ICES C.H. 1986/G:58 Ref. Pelagic Fish Committee FISH COHHUNITIES OF THE NORWEGIAN OEEPS: SPEelES COHPOSITION ANO OISTRIBUTIONAl PATTERNS. by Odd Aksel Bergstad Department of fisheries biology. University of Bergen. Norway. \ P.O.Bo~ 1839. N-5011 Bergen-Nordnes / ABSTRACT Preliminary results from studies of the fishes inhabiting the Norwegian Oeeps and bordering slopes are presented. including accounts of species composition and distributional patterns. The Norwegian Oeeps proper is a nursery and feeding area for a number of species. mainly species which are abundant along the upper continental slopes of the North Atlantic and the deep fjord environments. The more abundant include the greater argentine. Argentina silus. blue whiting. Hicromesistius poutassou. and in the Skagerrak. roundnose grenadier. Coryphaenoides rupestris. Above the 200m isobath the species composition resembles the one found in adjacent coastal areas or on the North Sea plateau. The more abundant demersal species are Norway pout. Trisopterus esmarkii. saithe, Pollachius virens, and haddock, Helanogrammus aeglefinus. Data from hydroacoustic surveys and bottom trawl surveys suggest pronounced seasonal changes in distributional patterns of some species, notably the greater argentine and blue whiting. • INTRODUCTIOH The Norwegian Deeps, with depths in the range 275-700 m, represents a major topographical feature of the comparatively shallow and even North Sea (Fig.1). As such, it has a pronounced influence on watermass distributions and current patterns in the eastern Horth Sea, the Skagerrak and in the Norwegian Coastal waters (Furnes et al. 1986). From fishery data and a few regional studies it is known that the Horwegian Deeps is inhabited by a .fish fauna differing rather markedly from the one found in the bordering shallow waters (Hjort and Ruud 1938; Sahrhage 1964, Aker et Al. 1966, Hamre and Hakken 1970, 1971, Thomassen 1974, Jakupsstövu 1974, lhorsen 1979), including exploitable stocks of greater argentine (Argentina silus), blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassoul, and roundnose grenadier, (Coryphaenoides rupestris). Moreover, the western and southern slope offers feeding grounds for 1arge proportions of the Horth Sea and Skagerrak stocks of saithe (Pollachius virens) and Norway pout (Trisopterus esmarkii) (Poulsen 1968, Reinsch 1976, Lahn-Johannesen et a1.1978, Smedstad 1985) and 1arge1y unknown fractions of the stocks of other species ~ (Cod, Gadus morhua), whiting (Merlangius merlangiusl, herring (Clupea'" harengus), mackere1 (Scomber scombrus), and others). On this background, the Department of Fisheries Biology of the University of Bergen, Norway, initiated in January 1984 a 3-year study of,the fish.resources of the Norwegian Deeps and bordering slopes. The main objectives of the project is through collection of data on species composition, distributiona1 patterns and feeding eco10gy, to obtain a more comp1ete description of the resources and their ecology. Of particu1ar interest is information which wou1d improve our under­ standing of the significance of the Norwegian Deepsfor the fish populations of the bordering areas, i.e. the North Sea plateau and the coasta1 waters of Norway and Denmark. This paper is a high1y pre1iminary summary of information on species composition and distributional patterns; with some emphasis on the demersa1 fishes, from surveys in 1984,1985 and the sp~ing of 1986. MATERIAL AHO METHOOS The cruises on which data were collected are listed in lable 1. Oue to rather strict limitations on vessel time, area coverage and the number of trawl hauls per survey have varied, and from 1985 on it was decided to limit trawling effort on all ·H~kon Mosby· surveys to four subareas (Fig. 1, hatched areasl. Bottom trawl stations were located at random in each subarea within three depth strata: 100-180 m, 185-235 m, and >240 m. The number of stations per subarea was decided from 1984 data which indicated that among-haul variation in species composition was greater along the slopes. than in the deep areas. Thus, allocation proportional to area was abandoned, and more hauls were allocated to the two upper depth strata. The latter has been only partially successful due to unfavorable bottom substrate, obstructions of all kinds or the steepness of the slopes. In general less attention was given to coastal areas than to the western and southern slope, particularly in the two northern subareas. The ·Michael Sars· surveys in October (Table 1) were part of the Pandalus program run by the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen (Smedstad and Tveite 19851. Trawl stations from these surveys were incorporated in the data to improve spatial and seasonal coverage. Similarly; scattered data from other ships were included whenever ( .