Volume 25 Part 3 2007 SO Report: The Use or Abuse of the EPBC Act ? Update on TPAG recovery programs for threatened flora in the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges NCSSA Annual Surveys 1966 to 2006 THE NATURE CONSERVATION SOCIETY OF SOUTH Xanthopus Volume 25, Part 3 Spring 2007 AUSTRALIA INC. Page 2 Around NCSSA NCSSA major 2007 Annual Survey - cemeteries in obligations under the Native Vegetation concerns include the South-east of South Australia Act and EPBC Act. The survey will be carried out over a long • Native vegetation, Cemeteries form an important part of a threatened species and precious remnant network of natural long Weekend – Thursday 27th September habitats habitat in many agricultural regions where to Monday 1st October. • Protecting all forms of virtually all native vegetation has been IF you would like help with life (biodiversity) on cleared. This is particularly the case for • land and in the oceans Vegetation surveys the South-East of South Australia which • Bird surveys • Park dedication, has been identified by the Australian Contact the office on 8223 6301 or email management and Government as a National Biodiversity legislation [email protected] ‘Hotspot’, identifying the region as one • Education about rich in plant and animal species, Office premises situation biodiversity to all sections of the particularly for endemic species, that is As most members would be aware (and as community under immediate threat from impacts such per the recent article in the Xanthopus as land clearing, development pressures, Autumn 2007 edition), our building at 120 • Cooperation with Wakefield Street, Adelaide was sold as 2nd other conservation salinity, weeds and feral animals. At a March this year. At present we have a lease- groups state and national level the significant back arrangement with the new owner until natural values of cemeteries are being 1st March 2008 to allow us time to find increasingly recognised (eg Robertson alternative accommodation. Inside this issue: 2000). Since March our Management Committee This project funded by a Native and staff have been investigating a range of Around NCSSA 2 Vegetation Fund Grant, will survey the future accommodation options, including MLR Grassy Woodland floristic and bird biodiversity assets of purchasing or temporarily leasing a building 3 Network cemeteries in the South East of SA either solely or with the Conservation Council and/or other conservation organisations. NCSSA AGM Survey findings will be used to provide We hope to secure new office premises Get a Grip 4 local councils with recommendations to within the next few months, and will keep conserve important native vegetation Walks with Nature 5 you informed of our progress. remnants and to inform councils of their TPAG Spring Activities 6 TPAG threatened flora 7 NCSSA people recovery programs in the AMLR Management Committee Staff SO Report: 8 The Use or Abuse of President Helen Vonow Scientific Officer Georgie Green the EPBC Act ? Vice-President Misch Benito Administrative Manager Elizabeth Lonie Secretary Katie Fels Project Manager Tim Milne NCSSA Annual Surveys 10 Assistant Secretary vacant Temperate Woodland Campaigner Penny Paton 1966 to 2006 Treasurer Richard Winkler Eastern Flanks Grassy Ecosystems Officer Bill New Threatened Plant Action Group Coordinator Tim Jury General committee 1 Bushland Condition Monitoring Project Officer Sonia Croft Grass ID Workshops Annie Bond, Mervyn Chappell, 2007 Bushland Condition Monitoring Manual Trainer Janet Pedler Spencer Burgstad, Michelle Denny, MLR Woodland Bird Survey Coordinator Tina Bentz Zoe Dreschler, Ben Taylor, Caroline 2006 Survey Coordinator Melissa Batt Wilson Xanthopus Volume 25 Part 3 Spring 2007 Page 3 MOUNT LOFTY RANGES GRASSY WOODLAND NETWORK Three exciting spring workshops Ever wished, as you walk through the scrub, that you could put a name to the native trees, shrubs and beautiful carpet-like flowers dotting the ground. Then join Penny Paton for a plant identification workshop in spring 2007. The first event is being organised in conjunction with the Mt Pleasant Natural Resource Centre on Wednesday 3 October 2007. We will start at Mt Pleasant Natural Resource Centre at 9.30am with a little theory on how to identify plants, as well as look at some of the better identification guides, and then move to Cromer Conservation Park adorned in all its spring splendour. Cromer is an example of a grassy woodland in quite good condition, with several different vegetation communities. The predominant trees are River red gum, SA blue gum, Long-leaved box and Manna gum, with patches of Silver Banksia and Native cherry. The understorey varies from an open woodland with a diverse array of lilies, daisies, orchids and grasses to a more heathy understorey, where Yaccas, Hakeas