THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON EUGENE, OREGON FACULTY and STUDENT DIRECTORY 1928-1929 PRICE 25 CENTS PUBLISHED BY THE ASSOCIATED 8TUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON GRADUATE MANAGER'S OFFICE STUDENTS' BUSINESS GUIDE Bristow's Jewelry Store, At the Big Street Clock.. ._ ..712 Brunswick and Victor Records, Laraway's, 970 Wlllamette __ _ 1 Chase Gardens Florist, Flowers for All Occasions, 67 E. Broadway 650 College Side Inn, Ye Campa Shoppe, Reservations_ __ _. __ 141 Co.·op Store, U. of 0., Student Supplies, 13th and Kincaid.. _ 272 Crown Drug Co., James H. Baker, '24, Miner Bldg 146 DeN effe's, Coil ege Men's Wear, 1022 Willamette _2124-J E. E. Wyatt Inc., Super Service Stations, Broadway and Olive _2240 El ectric Cleane rs, 856 0 Iive.. __.. ._ ._ 300 E I.lge ne CI eaners, 245 E. Broadway __ __ 75 Eugene Guard, 1037 Willamette _. .. __ . __ ._ ..1200 Eugene Hotel, Broadway and Pearl __ .. __ __ .. __ __ .. 2000 Eugene Printing Co., 1047 Wi \Iamette.. __ __ .. .148 Everything In Music, Sherman Clay & Co., 61 W. Broadway__ __ ..862 Fi II ing Stati0 n, "5c Hamburgers 0 uI' Specia Ity" __ 293-W Ford & Sul'livan Billiard Parlor, 962 Willamette __· __ ._ 1694 Graham's, In Eugene It's Graham's for Shoes _._.. __ __ 1072 Graham's, "Where Callege F01 k Buy Footwear" .. __ .1 072 "Hal" White Electric Company, 878 Willamette __ .. .. 254 Hoffman Hotel, Broadway and Willamette . 1695 Independence Creamery, Wild Rose Dairy Products _.. .. __ ..759 J. C. Penney 'Company, 942·946 Willamette _. 278 Jensen Garage (Open All Night), 11th &. Oak _ 515 Koke-Chapman Company, Printing of Ql.lality, 75 W 8th _. .. _.. __ .. __ 103 Lee·Duke Cafe.. 549 Lee-Duke Cafe, 845 Willamette _ .. __ _ 549 . Lemon "0" Pharmacy, 13th and Alder _ _.. 1522 McKillop's Candy Store, Home Made Candies Our Specialty, 1139 Will..2416 McMorran &. Washburne, Oregon's Largest Store Outside of Portland..2700 Millers Shoe Shop, "Workmanship and Material Guaranteed," 43 W 8A75.W Model Beauty Shop, "Across from Rainbow," 817 Willamette_ 2362 Morning Register, 941 Oak.. _ __ 1700 New Service Laundry (Dry Cleaning), 839 Willamette _ 825 Office Machinery & Supply Co, Typewriters, 1047 Willamette 148 Oregana, Hcme Made Candies, 796 E 11th.. _.. __. 928 Paul D. Green, Stcre For Men __.. __ .." __. .. 291 Peter Pan Cafe and Confectionery, 966 Willamette 1096 Ragan &. Bowman, "men's wear," 825 Willamette.. .. 833 Raup's Flower Shop, "Say It with Flowers," 998 Willamette.. __ . __.. 616 Seth Laraway, Dependable Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, 885 Will. ...50 Skeie!s Jewelry Store, 927 Wi Ilamette _.. .411 The Anchorage, Luncheon, Dinners &. Fountain "By the Millrace" 30 The Broadway, Inc., Ready-to-Wear and Dry Goods, 30 E. Broadway_ 674 The Price Shoe Co., "Shoes and Hosiery," 782 Willamette ._ ....... 854 Underwood and EIII ot, Grccerles, Del icatessen, 13th and Patterso n_ 95 University Florist, 598 East 13th, Flowers for Every 'Purpose 654 University Grccery, Fruit, Vegetables and Pastry, 790 E 11th 926 Un iversity Pharmaey, 11 th and A Ider, StUdents' Drug Store. __ 114 University Tailor, For Men and Women, 1128 Alder _ 1247 Wade Brothers, "Men's Clothes," 873 W i 11~"'ette -..-- ..-.