BARBARO TO BROUTIN catalogue 157 ars libri ltd. Catalogue 157 BARBARO TO BROUTIN Early Art Literature / Lettrism / Modern Avant-Garde turkeys, pelicans, owls, butterflies, beetles, spiders, bees, and a profusion of flowers, berries, and vines. The final three plates (of four published in the concluding section) 1 include six handsome monogram devices for the brothers BRY, JAN THEODOR DE & BRY, JAN ISRAEL DE themselves and others, and two quatrains of verse in Alphabeta et characteres, iam inde a creato mundo ad rebus form. nostra usq. tempora; apud omnes omnino nationes This copy lacks one plate in the final series, a fine acro- usurpati; ex variis autoribus accurate depromptj. artifi- batic alphabet. It includes, however, the beautiful and very ciosè et eleganter in aere efficti et recèns forâs dati. 6ff. elaborate dedication engraving, which is not always pres- including fully engraved dec. title, and letterpress text ent—a complex wreathed monogram for Count Philip (including dedication with large engraved design), and Louis II of Hanau-Münzenberg, set between elegant fig- 51 engraved plates (including a repeat of the dedication ures of Justice and Truth, who stride forward from engraving with no surrounding letterpress, and a deco- columned niches bearing scales and a mirror. This rated alphabet arranged two letters to the plate on 12 engraving is also added to the letterpress dedication leaf plates; lacking plate N1). Fine modern marbled boards, (which in some copies is left blank in this area). 3/4 brown morocco gilt. Slipcase case (cloth, edged in Like all other copies we have seen described, this vol- morocco). ume does not include plate A1, and it would appear that First edition, published simultaneously with a German- it was never present, as Becker speculates with refer- language issue (“Alphabeten, und aller art Charac- ence to the German issue of the work. Several leaves teren...”). The alphabet plates include representations of newly mounted on stubs, lower right corner of final Chaldaean, Syriac, Hebrew, Coptic, Arabic, Samaritan, plate renewed in blank margin; title with expertly mend- Greek, Illyrian, Croatian, Armenian, and Roman, among ed clean tear and one small abrasion at platemark; others, many of these in several different varieties, as well generally a fine, clean copy. as national varieties of lettering styles—German, Flemish, Francfordij (Io. Theodorum et Io. Israelem de Bry), 1596. French, and other—also demonstrating upper and lower $25,000.00 cases and styles of script. Following these are 12 plates Hollstein Dutch and Flemish IV.37, nos. 119-169; with an alphabet of 24 elaborate Mannerist initial letters Bonacini 290; cf. Becker: Hofer Collection 59 (citing by the de Bry brothers, exquisitely ornamented with lions, German-language edition); Berlin 5283; Guilmard p. horses, unicorns, dogs, monkeys, cats, peacocks, 369; Brunet I.1309; Graesse VIII.124 1 barbaro to broutin 3 2 CHARDIN, JEAN Le couronnement de Soleïmaan troisième, roy de Perse, et ce qui s’est passé de plus mémorable dans les deux pre- mières années de son règne. 38, 460 [vere 476], (2)pp. Fully engraved dec. half-title, depicting the coronation ceremony, and 1 hors-texte plate depicting the crown, and sword and dagger. 3 fine figurative culs-de-lampe; engraved lettrines. Contemporary French gilt-panelled red morocco (rebacked, retaining original backstrip). A.e.g. First edition. “[A] titillating account of the intricate court politics which provoked the succession crisis surrounding the coronation of Suleiman III...the first of many literary enterprises which in time established Chardin’s reputation as a careful and astute orientalist” (ODNB). The French merchant-jeweller Chardin (1643-1712) attended the 1669 coronation returning from India during his second journey to the East. Light wear; a handsome copy. Paris (Claude Barbin), 1671. $4,500.00 3 CHEVREUL, M.E. De la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs, et de l’as- sortiment des objets colorés, considéré d’après cette loi dans ses rapports avec la peinture, les tapisseries des Gobelins, les tapisseries de Beauvais pour meubles, les tapis, la mosaïque, les vitraux colorés, l’impression des étoffes, l’imprimerie, l’enluminure, la décoration des édi- fices, l’habillement et l’horticulture. Introduction by Henri Chevreul. (6), xvi, 571, (1)pp., 40 plates (of which 36 chro- molithographs; many folding). 