4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 January 6, 2009 Olson Rooney Stearns Mrs. TAUSCHER President-elect Obama’s calls for in- Paul Ros-Lehtinen Sullivan Mrs. CAPPS Paulsen Roskam Terry clusiveness are already being put to Pence Royce Thompson (PA) Mrs. BONO MACK the test. He’s called on Congress to Petri Ryan (WI) Thornberry Ms. LEE move quickly and in a bipartisan fash- Pitts Scalise Tiahrt Mr. GARY G. MILLER ion on legislation to help our economy. Platts Schmidt Tiberi Mrs. NAPOLITANO Poe (TX) Schock Turner And at this time of economic anxiety, Posey Sensenbrenner Upton Mr. THOMPSON the American people deserve open de- Price (GA) Sessions Walden Mr. BACA bate and transparency in their Con- Putnam Shadegg Wamp Ms. HARMAN gress—a key ingredient needed to Radanovich Shimkus Westmoreland Mrs. DAVIS Rehberg Shuster Whitfield produce good legislation. And my hope Mr. HONDA Reichert Simpson Wilson (SC) is we will adopt a Rules package for Mr. ISSA Roe (TN) Smith (NE) Wittman the new Congress that encourages Rogers (AL) Smith (NJ) Wolf Mr. SCHIFF transparency and debate and helps en- Rogers (KY) Smith (TX) Young (AK) Ms. SOLIS Rohrabacher Souder Young (FL) sure our institution is accountable to Ms. WATSON NOT VOTING—5 Mr. CARDOZA the people it serves. Boehner Hastings (WA) Rogers (MI) Mr. NUNES Our Nation has faced adversity be- Gutierrez Miller, Gary Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ fore, and we have never failed to meet the challenge. This is because America b 1350 Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN Mr. COSTA is a land of limitless potential, and The CLERK. The tellers agree in Ms. MATSUI when we harness the will of the Amer- their tallies that the total number of Mr. CAMPBELL ican people, commit ourselves to mak- votes cast is 429, of which the Honor- Mr. BILBRAY ing the most of the blessings God has able NANCY PELOSI of the State of Cali- Mr. MCCARTHY bestowed on this great country, and fornia has received 255 votes, and the Mr. MCNERNEY bring all of these gifts to bear on a Honorable JOHN A. BOEHNER of the Ms. RICHARDSON common goal, there is no obstacle that State of Ohio has received 174 votes. Ms. SPEIER we cannot overcome. Therefore, the Honorable NANCY Mr. HUNTER, and America’s potential is unlimited, but PELOSI of the State of California, hav- Mr. MCCLINTOCK government’s potential is not. And we ing received a majority of the votes The committee will retire from the must not confuse the two. cast, is duly elected Speaker of the Chamber to escort the Speaker-elect to We can’t simply spend our way back House of Representatives for the 111th the chair. to prosperity. Our responsibilities as Congress. The Majority Floor Services Chief elected leaders in a flagging economy The Clerk appoints the following announced the Speaker-elect of the is to craft policies that allow our coun- committee to escort the Speaker-elect House of Representatives of the 111th try’s potential to be unleashed. Amer- to the chair: Congress, who was escorted to the ica runs on freedom. It’s the fuel of our The gentleman from Ohio (Mr. chair by the Committee of Escort. economy, and it is the fuel of our de- BOEHNER) Mr. BOEHNER. Madam Speaker, mocracy. The more we spend and the The gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Leader HOYER, fellow Members, and a more we tax, the less freedom we will HOYER) special welcome to our new Members have left. and their families and friends who are The gentleman from South Carolina So we need to take responsible action here today. (Mr. CLYBURN) together to help put our economy back We begin this new Congress at a The gentleman from Virginia (Mr. on a path toward prosperity. The great time of challenge for the Amer- CANTOR) months ahead can be a time of hope ican people. This winter, working fami- The gentleman from Connecticut and renewal in America. The American lies are struggling to pay their bills (Mr. LARSON) people are giving their best. Here in The gentleman from Indiana (Mr. and keep their homes; small businesses Congress, we need to do the same. PENCE) are being forced to choose between cut- Madam Speaker, as we start the new The gentleman from California (Mr. ting jobs and closing their doors; Congress, we stand ready to work with BECERRA) health costs are rising; college savings you and your fellow Democrats for gen- The gentleman from Michigan (Mr. funds and 401(k)s have declined in value uine solutions, for real reforms that MCCOTTER) substantially; parents are deeply wor- put the needs of our country first and And the Members of the California ried about their children’s future. bring the blessings of liberty fully to delegation: I think it’s a time of anxiety for mil- bear on the challenges the American Mr. STARK lions of Americans, some of whom face