. Customs Bureau , 266.223 CCC Field offices. (c) Source.' Loans shall be made Rules and regulations: 266.224 Rates a t w hich loans and purchases available to producers direct by CCC field Argentine peso, conversion for will be made. offices and by lending agencies under purpose of assessment of duty lending agency agreements with CCC. A u t h o r i t y : §§266.201 to 266.224, inclu­ on merchandise import’ed into sive, Issued under sec. 802 (a), 52 Stat. 43, Purchase agreements shall be available U. S---------------------------------- 5000 through the offices of county agricultural 7 U. S. C. 1302; sec. 4 (b ), 55 S tat. 498, 15 Entomology and Plant Quaran­ U. S. C. 713a-8 (b); sec. 1 (d ), Pub. Law 897, conservation committees. 80th Cong.; sec. 5 (a), Pub. Law 806, 80th tine Bureau Cong. § 266.203 Approved lending agenpies. Rules and regulations: An approved lending agency shall be any Domestic quarantine restric­ S 266.201 Administration. The pro­ bank, cooperative marketing association, tions of Japanese beetle on cut gram will be administered in the field corporation, partnership, individual, or flowers, fruits and vegetables through CCC field offices, State PMA (Continued on next page) discontinued for season_____ 4998 4989 4990 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CODIFICATION GUIDE— Con. Post Office Department Page Title 31— Money and Finances Page FEDEMW4IECISTER Notices: Treasury V. tir Penicillin and streptomycin; Chapter II—Fiscal Service, De­ ' //MirtO » mailing to A. P. O.’s in Eu­ partment of the Treasury: rope______________________ 5008 Part 327—Offering and special Rules and regulations: regulations governing Treas­ International postal service: ury Savings Notes, Series D— 5003 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Ethiopia; parcel post— ------ 5007 Title 34— National Military Es­ and days following official Federal holidays, Export declarations------------ 5007 by the Division of the Federal Register, the Japan ; permissible ' contents tablishment National Archives, pursuant to the authority Subtitle A—Secretary of Defense. 5006 contained in the Federal Register Act, ap­ of gift parcels------------ -— 5007 Subtitle B—Regulations of the Na­ proved July 26, 1935 (49 S tat. 500, as Securities and Exchange Com­ amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ tional Military Establishment— 5006 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ mission Chapter I—Munitions Board-.---- 5006 mittee, approved by the President. Distribu­ Notices: Chapter II—Research and Devel­ tion is made .only by the Superintendent of Hearings, etc.: opment Board—__________ _— 5006 Documents, Governm ent P rinting Office, Affiliated Fund, Inc., et al— 5013 Chapter III—Joint Chiefs of Staff. 5006 W ashington 25, D. C. Bankers Securities Corpora­ Chapter IV—Joint Regulations of The regulatory material appearing herein is tion and Albert M. Green­ the Armed Forces___________ 5006 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, field & Co—--------------- 5014 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Chapter V—Department of the to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Wisconsin Power and Light Army______________________ 5006 am ended June 19, 1947. Co. and Middle West Corp_ 5012 Chapter VI—Department of the The F e d er a l R e g is t e r will be furnished by Treasury Department „ Navy_______________________ _ 5006 Tnqii to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Rules and regulations: Chapter VII—Department of the per m onth or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Air Force (2 documents)__ 5006,5007 vance. The charge for individual copies Treasury savings notes, series D; (minimum 15«f) varies in proportion to the offering, etc--------------,-------- 5003 Title 38— Pensions, Bonuses, size of the issue. Remit check or money Veterans’ Administration and Veterans’ Relief order, made payable to the Superintendent Chapter I—Veterans’ Administra­ of Documents, directly to the Government Rules and regulations: P rin tin g Office, W ashington 25, D. C. National Service Life Insurance tion: There are no restrictions on the republica­ policy forms---------------------- 5007 Part 10—Insurance--------------- 5007 tion of material appearing in the F ed era l Title 39— Postal Service R e g is t e r . CODIFICATION GUIDE Chapter I—Post Office Depart­ ment: A numerical list of the parts of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents Part 127—International postal published in this issue. Proposed rules, as service: postage rates, service CONTENTS— Continued opposed to final actions, are identified as available, and instructions such. for mailing (3 documents) — 5007 Federal Communications Com- Page Title 6— Agricultural Credit mission Chapter II—Production and Mar­ other legal entity with which the CCC Notices; keting Administration (Com­ Hearings, etc.: has entered into a Lending Agency- Allentown Broadcasting Co. modity Credit) : Agreement (Form PMA-97, or other form, Part 266—Rye loans and pur­ prescribed by the CCC). (WKAP) et al—-------------- 5010 chase agreements------ -------- 4989 Crowley, Dale S., and Grant A. Part 280—Dry edible smooth pea § 266.204 Eligible producer. An eli­ Wood--- --------- 5010 loans and purchase agree­ gible producer shall be an individual, Continental Broadcasting Co. ments--------------------- ---- — 4995 partnership, association, corporation, or et al___________________ 5008 other legal entity producing rye in 1948, •KIDO, Inc., and KOOS, Inc__ 5008 Title 7— Agriculture Chapter III—Bureau of Entomol­ as landowner, landlord, tenant, or share­ Madera Broadcasting
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