9ff. hors texte printed in let- terpress on brightly colored stocks. Guards. Stout sm. folio. Newly rebound, preserving the publisher’s original printed front board and a portion of the backstrip. The beautiful, lavishly printed edition of Chevreul’s great work of color theory, first published 1839, which was to exert enormous influence on Seurat and Neo-Impression- 2 ism. The first edition even in the nineteenth century was very rare; it was reissued here, edited by his son, in a return, through Arabia, Cyprus, Malta and Sicily. “Della grander format on the centennial of the Imprimerie Valle left Venice in 1614 on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Nationale. Scattered foxing in the text, not affecting plates. From there he travelled through Syria to Persia, where he From the library of Edward Tufte, with his ex-libris. married the Circassian Setti Manni and spent some time Paris (Imprimerie Nationale), 1889. $5,000.00 at the Court of Shah Abbas. He carried on his travels to Herbert, R.L.: ‘A Color Bibliography, II: Additions to the the west coast of India, finally returning to Italy in 1626. Faber Birren Collection of Color’ (Yale University Library The greatest number of letters are dated from Persia.... Gazette, LIII, July 1978), no. 144; Edelstein 2914; Wurm- Ten letters are dated from Constantinople” (Blackmer). A feld: Color Documents 16 very handsome and fresh copy, with the rococo ex-libris throughout of M. Huvier du Mée. 4 Rouen (Robert Machuel), 1745. $4,500.00 DELLA VALLE, PIETRO Cf. (citing various editions): Blackmer 1712; Tobler 95; Voyages de Pietro Della Valle, gentilhomme romain, dans Cox I.273; Wilson p. 234 la Turquie, l’Égypte, la Palestine, la Perse, les Indes Ori- entales, & autres lieux. Nouvelle édition, revuë, corrigée & 5 augmentée. 8 vols. 2 engraved portraits, and 6 copper- EPISTOLAE ET EUANGELIA TOTIUS ANNI engraved plates (of which 5 are plans). Fine contemporary ex praescripto Missalis Romani, sacrosancti Concilii Tri- mottled calf, handsomely gilt at spine. dentini decreto restituti, S. Pii V Pontificis Maximi jussu A later French edition of the work first published in Rome editi, et Clementis VIII primum, nunc denuo Urbani in 1650-1653, written in the form of 54 letters from the Papae Octavi auctoritate recogniti ad majorem Eccle- author to the Neapolitan physician Schipano; the first siarum commoditatem. (8), 276, xlviii pp. Engraved title- French translation appeared in 1661-1664. “The prince of page vignette and frontis.; wood-engraved lettrines all such travellers is Pietro de la Valle, the most insatiate throughout. Portions printed in red and black, including in curiosity, the most intelligent in apprehension, the fullest musical scores. Folio. and most accurate in description” (H. Yule, after Cox). In a very fine and elaborate contemporary Portuguese Della Valle’s journey, undertaken over twelve years, took rococo red morocco binding, the covers richly gilt with him through the Near East, Persia, and India, and, on his centerpieces of floral ornament and interlaced borders on 4 ars libri 7 both covers, and with massive rocaille metal clasps. 7 Raised bands. Inner dentelles, all edges gauffered and LENCKER, HANS gilt, ribbon markers, each finished with a braided knot at Perspectiva. Hierinnen auffs kürtste beschreiben... ein its end. Ex-libris Peter A. Wick. newer besonder kurtzer doch gerechter... weg, wier aller- Antwerpiæ (Ex Architypographia Plantiniana), 1781. ley ding es seyen Corpora Gebew oder was möglich zuer- $6,000.00 dencken und in grund zu legen ist verruckt oder unver- ruckt, ferner in die Perspetyf gebracht werden mag.... 6 (12)pp., XXIX, (1)ff., 1 double-page woodcut plate. Elabo- HORACE [QUINTUS HORATIUS FLACCUS] rate woodcut title-page frame, 10 full-page woodcut illus- Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera. 2 vols. (30), 264, (22), 191, trations and diagrams in text. Fraktur lettrines. 290 x 195 (13)pp. Engraved throughout, with plates, portraits, mm. Lrg. 4to. Modern boards, 3/4 vellum. vignettes and initials by John Pine. 4to. Very fine contem- First edition, “sehr selten geworden” (Thieme-Becker), of porary French dark green morocco gilt, the covers ruled this Kunstbüchlein, one of several important perspective with triple fillets, the spine gilt in compartments with scal- manuals of this kind published in Nuremberg from the lop shells. “Pine’s Horace marks a high point of Augustan mid-century on. Later editions of the book appeared in taste.... Pine’s complete command of his craft makes this 1595 and 1616. the most elegant of English eighteenth-century books in “The Nuremberg perspectivists specialised in the portray- which text and illustrations alike are entirely engraved” al of geometrical bodies, particularly the Platonic solids (Ray). A superb copy. and their derivatives. The impulse for this came not only London (John Pine), 1733. $5,000.00 from Dürer but also from the printed edition of Pacioli’s ‘De Ray, Gordon N.: The Illustrator and the Book in England, Divina proportione’ (1509). The illustrations Leonardo pro- 1790-1914 (New York, 1976), no. 3; Cicognara 1102; vided for Pacioli’s treatise portrayed the geometrical bod- Brunet III.320 ies both in their solid form and in a skeletal manner in such barbaro to broutin 5 a way as to display their complete configuration in 9 space.... A series of Nuremberg authors adopted these MITELLI, AGOSTINO, et al. motifs in their printed books. Augustin Hirschvogel’s A Sammelband of three suites of architectural ornament ‘Geometria’ appeared in 1543, Lorenz Stoer’s ‘Perspecti- by Bolognese artists of the seventeenth century: Agostino va’ in 1556, Wenzel Jamnitzer’s ‘Perspectiva corporum Mitelli, Domenico Santi, and Pietro Beni.
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