-------- --.422 ( DEPARTMENTS AND SCHOOLS A. S. U. O. Student and Faculty Directory Animal Biology (Mr. Moore, Mr. Yocom, Mr. Hue.tis, Mr. Main) ········..·····901 Architecture and Allied Arts (Dean Lawrence, Mr. Adam., Mr. Willcox, Mr. Brown, OFFICE TELEPHONES Alumni Secretary (Miss Calkins) ...........................................................................•............1598 ~~~1;}~~:!~~~~~~~~~~j~~~;~~~~~i:~~~~~~)::~:::~:::::~~~:~:::~~~.::.::~::~~~~:::~~~~~:~~~~:~~~~~.{{~ Assocbat1 ~tu~nts (Mr( McKeown, Miss Webster) ................•...........................................2480 Sculpture (Mr. Camden, Mr. Barrett, Miss Towers) 1602-J ra ua e anager Mr. Benefiel) 2480 Appointment Bureau 1441 Biology (See Animal and Plant) Business Administration (Dean Faville, Mr. Fowler, Mr. Johnston, Mr. Bond, Mr. BUBin;ss ~Tce: dC~h~~~. and Bookkeeping Department 408 Moser, Mr. Burrell, Mr. Stillman, Mr. Brown, Mr. Rae, Mi•• Bailey) 1128 ayro s an u 1 mg Department .408 (Mr. Thacher) 2263·J Co-op Store (Mr. McClain, Mrs. Hadley) 272 Chemistry (Mr. Stafford, Mr. Shinn, Mr. William.) 405 Comptroller's Ofllce (Mr. Johnson) 408 College of Literature, Science and the Arts (Dean Gilbert) ························1597 Correspondence Study Department (Mr. Dan E. Clark) 990 Economics (Mr. Erb, Mr. Morris, Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Norman) 1128 Dean of Men (Mr. Shirrell) , 2331 (Dean Gilbert) 1597 Dean of Women (Miss Prutsman, Acting Dean) 991 Education (Dean Sheldon, Mr. DeBusk, Mr. Bossing, Mr. Huffaker, Mr. Stetson, 4 Depot and Postofllce (Mr. McKinzey) , 610 univ:':ityT;;~~~)S~h~·~i'·(i'i~:..M~·~;~i·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·.::·.::::::::::·.:·.:::·.::::·.·.·.:::::i:-.N0.} Director of Halls of Residence (Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Wilshire) 69 Englisb (Mr. Boyer) 540-J Emer~1£;~o~d(~~~si~~nabdBusiness Manager (Mr. Hammond, Mr. Thielen) 1895 Villard Hall (Mr. WiIliam.on, Miss Burge.s, Mr. Howe, Miss Perkin., Mr. Ernst, Mr. Moll, Mr. Smith. Mr. Lesch, Mr. Lewis, Mr. Shumaker) 1595-J News Staff : .. ~~~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J~~ Employment and Housing, Secretary of (Mr•. Donnelly) 1037, 1038 ~:::j~r:1~a~~;:.):ZZ:·t~~.::~:~i~~i;i~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:HJ Engin;~~h~MM.o~rrf~~)E~~~g~;;~i~·~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::25\08~} Extension Division (Mr. Powers, Mr. Dan E. Clark, Mr. Gentle, Mr. Beattie, Miss Executive Secretary (Mr. Onthank) 27 Hair, Mrs. Kilpatrick, Miss Kent) 990 Portland Exension (Mr. Powers, Mrs. Sharp) portland, Atwater 2919 Extension Di~iBion. (Dean Powers, Mr. Dan E. Clark, Mr. Beattie, Mr. Gentle, Miss HaIr, MISS Kent, Mr•. Kilpatrick, Miss Guiley) 990 Geology (Mr. Warren Smith, Mr. Hodge, Mr. Packard) 1832-W German (Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Krem,>r, Mr. Reinhardt) ··..· 804-W ~~:~~~~~:;:~~;::;..._~:~~;:~:::::::~~~~:::;::::::;:;:::;;~;::~.:::::::;;;:;~;;~;;:;;;;:::::;;;:;.:::.:::;:;;; ~;;;.:;;;;~.;i~;~ History (Mr. R. C. Clark, Mr. ;Blue, Mr. Walter Barnes, Mr. Fish) __ 1128 Health Service (Drs. Miller, Romig, Osborne) 713 Household Arts (Miss Tingle, Miss Daigh, Mrs. Fish) ·..