/ # Suit , Fee On the Inside ' The Weather Bruner Named to All·Amertecm Nin., •.• Pao- 2 Fair and I... humid today. H19h today Fanner Ch.at. DrouQht ... Paoe 5 al 81. low 70. y.....saY'. hl9b 90. low 71 • Core Course.. Get New Schedul,. ••• Paq. I Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire -- Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Sunday. JulY' 10, 1949 - Vol. 83. No. 188 ,U. S. Envoy Beaten 'Japanese Mob Stones is Ar- In Shanghai Prison SHANGHAI (AP) - U.S. Vice-Consul WiUiam M. Olive. Allied Railroad Coach who was releaSl'd yesterday by police of this Communist city after three days in jail, "was utterly, brutally beaten," Consul General John Oa bot declal'ed. Th e Communist liberation daily published a statl'ml'nt Just Like a Wartime Physical Flving Lumber attributed to Olive which said. "I have not received any ill. LOS ANGELES (IP)- Ten-year-old Harvey Bronstein sobbin$­ tl'l'lItment during my deten- ------"------- ly told police a man stepped up to him as he was playing, snatch­ ed off hi~ glasses, stepped back a pace and asked: "How many Seriously Hurts ,<ta tement such as thatlOne Russian Killed fingers am I holding up?" ti~~~y "T)lJo," answered Harvey, correctly. which appeared in the l~beration IWh US S 'd' "You don't need glasses," the man retorted, 1I'0und Harvey's Army Sergeant daily was obtained from him as en 0 ler under hb heel and stalked away. a result of the barbarous trfat- • I 1 TOKYO IU'I - An angry mdb of ment he received," Cabot assert- R 1 R F" Japanese early yesterlay hurled St. ed in a press conference late e urns uss Ire stones, large chunks of wood and Uni· yesterday. other missiles at a plainly-marked (This dispatch was more 'than ' F1RANKFURT, GERMANY UP) Hungarian Court Okays allied cccupatlon car in a rail­ will 12 hours In transmission, appar- - A U. S. army off.icer 00 bord~r road station here, seriously injur­ ently having been held up by the patrol In the ~mrrlcan zone saId Ing an army sergeant, U.S. Mili­ Communist military censorship.) yesterday he killed a Russian sold- Mindszenty's Life Term tary Pollce announced. ilding. Olive, 32, of Ironton, M,., ier in a rifle duel at 30 feet. A. five-foot lengtrt of four-by­ was arrested last Wednesda.y Lt. WIlliam C. Llnderose. 34, BUDAPEST, H iNGARY (AP)-Hungary's highest court tour lumber hurled thrcugh a when his cOllllulate jeep be- of Port Huron, MJch., ",aid tbrre declared yesterday Josef Cardinal Mindszenty should hove been window of the car struck Sgt. came involved In a ma. parllde Russians "buan shooUnl' a.t me hanged. But it decided to let his life sentence stand because the Emanuel Aycock, of the Tokyo In which the Communists were 10 [ shot at them." cose has "lost its ol'iginal im portance." quartermalter', office knocking ~bservin!!, the 12th annivenary The inqident took place Friday. 'l'he tribunal, lhe national council of peo ple's courts, affirmed him unconsoicus. Bleeding pro­ of the Japanese war and tbe the U. S. army constabulary an­ fusely, Aycock was taken to an of t.hlrd annivel'!la.l'Y of the Ohln- nounced' when a border patrol of ---- (I\P 'NJrubolo> the priso n terms of three the Roman Catholic primate's as­ army dispensary for treatment. He civil war. three American enlisted men and sociates and reduced the sentences o'f tht:ee others: His U.S. home address was not Cabot said Olive was released a German policeman was fired Texas Polio Victims Get Airlift Service 'I he cardinal was rru led immed.l.ately available. yesterday, after being bt'aten, upon whil~ checking border mark­ last Doo. 2G and was convicted MIU&ary pOlice salli they were ""OUR yonNG POI.tO paUen" from San AD&,elo, Tex., are unloaded Crom an aJrforce plane at San handcuffed incommunicado in a ers nea Rothenbach, north of Co­ by a flve-mltn peoplp's court inve,tl&'atln, 'he pORlbillty that MarcOi alrforee bue yesterday. They were taken by ambulance to the Gontalex, Tex., Warm Sprlnp cell for three days, and forced burg. Feb. 8 of treaSon, plotting to the Ittack Wall made by a rroup 10undatlon for treatment. The National Found"Uon for Infantile Paralysl. re,,:)rt3 that San Angelo Is overthrow the Communist gov­ SOS Vessel tq sign several statements, a "con- The Sovlet-lic@nsed Berlin news of dlirrunUed ra Iroad workers, iessio n," and an "apology," agency AnN reported a border In- the hardest hit U.S. clb" In 'thls year'!! polio outbreak. ~ee story pale 6. ernment and lIle!!,al tradinr In thousand. of wbom are beln.. "I have personally seen OUve's eldent in the same gmeral area AmerIcan (bilar•. laid off in an occupation-spon­ injuries," said Cabol. "We had but said there was no shooting. The preillte rxerclsed his righ t sored aUlterlty pro,ram. of appeal. Prosecutor Gyula Elap Nol Localed him examined medically, and The U. S army constabulary Another posslblJty, according to have taken photographs Bnd will account of the shooting said lhe urged the high court (0 exact the NO~l.JK, VA. 111'1 _ A "'host" the MiP's, was that the attack was Indicts :14 lor , Hooded Violence .