1 | LOREM LOREM CIPRA, the International Commission for the Protection of the Alp, is a non-profit, non-governmental umbrella organisation with national and regional branches in Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovenia and Swit- zerland. It represents about a hundred member organisations. CIPRA works THINKING for sustainable development and the preservation of natural and cultural AHEAD heritage, the maintenance of regional diversity and cross-border problem TOGETHER solving in the Alps. It was founded on CIPRA International 5th May 1952 and is headquartered Im Bretscha 22 in Schaan, in the Principality of Liech- LI-9494 Schaan tenstein. Tel. +423 237 53 53 Fax +423 237 53 54 WWW.CIPRA.ORG [email protected] www.cipra.org ANNUAL REPORT 2017 CIPRA INTERNATIONAL 02 | THE CIPRA NETWORK 2017 ANNUAL REPORT CIPRA INTERNATIONAL | 03 SOUTH TYROL Alpenverein Südtirol ō Arbeitsgemeinschaft THE CIPRA für Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz in Südtirol ō Baubiologie GERMANY Bergwacht im Bay- Südtirol ō Bund Alternativer Anbauer ō Heimatpflege verband REPRESENTATIONS AND erischen Roten KreuzōBergwald- Südtirol ō LIA per Natura y Usanzes ō Naturfreunde Meran- THEIR MEMBERS projekt e. V. ō Bund Naturschutz in Südtirol ō Naturtreff Eisvogel ō Plattform Pro Pustertal ō Süd - Bayern e. V.ōDeutscher Alpenverein tiroler Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsför de rung ō Südtiroler e. V.ōGesellschaft für ökologische HochschülerInnenschaft ō Umweltgruppe Eis acktal ō Um- Forschung e. V.ōLandesbund für Vo- weltschutzgruppe Vinschgau ō Local groups: Andrian, Bozen, gelschutz in Bayern e. V.ōMountain Eppan, Jenesien, Kaltern, Olang, Rasen-Antholz, Sa lurn, Ter- Wilderness Deutschland e. V.ōNatur- lan, Ulten, Vahrn, Wipptal ITALY Associazione Ambiente e Lavoro ō Freunde Deutschlands e. V.ōÖkolo- www.cipra.org/cipra-suedtirol Associazione Dislivelli ō Club Alpino Italiano ō gischer Jagdverband e. V.ōVerband Dachverband für Natur- und Umweltschutz in Süd- Deutscher Berg- und SkiführerōVer- SCHAAN/LI, APRIL 2018 tirol ō Federazione Italiana di Parchi e delle Riserve ein zum Schutz der Bergwelt e. V. SUSTAINING MEMBER Naturali (Federparchi) ō Federazione Italiana Pro www.cipra.org/germany Nederlandse Milieugroup Alpen, Niederlanden DEAR READER, Natura ō Gruppo Italiano Amici della Natura ō Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica ō Italia Nostra ō Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli ō Legambiente ō FRANCE La Fédération Française des Clubs Alpins et de Montagne ō La Fédération __ Mahatma Gandhi once said that “we must different tack. We as human beings are part of Mountain Wilderness Italia ō Parco Alpi Marittime Française de Montagne et d’Escalade ō Fédération Française de la Randonnée — Comité régional Au- be the change we wish to see in the world”. the problem – but also part of the solution. ō Parco delle Orobie Valtellinesi ō Parco Nazionale vergne-Rhône-Alpes ō La Fédération Française Union Touristique des Amis de la Nature ō La Fédération della Val Grande ō Parco Nazionale delle Dolomi-Dolomi- Nationale pour le Développement des Sports et du Tourisme en Montagne ō WWF France — L’organisation Only if we ourselves change will the society we Which is why we’ve focused on the topic of ti Bellunesi ō Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio ō Pro mondiale de protection de la nature ō Mountain Wilderness ō La Fédération Rhône-Alpes de Protection live in change with us. Together we can tackle “Social Innovation” and showcase our activities Natura Torino ō Società di Scienze Naturali del de la Nature ō France Nature Environnement Provence-Alpes Côte d’Azur ō L’association pour le Déve- the major challenges facing the Alps. from a societal perspective. Within the current loppement en Réseau des Territoires et des Services ō Le Centre de la Nature Montagnarde ō ASTERS Trentino ō Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo Such wise insightful words are all too strategy with its three core themes of “Nature w w w . c i p r a . o r g / i t a l y — Conservatoire des espaces naturels de Haute-Savoie ō L’association des Amis du PNR de Chartreuse often lost in our everyday working lives and in and People”, “Economic Transition” and “So- ō Parc Naturel Régional de la Chartreuse ō Parc National des Ecrins ō Parc National de Mercantour ō Parc National de la Vanoise politics. Concrete quick-fix solutions are the cial Innovation”, everything revolves around the AUSTRIA Arbeits gemeinschaft der www.cipra.org/france order of the day, along with easily quantifiable way in which we interact with our environment Berg- und Naturwachten Öster reichs results. So what about these new roads as a and our surroundings. This is also reflected in ō Kuratorium WaldōNaturfreunde Ös- strategy against traffic congestion? Or the the way CIPRA operates. Very few other or- terreichōNaturschutzbund Österreich SLOVENIA 138 member individuels SWITZERLAND Alpen-Ini tiative development of glaciers as a means of adapt- ganisations succeed in bringing together more ō Österreichischer AlpenvereinōÖs- www.cipra.org/en/slovenia ō Aqua Viva ō Grimselverein ō