and Acacias predominate. We will finish at 1pm with an opportunity to stay and enjoy your lunch in the Park if you wish and the weather is propitious. The second plant identification workshop will take place on Tuesday 16th October to the south of Adelaide at an, as yet, unknown location. I was hoping that participants would nominate a site where they were interested in knowing more about the plants and am still waiting… If I don’t ScentedDrosera sundew whittakeri Drosera ssp whittakeri whittakeri ssp get any takers then I will nominate the site, possibly Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park. This will whittakeri (Photo: Lydia Paton) be a half-day workshop too beginning at 10am. Photo: Lydia Paton Bring stout water-proof walking boots, warm clothing, a waterproof jacket, hat or beanie depending on the weather, a drink and lunch (if you wish). Optional: a notebook, pen and any field guides/plant identification books that you already have. The MLR Grassy Woodland Network is running a workshop on habitat restoration in the Port Elliot district. The Network is working with landowners near Port Elliott who have a property they wish to revegetate/restore. This first workshop in the series will be a planning exercise involving: assessment of the site for landforms, soils, remnant vegetation; looking for remnant vegetation in the vicinity and listing native plants as well as structure of the vegetation; and planning the restoration of the site based on what we find out from the first two steps (including staging restoration over a number of years). The date for this workshop is Tuesday 18th September 2007 and it will run for the whole day. Please contact our Temperate Woodlands Campaigner, Penny Paton to register your interest for these free workshops. Email: [email protected] Ph: 8344 8891 NSCCA Annual General Meeting Thursday 6th September at 6.30 for 7:00pm. Conservation Centre, 120 Wakefield Street, Adelaide Wine & Cheese provided. All Welcome! Come along and see how the NCSSA is making a difference for biodiversity conservation in the Mount Lofty Ranges Presentations on grassy ecosystem and grassy woodland conservation, biological surveys, threatened plant recovery, vegetation monitoring, public education programs We have received nominations for the following positions: President: H. Vonow; Vice President: K. Fels; Secretary: N. Lewis; Assistant Secretary: S. Graham Treasurer: R. Winkler; Committee members: M. Benito, Z. Dreschler, B. Taylor, C. Wilson and A. Bond. We also require assistance with: Xanthopus – submissions and editing Projects – Steering Committees Activities – organisation and participation General Meetings – helpers and speakers PagePage 4 4 XanthopusXanthopus Volume Volume 24 25 Part Part 4 2 Summer Winter 20072006 HANDS ON ACTIVITIES FOR MEMBERS TemperateOur Society Woodlands has a Pro-long history,preparation. with Weed a particular control emphasisconsulted on with carrying FSA on a outnew ject BeachcombingworkThreatened continued at inPort HappyPlant Noarlunga Actionliaison Group structure. (TPAG) FSA has ear- scientific studies and lobbying on nature conservation issues. Most of the Dr Bob BaldockValley Reservoir, including marked $5000 in 03/04 budget Penny Paton continues work- Get be involved in some hands~on action to help ingscientific with agencies studies involvedRah, are inrah, funded rah….GPS’ing by competitiveof rate/unusual plantsapplication for minimum from granting disturbance thebodies management (see details of significant in the threatened andAnnual weeds Report:plants of concern. and Xanthopus vegetationweeding Volcommunities 21 at No.priority 5). recoverwoodland An Bushcare Support work- areasoutline of grassy of ongoing woodlands projects to withForestry follows.the Threatened SA—Penny spentPlant aAc tionsites. Group. Most working bees are in the morning, generally from 9.30 am onwards, shop on .. develop and implement appro- day with FSA staff and volun- priate management strategies. withteers training in late Novemberand some estab- tools provided on the day. We have received further Everyonelishing experiments welcome. on Banksia funding for Penny to continue marginata recruitment at two with this role for one day a sites—LittleSEE Page 6 Mt.for Crawforddates of TPAGand Activities week until September. Waterholes. Half the seedlings SA Water—the Birds For were guarded, and a propor- Biodiversity Grant of $4500 tion of unguarded and guarded Helping at Cromer Conservationhas paid for aPark number of ac- seedlings watered. Banksia tivities at Happy Valley Reser- seedlings were watered again Cromer is a delightful grassyvoir woodland Site 5 (grey park box near with Birdwood. early January. Each monthActivities the Friends of the ofBrown ThreatenedCromer
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