09.14 | The Burg | 1 Community Publishers As members of Harrisburg’s business community, we are proud to support TheBurg, a free publication dedicated to telling the stories of the people of greater Harrisburg. Whether you love TheBurg for its distinctive design, its in-depth reporting or its thoughtful features about the businesses and residents who call our area home, you know the value of having responsible, community-centered coverage. We’re thrilled to help provide greater Harrisburg with the local publication it deserves. Realty Associates, Inc. Wendell Hoover ray davis 2 | The Burg | 09.14 CoNTeNTS |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| General and leTTers NeWS 2601 N. FroNT ST., SuITe 101 • hArrISBurg, PA 17110 WWW.TheBurgNeWS.CoM 9. puBlisHers Column ediTorial: 717.695.2576 10. neWs DigesT ad SALES: 717.695.2621 11. CHuCkleBurg 12. CiTy vieW PuBLISher: J. ALeX hArTZLer 14. state sTreeT [email protected] COVER arT By: JonaTHan Frazier eDITor-IN-ChIeF: LAWrANCe BINDA www.JonaTHanFrazier.CoM [email protected] IN The Burg "Looking Down the hill from reservoir Park" oil on Linen. SALeS DIreCTor: LAureN MILLS 16. CHAriTy for All [email protected] 22. CiTy folk SeNIor WrITer: PAuL BArker leTTer FroM THe ediTor 26. BriDging DiviDes [email protected] 27. Doing gooD When I was a kid, September meant one AccouNT eXeCuTIve: ANDreA Black thing—back to school. even my first days of [email protected] college didn’t start until after Labor Day. Today, most students begin school well ConTriBUTors: Burg latino before the sweltering days of August are TArA Leo AuChey, Today’S The day hArrISBurg done. heck, my summer interns vamoosed [email protected] by the middle of the month. 32. BesT of THe Bes T roSeMAry ruggIerI BAer This has had an interesting effect on [email protected] 34. HeAlTHy CommuniTies publications, which have moved their “back 36. fiesta on THe Hill to school” sections to August. Therefore, BArBArA TrAININ BLANk [email protected] the predictable “fall preview” now arrives in September instead of october. Jess hAyDeN [email protected] gooD eats TheBurg is fortunate to cover a broad demographic that includes anyone who lives in DoN heLIN the harrisburg area. So, for the second straight www.DoNheLIN.CoM 38. CHef's kitchen year, our special section for September focuses on hispanic American heritage Month. kerMIT heNNINg 40. Wine Time [email protected] 41. Home C ooking We hope you’ll enjoy our stories that touch upon this rapidly growing segment of ANDreW DyrLI herMeLINg www.ANDreWDyrLIherMeLINg.CoM our community. We even commissioned harrisburg artist Jonathan Frazier to paint STeve JuLIANA a beautiful landscape of an Allison hill [email protected] hoMeFroNT neighborhood as seen from reservoir Park, M. DIANe MccorMICk an image that graces our cover. [email protected] 42. wags & WHiskers otherwise, the September issue has—as is stePhANIe kALINA-Metzger 44. fAsHion forwarD our habit—something for everyone. Senior [email protected] 46. fAmily HeAlTH writer Paul Barker takes a deep look into the controversy surrounding the National Civil LorI MyerS War Museum, providing far greater context [email protected] than the fragmented “he said, he said” news CuLTure kerry royer accounts you may have read. We also hope [email protected] you’ll like a uniquely harrisburg feature 48. Burg Books about found art (and found artist), as well as reggIe SheFFIeLD [email protected] 50. Curtain CAll our first-ever fashion column.o f course, we have food, lots of food, as the local culinary missy SMITh 52. CiTy CinemA scene gets better all the time. [email protected] 54. Creator September is the largest issue we’ve ever DAN Webster 56. musiCAl noTes produced, which speaks to the rapid [email protected] progress we’ve had in making this magazine successful and sustainable. TheBurg may JasoN WILSoN not be the proverbial doorstop yet, but, with [email protected] hAPPeNINgS, 57 the continuing, incredible support from our community, we’re sure to get there. inTerns: laWranCe Binda S ArAh Moesta keeLy FICkAu editor-in-Chief [email protected] [email protected] FeATureS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| desiGn: CreATIve DIreCTor & DeSIgNer: MegAN davIS [email protected] AN issue oF fairNess, P. 12 • ChArITy For ALL, P. 16 DeSIgNer: krISTeN favA FouND ArT, P. 22 • Peace, Love & PooCheS, P. 42 • grIM reADer, P. 48 [email protected] FACeBook.CoM/TheBurgNeWS @TheBurgNeWS #ShuTTerBurg RUBICON LIVE Now Open! MUSIC -- Friday & Saturday nights 270 NORTH STREET, HARRISBURG | RUBICONHBG.COM 272 NORTH STREET • HARRISBURG,PA • 717.233.7358 WWW.MANGIAQUI.COM PARTNERS, LPi Residential & Commercial Properties www.wcipartners.com • 717.234.2225 NeWS insUrinG CoMMUniTy Property pride is a key component of a healthy city. By ANDreW M. eNDerS encourage open dialogue throughout the underwriting as pulling some weeds, repairing a broken window “You live there on purpose?” process and are adept at supporting clients through or planting a few flowers. Once we