Tuesday, May 1st 2008 Volume 12 Issue 7 “Curls for Cancer” Kicks off Cancer Awareness Month By Echo Reporter Three chairs were set up for Jon Ng Mr. Case, Mr. Raabe and Mr. Empathy reigned high Sokol in the centre of the in the wake of the ‘Curls for stage as the audience gazed Cancer’ assembly. This stu- in anticipation. Both Mr. dent led initiative, headed by Raabe and Mr. Sokol had Brian Commons, exceeded their heads shaved by stu- expectations with not only dents which accounted for a the number of donations, but lengthier time on the stage. the number of students and Interestingly, Mr. Sokol staff who sacrificed their hair sported pink hair prior to the to serve as a reminder of the event and finished with a devastation of cancer. What pink Mohawk while his coun- started as one student’s terparts opted for the tradi- yearning to make a difference tional clean shave. In an in- transformed into a medium of spiring twist, two girls, unity for Dr. Charles Best Ashley Taylor and Jannika Secondary and a wealth of Nyberg also supported the money for Children’s cause by chopping off their Hospital.To the sound of locks. Subsequent to the cheers, Brian’s blond curly teachers’ shaving was the hair was held up trium- main event, the head-shav- phantly by his barbers who ing of Brian Commons. A teased the crowd cutting it roaring ovation echoed off strand after strand. Three through the gymnasium as lucky students, Hillary an apron draped Brian sat Fortin Michaela Shim, and down to have his hair the making, was aimed at rais- Mr. Raabe and Mr. Sokol, to Kaylee Soh, were fortunate dren’s Hospital. Therefore, it though 15 days of consecu- buzzed. When the deed was ing awareness as well as shave their heads for the enough to personally snip a seemed to hit much closer to tive surgery managed to re- done, another wave of gathering donations for can- event. Mr. Raabe tentatively piece of Brian’s hair. As one home,” said Commons in re- move the cancerous tu- cheers and applause pro- cer research. The assembly agreed to shave his head if thousand anxious students sponse to why he chose mours, the cancer progressed ceeded in respect for Brian’s opened with Chelsea the science department gazed in awe, the end of an Children’s Hospital as his into her bone marrow one sacrifice. Following the as- Pescitelli, president of Stu- could raise $500 for Brian’s era dawned before their choice for the donations. month before Kayla’s first sembly, students were en- dent Council, reminding the cause; his challenge was not eyes—Brian Commons’ afro “The idea of a child having birthday. At 15 months of couraged to have their heads audience of the thousands of only met, but more than dou- was being snipped off one to suffer through the disease age, cancer took her life. Fol- shaved in front of the school children currently receiving bled as he received an esti- extended strand at a time. For at such a young age, before lowing the slideshow, an evi- to show their support for cancer treatment in Chil- mated $1100 towards cancer years, his peers pondered they are even able to enjoy dently emotional Mr. Case cancer patients and victims dren’s Hospital. Her intro- research. Notable donors to the thought of Brian sans life, is quite sad.” Expections took the microphone. “Can alike. Initially centered on the duction segued into a the science department were hair. His long blond curls had were high as Brian set the bar we bond together as commu- shaving of Brian Commons’ slideshow of Colorado Hazmey Hamish Hamdillah become a marquee trait that at $3000 in donations—a nity? Definitely yes!” he ex- afro, by days end, upwards Springs’ Kayla Weber. We- and Soojee Hahn who do- everyone, even those who threshold that was quickly claimed. He was more than of fifty people, including ber was born with several nated $170 combined. Mr. did not know him, could rec- surpassed through the gen- willing to back up Brian Com- staff and students, shaved tumours in her abdominal Raabe acknowledged this ognize. “If anyone our age erosity of the staff and stu- mons’ ‘Curls for Cancer.’ Mr. their heads to boldly show area—notably around her feat by allowing them to per- was diagnosed with cancer, dents of the school.