Andrew S. Toms Curriculum Vitae Contact Information Personal Information Department of Mathematics Born March 12, 1975, Montreal, PQ Purdue University Married with two sons 150 N. University St., West Lafayette, IN Canadian and British citizen 47907-2067 US Permanent Resident Telephone: (765) 494-1901 [email protected] Education 1999–2002 Ph.D. University of Toronto 1997–1999 M.Sc. University of Toronto 1993–1997 B.Sc.H. Queen’s University Employment 2013–2018 University Faculty Scholar, Purdue University 2013–present Professor, Purdue University 2010–2013 Associate Professor, Purdue University 2008–2010 Associate Professor, York University 2006–2008 Assistant Professor, York University 2004–2006 Assistant Professor, University of New Brunswick 2003–2004 NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow, Copenhagen University Honours and Awards 1. Purdue University Faculty Scholar, 2013-2018 2. AMS Centennial Fellowship 2011-12 3. CMS Gilbert de Beauregard Robinson Award (with Wilhelm Winter) 4. Israel Halperin Prize 20101 5. Canada Research Chair Nomination, 2009 (declined) 6. Ontario Early Researcher Award2, 2008–2013 7. NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2003–2004 8. Daniel B. DeLury Teaching Award, University of Toronto, 2003 9. Israel Halperin Graduate Award, University of Toronto, 2001–2002 10. NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship, 1997–2001 11. Governor General’s Medal3, Queen’s University, 1997 12. Prince of Wales Prize4, Queen’s University, 1997 1Awarded every five years to the mathematician from the Canadian community within 10 years of his/her Ph.D. deemed to have made the greatest contribution to operator algebras. 2Comparable an NSF CAREER Award in terms of funds to researcher. 3Awarded to the graduate with the highest aggregate GPA. 4Awarded to the graduate deemed by the Chancellor to have the best academic record. 1 2 Research Interests Operator algebras and their classification, K-theory; a particular interest in points of contact between operator algebras and algebraic and differential topology, dynamics, and set theory. Publications 1. Minimal dynamics and K-theoretic rigidity: Elliott’s Conjecture (with W. Winter) Geometric and Functional Analysis (in press), 13p. 2. The descriptive set theory of C∗-algebra invariants (with I. Farah and A. Tornquist)¨ International Mathematics Research Notices (in press), 27p. 3. C∗-algebras, dynamics, and classification (with T. Giordano, D. Kerr, and N. C. Phillips) Solicited volume for Birkhauser’s CRM Advanced Course series (in press, approx. 200p.) 4. Turbulence, orbit equivalence, and the classification of nuclear C∗-algebras (with I. Farah and A. Tornquist)¨ Journal fur¨ die reine und angewandte Mathematik (in press), 46p. 5. Characterizing classifiable AH algebras Mathematical Reports of the Royal Society of Canada (in press), 4p. 6. The radius of comparison: an algebraic approach (with B. Blackadar, L. Robert, A. Tikuisis, and W. Winter) Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (in press), 18p. 7. K-theoretic rigidity and slow dimension growth Inventiones Mathematicae 183 (2011), 225-244 8. The Cuntz semigroup and the classification of C∗-algebras (with P. Ara, N.P. Brown, D. Guido, F. Lledo, and F. Perera, Lecture notes for Summer School at UIMP, San- tander, Spain, in July 2008) Contemporary Mathematics 534 (2011), vii+168p. 9. Ranks of operators in simple C∗-algebras (with M. Dadarlat) Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (2010), 209-229 10. Minimal dynamics and the classification of C∗-algebras (with W. Winter) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106 (2009), 16942-16943 11. Z-stability and infinite tensor powers of C∗-algebras (with M. Dadarlat) Advances in Mathematics 220 (2009), 341-366 12. A class of simple C∗-algebras with stable rank one (with G. A. Elliott and T. Ho) Journal of Functional Analysis 256 (2009), 307-322 13. Comparison theory and smooth minimal C∗-dynamics Communications in Mathematical Physics 289 (2009), 401-433 3 14. The Elliott conjecture for Villadsen algebras of the first type (with W. Winter) Journal of Functional Analysis 256 (2009), 1311-1340 15. The Jiang-Su algebra does not always embed (with M. Dadarlat, I. Hirshberg, and W. Winter) Mathematical Research Letters 16 (2009), 23-26 16. A direct proof of Z-stability for AH algebras of bounded dimension (with M. Dadarlat and N. C. Phillips) Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 41 (2009), 639-653 17. The Cuntz semigroup, the Elliott conjecture, and dimension functions on C∗-algebras (with N. P. Brown and F. Perera) Journal fur¨ die reine und angewandte Mathematik 621 (2008), 191-211 18. Inductive limits of K-theoretic complexes with torsion coefficients (with S. Eilers) Journal of K-theory 1 (2008), 145-168 19. Z-stable ASH algebras (with W. Winter) Canadian Journal of Mathematics 60 (2008), 703-720 20. Stability in the Cuntz semigroup of a commutative C∗-algebra Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 96 (2008), 1-25 21. Regularity properties in the classification program for separable amenable C∗-algebras (survey, with G. A. Elliott) Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 45 (2008), 229-245 