PAGE EIGHT-B- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Wed., April 13, 1977 Plainfield results Dr. Amos E. Friend will be the Dr. Friend will give an Illustrated - i'T v S lA L guest speaker at the Orford Parish talk on the British Isles. kHIT TMMIdl MkMin tw m The weather Yf 1 MTiM* an ie IN iiriMk III in UI tin rn in DAR will hear Chapter meeting of the Daughters of Hostesses are Mrs. Walter Inside today Ant Mid) siim tim in in the American Revolution Thursday Holman, Mrs. Raymond Woodbridge, luiflir lie ill IS iia IM in le in 1 ■ A* M IM Dr, Friend at7;30p.m. Partly sunny, breeiy today, high in llm ki iM ta TtaKtlril ThKlin ite a n Mrs. Howard Roy, Miss Edna IRieMky Ml mme m prii mn Business new s. 5-A F a m ily ............ 6-A SUriKlU prii Mill IM ik 4U prii MiriKtttpriiWn The DAR will meet at the home of Drlnkwater, Mrs. Hoyt Stllson and mid 60s. Clear, cool, tonight with lows Ttaua hrtMiK lU prii f i n a taMKluBimM in lower 30s. Friday sunny with highs Classified .. ,6-^B Gardening .... 7-A MririKKtu tu prillprii taa_ TriMte I M prii M Ta thmk w prii mte TribriK M4 prii ttUUI Mrs. Walter J. Senkow, 73 Dart­ Mrs. Mayo Trian. TffcSl"m prii man mouth Rd. 5V60. PrecIplUtion prohahillty near C om ics........... 9-B Ohltuarles . 10-A 9mmt l-ll m NHt »>ll (Q SftfiriMemtdl UM ILM IM Dear A hhy 9-B S p o rts.......... 5-6-B SUm iUi ILM UI le ifnkMi an un rn iM 4M aero today and tonight, 10 per cent Mttnt^eiUr-^A Charm m ie m 1 iM*!« in le IMplpin in in Friday. Natioiial weather forecast map Editorial ........ 4-A Suburban .. .1—3-B iM m IM I MINI IN y\mmt iteu n on Page 7-B. itacJia IM^TUpriiUlin hWNOI^JSR; CONN., T H V n^V i APfHL 14, i»>7— m . XCVI, No. 185 SMriclUpiM IMriKttlpriiSHn Mritesnpriimui tabriK Ttl prii tnin PRICE. FIFTEEN CENT.S MfriiSkn Miric U2 prii tan NriMrieMIpriiinUI Tribite 74-1 prii miUI UlpiMtlUl TiMr IM prii ti m e TribriK M4 prii Umn in in in IM M in in ffTITMBOi 1(Q Mr in 7 U’l MI in 7n in in IK tin IMIM iTfcr- on in MM Itf prii tan bMb in prii tan wmBkai-mokwr KrippNMbb in M M 711 prii nan M M HI prii tan WTTMIMMm Tttnn Tribrii M4 prii Ilian MWbbft«, bp iin in in MMlUpriitnn TribM 147 prii tmn MM 111 prii linn MHMK(T) TM41IW T M 144 prii imin uiMw 17JI in an IMMb 7JI in in ntM M rib in in 4lnAiMi in in bbbbUlpriinUI nrit-iiw (Mb — an IM'iMril in TriMb M-r prii San Mrini 2in in in TKan TMtin Carter to drop MririiM in in MM2Upriit4in Mriric 4n prii t7in t Triqr Crib in MMttlpriiU^‘ ■ Tfinin M M IM prii tmn 1*.^^ in in in THLIin Tribrii 244 prii min 141 9mm lUI in MM 2U prii Ilin TribriK 144 prii nan MbnMilriMi m M M 112 prii $4in Bnan iii (o Ebb* 111(1) m iiji Tribrii 247 prii llU7n 1-l-PMIlM Mitai in in in iTnpMk an in in bWriilU prii tun 7-ftiM M In tin in iHMMFii.tav in in TriMb M4 mM HUM anrnMMi) in Jfmmrrn an MhMibirt,M an an in Mr Mb uipiM tnn 24HMTipb a n iin —iiiJi Me tin nn-iim t-TaUriM in _ u 7 p riitn n bMk 111 prii mn tax rebates M M 711 prii m u M M in prii tan IM IM IM TM:llri7 Tribrii 1-74 prii Win TribriK 147 prii timn w$ M m in in bMb 2U prii $22in WASHINGTON (U PI)-The White MbMi in MM U2 prii nun TVBni cMinnw nns n) TmMc TMm Mm (Q siderations” in Carter’s retreat on Carter repeatedly had said he Tttsin Tribrii 1-24 prii UMin MribhSf in in in iMriiM in in in House said today that President Mbb 214 prii nn T im iiM in in TMtaMi in in the rebate. “We expect some will in­ would stick with the rebate proposal Arbcb 412 prii SI14I onn TMB (MMId) 2- «Mr km in inriMMhbr IM Carter has dropped his proposal to terpret it that way,” said Powell. TrMi 2-4-1 prii $1171 tMmpiinp an in in TK4UI TM4MI give every American a 350 tax rebate and a majority of his economic ad­ n 117 Irii tan EWMttrn There also had been suggestions visers including Vice President isnir pnti44in — a maJor and popular feature of his in in in m m t il- 7-24b iMbriK 1741|rii4rprif —tTITJI Carter might have to back down on Walter Mondale endorsed continued in in MM2Upriit2UI $31 billion