·· 540-W Journalism (Dean Allen, Mr. Turnbull, Mr. Ford, Mr. Godfrey, Mr. Ellswortb) 1600 i~~: ~~~11h~~)··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::22:3~} Latin (~~:. ~~~~e;;k~)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::._::::::::2:5~ Law School (Dean Carpenter, Mr. Harper, Mr. Gavit, Mr. Howat:d, Mr. Rosson, Mr. Spencer) __ __ __ 804-J Math~~ti~ri}l:~: ~~?~u2vi·~:··M~:·H;~k·~:··M~.-·C~~~i·~;)·:·.·.-.::·.·.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.::..: .-...-.-.-.::..: ::::::::.:::::::::~~~:~ Fanny··if~C~~~;;t· ii:·~~d··R~~id~~t) Susan 6'ampbell Hall (Mi.s .. ..·····..············· 8362gg Mechanics and Astronomy (Mr. E. H. McAllister) · 190 Students :................ .. ·..·····..······..··············1317 Military Science (Major Barker, Captain Bragg, Captain Moore, Lieutenant Herbert) 957 Thacher Cottage (Mrs. Lettie Mowrey Head Resident) ···· ········· ············832 R Music (Dean Landsbury, Mrs. Beck, Mrs. Clark, Mr. Evans, Mr. Ferris, Mr. Hopkins, Mme. McGrew, Mr. Siefert. Mrs. Thacher, Mr. Underwood, Mrs. Underwood, Mr. Artau, Mr. Bryson, Miss Little, Mrs. Hay) 929 ~~~~~n~.e~;~ M·~i'i~~·)·.·._·.·.::·._._·:: 2 ~:3~ PhiIO'(';,r;'y'I ) :::.:::::.::: ::..:.._.:.._._._._._._._._._._._.._.._._._._._._._._._ ._._._._:._._ .._.:.._._ ._ ._. i: Physical Education (Dean Bovard) 1596 Men (Mr. Scott, Mr. Widmer, Mr. Abercrombie, Mr. Hermance) 576-J Women (Miss Alden, Miss Waterman, Miss Thomson, Miss Hodges, Miss Hill, Miss Gove, Miss Troemel) 679 Athletics (Mr. Earl, Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Everett) __ · ····..·..1811 (Mr. Le.lie, Mr. Reinhart, Captain McEwan, Mr. Hayward) __ 1825·W Athletic Field -- ---- 1678-J Health Service (Drs. Miller, Romig, O.bome) .. __ ·__ ······..· __ ·······713 Physics (Mr. E. D. McAllister, Mr. Caswell) ··· ··· ·····590.J Plant Biology (Mr. Sweetser, Miss Taylor) __ __ ..__ 901 POlitit:ir.S~~~~r~IWr:~~~~.~t:.~.r:..~c~~~~cl1~r~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::~20343f Psychology (Mr. Conklin, Mr. Crosland, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Seashore) 1602·W Romance Languages (Mr. Bowen, Mr. Cloran, Mr. Wright, Miss Thompsqn, Mr. Row- botham, Miss Crane, Miss Pipes, Mr. Centeno, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Le Grand, Mr. Detling) __ 804-W Sociology (Dean Young, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Mueller) ·..···..· ··1393.J 3 2 A. S. U. O. DIRECTORY Staff UNIVERSITY STAFF RESIDENCE PHONES The arbitrary marks after some names represent the number of ladies in the household, the asterisk (*) a wife (or husband), and the daggers (to other adult women. Faculty and Student Directory A Abercrombie, Edward F, * Ass't Professor of Physical Education, 751 E 14th. Adams, Percy P, Professor of Graphics, 1836 Alder. 1928-29 606-W 2239-W Alden, Florence D, t Director, Dep't of Phys Education for Women, 1282 E 18th. 561-J Allen, Eric W, * Dean, School of Journalism, 2239 Birch Lane. 2970 Allison, Harold W, Graduate Assistant in Economics, Gamma Hall, Room 49. 688 Andrew, Bessie Joyce, rreacb Fellow in Animal BioI, Hendricks Hall. Artau, Louis P, School of Music, 1870 Agate. 1910 Ash, Grace, Grad Ass't in Arch & A A, 1335 Onyx. 1666 Assenheimer, Mrs Edna, Instructor in UH S, 577 E 13th, No 4. 2492·W Avakian, Victoria,
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