Monthly publication for the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls March 2020 God given desire to be a holy bishop as your shepherd t is a great gift to be able to greet The gift of godly love is something you, the people of the diocese no one can create; it is a pure spiri- of Sioux Falls, in this my fi rst tual gift from God. That is why when IBishop’s Bulletin column. Through people ask me what they can do for this means I hope to be able to share me, I often respond, “Pray that I am a my thoughts with you on matters holy bishop.” important to our faith journey. Let us A holy bishop is one whose focus is travel towards heaven together. on God’s will rather than on himself. There is a great saying that says, A holy bishop receives and shares “Where the shepherd goes so does the God’s love with others. fl ock.” If my heart is not set on fi re with the love of God, how could I pos- A holy bishop is willing to love God sibly lead you to the love of God and and others in the good times and the ultimately to heaven? bad. If I am not focused on God’s will, how A holy bishop allows himself to be can I in turn teach you how to fol- radically transformed by God’s grace low God’s will? If my end goal isn’t (spiritual help) so what others encoun- heaven to be with all of you, God, and ter is God in and through the bishop. the angels and saints, how can I hope St. Paul allowed this to happen and that we will get there? said, “It is no longer I living but Christ living in me.” You see, only God can give us His divine (spiritual) life. What our hearts My goal is to receive God’s love and long for is a deep loving relation- to respond to that love. Responding to ship with God and others, now and that love entails “losing myself in love in heaven. Without the outpouring of of God and others.” God’s divine life (grace), like when Now I get to do that for all you we receive the sacraments, we can- good folks, and knowing that God not experience the incredible gift and hears our prayers, that is why I ask blessing of His life within us. for prayers—to be a holy bishop so God’s amazing love has deeply con- together we can make our way to vinced me that I am one of his beloved heaven through the love of God! sons, priests and now bishops. He has If I allow God’s grace and love to captured my heart and I thank Him for fl ow through me to you, we will all be that! invigorated with the amazing love of The nature of this type of godly love God which transforms us and others seeks the good of others. That is why and fulfi lls the one thing that will sat- the more we receive the love of God, isfy the deepest longing of our heart. the more we are able to love God, oth- Upward and onward we go to our ers and ourselves so our focus is out- eternal destiny of heaven. wardly toward God and others rather than seeking our own selfi sh desires. Know of my prayers for all of you! 2 The Bishop’s Bulletin • March 2020 sfcatholic.org/bishopsbulletin Hearts hardened by ideology, ego leave no March room for God, pope says VATICAN CITY (CNS)—Hearts hardened by ideology, selfi shness and arrogance 1 10:30 Confirmation, St. Katharine leave no room for God, Pope Francis said. “The Lord only goes in hearts that are Drexel, Sioux Falls like his heart,” that is, “hearts that are compassionate, open,” the pope said in his 1:30 Rite of Election, Cathedral of homily Feb. 18 during morning Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae. The pope Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls refl ected on the day’s Gospel reading from St. Mark in which Jesus warned the 3 Watertown – Meet with area disciples against sharing the rebellious and corrosive attitudes the Pharisees and clergy, visits to local Catholic King Herod had toward Jesus. Pope Francis said that during Jesus’ time, there were ministries people like the Pharisees who had a “hardened heart in order to promote a plan that 5:30 Mass and reception, Holy was not God’s. There was no room for God’s plan, there was no room for compas- Name of Jesus, Watertown sion.” A remedy for a hardened heart does exist, he said, and it is remembering 4 Aberdeen – Meet with area Christ’s mercy and compassion. A heart becomes hardened, he said, when “one clergy, visits to local Catholic ministries forgets the grace of salvation” that is given freely without merit. 5:30 Mass and reception, Sacred Heart, Aberdeen Safe environment commitment of the Diocese of Sioux Falls... 