All the News ,of • All the Pointes. 'Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ~ws Complete News Coverage of All tlte Pointes" '1.00 Per Year Pages-Two Sections-Section One E!l~fed at Seeolld Claa Matler at GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, Thursday, Mar~h 13, 1969 toe PerCGPY 28 "'~. 3o-No, II tIwi Pel.t Olflee ,at Detroit, MlchllaD. ~ IIEADLINES Poi'nters Happy Over Hospital's lOOth Farms Police Sign Arnold Fuclis 01 the Wants More WEEK WagePactEnding Information A! Compiled br the Denies Racial Implications Grosse Pointe NetDS 10-Month Dispute in Withholding Approval . of Class on Negro " Thursday, Marcb 6 Veteran Officers Booded to Per Year. Newly. literature RUTH EISEMANN. SCHIER, $10,000 26, the only woman ever Hired Patrolmen Must Serve 42 Months By James Kerr placed on the FBI's "10 most Befora Reaching Same Level The request for approval wanted" list, was arrested In Th G of elective courses to be Norman, Okla. on Wednesday ~ rosse Pointe Farms Police Offjcers Association offered during 1969-1970 in wl\ere she had been. working as ended Its 1O.month ~age dispute with the city, and Grosse Pointe's public high II carhop at a drive-in restaur. ~pprov~d a ~on.tract tha.t. grants veteran officers an schools touched off a con. ant. Miss Schier and steven Krist are charged with the kid. 1I~med1ate raIse to $10,000 a year, it was diSclosed by troversial discussion among. ICity Manager Andrew Bremer, Jr., on Monday, March 10. the trustees of the Grosse n~pp~g of B,arbara MackIe, daughtel' of a wealthy Florida The terms of the contract were ratified by members of Pointe Board of Education: re al estate develope .." last. De. the Association last week. <Sl -I staff members and observ~ cemher. The GPFPOA has heen work. Le f B. t THE NIXON* ADMINISTRA. ing without a contraet since last a..... urnJ,ng ersa the Monday night; TION, or Wednesday, asked July 1, but Association and city March 10, meeting of the Congress to extend the. 10 per. negotiators have been discussing 0 t to trustees. ' cent income tax surcharge be. terms on a new one since last pponen S Although the recommended yond its June 30 expiration date. April. Final lIgreement was list ~f new and. pilot C<lurses Treas~y" Secretai-y David'Ken . .' reached on February 28, it was Get Hea~:ng"':: contains the names of 43 offer; nedy said that the extension is . said. It ings,' discussion flared over a necessary_.OD ODdin..' bo"u"th~ fightOf ''lb.against... lastTh.inFum,the Pointe.topoll"m"Sl'gn.~Otherlb. Subl'ect of Ma' ny Com- called•1'n f''Literature" Narth Hin;ghShades"'booof.•. Pointe. departments apprilved I' P ac an a class lit South en- sence of a significantcnange contracts WI'" thel'r respective ..- Bl e k" egrod LIterature." IJ1 in the level of our southeast paints ut on Agenda titl d ''N . communities shortly after the or arms ounci Meet- a 1 on to a variety of newly: Asia involvement."• • ". , . old ones expired..... in July. The f ,inc:F on CMarch I 17 prepareddd'U "electives" in Eng~. Friday,' Mmh '7 former held out for $10,000 a lish, the list included courses to HJd~n ~~~Ga~:' c:"eth~a;;~ .~ . ". .' '. ..'•.•..~,~i.@.[,....rm;.,.• ~...~ ~:6:iVi:~~a:ee~m6:~:rb:~: Proponents for an ordi. ~:e~~~o~!o~~sY:~e:r~~' Corp. of Minneapolis was iUl~ • the contract expires; the other nance banning the burning class. nouncedin Detroit on Thursday :;Presidei1t~n:haI'mis'evidentas MRS: JOHN N. Others, from left; aI'eRAYMON~~. DYKEMA, of Lo. Pointes settled on a graduated o.f .Ieave~ within the city Filchs Would Wait by Hudson ..Co. president'Jolleph FAILI~G;"~i.~l~verly.~~~~!:). tesident of lOD-year-old t~rop'road,.senior partner of Dykema;-Whti!at, Spencer, increase to a top annual salary lmuts, Will be given a hear. In objecting ro the Negro lit. L. Hudson, Jr. The merger will ~utzel,.(fQrmerly ..Woman,s);.Hospital, 'greets~ three Gopdnow and Tti.gg; JOHN:H. FRENCH. JR.• of Merri. of $10,300 (slightly more in the ing at the Farms council erature ~asses, Trustee Arnold place the new coiporation in the, othet~l¥o~t~fS:at a ~!d ';o~ :trustees ~eetiilg where weather ..ro.ad,' president. of City National Bank, and W!