POSITIVE TRAIN CONTROL BY 2015 PAGE 6 Volume 21 Number 1 Sacramento, CA January 2009 Voters Want Rail Progress DEMO PLAN Erases FUndinG GAINS In November, California voters elected CalRail 2020 attendees on November 9 a President who is ostensibly pro-Amtrak, tour of Siemens light rail and subway passed a state ballot initiative calling car fabrication plant in Sacramento. INSIDE for $10 billion to be spent on high speed Photo © by Randell Hansen and regional rail, and passed numerous PAGE 2 local rail funding measures including Los might save the day for California rail is Angeles County’s Measure R half-cent looking increasingly unlikely. BALLOT UPDATE sales tax. There is no doubt that voters Early signals from the Obama camp, want progress on rail. including his nominee for Transportation Passengers who have seen trains fill secretary Rep. Ray LaHood (R-IL), are PAGE 3 to capacity on Metrolink, Pacific Surfliner, that projects involving significant manual Capitol Corridor, and San Joaquin routes labor may have more appeal than ones COAST are impatient for progress on arrival of involving lengthy engineering, design, new cars. Voters who supported the rail and construction. In other words, track OB SERVATIONS measures because of claimed economic upgrades and highway paving projects benefits and job creation want to see are likely to trump high speed rail or new the projects start moving. Up until a few freeways because the facilities physically PAGE 4-5 weeks ago, activists were sanguine about exist and can be worked on immediately. new expansions of rail service. The new President has sought to HIG H SPEED PLAN Now, the worldwide economic cri- discourage expectations that new public sis, the budget-busting grants of billions works projects would be standard pork. HAS SU RPRISES of federal dollars to corporations, and “What we need to do is examine, what California’s state budget crisis appear to are the projects where we're going to get be combining to threaten even meager the most bang for the buck? How are we PAGE 7 existing levels of rail service. The hope going to make sure taxpayers are protect- that Federal economic stimulus spending ed? You know, the days of just pork com- JOINING T H E BOARD (continued on Page Two) Non-profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Sacramento, CA Permit #811 1025 Ninth Street #223 Sacramento, CA 95814-3516 Return Service Requested MEMBERS, PLEASE CHECK THE RENEWAL DATE ABOVE YOUR NAME AND RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP IF THE DATE IS APPROACHING OR PAST Action? Ballot Progress Threatened by AB 2 (continued from Page One) the North Coast Hiawatha, and the New scarce General Fund monies. Anyone who ing out of Congress as a strategy, those York–Kansas City National Limited. Ronald still thinks California is about to have a days are over,” he said. Reagan vocally opposed Amtrak funding, world class network of trains ought to but he never carried out any major cuts. think about what the loss of a dedicated Stimulus for More Automobiles? source means for rail funding. The question of unresolved details in Bill Clinton expressed support for Huge permanent cuts are on the way, the bailout and stimulus packages was intercity rail and did a photo-op where he if AB 2 and its companion measures are brought to the forefront by the spectacle donned an Amtrak conductor’s hat giv- signed and transit is not made whole of the big 3 American auto manufacturers ing a thumbs-up. But halfway through his by some other infusion of cash. The San flying their corporate jets to Washington first term, Amtrak eliminated the LA-Las Francisco Chronicle reported that the to ask for $35 billion in bailouts. Vegas-Salt Lake City Desert Wind, the Seattle/Portland-Denver Pioneer, and cut Bay Area may lose up to $83 million. San Transportation activists who have for the Texas Eagle back to tri-weekly. Diego’s rail operators may lose another decades fought Detroit efforts to avoid fuel $10-$17 million. efficiency measures were outraged that State Bill Eliminates Rail Funds California voters have repeatedly acted the self-destructive industry that designed AB 2, backed by Democratic leaders to approve more funds for rail and tran- itself into a crisis would now be rescued. in the state legislature, removes gasoline sit, most recently on the November ballot. Silicon Valley-based promoters of electric and diesel sales taxes, a funding source The actions by the Legislature and the cars warned that a bailout of the Big 3 for transit since 1972. Only the Governor’s Governor are at odds with the will of the would swamp their efforts to launch a reluctance to sign AB 2 in deference to voters, as well as probably illegal, and are new