acknowledge This used to be the most common reaction after loss control and risk management, especially those the power of individual responsibility to effectuate acknowledging that my wife and I live in the Engleton requiring property coverage in Harrisburg. A strong positive change, we will all benefit. Each of us neighborhood of Harrisburg. Thankfully, it has become relationship with your insurance carrier creates a has the ability to encourage the maturation of our less frequent, but it still appears regularly. Describing mutually beneficial relationship. community. It can start with taking care of your Engleton’s geographic location (Reily to Kelker; 2nd property, which can provide direct economic benefit to 3rd) is its own endeavor, prompting me to resort to Insuring a property within city limits presents unique on your property insurance. Lion Ambassador tour guide tendencies developed at challenges. Building construction, proximity to other Penn State. I trust that a positive message resonates structures, years of ownership and condition are all As a city resident, I feel an obligation to be an more often than it might fall on deaf ears. factored into premium rates. City properties typically ambassador for my city. Whether you live in the city showcase a vast array of physical construction and or are a daily commuter, you should, too. No single To the surprise of many, we live here by choice, historical elements that will substantially impact person, elected or otherwise, can fix Harrisburg. but no differently than a family might choose to premiums. A property’s insurability is directly Successful change requires commitment from the settle in Hummelstown or Mechanicsburg. As dependent upon its condition, regardless of its community as a whole to consistently promote young professionals in the infancy of our careers, age. You have the ability to improve the condition positive behavior, rather than make excuses for its we love the dynamic that our neighborhood has to of your property, whether as a property owner or shortcomings. Doing so can have a positive impact offer. Neighborhoods throughout the city offer a tenant. Structures that fall into disrepair present on the long-term insurability of our city. similar sentiment. Harrisburg is full of people who serious complications. actually want to live here. These people create the I’ve taken to handing out copies of TheBurg and sense of community we are so fortunate to foster. It Within the last year, we have witnessed a recounting personal anecdotes to my clients. I have is an understatement to say that the city continues frighteningly large number of Harrisburg buildings even been known to mail a hard copy of TheBurg to face challenges. We are a city that is on the cusp collapse. Old masonry buildings that are not to an out-of-state insurance carrier for positive of renaissance based on the strength of its core— maintained are highly susceptible to becoming reinforcement, when reading it online just isn’t our people. It is vibrant, friendly and safe, but we structurally compromised. When a building is enough. Remarkably, I am no longer the only person have room to improve. One example is the disparate abandoned, that risk is exponentially increased. in my office doing this. The monthly allocation of condition of our properties. This impacts my ability to help clients protect their TheBurg that we receive doesn’t last long. Even investments, whether a home or business. though our business is located in Linglestown, our My professional career as an insurance broker entire team recognizes the importance of Harrisburg relies upon the clear communication of information. Harrisburg property ranges from ambitious new to our region. Harrisburg continues to suffer from an image problem commercial construction to residential properties attributed to years of bad press. As a result, I have owned by individuals who don’t even know the color We must not aspire to be average. We should aspire additional obstacles to overcome in order to effectively of their front doors. They all deserve the opportunity to achieve the positive recognition that our neighbors provide insurance coverage to my clients. to be properly insured. While conducting property in Lancaster, Lititz and Pittsburgh (each recognized inspections, I have encountered angry dogs, massive as a “best”) have received. Let’s embrace the nuances This is not some randomly manifested issue. I amounts of debris and structures that should require that already make Harrisburg a city worthy of its own regularly encounter insurance carrier underwriters hardhats to enter. I have also experienced LEED- recognition. A good place to start is to demonstrate (the people who judge insurability) who have become certified buildings, century-old units on the historical pride in our property—whether you own it or wary of insuring city properties. While many of these register, and lovely homes on quaint streets.
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