BEADED IIBBLS . NaZa VETERAN AND VINTAGE MOTORING JUNE •. J 9 6 7 ~ "HORSELESS CARRIAGE" In 1893 the first gasoline pow ered motorcar in the U nited Sta tes cru ised down the main streets of Springfield, Mass., at a speed of five miles an hour! This car was made by two brothers, Charles E. and J. Frank Duryea. In 1896 Henry Ford drove his first car out. of the machine shop in Detroit. Later, his system of machine-made, interchangeable parts, and assembly line production, put motorcars within the price range of the man-in-the-street, By the beginning of the 20th century, 8,000 motorcars were registered in the United States. These were powered by steam, gasoline or electricity, and even then they did not look much like the original "Horseless Carriage." Some of the law s passed in the early days of the motorcar make us chuckle today. For instance, one community ruled that if a horse refused to pass a motorcar the driver of the car must "take the machine apart .. • and conceal the parts in the grass". In some places motorcars were banned entirely, and angry farmers guarded their livestock with shotguns against these "contraptions of the devil." It is easy to see that early motorists were indeed brave pioneers, often running risks that would be hard to imagine today, for they also had to contend with the discomfort of rough roads, open driving seats and temperamental engines. T'imes. have changed and those first motoring enthusiasts would be the first to ' appreciate the advances made both in car and tyre design since the exciting, stimulating days of the "Horseless Carriage." FIRESTONE Tyres, since the earliest days of motoring, have set the standard of reliability, economy and safety. Today's motorist, like his father and grandfather before him, looks to Firestone for EXTRA mileage and EXTRA reliability. Bead ed Wheds is the vo ice of th e Vintag e Car M ov ement in N ew Zealand an d of the Cl ubs w hose effor ts are fostering and ever wide ning the in terest in this m ovem ent an d form rallying po int s fo r that eve r increasing band of enthusiasts. The fascination of ag e itself or revulsion [rom th e fla shy m edi ocrity of our present day is d rawing an incr easing num ber of m otorists bac k to the indi viduality, solid worth , and fu nct ional elegance that was demanded by a more discriminating ge neratu.n and it is to these that we dedicate- BEADED WHEELS VO L. XII, No. 50 j U I\'E, 1967 " BEADED WHEEL S" DIRECTORY OF Bead ed Wh eels is Published VINTAGE CAR CLU B'S OFFICERS Quarterly by the Na tiona l Execu tive: President, A. A. Anderson (Christ­ VINTAGE CAR C LUB OF N.Z.I N C. churc h ); C lub Ca ptain, A. K. ' '''right (Wa nganui); 20 HACK T HO RN E ROAD Vice C lub Ca ptain and Edit or " Beaded Wheels", Mollie Anderson (Christchurch ); Committee, N. C. Adarns CHRIST CHURCH, 2, N EW Z EALAND (Auckland ), R. Ha sell (Christchurch ), J. B. Loughn an Yearl y Subscription 10/- post free. (Christchurch ), L. B. Sout hward (Wellington) . Individual copies 2/ 6 each. Auckland Branch: Chairman , H. D enton ; Secretary, H . D. Editor: Mrs M . J. ANDERSON. Kidd, r .o. Box 3382. Assistant Ed itors: Bay of Plenty Branch: Cha irma n, J. Hoven; Secreta ry, G. B WYC I·IER LEY & M. POYNTON. Cap per, T riton Avenu e, M t. Maunganui. Copy mu st be typed on one side of paper Canterbury Branch: Chairman, T .D. Clements; Secretary, and sent to the Editor, 20 Hack thorne N. C. Skevington, Box 5, Belfast. Road , Chri stch ur ch. H awke's Bay Branch : Cha irma n, Mr K . R. R ieper ; Secre­ tary, M rs 13 . K clly, 307 Frederick Street, H astings. Mana watu Branch: Cha irma n, D. Barker ; Secretary, H . C. COp y FOR SEPTEMBER ISSU E B. Wyeherl ey, Box 385, Palmcrston No rt h. CLO SES AUGUST 15th, 1967 Marlborough Bran ch: Chai rma n, C. Patchett; Secretary, j. D. Filmic, 114 M uller Road , Blenh eim . IN THIS ISSUE Page Nelson Branch: Chai rman, D. K ing; Secretary, M r D. P. An Enjoyable Motor Tour 2 Pickering, 28a Kingsley Place, Richmond , Ne lson. North Ot ago Branch: Cha irma n, VV. Mi tchcll; Secreta ry, Road T est 11 J R. E. M urr ay, T he Ridges, I H .R.D., O