Your lown Secret plan? Page B1 Storm pro policy assailed. fag* 1B The Daily Register VOL. 107 NO. 210 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . SINCE 1878 TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1985 25 CENTS Accused child molester beaten in jail BY USA R. KRUSE use for women beaters and child Kaye, however, denied that Mr. molesters." Holloways condition contributed to FREEHOLD - Inmates at Mon- Lanzaro said Holloway was spot- his decision. mouth County jail, who officials said ted by the other inmates after his "That wouldn't be a reason," have a code "against woman picture appeared in last .week's local Kaye said. "I consented because beaters and child molesters," at- papers. (with the) real estate, there is a tacked a Neptune man charged with "Inmates aren't concerned with significant likelihood the Holloways beating his two-year-old adopted whether a person is guilty or not," would be around for the trial." daughter to death. Rubin said. "They are just con- At the time of the attack, Lanzaro Herbert Holloway, 32, was cerned with the charges." said Holloway was being held in the brought to his arraignment before Holloway, and his wife Susie, 33, Grand Jury section of the jail with Superior Court Judge Benedict R. were each charged with murder, one other "heavy offenders," such as Nicosia, in markedly worse shape count of child abuse, one count of murderers. Lanzaro could not say than he was at last Tuesday's initial child cruelty, and one count of how many inmates were part of the appearance. endangering the welfare of a child in assault. "Look at Mr. Holloway now," the Dec. 15 death of their daughter, Afterward, Holloway was kept in attorney Steven C. Rubin said. Rosa Swain. solitary confinement at the jail. "He's got (five) stitches to his face. In addition, the couple was also "He's being treated worse than a His eyes have been battered, he's indicted by a county grand jury on convicted criminal, much less a been battered, and it happened two counts of child cruelty and one man presumed innocent," Rubin Friday in the Monmouth County count of endangering the welfare of said. Correctional Institution." a chid in the alleged abuse of their Inmates involved in sexual as- Both Rubin and Sheriff William six-year-old son, Ashley Barrow. sault or child beatings are normally Lanzaro said Holloway was beaten The Holloways each pleaded not separated from other inmates be- up by county jail inmates who have guilty to the charges yesterday, and cause of the potential for violence, their own "code of justice." Lanzaro said. "Prisoners can do a lot of Nicosia set a trial date for May 20. "But we only have 32 single wrong," Lanzaro said. "But they County Prosecutor John A. Kaye beds," Lanzaro said. "And they have certain morals. Sex offenders said yesterday that he has agreed to were already used up." and child and women beaters aren't let the Holloways post three pieces Lanzaro blamed the inmate popu- liked. Once Holloway was spotted, of real estate to meet bail, set at Herbert llolloway before... and after beating well, the prisoners don't have much $160,000 apiece. See Beaten, Page 7A Police department titt 1 divided over chief 9 BY USA R. KRUSE Manager Edward Weigand had the have passed the lieutenant's test, KEANSBURG - The appoint- legal authority under civil service while O'Hare has failed the test ment of Sgt. Raymond O'Hare as rules to appoint O'Hare as acting twice, the letter states. acting chief of police has prompted chief, or whether he "engaged in Under civil service regulations, at least one policeman to file a procedural irregularities," the let- an officer must pass the qualifying Ik + A v grievance with the Civil Service ter said. tests before he can be promoted to i^5v ^ Commission. Schaeffer and his backers in the the next rank. Lt. Harry Schaeffer, first in line police department maintain that "To go beyond the alternatives under civil service laws to assume O'Hare should not be appointed above would be to commit a 1 command, filed the grievance to chief because he ranks fourth on the disservice to the existing lieutenant V 1 protest the procedure used in select- eligibility list, and has not passed and three persons presently on the ing O'Hare. In a Feb. 27 letter, the qualifying testa. lieutenant's list," the letter states. *** Patrolmen's Benevolent Association The officers also question "The Keansburg Borough PBA- attorney Daniel Waldman asked the whether correct civil service Local 68 wants to pursue the above commission to conduct a full inquiry procedures were followed in making matter to the fullest extent per- / into the appointment. the appointment. mitted by the law." O'Hare was appointed acting Under complicated civil service 1 J Schaeffer would not comment on chief Feb. 20 to replace Chief