22. On the classification problem for nuclear C∗-algebras Annals of Mathematics 167 (2008), 1059-1074 23. An infinite family of non-isomorphic C∗-algebras with identical K-theory Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 360 (2008), 5343-5354 24. Strongly self-absorbing C∗-algebras (with W. Winter) Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 359 (2007), 3999-4029 25. Recasting the Elliott conjecture (with F. Perera) Mathematische Annalen 338 (2007), 669-702 26. Three applications of the Cuntz semigroup (with N. P. Brown) International Mathematics Research Notices, Vol. 2007, Article rnm068, 14p. 27. Dimension growth for C∗-algebras Advances in Mathematics 213 (2007), 820-848 28. Cancellation does not imply stable rank one Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 38 (2006), 1005-1008 29. Flat dimension growth for C∗-algebras Journal of Functional Analysis 238 (2006), 678-708 30. Infinitely generated perforated ordered K0-groups Mathematica Scandinavica 36 (2005), 147-160 31. On the independence of K-theory and stable rank Journal fur¨ die reine und angewandte Mathematik 578 (2005), 185-199 4 ∗ 32. Strongly perforated K0-groups of simple C -algebras Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 46 (2003), 457-472 33. Comparison of four SNR estimators for QPSK modulations (with N. C. Beaulieu and D. R. Pauluzzi) IEEE Communications Letters 4 (2000), 43-45 Manuscripts submitted or in preparation 1. Z-stability and finite dimensional extreme tracial boundaries Submitted to IMRN 2. Ranks of operators in simple C∗-algebras II (with A. Tikuisis), Submitted to Illinois Journal of Mathematics 3. The Cuntz semigroup and perturbations of C∗-algebras (with F. Perera, S. White, and W. Winter), Submitted to Analysis and PDE 4. Isomorphism of separable C∗-algebras is below a group action (with G. Elliott, I. Farah, V. Paulsen, C. Rosendal, and A. Tornquist)¨ Submitted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 5. Mean dimension and the structure of crossed products (with T. Hines and N. C. Phillips), working draft, 70p. Conference Presentations (includes accepted invitations, all talks plenary save AMS/CMS Sessions) 1. Workshop on C∗-algebras (50 minutes), Oberwolfach, 08/13 2. Canadian Operator Symposium (50 minutes), Toronto, 05/13 3. ICMS workshop on C∗-algebras (50 minutes), Edinburgh, 04/13 4. Fields Institute 20th Anniversary Colloquium Series (50 minutes), Toronto, 09/12 5.C ∗-algebras (50 minutes), Shanghai, 04/12 6. Conference for Eberhard Kirchberg’s 65th birthday (50 minutes), Copenhagen, 11/11 7. Virginia Operator Theory and Complex Analysis Symposium (keynote speaker, 2 x 50 minutes), 11/11 8.C ∗-algebras and related topics (50 minutes), RIMS Kyoto, 09/11 9. Conference for David Handelman’s 65th birthday (50 minutes), Ottawa, 8/11 10.C ∗-algebras, dynamics, and classification (50 minutes), CRM Barcelona, 06/11 11. Canadian Operator Algebras Symposium (50 minutes), Victoria, 05/11 12. Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium (50 minutes), Phoenix, 05/11 13. North British Functional Analysis Seminar (2x60 minutes), Glasgow, 11/10 14. East Coast Operator Algebras Symposium (50 minutes), Dartmouth College, 10/10 15. Midwest Topology Seminar (50 minutes), Wayne State, 10/10 16. Canadian Operator Symposium (50 minutes), Fredericton, 06/10 17.C ∗-algebras (40 minutes), Oberwolfach, 03/10 5 18. AIM workshop ”The Cuntz Semigroup” (50 minutes), Palo Alto, 11/09 19. West Coast Operator Algebras Symposium (50 minutes), Reno, 10/09 20. Operator Algebras (50 minutes), Qinhuangdao, China, 09/09 21. CMS Winter Meeting (25 minutes), Ottawa, 12/08 22. East Coast Operator Algebras Symposium (25 minutes), Penn State, 10/08 23. Wabash Mini-conference (50 minutes), IUPUI, 09/08 24.C ∗-algebras (40 minutes), Oberwolfach, 08/08 25. Canada-France Math Congress (50 minutes), Montreal, 06/08 26. Canadian Operator Symposium (25 minutes), Toronto, 05/08 27. AMS Meeting, Session on Operator Algebras (25 minutes), Bloomington, 04/08 28.C ∗-algebras Workshop (50 minutes), Fields Institute, 11/07 29. East Coast Operator Algebras Symposium (25 minutes), Wellesley College, 09/07 30. Operator Algebras (50 minutes), East China Normal University, Shanghai, 06/07 31.C ∗-algebras and their Invariants (50 minutes), CRM Barcelona, 06/07 32. AMS Meeting, Session on Operator Algebras (25 minutes), Tucson, 04/07 33. Wabash Modern Analysis Seminar (50 minutes), Wabash College, 04/07 34. Wabash Mini-conference (50 minutes), IUPUI, 09/06 35. Great Plains Operator Symposium (25 minutes), Iowa City, 05/06 36. Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics (50 minutes), Settat, Morocco, 12/05 37.C ∗-algebras (50 minutes), Oberwolfach, 08/05 38. Canadian Operator Symposium (25 minutes), Ottawa, 06/05 39. Banff International Research Station Workshop on Amenable Systems (25 minutes), 10/04 40. Canadian Operator Symposium (25 minutes), Waterloo, 05/04 41. Weekend Meeting on Operator Algebras (50 minutes), Fields Institute, 03/04 42. Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics 2 (25 minutes), Sinaia, Romania, 07/03 43. Canadian Operator Symposium (25 minutes), Thunder Bay, 05/02 44.
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