people face. Mr. GEORGE MILLER economic challenges not seen in this Mr. WAXMAN country for generations. When things In that spirit, it is my privilege to Mr. LEWIS are at their worst for the American present to you the gavel of the 111th Mr. DREIER people, we owe them our best. This Congress. Mr. BERMAN Congress must rise to the occasion. Ms. PELOSI. Thank you very much, Mr. GALLEGLY Two weeks from today, we will inau- Leader BOEHNER. Mr. HERGER gurate a new President. President-elect Together, we welcome the many new Mr. ROHRABACHER Obama has expressed a desire to govern Members of Congress who today join Ms. WATERS from the center and put the needs of the House of Representatives of the Mr. CALVERT our country first. I think all of you United States of America. Congratula- Ms. ESHOO know Washington is a difficult town, tions to all of our new Members and to Mr. FILNER and it won’t always be easy for him to our re-elected Members. Mr. MCKEON do these things. But when our new Your constituents have placed great Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD President extends his hand across the trust in you. Your families have given Mr. ROYCE aisle to do what is right for our coun- you the love and support to make your Ms. WOOLSEY try, Republicans will extend ours in re- leadership possible. Let us join to- Mr. FARR turn. gether now and salute the families of Ms. ZOE LOFGREN During the 111th Congress, Repub- the 111th Congress. Mr. RADANOVICH licans will strive not to be the party of I also want to thank my own family: Mr. SHERMAN opposition, but the party of better so- my husband of 45 years, Paul Pelosi; Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ lutions. and our children, Nancy Corinne, VerDate Mar 15 2010 11:03 Apr 28, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0687 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H06JA9.000 H06JA9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD January 6, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 1 5 Christine, Jacqueline, Paul, and Alex- businesses, their retirement savings, more than 200 years ago, ‘‘a rising not andra; and our grandchildren, Alex- their homes that are facing fore- a setting sun.’’ ander and Madeleine, Liam, Sean, closure, cannot wait any longer for us Today, Cardinal McCarrick honored Ryan, Paulie, and Thomas. to move from the depths of a recession us by asking God’s blessing on our And I also want to acknowledge my to the solid ground of an honest and work. May God bless our work, and brother, Thomas D’Alesandro, the fair prosperity for the many, not just may God continue to bless America. former mayor of Baltimore. the few. Thank you all. I wish to express my appreciation of We need action, and we need action I am now ready to take the oath of the people of San Francisco for grant- now. office as Speaker. Before I call the ing me the privilege of representing Families and children without health Dean of the Congress forward, I want to them and serving them in Congress. care, and millions more who fear losing invite my grandchildren and any other And I thank my caucus. Thank you, coverage or who are facing rising costs, children in the Congress—they’ve Mr. HOYER, Mr. CLYBURN; thank you, cannot afford to wait any longer. asked me can we come up again this Mr. LARSON, for your nomination this We need action, and we need action year. They certainly can. morning. Thank you to the Members of now. Now, it is my privilege to ask the the caucus for granting me the historic States facing financial crises, which Dean of the House of Representatives, opportunity of breaking the marble are threatening the education and the the Honorable JOHN DINGELL of Michi- ceiling and to serve, once again, as the health of our children, the well-being gan, to administer the oath of office. first woman Speaker of the House. of our seniors, and the public safety of Mr. DINGELL then administered the Leader BOEHNER, thank you for your our communities, cannot afford to wait oath of office to Ms. PELOSI of Cali- generous words and for your commit- any longer. fornia, as follows: ment to put country ahead of party. We need action, and we need action Do you solemnly swear that you will Without reservation, let us stand to- now. support and defend the Constitution of gether, not just today, but in the days Our country is challenged by the cli- the United States against all enemies, ahead to live up to that resolve. foreign and domestic; that you will Few Congresses and few Presidents in mate crisis, by the need for energy se- curity, and the need for 21st-century bear true faith and allegiance to the history have been given the responsi- same; that you take this obligation bility and the privilege of serving the infrastructure.
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