>Odsand Shores which have meeting to be held on Mon. Fuchs. ~tated ,that his objectionS rop 15 retaR, c~lDcem5' will in.the plans .wei'~ illiClosed .for year.long observance' of the DAVID W. " KE"'DAL•• L, of Lake Sho.re road Chrvsler integrated departments. day, March 17, accordm' g to had'nothingial un' II Uto do fwithth the rac. na on. e' merger" not be" centenary bf tile facility, now a 378-bed general hospital Corporat.ion vicepresident.legal affau-s.' '-oJ Veteraas Get Boost City Clerk Peter q Caputo but 1hca o~th °th e course comet! finalizedTh until the. stock. and an im~nt part of the Detroit Medical Center I\s of July 1, 1968, Farms \'Tho said the re u st h" ra er W1 e fact that b~ of hotb ,mu....... p- •. "., .".' ,,""mOb - "ool,1Dg • to, been pl.. ed n Ih • .'aU d." lb...... of Ed.", ... prove It. C' ." '.' ',:.. " . I .. '. • l\alary Of $8,000 a year. Under . C . 0 e agen a,must- also approvetextMoks, he '..l, •• ' • ..' .. a""2.:.:J!f.:J";"t . , I,Ma' 'c'k ",'M'e:"r'c'h'a' nt"s "p'eti' '.fi.o'. n j' n-.or"'n" '~S. "e co' u': r!:s' - the terms or the new contract,. ~puto was presente. c!.a ~ti. p.r~ferred ..~ wait until aU in. ""1ffiiHAli'~"8Ililt.1N'II!iI1ii"iHH.,.~e. "",,. ,1Iie." will ... ",~ ... d .... by. ~ ....... ..,. ... tho ."""'" .n in Los Aligl!les on Thu,rsdaytl!at $10,000 a year, but recroits' 700 Farms l'eSl~ents. many of avaDable before glving his ap- I .':"nd' .._' p": '---,-.'.,- ",. .f he was dl'unkandin a btack6ut nv"",, ..'..1iU' .~ark.Council toRemove Ge,ts S..upp"lies ~::~~:r~~Uit~t~~~~':~~.~a~:~:~::x~:~r:' ~~ ~~;:~~ Polntedoutthatnorm- when he shot Senlttor ..Robert M'" ',~ TT 1':' 00' S'..,' " p' . I..;.!....... .. ' D months before they reach this l~rg1c, asking .theanceClty council ally the approval of a course of ~=~'th~~~ Se~:i~~s:;.e~t,iQ~"s .• .~.eetr : 'sraiu.'g' ..Ba.n " For efense pay level, Bremer said. ~e ':" ~~ , baDDfJII study precedes by several port of 10M .. _ ,lb. Anh' ,'. Tho ,Ily m....... ..of 'b.,,,,~ :a:u..,.......- m..... lb. •.. ""of of " ... countrieli. AsP. ir.nts .tb-:F.~,r.m.s C. oun. _ P • ti 'Gh' . 'th' t' hR' h -' -_ ... \' the new agreement stipulates smo ~creating .matenaJ. • books; 1l! * '.. I > ..roprl& ors, !. a~ge' ._: te .e~.trictJC)n' as Critically Six Tons 'of Materials and that beiinning July 1,'19li9, the Mrs•. Peter Fink of 222 ste- Staff members, called UPOD c:ip'oits To Speak and Be .'. CurlalledBlJsln~ss,'ForclI;g People to .' base. pay. will range from $8,..ftOO phens road,. w.ho has. spear- for a fuller explanation of the .,.._um:eSaturd.ay, Mu~'b II Q..... d 'at Fohlm at Shop An ,Other Areas . Equipment Received af- ro. a tops of $10,300; and Jan- bead ed the pe tition dOve, said p!,!,gram of electives.in English, THE. SENTiNEL ANTI.MIS. .~Bro.wn~1I March l6 ' ,ter Sev:eral Years of uary I, 1910,'the hase pay will that she and, ber ~olunteer SlId 'that 'the 'elective;; would SfLE System (ABM) fsced in. -:__ . , ~ g!O~P of Mack busiitessmen. and therr customers Negotiations range from $8400 to a max- group, have been working very not replace the tradition81 of- creased Senate opposition Fri. ~r,9sse f?m~eFarms resi- petItIoned.the Par~ c~uncil on Monday, March 10, tore- imum of $10,400: ra!d since. ~ast October, circu- ferings in English. It was fur. day as the Foreign Re18tions dents •.are InVIted to h.ear, move paI'km~ restrIctIons on Mack avenue, betwe«!n Gray- Bon Seeours Hospital re- . Some of the benefits agreed a~g ,petitions. and arousing ther po~ted ?ut, by Dr. ~oseph c__ ,ill"I.,• dobyI. que,bun and ""alual. the ton and C.d1eux ro.d,. They ,h"ge Ih.1 Ihe hall which eeived over so. ..... of Fed..... , B<em".. id, lnoIud..... pub , "':"'" '? lb. ,,,,,~. "~ll. A,~'", Su,~" .•d. the deployment of the contro- eightcandidat I C prohibit parki g dail b t 3 d' I. C' '1 D. f Ii and. a half for hold over and Mrs. Fink slUd that she IS ent m Charge of Instruction, versial new weapon. Presfdent . .... es Lor.oun- .. ll '1 n y e ween p.m. an 7 p.m., is in. era IVl. e ense supp e.s call.back service' and time anti hopeful that there will be a that students would be care.. Nixon is expected to announce .cilat a :Fallms' Candid'ates Junous to bilsiness.' .• ." . - toJ:l.e used In case the hosp1- a half for court time, with a la~ge. turnout at the council l?llY couns~led about ~e elec. early next week Administration FOrUrri,t~'~ he\d, on, Tries-. Director of PubUe Safety .wil. the effects of the restrictions, taIlS ever ~eeded as a shel. guaranteed minimum of one mee.tiDg. Volunteers are con. ~ve courses to ~t thelI' par- plans for the deployment of 'the day' evenmg,' March 18, at liam Ellenburg said that. the .whil;h tl!ey found are harmful to t~~from nuclear attackl last hour.
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