‘Curls for Case, in fact, managed to per- their support for a noble liver and kidneys. Even sonally shave his head. they would go to BC Chil- Cancer’, an event months in suade two other teachers, cause. page 2 Editorials May 1st, 2008 record executives have opted to kick us in the eardrums yet again. Personally, I find it insulting that these people so underestimate the general intelligence of their audi- ence. However, it’s even more re- volting that some people, however few there may be, actually watch and even, to a certain degree, care Girlicious: about this show. Make no mistake, I am not ranting without a cause, I The Last have seen this show. I spent about five minutes staring at the TV in Straw complete shock, wondering how by Echo columnist anyone involved with a program Devon Henderson called “Girlicious” could take them- Considering that fact that selves remotely seriously. Take a there are few genuinely talented moment and say the title of the musicians left in the modern world, show out loud to yourself: I have developed a certain numb- “Girlicious.” Now please inform me ness when it comes to sub-par of at least three redeeming quali- mainstream “artists.” I graciously ties of the show. And no, stripper put up with American Idol and poles and pink boas don’t count. Making the Band and other non- Given that the show is sup- sense of that variety for a few years. posed to be a “talent” search, it Of course I didn’t watch them, but strikes me as odd that most of the I accepted that these shows were episode is spent on contestants not going to go away and took fighting with each other or saying comfort in the fact that the careers a litany of stupid things in a per- of their contestants would last the sonal confession. In the episode I length of about one Ford commer- watched, I was lucky enough to cial. Although my tolerance for this catch a truly spectacular speech by garbage has become quite high one of the contestants about how over the past couple of years, I think being beautiful is a talent. This girl my patience has finally run out. The was actually dumb enough to stare cause of my distress: Girlicious. into a camera for millions of people For those of you who are and educate us about how hard blessed enough to be unfamiliar she works to look the way she with this travesty of a television does, that not everyone can pull program, Girlicious is a reality off what she does everyday, and show in which contestants of every how she is therefore the most tal- level of mediocrity duke it out for ented girl in existence. For a minute one of three spots in an up-and- there, I really wished I was Mike coming girl group. The aforemen- Teevee from Charlie and the Choco- late Factory so that I could Wonka- tioned girl group will be produced by Echo cartoonist Tara Staples and manufactured by the same vision myself into the television vessels of intellect that brought you and attack her viciously. the Pussycat Dolls. Are these peo- Normally, this is the part of Grad Pranksters Step it Up ple punishing the public purposely? the rant where I would present the by Echo columnist into the food purchasing area and of the senior class has opted to do As if we haven’t been through other side of the argument for the Devon Henderson tie up the unsuspecting cafeteria la- the unthinkable: complete only 79 enough, having to deal with the sake of fairness. Not happening this After two years of abys- dies. At this point, every student that hours of physical activity. Of Pussycat Dolls, these charming time, sorry champ. mally disappointing attempts at walks into the cafeteria will be re- course, every student understands grad pranks, this year’s graduat- warded with a foot-long, yeah that’s what a sacrifice this is. However, ing class of Charles Best Second- right, FOOTLONG Subway sand- we have all accepted a future of Affection for Sale on ary has decided to turn things up wich, courtesy of the class of 2008. morbid obesity in the name of ye a notch. Believe me, once olde grand pranking. All Craig’s List we’ve unleashed the monster the while, every member by Echo columnist Well, perhaps they don’t we have in store, Charles Best of the graduating class Matt Newton whore themselves out over the staff will be begging for the will have sprayed some I am shocked more and more internet? Maybe they see men as days when pranks were as form of cologne and/or by the stupidity of people on a more than credit cards, and know wholesome as releasing perfume on themselves, daily basis. A friend of mine recently that they themselves are more than crickets and chickens in the which is the real kicker in showed me a posting she had hookers! Seriously, offering your building. this whole operation. printed off Craigslist, where a sexuality in exchange for an annual As a starter, we plan Maybe we’re taking woman was offering income… that on infiltrating the cafeteria things too far, but it must herself as a wife to any SCREAMS prostitu- and, in an act of angst-filled be done.
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