ing to climate change? Not to mention inject- people to engage actively with a future in the terreichischer ForstvereinōÖster- Mountain Wilderness Schweiz ō reichischer TouristenklubōVerband Naturfreunde Schweiz ō Pro Natura ing CO² into rocks at the bottom of the Alps that’s worth living, to question our behav- Österreichischer Höhlenforscher ō LIECHTENSTEIN Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft ō Schweizer Alpen-Club ō Schweizer ocean? What these so-called “solutions” to iour, and to become part of new proposals for Dachverband “Jagd Österreich” ō Liechtenstein-Sarganserland-WerdenbergōFischereiverein Vogelschutz SVS/BirdLife Schweiz climate change have in common is that they solutions – indeed, this Annual Report illus- Die neun Bun desländer Österreichs: LiechtensteinōLiechtensteiner Alpenvereinō Forstverein Liech- ō Schweize ri sche Greina-Stiftung ō feed our belief that we don’t have to alter our trates just how we go about this. Vorarlberg, Tirol, Salzburg, Kärnten, tensteinōLiechtensteiner JägerschaftōLiechtenstei nische Stiftung Landschaftschutz Schweiz ō behaviour and that we can carry on regard- And so we wish you a stimulating read, Oberösterreich, Steiermark, Nieder- Gesellschaft für Umweltschutz ōImkereiverein Liechtenstein ō WWF Schweiz (Passivmitglied) less. But we shouldn’t kid ourselves: reality Yours österreich, Wien, Burgenland Liechtensteinischer Ornithologischer LandesverbandōSolar- www.cipra.org/switzerland www.cipra.org/en/austria genossenschaft LiechtensteinōVerkehrs-Club Liechtenstein will definitely catch up with us at some point. Katharina Conradin www.cipra.org/en/liechtenstein Walser Martin Editorial: Castelnuovo, Cristian Title: CIPRA and its member organisations adopt a President, CIPRA International 04 | SOCIAL INNOVATION 2017 ANNUAL REPORT CIPRA INTERNATIONAL | 05 WHEN IDEAS And yet, that’s the way she does things and how she achieves success. Her most re- cent idea came about as she was taking a long hard look at her home region, the Non Valley. FLOURISH She was appalled at the way its natural and cultural landscapes were evolving. The Non From apple trees to pig’s hearts, blind alleys, and whales: Valley is famous for its apple plantations, but five participants in the I-LivAlps Workshop in Italy’s Maira Valley most of the land is intensively farmed and, in in September 2017 talk about how ideas flourish and thrive. recent decades, a great deal of building land Uncertainties and frictions are all part of it. has been made available to private individuals. Cristina Dalla Torre knows full well that agricul- ture is not synonymous with biodiversity. Through her involvement in the CIPRA Youth Advisory Board and as a member of the Board of CIPRA Italy she knew that landscape and spatial planning processes need time. Successful sustainable changes need the in- volvement of other people, especially younger people like her. “Someone has to have the ini- IDEAS LIKE tial idea, and it will only be a good one if other APPLE TREES people then get enthusiastic about it.” And so Cristina Dalla Torre drummed Cristina Dalla Torre up her network of friends and acquaintances. Whenever Cristina Dalla Torre gets excited It led to a whole range of activities designed to about an idea, she feels she has to tell the promote the region’s biodiversity and make whole world about it. She knows how impor- people aware of the links between biodiversity tant it is for ideas to get out there and enthuse and landscape. The group revolving around others. Her dark curls bounce around wildly the young scientist initiated school visits, a as she speaks, as if underscoring her words. biodiversity festival, and a book. “A good idea The 27-year-old Italian conducts research on always has a solid foundation and the poten- social innovations at the European Academy tial to develop further,” she explains. Just like in Bolzano (Eurac Research). And when she the apple trees in the Non Valley. A strong laughs her warm laughter, it’s almost as if trunk is able to support the branches for the she’s looking to apologise for the chaotic way fruit to grow. And you just never know what she articulates her thoughts. direction they’ll branch out into. 06 | SOCIAL INNOVATION 2017 ANNUAL REPORT CIPRA INTERNATIONAL | 07 CIPRA France, the “head of a network”. “But at the Slow Food University in Bra and else- is it even a network?” he asks himself. It only where, that she acquired the understanding “AND… AND… AND” works if everyone is networked, also among and know-how that now feeds her passion. themselves. It’s an approach that’s also reflected in Jean Horgues-Debat So what does it take for social innova- her way of speaking. She stretches out her Jean Horgues-Debat reserves the right to tions to prosper? “I don’t know,” he answers. sentences, pauses, relishes those pauses, and get it wrong. “There is no norm,“ says the “There is no recipe,” he says, adding, “a modi- gives them space. It’s how her energy, inspira- 60-year-old engineer. “We’re allowed to give cum of diversity in terms of people, skills, and tion and creativity express themselves.
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