New York State Branding Overview, Guidelines and Architecture Revised 03/31/15 NEW YORK STATE BRAND GUIDELINES 2 Table of Contents NEW YORK STATE BRAND GUIDELINES New York State Branding Overview 2.20 Legacy logos in restricted space: schematic of endorsing agency lock-ups Guidelines Impact Summary 2.21 Examples of when a legacy logo is not endorsed New York State Brand Guidelines and Architecture 2.22 Legacy logo endorsement of a sub-program or initiative lock-up Introduction to Brand Guidelines 2.23 Schematic of a legacy logo endorsing a sub-program Example of a legacy logo endorsing a sub-program Glossary Of Terms 2.24 2.25 Schematic of a multiple legacy logo endorsement 1. New York State Brand Elements 2.26 Example of multiple legacy logos endorsement 1.1 The New York State brand mark 2.27 Third party logo endorsement 1.2 The New York State identifier 2.28 Examples of third party logo endorsement 1.3 New York State brand mark and identifier clear space and minimum size 2.29 Stationery 1.4 NY State brand mark don’ts 2.30 Stationery with legacy logos 1.5 NY State identifier don’ts 2.31 Stationery with legacy logos when endorsed by an agency 1.6 Core colors and tints for NY State 2.32 Example of stationery 1.7 Core primary color palette 2.33 Example of buisness cards 1.8 Core secondary color palette 2.34 Email signature 1.9 NY State brand mark color variations and backgrounds 2.35 Example of an email signature 1.10 NY State identifier color variations and backgrounds 2.36 Web 1.11 Core typography 2.37 Example of the NY State identifier and brand mark agency lock-up 1.12 Typography style 2.38 Branding in social media 1.13 Replacement fonts 2.39 Branding in video communications 1.14 Replacement fonts style 1.15 Naming conventions for programs and initiatives 3. The Great Seal of the State of New York, the Coat of Arms and Governor’s Endorsement 2. New York State Agencies and Authorities: 3.1 The Great Seal of the State of New York, and the Coat Of Arms Groupings and Architecture 3.2 The New York Coat of Arms and agency lock-ups 2.1 New York State agencies and authorities groupings 3.3 The New York Coat of Arms and multiple agency lock-ups 2.2 Color coding for the organizational groupings 3.4 Example of the New York Coat of Arms and agency lock-up NY State architecture: Introducing endorsement systems and sample lock-ups 3.5 Governor’s endorsement 2.3 NY State brand architecture 3.6 Governor’s endorsement examples 2.4 How to build NY State brand mark/agency lock-ups 2.5 Architecture and sample entity lock-ups 4. New York State Secondary Brand Elements 2.6 NY State brand mark/agency lock-up and color variations 4.1 The diversity holding shape 2.7 Single agency endorsement 4.2 The progress holding shape 2.8 Example of a single agency endorsement 4.3 Photography style 2.9 Endorsement of an entity owned by an agency, authority or office 4.4 Photography usage 2.10 Example of an endorsed entity owned by an agency, authority or office 4.5 Charts and graphs 2.11 Building multiple agency lock-ups 4.6 Iconography 2.12 Schematic of an endorsed entity and multiple agency lock-up 4.7 Branding application in real world situations 2.13 Example of an endorsed entity and multiple agency