Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-14-2005 Arbiter, April 14 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. UDLUME 17 THE 1.0 E PE N DE. T STUDENT UD IcE DFO DIS EST R TE SINCE 1 933 THUR5DRY RPRIL 1'1 200$ I5!lUE 57 FIRST ISSUE FREE WHAT'S ) message boards, breaking THAT news, archive search, photo slideshows & weather SMELL? Cutting the seeds of love ordinate the event. Ziemer, who is either a ponytail or a braid at the to various other organi organization that uses hair dona- Suite 120. Last year, the haircuts donating a significant portion of BY DRNIELLE UERHULP time of the cut. Haircuts are free, throughout the yea~ tions to create custom, vacuum- were limited to' one salon, and her own hair, is excited to spon- News Writer but stylists will be accepting do- the Idaho food ba fitted hairpieces for children fac- hair stylists took donations from sor the event for the fourth year nations. Haircuts will take place They also partici the River On Saturday, April 16, the BSU ing financial hardship. 150individuals. This year, the or- in a row. She stated, "This is our ganization has set a goal of 200 from 10a.m, - 3 p.m, on Saturday Sweep and the BSU Holiday Help Honors Student Association will The Locks of Love Cut-Off is the program. All students involved in biggest community service event, donations. at either salon. Students wishing sponsor the fourth annual Locks largest of a series of community the Honors Student Association because the donations go directly All BSU students are invited to to donate hair are encouraged of Love Cut-Off. This event en- service events sponsored by the are also part of the Honors to the children. The hairpieces donate their hair to support the to contact Boise Hair Company courages students to donate their Honors Student Association. This College. created from donations provide cause. In order to qualify for do- West at 376-7622 or Top Notch hair to children who have experi- year, the haircuts will take place Honors Student Association these children with confidence nation, hair must be at least 10 Hairstyling at 384-5696. enced hair loss as a result of medi- at Boise Hair Company West at vice president of community ser- and self-esteem." inches long and be in good con- The Honors StudentAssociation cal conditions or treatments. 2999 North Cole and Top Notch vice, Kristin Ziemer, helped to co- th provides community service Locks of Love is a non-profit Hairstyling at 280North 8 Street, dition. It should be contained in A BSU does balacing act BY DUSTIN LRPRRY ASBSU is expected to receive News Writer approximately $446,238.24 from student fees to fund its opera- Just the thought of a deficit tions. The amount is lower than makes politicians and citizens last year's total, since Boise State nervous. But ASBSUPresident Joe University is expecting a drop in Holladay is taking it in stride. enrollment come fall. ' Holladay introduced his bud- The money is allocated to get for the fiscal year 2006 to the clubs, organizations, ASBSUstaff, ASBSU Senate Tuesday in the the senators, the executive, the Student Union Forum. Holladay' judicial, lobbyists, trips to meet had to cut a number of line items with the Idaho State Board of out of the budget because of an Education, the election' board, a approximate budget deficit of Diversity Affairs Fund, a Grant , $80,000 left over from the previ- Fund, the Hall of Fame Dinner, ous fiscal year. Homecoming, student attorney "[Former President] David fees, etc. Morriss put us in a tight spot, an Although a number of areas almost impossible spot," Holladay will have funding cut, Holladay said. believes that ASBSUand the stu-./ PIIOTIJ BY MAllY GIIACE LUCASfTIlE MIIITEli According to ASBSU Chief of dent body will survive this crisis. Boise State student Mallaaa Yilngparticipates In a test run on fee-besed printing Iii the Multi-Purpose computer lab, Staff Tim Flaherty, Morriss en- "I don't think it will hurt," tered his term with a $50,000 Holladay said. "It will just make budget surplus from President life a little tougher for us. We'll Ali Ishaq's term, and Morriss left have to work a little longer hours Fee-based printing test causes ASBSUmore than $80,000 in the and conserve a lot more .... You red. try to utilize the money you get Most of the cuts are in ar- the best you can to help the stu- eas such as travel and training. dents. We just trimmed the fat." confusion, but less paper waste Holladay and Vice President The Senate sent the bud- Kamron Ahmed also took pay- get into its Budget and Finance cuts to help ease the strain on Committee, where it will be re- Multipurpose Building computer summer. He says no students will manager Steve Henderson. He the budget. Holladay asked the viewed. The Senate cannot make BY MRRY GRRCE LUCAS lab on March 26. be charged until the fall semester says ordinarily one to three re- Senate to also take a pay cut, but changes to the budget, but can NEWS WRITER Since the test began, students and students will start out with cycle bins are emptied weekly in that is up to the Senate. exercise the right to make sug- in the lab have 'been asked to printing credit already in tact. He the Multipurpose Building com- "Asfar as our financial respon- gestions, and it has the' power StudentsusingtheMultipurpose swipe their student identification also says it is important for stu- puter lab, totaling anywhere from sibility goes," Holladay began, ultimately to refuse or pass the Building computer lab are still cards in order to print. The pro- dents to bring their student ID 10,000 to 30,000 sheets of wast- "We are here to help clubs and budget. adjusting to a test program for gram assesses a price to the job, cards, or they will not be able to ed paper. With the new system, organizations. What money we "Do everything cautiously and fee-based printing at Boise State based on the number and format print in the labs next fall. Henderson says, not a single bar- have after that would not satisfy research together," Semite Pro University. But officials say de- of the pages and, after printing, The Ol'I has researched similar rel has been left completely full. "I our ambitions. The things we'd Tempore Wyatt Parke advised the spite the initial confusion, stu- gives a remaining balance on the university fee-based printing pro- suspect we'll see a further reduc- like to do would cost a lot more new Senate. "This is one of the dents are adapting well, and the. student'S account. grams and has created a template tion." than what we have, even if we had biggest things we do." program is already cutting down Henderson says the accounts for the fall that they say will most on wasted paper and other re- The Arbiter recently reported likely effect only students who . a regular budget." that the Boise State University will be wiped clean of any charg- sources. print excessively. The average Ol'I' would begin testing a fee- es at the end of the semester, and "Waste is way down," said Office the process will repeat itself in the of Information Technologies lab based printing system in the See Prmt.mg Ipage 31 back to make the smell bearable, and "list." BY RRNORLL POST "I was like, yes, let's geton the , News Editor there was this family touring the dorms while we were trying to' phone and talk to the mysteri- ous person on the other end. For Shepp Lusk has a list of things unclog this toilet. I said, 'If I die, tell my children I died bravely," all I know, it could be a line to the, he'd like to do before he dies, and president of the United States. escaping an elevator Batman- Lusksaid. When he's not unclogging toi- Then, we can crawl up the hatch style is one of them. lets, Lusk looks over "convict" and be like Batman. But my boss Lusk, a junior history major, has was like, 'No, I've got a radio, We'll been a student custodian for the students. ones who have been caught drinking in the dorms call someone to open the door." housing department for the past ,While Lusk disappointedly three years. Now a "level 3" cus- and have been sentenced to work their punishment off in the form checked this off his list, there is todian at Chaffee Hall (the high- no question as to what is number est level a student can obtain), of community service. Luskhas the "convicts" vacuum one on his list. Lusk does what he is told, such as "My goal is to find a dead body," changing toilet paper and clean- the carpets and other odd jobs his Lusksaid. ing up vomit. boss assigns him. "If my boss says, {Shepp, move Other notable goals on Lusk's . "It makes me, as a person, ex- list include tricking a bear into pand; be the best that I can be," the dolly,' I say, 'Convict number one, move the dolly." going to college, getting into a Lusksaid.
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