~ upreme penalty, death by hang- message of fire at sea set c(f lake X-rays. American patrol "left Us jeep .. made by Communists, several "There is no doubt wba.tlO- and hU &he dirt for protection" SffiMINGHAM, ALA. M - ----------------:--~--;-----­ Ing. Chief Prosecutor Josef Brobe- gigantic search over the Atlantic hundred of whom have been re­ ever that Olive was brutally when fired upon. Fourteen persons were indicted tempt of court. IfY took the same stand berore yesterday. but as the. hour, went the appeals court. That court patfiated recently from Siberia. lbealtn by the pollee·" Latrr, the patrol slipped away yesterday by a grand jury that , Circuit Judge Robelt "Nheeler had the power to reduce the life by there- was nothing to back uP The iI1cident occurred whelU the The consul general said that, and returned with two officers. "scratched" the surface of mob was asked to release Willillm Bimbo's'End sentence, let it stand or increase the report that a ship was aflame train stopped at Nippori station "on the Qther hand, I am grat[- including Linderose. Again the violence by hooded men in the Hugh Morris, but the state pro­ it. and its crew in lifeboats. on .Tokyv's loop line shortly after fied and reassured that higher Americans were fired upon. Birmingham area. tested that he should not be al- 'Car Ride Fatal for The appea.is coun took up the "We have no implication that it rn,ldnlght. authoritirs-when the matter was Linderose said he saw tour A total of 45 indictments were· lowed baH until he brings in the cue quletIy Wednesda.y nll'M. J.s a hoax, except that It is shaping The mob wUllout warJlinl' brought to their attention-ar- Russians and fired single shots at returned, naming some of the roster. , Baby I!lephant. The five Juqes Umlted the up like one," a coast iuard spo~es­ rallied rock, wood and other ranged lor his speedy release." three of them. One fell. He ap- alleged nightriders in one Incl- Finally, hcwever, Wheeler al- hearinl' w a study of dll'Curnents man 'here. said. "But we definitely lIlI"Ue:. a,all1lt. Jhe. steel ear, Olive, in a highly nervous and Pl!ared to be a youth of 18 or 19. dent after al'lother. lowed Morris to go free for the .NEW YORK (IP) - Bimbo was a ,," attorneys' arguments. are not ,koin, ' to call off the plainl)' marked wlUt the em­ emotional state, was under a phy- Several other Russians were lurk­ Flegging accounted for 28 of weekend under $500 bail, but a well-behaved elephant - for "There is not the slIghtest doubt search . ~' blem of Japan's conquerors. such a little elephant, so far away sielan's care. He did not see re- ing in the vicinity behind tree~ the charges, boycotting for eight, warned he would order him back that Miudszenty should have been For' at least another 24. hours, It was the first direct attack porters. and other cover exchanging ~ ig- burglary lor six. carnal knowledge to a cell - where he was put from hiS native Africa. sentenced to death ," said the .he indicated, vessels and airplanes on. occupation personnel riding in nals by whistles and ca lls, he ad­ for another, and ' there were two ThursdaY4- if he does not pro­ When the plane landed at decision read by the presiding will . continue to scour a large trains, 'colJl\ng among a mounting ded. counts cf misdemeanors. duce the membership ,list on .de- the international airport, Bimbo judge, P eter Janko. area east of Charleston, S.C. T)l( dumber . of incident Invc.)ving Altorether the RulSians were The names ot. &hOse Indicled mand. , walked down the ramp withbut name of the vessel, and the. num­ sabo~,e and obstruction ot the estbnateti &0 have fuel! .bout will not be dlsclo.e" nnttl they The Jurr acted ailer a week .. bit cf help. ber ot its crew, were not iiven in railroad. Demos the single SOS picke'S up by a Eyeing Th~ l!leiden~ th~ 20 lbets. are arrested, an4 Ulat '1rlU not of benin, victims of flolrl'inn It just to::>k a little push to Po/,ccf) Arrest .
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