Utmffi. 27419. 2037 The London Gazette. fHtbltgljeli by SutJjoritg. TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1902. By the KING. T the Court at Saint James’s, the 24th day A of March, 1902. A PROCLAMATION PRESENT, The KING’S Most Excellent Majesty in Council. For appointing Thursday, June 26, aDd Friday, HEREAS by section twenty-six of “ The June 27, Bank Holidays and Public Holidays. W Pluralities Act, 1838,” after reciting that AngloBoerWar.com“ Whereas in some instances tithings, hamlets, EDWARD, R.I. “ chapelries, and other places or districts may be WE, considering that it is desirable that “ separated from the parishes or mother churches "to which they belong, with great advantage, and Thursday, the 26th day of June next, being the “ places altogether extra-parochial may in some occasion of the Solemnity of Our Royal Corona­ “ instances with advantage ba aunexed to parishes tion, and Friday, the 27th day of the same, being “ or districts to which they are contiguous, or be the day of Our Royal Progress through the Chief “ constituted separate parishes for ecclesiastical City of Our Empire, should be observed as Bank “ purposes,” it is, amongst other things, enacted Holidays and as Public Holidays throughout the “ That when with respect to his own diocese it “ shall appear to the Archbishop of the Province, United Kingdom, and in pursuance of the provi­ “ or when the Bishop of any diocese shall repre- sions of “ The Bank Holidays Act, 1871,” “ The “ sent to the said Archbishop that any such tithing, Bank Holidays Extension Act, 1875’,” "The “ hamlet, chapelry, place or district within the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876,” and “ The “ diocese of such Archbishop, or thediocese of such Revenue Offices (Scotland) Holidays Act, 1880,” “ Bishop, as the case may be, may be advantage- Do hereby, by and with the advice of Our Privy “ ously separated from any parish or mother Council, ani in exercise of the powers conferred “ church and either be constituted a separate bene- “ fice by itself or be united to any other parish to by the Acts aforesaid, appoint Thursday, the 26th " which it may be more conveniently annexed, or day of June next, being Ihe occasion of the said “ to any other adjoining tithing, hamlet, chapelry, Solemnity of Our Royal Coronation, and Friday, “ place, or distiict, parochial or extra-parochial, so the 27th day of the same, being the day of Our “ as to form a separate parish or benefice, or that said Royal Progress, as special days to be “ any extra-parochial place may with advantage observed as Bank Holidays and as Public Holidays “ be annexed to any parish lo which it is con- throughout the United Kingdom and every part “ tiguous, or be constituted a separate parish for “ ecclesiastical purposos; and the said Archbishop thereof, under and in accordance with the said “ or Bishop shall dra w up a scheme in writing (the Acts, and We do, by this Our Royal Proclama­ “ scheme of such Bishop to be transmitted to the tion, command the said days to be so observed, “ said Archbishop for his consideration) describing and all Our loving subjects to order themselves “ the mode in which it appears to him that the accordingly. “ alteration may best be effected, and how the “ changes consequent on such alteration in respect Given at Our Court at Saint James’s, this “ to ecclesiastical jurisdiction, glebe lands, tithes, twenty-fourth day of March, in the “ rent charges, and other ecclesiastical dues, rates, year of our Lord one thousand nine “ and payments, and in respect to patronage and hundred and two, and in the second year “ rights to pews, may be made with justice to of Our Reign “ all parties interested; and if the patron or “ patrons of the benefice or benefices to be GOD save the KING. “ affected by such alteration shall consent in THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 25, 1902. 2059 SIXTH SCHEDULE. Orders in Council Revoked. Orders in Council. 1 Extent of Repeal. 18th June, 1869 .. General regulations.. Wholly. 26th Feb., 1880 .. Additional regulations ....................................... Wholly. 3rd May, 1882 .. .. Adding Barrow, and as to ports reduced or merged Wholly. 7th Mar., 1887 Adding seven Scottish ports, and as to registry Arts. I and II. and mortgage in Scotland. 28th Nov., 1889 Abolishing Saint Margaret's Hops as a place of Wholly. registry. 21st Mar., 1890 Colours on sails under Declaration of 1889 Wholly. 6th Feb, 1892 Change of name Wholly. 5th Aug., 1892 Adding Fraserburgh ....................................... Wholly. 