CASE STUDY Successful Pregnancy Following Diagnosis of Infertility And Miscarriage: A Chiropractic Case Report Leslie Bedell, DC ABSTRACT for 30 days, and then one visit per week for an additional 30 Objective: This case describes the chiropractic care of a woman days. Other therapies used included: craniosacral therapy, re- with a history of infertility and miscarriage. laxation exercises, stretching and audio tapes. After 60 days of Clinical Features: A 27 year old female presented for care, a normal ovulatory cycle occurred, and she became preg- chiropactic care to improve her overall health, in the hope that nant after her second normal cycle. she may ultimately be able to have a child. In the previous year Conclusion: This case report of a woman with a history of in- she had suffered 2 miscarriages, and had been anovulatory for fertility and miscarriage contributes to the growing body of lit- 9 months. She was under medical treatment for infertility and erature on the response to chiropractic care among infertile ulcerative colitis, and followed a restrictive diet. Prior to at- women. The article discusses the impact of stress on a woman’s tempting to become pregnant, she had been on the birth control nervous system, and the possible associated changes in repro- pill for 7 years. ductive health. Further research is called for to evaluate the Chiropractic Care and Outcome: Examination protocols of safety, cost, and effectiveness of chiropractic care in women’s Torque Release Technique™ (TRT) were utilized to detect ver- health. tebral subluxations. Adjustments were applied with the Inte- Key words: chiropractic, Torque Release Technique (TRT), grator instrument; the initial visit schedule was twice weekly vertebral subluxation, infertility, miscarriage Introduction “Risk of infertility increased in females who reported ex- Currently, infertility is one of the greatest concerns of child posures to textile dyes, dry cleaning chemicals, noise, lead, -bearing women in the Western world. The ability to conceive mercury and cadmium. There was a significant risk of and bear children can profoundly affect the way a woman feels increased time to conception among women exposed to about herself on a very deep level. The pioneering work of Dr. anti-rust agents, welding, plastic manufacturing, lead, Alice Domar has clearly documented that women who’ve been mercury, cadmium, or anesthetic agents. There was also diagnosed as infertile, are twice as likely to be depressed as a an increased risk of delay to conception following male control group, and that this depression peaks about two years exposure to textile dyes, plastic manufacturing, and weld- after they start trying to get pregnant.1 ing. Those who unpacked or handled antibiotics had a Dr. Joseph Mercola, M.D., reports that infertility currently significant association with delayed pregnancy of at least affects 6.1 million Americans. He states that the most impor- 12 months.”3 tant factors affecting a woman’s fertility are diet, including al- lergies and hypersensitivities to certain foods, insulin resistance, The infertility challenges the public is struggling with are sluggish thyroid function, improper exercise and adrenal im- increasingly related to environmental factors. The story of PCB’s pairment due to excessive stress.2 (polychlorinated biphenyls) and how they have spread through- Increasing evidence points to environmental toxins and out the planet and into the body fat of almost every living crea- chemicals, including pesticides, as causative agents in the in- ture is one of the most fascinating and instructive chapters in creasing problem of infertility and miscarriage. Dr. Baranski, the history of the era of synthetic chemicals. Of the fifty-one from the Institute of Occupation Medicine in Denmark says synthetic chemicals that have now been identified as hormone disruptors, at least half, including PCB’s, are “persistent” prod- ucts in that they resist natural processes of decay that render Dr. Leslie Bedell, Private Practice, [email protected] them harmless. These long-lived chemicals will be a legacy and P.O. Box 1219, North Bend, WA 98045 Successful Pregnancy Following Diagnosis of Infertility and Miscarriage J. Vertebral Subluxation Res., December 2, 2003 1 a continuing hazard to the unborn for years, decades, or in the practic and improved reproductive function. All couples affected case of some PCB’s, several centuries.4 by infertility can improve their chances of conception, by en- In addition to synthetic hormones present in the environ- suring that their nervous systems are able to effectively inte- ment, hormones have been manufactured for use in the medical grate information chemically, physically and emotionally be- treatment of both pregnancy prevention and infertility. The most tween the brain and reproductive organs. It is essential to have common form of birth control for women in their child-bearing a healthy nervous system, functioning without interference, in years is the synthetic birth control pill. Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, a order to cope with environmental and physical stressors. Chi- naturopathic physician and midwife, reported that he saw many ropractic care can offer valuable benefits to couples faced with women who had been on birth control pills for long periods the challenges of infertility. whose pituitary gland was not functioning well enough to pro- mote ovarian stimulation and a viable ovum.5 Barbara Seaman, long term advocate for women, concluded Case Report that the chemicals in the pill suppress the natural production of This 27 year-old white female practice member presented hormones, increase the risk of sexually transmitted diseases with a history of 2 miscarriages during the previous year and a especially chlamydia, and upset the assimilation of nutrients.6 medical diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. She had taken the birth All these factors can prevent a woman from becoming preg- control pill for 7 years prior to attempting pregnancy. Doctors nant. indicated she had been anovulatory for 9 months, and had pre- The most common medical treatments for infertility and re- scribed Clomid and synthetic progesterone prior to her 2 mis- peated miscarriages include synthetic hormone treatments and carriages. surgery after invasive testing for ovarian cysts and endometrio- Her primary concern was to improve the overall function of sis. Women are looked at as “hormone factories” where some- her body in order to prevent miscarriage and obtain relief from thing has gone wrong and the treatment is symptom-based, de- her colitis symptoms. She had been following a strict diet for signed to alter hormonal function rather than restore it. her colitis for several months and had also been taking corti- There are over 260 clinics practicing some form of labora- sone. She was on a low dosage of prednisone at the time of tory in vitro fertilization, which is now called Assisted Repro- beginning care in my office. ductive Technology or ART.7 The patient was evaluated for subluxations utilizing the Fertility Clinics use drugs such as Perganol and Clomid, Torque Release and Activator techniques. Dr. Holder, devel- which cause the ovaries to produce many eggs, prior to attempt- oper of the Torque Release Technique, describes the definition ing in vitro fertilization. Some of the protocols cost up to of a subluxation as: “A condition of one or more spinal seg- $30,000.00 per menstrual cycle. Women who are desperate to ments that have lost their ability to move freely or completely conceive can be left physically and emotionally bankrupt after throughout their range of rotation that physically interfere with such treatments.8 the spinal cord and or spinal nerves and their function.” Dr. Christiane Northrup, co-founder of the Women to Women His research in 1994 showed that all vertebrates have a brain health center in Yarmouth, Maine, reports in her book, Women’s reward system utilizing opiate receptor sites, and established Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, that one doctor working as a repro- the vertebral subluxation complex as the hallmark of insult of ductive specialist cites a success rate of only 17% during em- the vertebrate’s ability to express a state of well -being to its bryo transplant to the females. She adds that now, with the ad- fullest potential. Therefore, Torque Release Technique views vent of so many pregnancies from ovum donors and fertility the subluxation as a “separation from wholeness”. drug-induced multiple pregnancies requiring selective “fetal Holder describes the causes of subluxation as: reduction” to get rid of the excess babies, we’ve entered com- Imbalance between external incoming forces and internal re- pletely uncharted territory with potentially devastating conse- sistive forces offer an exaggerated perception of stress causing quences.9 inappropriately excessive internal resistive response. The cat- Expensive fertility treatments resulted in only a 6% point egories of one cause include 1) physical (trauma, thermal, elec- improvement in achieving pregnancy over “infertile” couples tromagnetic, gravity) 2) chemical (nutritional, toxic, mood al- who just “kept trying.” In a study of 1,145 couples who had tering) 3) mental (perceived threats of stress, emotional) 4) ge- been diagnosed as infertile, half were treated with reproductive netic. measures. After a two to seven year follow-up, pregnancies The principles of the Torque Release Technique model are occurred in 41% of treated couples and 35% of the untreated based on the original precepts and findings put forth in the two couples.10 textbooks written by R.W. Stephenson, The Chiropractic Text- Women who have had surgeries often end up with excessive book and The Art of Chiropractic. scarring of their internal tissues, causing adhesions of fibrous Initial evaluation for both these chiropractic techniques in- bands that block the movement of the internal pelvic organs. cludes observation of leg length discrepancies with the patient They are excruciatingly painful and usually require more sur- in the prone position. This is termed functional leg length in- gery to remove.
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