THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF STANISLAUS ACTION AGENDA SUMMARY DEPT: Board of Supervisors BOARD AGENDA# Correspondence #3 Urgent Routine X AGENDA DATE July 10,2001 CEO Concurs with Recommendation YES X NO 415 Vote Required YES NO X (Information Attached) SUBJECT: THIS BOARD HAS RECEIVED A LETTER FROM THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY DRAINAGE AUTHORITY REQUESTING A LETTER OF CONCURRENCE FOR THEIR PROPOSAL FOR FUNDING FROM THE CALFED WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. APPROVE A LETTER OF CONCURRENCE FOR THE SAN JOAQUTN VALLEY DRAINAGE AUTHORITY PROPOSAL FOR FUNDING FROM THE CALFED WATER USE EFFICIENCY PROGRAM FISCAL IMPACT: NONE BOARD ACTION AS FOLLOWS: NO. 2001 -540 ATTEST: CHRISTINE FERRARO TALLMAN, Clerk ~y~ Deputy File No. SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY Pt:mk:cp :+J-L;:v- DRAINAGE AUTHORITG~uar;c~;c.~Ci w-~~~E 3 Box 21 57, Los Banos, CA. 93635 Wlaide V F~X: 9 Phone: (209) 826-9696 (209) 826-9698 L*> June 15,2001 The Honorable Paul Caruso Chairman of the Board Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors 1010 10th Street, Suite 6500 Modesto, CA 95354 Subject: Request for Letter of Concurrence Local Districts Approved for Cal-Fed Water Use Efficiency Grant Funds Dear Chairman Caruso, Enclosed you will find a copy of the San Joaquin Valley Drainage Authority's Proposal for funding under the CALFED Water Use Efficiency Program. Four -(4) special districts with lands in Western Stanislaus County; Central California lrrigation District, Del Puerto Water District, Patterson lrrigation District and West Stanislaus lrrigation District partnered on this application. We are pleased to report the application was accepted by CALFED and grant funding in the amount of $616,200 has been awarded for project implementation. The purpose of the project is to reduce direct surface water discharges to the San Joaquin River and allow for improved water management through recycling of drain water into the local irrigation supply. This will be accomplished using small buffer reservoirs strategically located in the project area. The project, entitled "Southwest Stanislaus County Regional Drainage Water Management Project", is described in greater detail in the application (attached). CALFED - Stanislaus County Letter of Concurrence Request May 30,2001 Page 2 of 2 The California Department of Water Resources, the program administrator, is requesting a letter of concurrence from the local government, signed by an official authorized to declare that this project is compatible with existing programs, the local general plan, or other regional activities, as appropriate. The aforementioned special districts would like to request the appropriate individual(s) at the County level review the project scope and, if possible provide these districts with the required letter of concurrence. The Districts and CALFED believe this is a strong project providing benefits to the environment and improved water supply management. Please feel free to call the undersigned district managers with any questions or concerns. kZ&dDd-- hris White William D. Harrison General Manager General Manager Central California ID Del Puerto WD G2-W-k Ronald Roos General knager General Manager Patterson ID West Stanislaus ID Cc : Regan Wilson - Stanislaus County, Chief Executive Officer George Stillman - Stanislaus County, Director of Public Works SUfllmERS €l?Gln€€RlnG, InC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS JOSEPH 8. SUMMERS 887 N. IRWIN ST. - P. 0.BOX I122 TELEPHONE JOSEPH C. MCGAHAN (559) 582-9237 HQnfORD, C4LlfORnlfI 93232 ROGER L. REYNOLDS TELECOPICR BRIAN J. SKAGGS (559) 562-7632 SCOTT L JACOBSON February 14, 2001 I Marsha Prillwitz Water Use Efficiency Office California Dept of Water Resources 1020 Ninth St., Third Floor Sacramento, CA 958 14 SUBJECT: Water Use Efficiency Program ProposallSolicitation Package Dear Ms. Prillwitz, Attached are one original and ten (10) copies and one electronic copy of the San Joaquin Valley Drainage Authority's Proposal for the Water Use Efficiency Program. Very Truly Yours, Roger L. Reynolds Cc: Frances Mizuno, San Joaquin Valley Drainage buthority John Sweigard, Patterson Irrigation District d Bill Harrison, Del Puerto Water District Ron Roos, West Stanislaus irrigation District Chris White, Central California Irrigation District A. Cover Sheet (Attach to front of proposal.) 