16th May, 1893 .. Adding Irvine, and defining expression “ Collector Wholly. of Customs.” Westminster, March 21, 1902. Botha’s Pass—Vrede line with that passing THIS day the Lords being met a messige was through Heilbron and Frankfort to Tafel Kop; sent to the Honourable House of Commons by and the completion of a line from Yentersdorp the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, acquaint­ to Tafelkop, in the Western Transvaal. ing them, that The Lords authorized by virtue of Good progress has also beeu made with the a Commission under the Great Seal, signed by His important line of blockhouses which, already J fajesty, for declaring His Royal Assent to an reaching out trom Harrismith to Bethlehem, aud Act agreed upon by both Houses, do desire the from Kroonstad to Kaffir Kop (south of Liud.ey), immediate attendance o f the Honourable House in will shortlj cut the north-eastern portion of the the Mouse of Peers to hear the Commission read; Orange River Colony in half. and the Commons being come thither, the said W ith the continued extension of these lines, Commission, empowering the Lord Archbishop of the strain of night duty, and the labour of con­ Canterbury, and several other Lords therein structing fences, trenches, and other obstacles, named, to declare and notify the Royal Assent to has fallen heavily on the lessening garrisons of the said Art, was read accordingly, and the Royal individual blockhouses, and it is a pleasure to me Assent given to AngloBoerWar.comto draw attention to the cheerful and willing- Consolidated Fund (Xo. 1) Act, 1902. spirit in which the troops employed upon these isolated lines continue to respond to every fresh" cull which is made upon them. War Office, March 25, 1902. In the Cape Colony, the Midland districts have T I'H E following Despatch has been received been temporarily disturbed by the remnants of J. from Lord Kitchener, G.C.B., &c., Kruitzinger’s Commando, and by a small party Commanding-in-Chief, South Africa :— under Wessels, who broke south from the From Lord Kitchener to the Secretary of State neighbourhood of Stormberg. I have, how­ for War. ever, just learnt that this part of the country Army Head-Quarters, South Africa, has again been entirely cleared of the enemy, Sm, Pretoria, 8th February, 1902. whose operations are now confined to the com­ 1. IN continuation of my despatch of the 8thparatively waterless and inaccessible districts to January, 1902, I have the honour to forward the west of the Cape Town—De Aar line. Their herewith an account of the operations which activity in barren portions of the country, have taken place since that date. although of less political importance than it In spite of the fact that we are opposed by would be in the more populous and settled ever-diminishing numbers, and that the process mil Hand or eastern districts, adds considerably of elimination has left in the field only the most to our difficulties in the matter of transport and determined and irreconcilable of the burghers, supply. our rate of captures, especially in the Eastern 2. After the capture of General Erasmus, nar­ Transvaal, his been well maintained throughout rated in my last despatch, Major-General Bruce the past month. In the last-mentioned district Hamilton returned, on the 10th January, to the forces of General Louis Botha, subjected as Ermelo, where he was joined, from Begimlerlyn, they have been to a series of blows, seem to be by Brigadier-Geueral S pens’ column, which was approaching a state of disintegration which will placed under his orders in substitution for probably be hastened by the capture, near Lyden- Colonel Sir H. Rawiinson’s troops about to be bnrg, of General B. Viljoen, one of the enemy’s transferred to the Orange River Colony. most prominent and trusted leaders. Rightly judging that this return to Ermelo Our blockhouse system continues slowly but would be interpreted by the Bosrs as heralding surely to spread over the couutry, enclosing at least two or three days of rest, Genera! areas, which are gradually cleared by the mobile Hamilton at once directed Lieuteuaut-Oolonel columns, and are then occupied by a network of Wing to make a night raid from Ermelo upou Constabulary posts. Witbank (59), 22 miles north-west of the former A number of extensions have been made dur­ place, where his Intelligence agents had located ing the past few weeks. These comprise t e a laager. Colonel Wing’s march, which was construction of a line from Carolina to Wonder- undertaken in conjunction with a simultaneous fontein, which will connect with that running descent upon the same objective by Colonel from Standerton to Ermelo; a junction of the Mackenzie from the vicinity of Carolina, was 2060 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAECH 25, 1902, completey successful, and resulted in the capture bourhood of Amsterdam, where h9 has made of 42 prisoners of war, including Major Wol- a few additional prisoners and is now on his marans, Captain Wolmarans, and Lieutenaut way back to Ermelo. Malan, all of the Staats Artillerie, together with There is little doubt that the spirit of the a considerable amount of ammunition and camp Beers in this district is greatly broken.
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