NAAC RE-ACCREDITATION SELF STUDY REPORT 2015 REACCREDITATION REPORT - 2015 INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL Bijoy Krishna Girls‟ College, Howrah 5/3 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Howrah 711101 West Bengal SUBMITTED TO NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL, BANGALORE BIJOY KRISHNA GIRLS’ COLLEGE, HOWRAH , W.B NAAC RE-ACCREDITATION SELF STUDY REPORT 2015 Phone (033) 26412341 BIJOY KRISHNA GIRLS‟ HOWRAH 5/3 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Howrah 711101 Ref. No NAAC/RAR 2016/dt 17 June 2015 To The Director National Assessment and Accreditation Council PO Box No. 1075, Nagarbhavi BANGALORE – 560072 Sub: Submission of hard copies & CD of Re-Accreditation Report 2015 of Bijoy Krishna Girls’ College , Howrah, West Bengal Track ID No. WBCOGN12472 Respected Sir, This is for your kind attention to the subject cited above that the Re-Accreditation Report of our Institution, Bijoy Krishna Girls’ College , Howrah, West Bengal has been prepared as per the Manual for Self Study – Affiliated/Constituent Colleges (New format 2012). We inform you that our Institution fulfilled the minimum institutional requirement for Re-Accreditation by NAAC. We have uploaded the Re-Accreditation Report of our Institution on our College website, www.bkge.org on 16.06.2015. We are now submitting the hard copies along with CD of Re-Accreditation Report of our Institution. We request you to kindly accept the same and oblige. Thanking you Sir. Yours faithfully, Dr. Aloke Kumar Sarkar TEACHER-IN-CHARGE BIJOY KRISHNA GIRLS’ COLLEGE, HOWRAH , W.B NAAC RE-ACCREDITATION SELF STUDY REPORT 2015 PREFACE Bijoy Krishna Girls‘ College was accredited by NAAC in 2005 and now with great pleasure we submit our RAR, recording our progress since then. We are proud to present the achievements of our students and staff members in the last 10 years, which are reported in accordance with the guidelines laid down in the NAAC Manual on Re-Accreditation. Bijoy Krishna Girls‘ College, formerly known as Girls‘ College, Howrah, although formally established on August 1,1947 and thus starts its voyage with the journey of independent India, but the process of its establishment had started much earlier. Late Bijoy Krishna Bhattacharya, an educationist and a visionary. who himself was a freedom fighter too, along with a few of his friends, struggled hard to open the gate of higher education to the daughters of Howrah and its adjacent districts. The first women‘s college of Howrah is till date the only women‘s college of the district. The college was assessed by NAAC in 2005 and obtained Accreditation B ++. Bijoy Krishna Girls‘ College is one of the institutions belonging to CPE status earned in 2010. A large fraction of the students of this college are either first generation learners or coming from middle class families. Hence helping them to overcome their frustration and canalizing their energy to academics and extra curricular activities to gain confidence and to develop personality, is a challenge for the teachers.In a country steeped in poverty and ignorance where girl infanticide, dowry death and social and economic exploitation of women hardly raise any eyebrow, a girls‘ college in the three hundred year old conservative city of Howrah has a vital role to play. As such our commitments towards this battered womanhood are priority wise:- A] To enlighten and impart proper education to our students so that they can fight out their own cases in hour of need. B] To generate social, economic and political awareness among the students in order to enable them to take up leading role in overall socio-economic development of the country at large. C] To promote the cause of girl students, emerging from socially and economically backward strata of the society and assist them in establishing their individual entity. To fulfill our commitments and nurture these causes, we have strived throughout the years. We are happy with good success we have achieved, but still a long and thorny path and tedious journey awaits us. Again we strongly believe that the college is solely and singularly for students and the management including teaching and non-teaching staff is simply instrumental in smooth functioning of the college. We are confident enough that we will be true to our commitments and reach our cherished goal i.e. upholding the prestige and dignity of womanhood at large. Dr. Aloke Kumar Sarkar TEACHER-IN-CHARGE PUBLI SHED BY : TEACHER-IN-CHARGE, Bijoy Krishna Girls‟ College, Howrah. PREPARED BY: INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CELL BIJOY KRISHNA GIRLS’ COLLEGE, HOWRAH , W.B NAAC RE-ACCREDITATION SELF STUDY REPORT 2015 CONTENTS NAME OF ITEMS PAGE NO. A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 COMPLIANCE REPORT B. SWOC ANALYSIS 11 C. PROFILE OF THE COLLEGE 12 D. CRITERION WISE ANALYTICAL REPORT CRITERION I: CURRICULAR ASPECTS 21 CRITERION II: TEACHING, LEARNING AND EVALUATION 37 CRITERION III: RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 65 CRITERION IV: INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES 124 CRITERION V: STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION 139 CRITERION VI: GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 152 CRITERION VII: INNOVATIONS AND BEST PRACTICES 201 E. EVALUATIVE REPORTS OF THE DEPARTMENTS ANNEXURE I - CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION FROM THE AFFILIATING 308 UNIVERSITY ANNEXURE II - AFFILIATION OF THE COLLEGE UNDER 2F OF UGC ACT 309 ANNEXURE III– NCTE AFFILIATION OF B.Ed PROGRAM OF THE COLLEGE 310 ANNEXURE IV– UGC DOCUMENT ON CPE STATUS OF THE COLLEGE 311 ANNEXURE V- NAAC ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE OF FIRST CYCLE 312 ANNEXURE VI- BUGET 2014-2015 313 ANNEXURE VII- ACEADEMIC CALENDER 2014-2015 315 BIJOY KRISHNA GIRLS’ COLLEGE, HOWRAH , W.B NAAC RE-ACCREDITATION SELF STUDY REPORT 2015 Executive Summary The mission of this Institute is to unfold scopes and opportunities of higher education to diverse women learners of society with special attention over middle and low income profile. The college is affiliated to the University of Calcutta, Kolkata and offers undergraduate degree courses (General and Hons.) in Arts, Science and Commerce. Bijoy Krishna Girls‘ College is one of the institutions belonging to CPE (UGC, New Delhi) status earned in 2010. The College has applied to Higher Education Council, W.B. and affiliating University for initiation of Post Graduate Courses (wef 2015-16) on few subjects along with two new UG program (Botany Honours and Urdu General) . The IQAC of the College has played instrumental role in initiating quality assurance and improvement in academic and administrative activities of the institution. A summary of the criterion-wise sections of the Self-Study Report focusing on the salient features of our growth in the last ten years (since accreditation in September 2005 to the present) has been documented in the following brief report. ● Curricular Aspects SCOPES : 2005 2015 Progression in subject combinations in BA General 11 13 Progression in subject combinations in BSc General 07 09 Honours subjects in BA (Number only) 11 11 Honours subjects in BSc (Number only) 05 07 (01 Proposed) Honours subjects in BCom (Number only) 01 01 Professional Program B.Ed (NCTE) (Number only) 01 01 Post Graduate Program 00 04 (Proposed) BIJOY KRISHNA GIRLS’ COLLEGE, HOWRAH , W.B 1 NAAC RE-ACCREDITATION SELF STUDY REPORT 2015 Certificate Courses Add-on (Number only) 03 06 Others: Entry-in- Services ( UGC) From Academic session 2009-10 Remedial Courses From the academic session 2011-12 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY CENTRE From the academic session 2011-12 Courses in Distance Mode (other than Affiliating University) NSOU PG (Number only) 10( Ten) NSOU UG (Number only) Bachelors‟ Degree Programme (BDP) 03 Bachelor of Library Information Science 01 NSOU B.Ed (Number only) ODL mode 01 NSOU Diploma in Primary Teacher Education 01 IGNOU B. Ed (Number only) 01 The Academy of Competitive Examination, of the college offers coaching/preparation for Competitive Examinations (Number only) 05 (five) Limitations The college does not have adequate feedback system on curriculum development and assessment in accordance to needs of the students. The college is yet to entered into collaborations with other institute in regard of job orientation of students. BIJOY KRISHNA GIRLS’ COLLEGE, HOWRAH , W.B 2 NAAC RE-ACCREDITATION SELF STUDY REPORT 2015 ● Teaching- learning Evaluation Following over all Performance College earned UGC CPE status on 2010. The success rate of students is high compared to many other institute under the affiliating university which are > 85 % for Arts, > 90 % for science , > 85 % for commerce and >95 % for B. Ed The administration and teachers are paying effort on continuous assessment of students. Our record shows the there is a raising trend in student admission in the college. The number of students in 2005 was about 3000 whereas in 2014-15 it is about 4000. A further growth is expected in 2015-16. A 33% growth is recorded in last ten years. Teachers arrange extra classes (theory and Lab) to compensate for classes lost due to unforeseen factors. Arrangement of micro-teaching for advanced (Hons.) students of departments. Limitation: Due to irregular and poor attendance (students for Gen, course) many teaching program could not create sufficient impact. Progression in Teacher‟s Quality 1. No. of teacher with Ph. D 28 +04 (PTT/CWTT) 2. No. of teacher with M. Phil 09+07 (PTT/CWTT) No. of in service Ph. D in last ten years is 05+01(PTT/CWTT) No. of full time faculty= 58 No. of vacant position =23 No. of Part time faculty= 07 No. of Guest faculties= 65 BIJOY KRISHNA GIRLS’ COLLEGE, HOWRAH , W.B 3 NAAC RE-ACCREDITATION SELF STUDY REPORT 2015 Academic Planning It has been made in accordance to CPE action plan within the affiliating University’s curriculum frame work. Students’ appreciation on teaching (shown in graphic) 70 60 50 40 30 20 % OF TEACHERS OF % 10 0 1 2 3 4 STUDENT APPRECIATION STUDENTS‟ Appreciation: 4. > 85%, 3. 75-85%, 2. 65-75%,1.
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