guidelines, Waldman said Weigand the letter last night. Neither m William Kryscnksl, who took a paid must request that a temporary Weigand nor Mayor Walter Farley leave of absence pending his retire- position be created. The civil ser- were available for comment. ment from the force in July. vice commission must then de- • ^ ^"^^ J However, the department seems termine that a need exists; then an O'Hare, however, said the quali- • f w split between those who support eligibility list of all available of- fying tests were not an indication of O'Hare, and those supporting the ficers must be created. his ability to do the job. "The ' wlfctta actions taken by Schaeffer. As news "We don't believe that was ever promotional list has nothing to do of the grievance spread last night, done," Waldman said. with the chief of police position. It calls poured into The Daily and Waldman said the eligibility list has no bearing whatsoever," he Sunday Register from policemen on would include Schaeffer, and Sgts. said. WHITE HOUSE LOVEBIRDS - President wedding anniversary. The affectionate pair were both sides of the issue. Joseph Weber, Joseph Auer and O'Hare added that according to Reagan and his wife, Nancy, celebrate their 33rd married March 4, 1952. The question is whether Borough Edward Streidl. The three sergeants See Police, Page 7A JCP&L places Drug raid defendants low in rating enter not guilty pleas WASHINGTON - Jersey Central For one, the period analyzed FREEHOLD — Eleven suspected that, would consider requesting a proceedings yesterday before Su- Power & Light Co., New Jersey's includes the March 1979 accident at drug dealers, including the Howell change of venue because of the perior Court Judge Benedict R. second largest supplier of electrici- the Three Mile Island nuclear power High School senior class president, publicity Pallito's arrest received. Nicosia. Inmates from the Mon- ty, has received one of the worst plant, partly owned by JCP&L, he were arraigned yesterday on Pallito was one of 84 people mouth County Correctional Institu- ratings of any electric utility in the said. This accident "was unique and charges stemming from Operation indicted as a result of Operation tion arrived in threes, their hand- country for its operating per- not a usual operating situation," Cocaine — the countywide raid that Cocaine — the Monmouth County cuffed arms entwined. formance. Metzgar said. But it did reduce the nabbed 49 people early Thursday. Narcotics Strike Force's six-month Nicosia continued Pallito's bail at New Jersey's two other major company's cash flow, thus worsen- Scott Palllto, 18, of Lake Drive, undercover investigation. Sixty-one $25,000. A May 6 trial date was set electric utilities, Public Service ing the financial performance, he Howell, entered a plea of not guilty people were targeted for arrest for the teen-ager. Electric and Gas Co. and Atlantic said. to the charges of possession, pos- Thursday. Two were served indict- Pallito's arrest during homeroom City Electric Co., earned mixed The study's measure of generat- session with intent to distribute, and ments in Monmouth County jail, and at the high school, and Principal grades in a survey compiled by the ing efficiency also penalizes util- distribution of marijuana, hashish, 21 adults had been previously ar- Matthew Herman's announcement National Association of Regulatory ities, such as JCP&L, which may and two counts of cocaine. rested. that undercover policemen had been Utility Commissioners. leave their plants partly idle if it is However, his attorney, Ronald W. A standing room only crowd of and would continue to be at the JCP&L, which has 750,000 electric cheaper not to produce power but to Sage, said his client would apply for spectators, attorneys and defen- school, created a media furor. purchase it from other companies, pre-trial intervention, and failing dants filled the courtroom at the customers in the northwestern and SCOTT PALLITO See Drug, Page 7A central shore sections of the state, Metzgar said. was the only utility in the country to Finally, he said the study does not finish in the bottom 10 rankings in extend beyond 1983, although all three categories — financial JCP&L's performance has been performance, residential rate in- strongest of late. Holmdel threatens to sue Hazlet creases and efficiency. "We've seen a dramatic improve- The study examined the 112 ment in our financial position. BY STEPHANIE GLUCKMAN Court Judge Eugene D. Serpentelli the town houses was filed with the ruling nullifies zoning ordinances if largest utilities in the country and We've been improving year after '.authority before the agreement was they fail to permit development of year since Three Mile Island when on March 15 at 1:30 p.m.
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