7 5:00 Confirmation, Our Lady of ...in order to be eff ective in fulfi lling her mission to evangelize and to remain Good Counsel (Elkton), SS. true to Christ’s calling for us all, the Church’s ministries and institutions must Simon and Jude (Flandreau) be safe places for both children and adults. The Diocese, therefore, pledges and St. Peter (Colman) in to preserve safe environments in all of its facilities and catechetical programs. Those clergy, religious, diocesan, parish and school employees, and volunteers Colman who collectively carry out the Church’s ministries, remain committed to fulfi lling 8 2:00 Confirmation, St. John this solemn pledge to protect those children entrusted to her for formation in the Baptist (Lesterville), St. the Catholic faith. Wenceslaus (Tabor), St. Aware that some who have ministered in the name of the Church have caused Vincent de Paul (Springfield) harm, the Diocese of Sioux Falls also pledges to assist any who may have been and St. Leo the Great harmed. As a diocese, we desire to help individuals heal from injury that has (Tyndall) in Tyndall been caused to them. If you or someone you know has been abused, regardless of who caused the harm, please contact us. We promise to cooperate with civil 10 12:00 Diocesan Finance Council, authorities in any investigation. We promise to do our best to help facilitate a Catholic Pastoral Center process for healing. Whether the need is for counseling, an opportunity to tell 14 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of your story or something else, as a diocese, we are ready to assist. Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls Our chancellor or victim assistance coordinator can be reached toll free at 21 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of 1-800-700-7867 or 605-334-9861. We will do our best to help. Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls 7:30 Gift of Hope, benefit event, Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls O’Gorman Performing Arts 523 N. Duluth Ave. Center, Sioux Falls Sioux Falls, SD 57104 22 2:00 Confirmation, Risen Savior in [email protected] Brandon 25 7:00 Knights of Columbus’ fourth degree rosary and dinner, Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls 26 11:00 Chrism Mass, Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls March 2020 | Volume 73, Number 3 29 9:30 Confirmation, St. Catherine Publisher Postmaster (Big Bend), Immaculate Most Rev. Donald E. DeGrood Send address changes to: Conception (Stephan) and St. 523 N. Duluth Avenue Executive Editor Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2714 Joseph (Fort Thompson) in Rev. Michael L. Griffi n Fort Thompson Correspondence should be addressed to: Managing Editor 523 N. Duluth Avenue April Mrs. Renae D. Kranz Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2714 Communications Staff: Phone: 605-334-9861 4 4:00 Passion Sunday Mass, Mr. Jerome A. Klein E-mail: [email protected] Anniversaries, copy and advertising Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Mr. William B. Sealey Mr. Kevin M. Fitzgibbons deadline for the April edition Sioux Falls Miss Brianna L. Wingen is March 16. 5 TBD Passion Sunday Mass, The Bishop’s Bulletin Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Subscriptions (ISSN 0193-5089) is published monthly by the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, 523 N. Duluth Ave., Sioux Falls $24 per year, or as part of each Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2714 and entered as Periodical family’s CFSA contribution. Postage Paid at Aberdeen, SD, and other cities. sfcatholic.org/bishopsbulletin March 2020 • The Bishop’s Bulletin 3 What makes each Lent unique is you few years ago Bishop Swain hon- fl urries, until I knew exactly when to lift the ored me with a request to become shovel so it did not hit the cracks or uneven the pastor of Saint Mary parish pavement as I slid the shovel along. in Aberdeen. While I was sad to Today I am 57 years old and shoveling the Abe leaving Pierre, I was excited about the same walk again. I am taller now, of course, challenges and opportunities a new parish older and the snow does not seem as deep. aff ords. I do not complain about having to do it as However, unlike any of my other transfers, much as I did before, mostly just a little this one brought me home. now. The cracks have been repaired and I was born and raised in Aberdeen, and so I some of the pavement replaced, so I have to occasionally have a small fl ashback to my learn the feel of the walk all over again; but youth as I make my way through town or it was the same, and utterly diff erent.
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