lock-up 4.8 Branding application in real world situations dont’s 2.14 Color selection for multiple agency lock-up 4.9 Example of PowerPoint slides 2.15 Legacy logos: agency and program logos that will remain intact and endure 4.10 Example of alternative PowerPoint slides 2.16 Schematic of a legacy logo endorsement primary option 4.11 Example of trade show displays 2.17 Example of a legacy program logo endorsement 4.12 Design layouts in real world situations 2.18 Example of a legacy agency logo endorsement 4.13 Identity guidelines ensure a consistent look and feel across NY State communications 2.19 Legacy logos in restricted space: endorsing agency lock-ups 5. Guidelines Commitment NEW YORK STATE BRAND GUIDELINES 3 New York State Branding Overview NEW YORK STATE BRAND GUIDELINES 4 The Opportunity New York State has the opportunity to accrue the benefits that come from a clear, consistent and accurate representation of itself. We will accomplish this through the creation and management of our brand across all agencies, authorities and programs and on all of their respective pieces of communication. Benefits of Branding for New York State t$POTJTUFOUHSBQIJDBQQSPBDI t.PSFFʹFDUJWFNFTTBHJOH t.PSFFʺDJFOUNBUFSJBMTDSFBUJPO t#FUUFSAADVTUPNFSFYQFSJFODFBOEFOIBODFETFSWJDFEFMJWFSZ Our Approach t3FTFBSDIESJWFO t*OQVUGSPNSFTJEFOUT CVTJOFTTPXOFST MFBEFSTBOEUPVSJTUT t$PMMBCPSBUJPOBDSPTTBHFODJFT NEW YORK STATE BRAND GUIDELINES 5 New York State Brand Platform NY State The idea Brand we want to convey Promise STATE OF OPPORTUNITY NY State The personality we want to project. Brand INSPIRING: a leader, compelling, motivating Personality DYNAMIC: energetic. always on AUTHENTIC: true to beliefs, keeps promises COMPASSIONATE: attuned to the needs of others NY State The perceptions Brand PROGRESSIVE THINKING: NYS believes in leading change we build on Values DIVERSITY: NYS believes that diferences, creativity, and originality enrich RESILIENCE: NYS believes in never giving up, never giving in NEW YORK STATE BRAND GUIDELINES 6 Guidelines Impact Summary t New York State brand logo will be mandatory for agency and/or program communications. t /PBHFODZ QSPHSBNPSJOJUJBUJWFXJMMVTFPSDSFBUFJUTPXOMPHPXJUIUIFGPMMPXJOHFYDFQUJPOT /:4UBUF-PUUFSZ .5" *-/: 4UBSU6Q/:5IFTFMFHBDZMPHPTXJMMTUJMMCFSFRVJSFEUPDPCSBOE their materials and follow all other branding guidelines. t 1"/:/+ 46/:BOE4UBUF&EVDBUJPO%FQBSUNFOUTBSFFYFNQUGSPNCSBOEJOHHVJEFMJOFT t 5IF(SFBU4FBMPGUIF4UBUFPG/:XJMMCFTUBOEBSEJ[FEBOEBWBJMBCMFGPSVTFPOMZCZUIF (PWFSOPSTPʺDFPSXJUIQFSNJTTJPOPGUIF4FDSFUBSZPG4UBUF5IF$PBUPG"SNTXJMMCFVTFE only for legal documents (e.g., registration, etc.). t 5IF(PWFSOPSTPʺDFXJMMIBWFBEJTUJODUJWFTFUPGHVJEFMJOFTBOEUFNQMBUFTGPSFYDMVTJWFVTF UPDPNNVOJDBUF(PWFSOPSTPʺDFJOJUJBUJWFT t 5IFSFBSFOJOFBHFODZHSPVQJOHTXIJDITIPVMEEFmOFUBYPOPNZJOBMMFOUFSQSJTFJOJUJBUJWFT t &BDIHSPVQJOHBOEUIFBHFODJFTXJUIJOFBDIHSPVQJOHIBWFBOBTTPDJBUFEDPMPSQBMFUUF NEW YORK STATE BRAND GUIDELINES 7 The New York State Brand Guidelines and Architecture NEW YORK STATE BRAND GUIDELINES 8 Introduction to the Brand Guidelines What brand guidelines are #SBOEHVJEFMJOFTBSFBTFUPGWJTVBMBOEWFSCBMBTTFUTUIBUBSFFTTFOUJBMQSPQFSUJFTPGUIF/FX:PSL4UBUFCSBOE BDDPNQBOJFE by a set of rules on