amarn . South Island Easter Rall y 14 Northland Bran ch: Ch airma n, L. K. Wright; Secretary, Mrs National V. & V. ~lot or c ycl e Rally 16 C. J Dr iver, 10 Ca rncron Street, K aikohe. Cam era R eview 18 and 19 O tago Branch: Cha irman , R. E. N.Oaklcy; Secreta ry, H . J Nationa l Nattering 20 Wilkinson, 70 Pacific St reet, Roslyn, Dunedin. South Cantebury Bran ch: Chairma n, J ;1'1. Sullivan; Sccrc­ North Island East er Rally 21 t;ry, E. R. Robins, Sutherlands R. D., Pleasant Point, Branch Notes - Sout h Cante rbury. Northern Natter 23 Southland Bran ch: C hairman, A. D. Cascy: Secreta rv, N. M cMillan, 146 T an ner Street, In vercargill. ' South Canterbury 23 Taranaki Branch: Cha irman, J Castle; Secretar y, D. Moore, Southland 24 582 Carrington Road, New Plymo uth. Wellin gton 24 Waikato Branch: Cha irman, T. Bear; Secretary, L. H. Death, Ca nterbury 25 1'.0. Box 924, H amilton. T ar an aki 26 Wanganui Branch: Cha irma n, A. P. T onks; Secreta ry, Mr B. T . Deighton, p.a. Box 726, Wan gan ui. H awk e's Bay 27 Wellington Branch: Cha irma n, J Dransllcld ; Sec reta ry, K. O tago 27 G. Wilk inson, 78 Coast Road, Wainuiomata. Austin 7 T our 27 Whangar ei Branch : Chairma n, T . G. Royan; Secreta ry, P. Lett ers to Editor 32 j. Colema n, 28 T uhangi St reet , K amo, Whangarci. C lassified Advertisement s 34 A ll correspond ence to th e C lub S ecretary, E. A'. Bailey, p.a . Box 2546, Ch ristc h. urch , One of the finest resorations in recen t yea rs. GeOl'g-e Topliss and fa mily with Adv ertising e nq uir ies t ~) he a ddressed to . the Ad ve rti sin g Ma nager, 20 Hackth ornc Road, Ch ristchurch, 2. Published bv Vintage Car Club of their 20 h.p, Rolls-Royce which won t he "',Z . I ncor pora ted and printed by Simpsou & Willi'a ms L ld .• 169 St. Asa ph St re et , Ole-istchurch , N ew .Zcala ml. Re g istered at the C .P.O. ' Vcllillgto n, Vintage Concours at B1 enh eim. for tra ns mr ssro n as a magazm c, etc , An Enjoyable Motor Tour W e make no apologies for doin g reprints and wen t on to Hamilton and stayed there when th ey are as fascina ting as this on e! for the night. Leaving Hamilton at 8.40 This article appeared in th e N .Z. M otor and a.m. next morning we arrived at Rotorua Cycl e Journal for M ay I S, 1905, and it has in time for lun ch, having had to stop a t been brough t to our atten tion by the daugh­ the foo t of t he Mamaku plateau to repair ters of Mr ]. A . iVlood y w ho was one of the a puncture'. part'),'. M r Mood » was a m ost remarkable After taking in a supply of benzine to ma'; and one tuhos e m ot orin g career is in take us to Napier, we left Rotorua at 2.30 many ways syn on ymous ui.tli motoring itself p.m. for Wai rakei, but we again had con­ holding, as he did, th e seco nd dri oin g licence siderable trouble with the punctured tyre, euer issued in Auckl and. W e hope to be but reached Wairakei in time for dinner, able to give furth er stories of th e career of We left Wairakei at 8.40 a.m. next' morn­ th is great enthusiast from th e pen of his ing, and before rea ching Tarawera our daughters in lat er issues; m ean while let this tro ublesome tyre blew out making a gap 6 sto ry spea k [or itsclf- inches long in th e cover. This we had to Our party, cons isting- of 1\111' and lVII's replace with a Continental cover- a cover W. B. Leyland and lVIr and lVII's J. A. stiff to put on when new at any tjme­ Moody, had for some time contemplated a but as this' was 10 m.m. too sm all for t he tour from Au ckland to the Bluff, intend­ wheel we had to wr estle fully an hour and ing- to take two ca rs, viz., Mr Moody's 12 a half before we were able to proceed to h.p, Darracq a nd Mr Leyland's 15 h.p. our lunch at Taraw era. After punishing Darracq. Bu siness engagements made it or rather doing good justice to a good somewhat difficul t to fix our time of de­ lun ch, we left Taraw era for Napier. Be­ parture, but event ually we star ted very tw een Tarawera and Puhoi the mountain hurriedly taking- onl y one car-i-Mr Ley­ scenery is exceptionally grand, and as our land's 15 h.p.
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