industry based on plug-in hybrids Republicans who oppose a defacto tax likely to generate major opposition once and other oil-independent innovations. increase, has postponed a crisis for the they come to light. Rail's success at the Obama and key Democrats pledged state's passenger rail operators. However, ballot is about to be stolen if we let it. to help the auto industry, but congres- details in the budget delivered December Authors of the legislation seem to have sional Republicans, led by Southerners 31 suggests the Governor is falling in line. this well in mind, as they have included with European and Japanese auto plants If this provision becomes law, rail will a provision that any suit filed against the blocked the bill, only to have President have to compete against bigger fish (e.g.: fund transfer has to be submitted within Bush send $15 billion of funds from the education, health, and welfare) for already 90 days of passage of the act. $700 billion bailout package to underwrite auto finances over Republican objections. High-speed Rail Authority lobbyist Mark Kadish informed the HSRA board at its December meeting, “There is a lot of 9 Transit Measures on Ballot support for high-speed rail in Congress.” Nationwide, 23 out of 32 transit related tinue the 1/4 cent tax until 2033 for gen- However, it remains to be seen whether measures passed on election night. In eral government purposes. Voters also California backers have the political horse- California alone, there were nine different approved by 64.9% to 35.1%, Measure power to compete with the 20-senator transit/transportation related propositions. U which allocates some of the general Northeast bloc for any significant piece of purpose funds to a proposed streetcar the $1.5 billion authorized for high-speed. 1 – Prop 1A to authorize the sale of $9.95 billion in bonds to help establish project that will link West Sacramento to Can Dems Be Trusted on Trains? high-speed rail (HSR) passed by a vote of downtown Sacramento. There is a lot of elation among rail 52.6% to 47.4%. $950 million of the bond 6 – Measure S in Stanislaus County, supporters over the Democratic margin of proceeds would go to local transit and rail a better roads/safer streets initiative nar- majority in both houses. providers to help connect them to HSR. rowly failed to reach 2/3 with a 66.4% yes vote. A fair share for transit might However, several key Republican 2 – Measure Q in Sonoma and Marin have helped. Amtrak supporters won’t be returning Counties to help construct the SMART in the 111th session and it shouldn’t be commuter train from Cloverdale to 7 – Measure Z in Monterey County, forgotten that most Amtrak routes were Larkspur was approved by an overall vote which required 2/3 vote approval, on a lost under Democratic, not Republican of 68% to 32%. The measure funds $450 25-year ½ percent sales tax to help pay administrations. The current Bush admin- million of construction and annual operat- for congestion relief on highways 1, 68, istration oversaw three Amtrak cuts: the ing costs of $19.3 million. 156, and 101 and bus service improve- NY-Pittsburgh-Chicago Three Rivers, the 3 – Measure VV in Contra Costa and ments, failed 62% to 38%. Chicago-Louisville Kentucky Cardinal, and Alameda Counties to level a parcel tax on 8 – Measure A in Santa Barbara the segment of the Palmetto from Florida property owners to help fund AC Transit County which would renew a ½ cent to Savannah, Georgia. However, under bus service passed 72% to 28%. sales tax for transportation projects was the junior Bush, Amtrak service was 4 – Measure B in Santa Clara County approved 78.63% to 21.37%. restored to Portland, Maine and frequency needed 2/3 vote to have a 1/8 cent sales 9 – Measure R in Los Angeles increased on the strongest corridors. tax to help fund the $6.1 billion, 16 mile County, which adds a ½ cent sales tax By comparison, Democrats did much BART extension from Fremont to San increase to help fund road and transit more damage. In the middle of the 1979 Jose. The measure won with 66.78%, and projects, was approved 67.9% to 32.1%. oil embargo, Jimmy Carter slashed back a challenge of the count was not allowed. Likely projects include extensions of the Amtrak funding, forcing major route cuts 5 – Measure V was passed by West Expo Line to Santa Monica and the Gold including the Chicago–Miami Floridian, Sacramento voters, 57.8% to 42.2% to con- Line from Pasadena to Azusa. Join TRAC and Help Fight for Improved Trains Clip & mail with your check or money order payable to: To help TRAC regain paid full- Train Riders Association of California (TRAC) time staff, I am enclosing a special 1025 Ninth St.
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