how to properly use and combine the assets. What a brand architecture is "CSBOEBSDIJUFDUVSFJTBTFUPGSVMFTHPWFSOJOHIJFSBSDIJFTBOESFMBUJPOTIJQTGPSUIFTUBUFBOEJUTBHFODJFT programs and initiatives. Insuring a consistent look and feel 5IFTFHVJEFMJOFTBSFEFTJHOFEOPUUPDVSCDSFBUJWJUZXIFOSFQSFTFOUJOH/FX:PSL4UBUFBOEPSUIFFOUJUJFTPG/:4UBUF CVU SBUIFSUPQSPWJEFBVOJGZJOHDPOUFYUGPSDSFBUJWJUZTPUIBUJOEJʹFSFOUNBUFSJBMTQSPEVDFECZEJʹFSFOUJOEJWJEVBMTUIF/FX:PSL State brand and architecture retain their integrity. Your responsibilities #ZGBNJMJBSJ[JOHZPVSTFMGXJUIUIFTFHVJEFMJOFTBOEGPMMPXJOHUIFN ZPVBSFGVMmMMJOHZPVSQBSUJOIFMQJOHUIF/FX:PSL4UBUFCSBOE SFNBJOGPDVTFETPUIBUJUTUBZTUSVFUPJUTFMGBOEnPVSJTIFT5IJTJTBHSFBUSFTQPOTJCJMJUZ BOEXFUIBOLZPVGPSIPOPSJOHJU NEW YORK STATE BRAND GUIDELINES 9 Glossary of Terms Anchor line:5IFWFSUJDBMPSIPSJ[POUBMMJOFVTFEJOMPDLVQTUIBUTFQBSBUFTPOFFOUJUZGSPN Holding shape:"HFPNFUSJDDPOmHVSBUJPOUIBUQSPWJEFTBTQBUJBMDPOUFYUJOXIJDIWJTVBM another (e.g. an agency from one of its programs); or the line that anchors an agency or BOEPSWFSCBMFMFNFOUTBSFDPOUBJOFE PSiIFMEw5IFTFTIBQFTBSFJOUFOEFEUPFOTVSF program/initiative in a piece of communication in the absence of an endorsing entity. (See consistency of how visual or verbal information is presented in media so that communi QBHFGPSBOFYBNQMF DBUJPOTGSPNBOZBHFODZ PʺDFPSQSPHSBNVOEFSUIFQVSWJFXPG/:4UBUFIBWFBGBNJMJBM SFTFNCMBODF5IFZBSFTDBMBCMFBOEEFTJHOFEUPBDDPNNPEBUFBWBSJFUZPGDPMPS UFYUBOE Architecture:5IFIJFSBSDIZBOESFMBUJWFSFMBUJPOTIJQTUIBUEFmOFIPX/FX:PSL4UBUF WJTVBMTGPSDSFBUJWJUZBOEnFYJCJMJUZJOEFTJHO 4FFQBHFGPSFYBNQMFT BOEJUTWBSJPVTFOUJUJFTWJTVBMMZBQQFBSUPHFUIFSJODPNNVOJDBUJPOT5IFBSDIJUFDUVSFIBT TFWFSBMMFWFMT XIFSF-FWFM /:4UBUF JTUIFQSJNBSZHPWFSOJOHFOUJUZJOWJTVBMEJTQMBZ5IF Iconography:5IFVTFPGTJNQMFTUZMJ[FE JMMVTUSBUFEJNBHFTUPSBQJEMZDPOWFZUIFMPDBUJPO entities on levels successively below are assigned visual governance status as secondary PSJOUFOUJPOPGJOGPSNBUJPO5IFTFBSFPGUFOTFFOPOiCVUUPOTwGPSTNBSUQIPOFTBOETJHOT -FWFM UFSUJBSZ -FWFM BOETPPO5IF/:4UBUFCSBOEBSDIJUFDUVSFIFMQTHVJEFBOE &YBNQMFTJODMVEFUIFJNBHFPGBDMPDLGBDFUPTJHOJGZBUJNFSFMBUFENBUUFSUIFJNBHFPGB streamline the appearance of all entities under the purview of the state. shopping cart to signify a purchase; or the image of a back arrow to signify navigation. (See QBHFGPSBOFYBNQMF Color palette:"TFUPGBQQSPWFEDPMPSTUPCFVTFEXIFOSFQSFTFOUJOHUIF/:4UBUFCSBOE as well as the nine groupingsof agencies and initiatives. Lock-up:)PXEJʹFSFOUFMFNFOUT DPMPS TIBQF UZQF UBHMJOF PSEJʹFSFOUFOUJUJFT /:4UBUF BHFODJFT QSPHSBNT JOUFHSBUFBTBVOJU5IFTFDBOCFNPOPMPDLVQT XIFSFPOMZPOFFO Endorsement: How one entity in the state government visually supports or sponsors UJUZJTSFQSFTFOUFEEVPMPDLVQT XIFSFUXPFOUJUJFTBSFSFQSFTFOUFEJOBmYFESFMBUJPOTIJQ BOPUIFSJODPNNVOJDBUJPOT*USFQSFTFOUTBIJFSBSDIZPGFOUJUJFT XIFSFUIFSFBSFTFDPOEBSZ UPFBDIPUIFSBOENVMUJQMFMPDLVQT XIFSFUISFFPSNPSFFOUJUJFTBSFSFQSFTFOUFEJOB BOEPSUFSUJBSZFOUJUJFTUIBUBSFFOEPSTFECZBQSJNBSZFOUJUZ5IJTJTSFQSFTFOUFEWJTVBMMZ mYFESFMBUJPOTIJQUPFBDIPUIFS 4FFQBHFGPSBOFYBNQMF JOUIFBSDIJUFDUVSFTZTUFN TFFEFmOJUJPOBCPWF "OiFOEPSTJOHFOUJUZwJTIJHIFSVQJOUIF BSDIJUFDUVSFUIBOBOiFOEPSTFEFOUJUZw5IFIJHIFTUFOUJUZJOUIFBSDIJUFDUVSFJT/:4UBUF
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