economic stimulus in M M 312 prii tan some of his proposals to eliminate support for it. m iiii Star of the Month package, but one that was in trouble water proJects in return for votes on MM lUpriittin Trtbfb 3-24 prii mi7l with Congress. The rebate proposal was outlined Arbcb 111 prii tun ■m Ml (Q 4 POINT PLAN the rebate, though the President said by Carter before his inauguration as 749*1 fani 4in iin an Gold Rings Carter also will withdraw his Ti«Mb 1-14 Irii Ilian he was not inclined to bargain in that part of a multi-billion dollar Your choice oM 2 brilliant recommendation for a $2 billion in­ manner. economic stimulus package that birth star colors enhanced vestment tax credit for industry, said In pushing for the rebate. Carter Press Secretary Jody Powell, blended job creating programs and by genuine diamonds. had cited a U.S. treasury windfall of tax breaks. explaining that Carter "could not $11 billion in revenues and a shortfall very well” withdraw the rebate and C a rte r’s decision cam e as MTMIPJi WndnsMiay in spending. Aides said he is expected Congress continued its Easter All at the same time give industry a tax to announce what use will be made of LMriilMi break. recess. Despite congressional opposi­ 111 L M IM IM LIMvtn) ■M L M M the $11 billion, perhaps reserving the tion, Sen. Russell Long, D-La., chair­ IMMb M 2. eua-i cm Administration sources earlier [ • l i S M , 1 KiU M iu ck m YOU CAN BE SURE AT SHOOR’S funds to cut into the deficit. man of the Senate Finance Com­ ISttT- IM 4. FtM M I'J 1 Can li said the President changed his mind 4 IM rli The rebate plan was a key in­ mittee, had told Carter the tax IhKb . I;I£LX M i. Tni km ■ M iS r r about the rebate because he was con­ T.MiM M IhMm 1. Simple Diet OPEN THURS. TO 9 P.IH. gredient of the President’s original rebate plan probably would win ap­ UMM ' ■ M I.kmaW vinced the economy was improving, economic recovery package, but he M tUktiMi '‘UbMJMhi 2. Succeulul Bihivlor Modlflcitlon and he felt the payments would con­ proval by a few votes after the m BM Omril 3. Eity Nutrition 4. Slimming Exirclut became convinced it was un­ recess. l-l I. Iha IM rC niim Mllriirlriii tribute to inflation. necessary. IM t hM FMb IM I U bh I Aides said Carter began to rethink Sources said that Carter decided to IM I. M lUte M Ikiikm Carter Wednesday night decided to make the bold move and withdraw M iPMlilSil ..OpeiiHouAe the rebate idea a couple of days ago. M 1 M M M iSCeW . withdraw the rebate proposal after a the proposal after economic in­ luar,\nm M i S S ; BEQtN YOUR DIET WITH A Treasury Secretary Michael M IhtoM i IM iS T ' . i a i trio of top economic advisers con­ dicators showed the economy on the M I. M Sh M I. Ma . m a IMt : SUNDAE ON US. Blumenthal and Budget Director M t tmfi M M im m « i ! vinced him the economy was im­ upswing. Advisers told the President • M.Mm’i urn a dankif* M « Bert Lance led the vanguard for proving, sources said. L laa npi M7-1 L il FSMI UM I~ ■ ..Tnm dropping it, they said. the decline of the stock market in re­ t U'l Im Im Mi.)M I Ttaka M a MM Ii i\ 1. V Ml M 11 • TMii brt 21ri 7 n PJl S i SUOOR Carter was convinced the rebate cent weeks would not be a maJor fac­ 1 M kli*, MM I il STlat------ tM I1 !£_ ilii tJiiriMirM 111 \ AMa’iiphammiUmaii Conservative and liberal ihkia'iHr MlMPImh i B rIT mM JWJII U'l r| 1 h|p ■«« 11 917 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER "could be inflationary," the sources tor stalling economic recovery. L CMa Owii M il M I Mk ,M i iTKsh 4-1 economists both had opposed the idea said tamPikhr M il IM i R ‘MlUlMlkMIM publicly. The rebate has passed the r.myiiMia IM 7.1 IM 7. Sm ,M I M-l CM Ml U f'," T t u'l Tm Im IM 11 ‘M I. Cam im M House, but Carter had to enlist the M i S M i m n - X m M M M: Dihi I n a Ilk V Democratic leadership in a full-scale OMai m m Inal M a h m campaign to line up Senate support.
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