~ 3 . " possible. On all theNHAkon HosbyN cruises a commercial shrimp trawl was used for bottom trawling (Br0drene Selstad AIS, Hll0Y, Norwayl. On the other ships a Campel 1800 shrimp trawl was applied. Data for both trawls and accessories are given in Table 2. The fishing power and selection characteristics of the different vessels are assumed accept­ ably similar based on measurements of vertical opening and wingspread during operation, hence, no corrections were applied on the catch data. A standard haullasted 1 h at a towing speed of 3.0 knots. The results were corrected in cases where deviations from these standards oceurred. Hydroacoustic records were, made continuously on all surveys with ,echosounders and echointegrators (Table 31. The aim was to obtain information on vertical and geographical distribution of fish and plankton rather, than absolute abundance estimation. Based on the characteristics of the echo traees and trawl sampling, ineluding aimed midwater trawling, the deflection values per (n. mile)~ were assigned to the following categories:' Nunidentified planktonN, Neuphausid­ Haurolicus assoeiationN, Npelagic blue whiting N, Ngreater argentineN or Nmixture of greater argentineand roundnose grenadierN, Nother pelagic fish N and Ndemersal fishN. Some hydroacoustic data from other vessels crossing the Norwegian Deeps have,been included, although they generally suffer,from the lack of identification of scatterers by trawl samples. The, trawl sample: (or a random subsample) was sorted to species, and total cateh of each speeies by numbers and weight '(to the nearest hgl was registered. Length frequeney distributions were reeorded for every species,:while individual data (total length (em or 1/2 cm), ungutted weight (to the nearest 10g), :sex, index of maturity (macroscopic examinationl, index of stomach filling) and otoliths were kept for abundant large gadids, the greater argentine' and same herring. Individually tagged stomaehs of most regularly oecurring species were fixed in 4% buffered seawater solution of formaldehyde, while small fish (total'length < 15-20 cm) werefixed ungutted after injeetion of fixative in the body cavity. Hydrographical profiles were made by Neil-Brown CTD-profiler following every trawl haul or along standard transeets workedby the Institute of Harine Research, Bergen (Lj0en 1980). Additional data was gathered from other surveys i~ the same or adjaeent areas at the same time. RfSULTS Distributional patterns. Hydroacoustic data. The echogram reproduced in Fig.2'illustrates a ,commonly observed daytime distributional pattern of pelagic or bentho-pelagic seatterers in the'Norwegian Deeps. (Hamre and Nakken 1970, 1971). Two,well developed scattering layers are seen, and the .. lower touches the bottom along the western slope. Hidwater trawl hauls aimedat the ~pper layer gi~e catches of a variabi~ mixture of HOllers pearlsides and euphausids and sometimes a few juvenile saith~. lumpsuckers~ norway pout and blue whiting (Table '4). Catches from the lower layer'contain juvenile blue whiting and usually small numbers of velvet belly, greater argentine and Hüllers pearlsides and euphausids (Table 4). (The euphausids and pearlsides can perhaps be seen as contamination in these catches since the ascending trawl must necessarily pass through the upper layer). In the summer hauls a few o-group gadids (haddock. whiting, norway pout) are caught in both layers as is mackerel and horsemackerel. A pronounced diurnal'vertical migration is seen forboth scattering layers. The pearlsides form nighttime near-surface layers which are sometimes too close to the surface to be detectedacoustically. lhe blue whiting typically starts their aseent and' deseent about 1 h before sunset and sunrise, respectively. A night-time dispersion is often seen, and single fish are found throughout the water eolumn, although in greater concentrations in the surface layers. Numerous single fish traees are typieally observed below the pelagie blue whiting layer and scattered throughout the lower part of the water eolumn. Bottom trawl eatehes indieate that this is greater argentine, but also a number of other species including blue whiting, rosefish. roundnose grenadier and others (se~ next seetion). Fig. 3 shows an echogram'from the deeper parts of Skagerrak in Harch. A bottom trawl eateh on this loeation eontained greater argentine (931 ~ kg), roundnose grenadier (419 kg) and blue ling (56 kg). Similar eoneentrations, although seldom as' dense, were observed over most areas of the Skagerrak with bottom depths greater than 350-400 m. Typically, numerous single fish traces are seen above the main near­ bottom concentrations up to about· 300 m depth. lable 4 (lwo last catches) gives species composition of catches by midwater
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