1. Specify: El agricultural project or U individual application urban project El joint application 2. Proposal title-concise but descriptive: Southwest Stanislaus Countv Resional Drainage Water Management 3. Principal applicant-organization or affiliation: San Joaquin Valley Drainaqe Authority 4. Contact-name, title: Frances Mizuno, Assistant Executive Director, SLDMWA (Providinq Administrative Services to Drainage AuthoritvL 5. Mailing address: Route 1, Box 35 F; Bvron, CA 94514 6. Telephone: 209-833-1040 7. Fax: 209-833-1034 8. E-mail: frances [email protected] 9. Funds Requested-dollar amount $616,200 10. Applicant cost share funds pledged-dollar amount: $231,938 1 1. Duration-(month/year to monthlyear): April 2001 to Mav 2003 12. State Assembly and Senate districts and Congressional districr(s) where the project is to be conducted: 26th Assembly District; 12th Senate District: 1Bth Conqressional District 13. Location and geographic boundaries of the project: West side of San Joaauin Vallev, Stanistaus Countv, Between 1-5 and San Joaquin River from a~proximatelv1 /2 mile southerly of Orestimba Creek to Stanislausl San Joaquin Countv Line 14. Name and signature of official representing applicant. By signing below, the applicant declares the following: - the truthfulness of all representations in the proposal; - the individual signing the form is authorized to submit the application on behalf of the applicant; - the applicant will comply with contract terms and conditions identified in Section 11 of this PSP. Frances Mizuno Februarv 14, 2001 (printed name of applicant) (date) Scope of Work SW Stanislaus County Regional Drainage Water Management- Marshall Drain Improvements Relevance and Importance 1. Abstract (Executive Summary) The proposal will be subdivided into two major work tasks or phases. A map indicating the project area is attached. Phase 1 is to develop and implement specific modifications to improve the operation of the Marshall Road Drain situated in southwest Stanislaus County within the next two years. The goal of these modifications will be geared specifically to: a) reducing the silt loading to the San Joaquin River; b) reducing Organophosphorus (OP) Pesticide levels in the drainage water discharged to the San Joaquin River; c) reducing constituents adversely affecting the dissolved oxygen level within the San Joaquin River; and d) developing new water through construction of operational spill and taiiwater recovery systems to further improve the local efficiency of water management. This effort will necessitate the cooperation of various agencies. The watershed tributary to Marshall Drain consists of approximately 6,800 irrigated acres. This acreage is primarily located within the Central California Irrigation District (CCID), Del Puerto Water District (DPWD), and Patterson Irrigation District (PID). Silt laden upslope surface drainage and operational spill water presently discharge from these Districts into the Drain and then into the San Joaquin River. Projects involving all three agencies are contemplated and will be developed into a final Marshall Road Drain Master Plan. One specific project proposed during the next two years is the design and construction of a 15 - 20 acre terminal desilting and spill water recovery reservoir adjacent to Marshall Drain. This would reduce direct discharges to the San Joaquin River and allow opportunities for improved water management by recyling this drain water back into the local irrigation supply. Other possible projects include the development of on-farm tailwater return systems within each District and necessary canal/distribution system improvements to further enhance water reuse flexibility. This project will partially address CALFED Quantifiable Objectives 81, 98, 101, 104, by reducing surface drainage discharge back into the San Joaquin River. The project will also partially address CALFED Quantifiable Objective 90 by developing additional water supplies, which could reduce diversion requirements by increasing operational flexibility. Phase 2 will be completed in the second year and will utilize the lessons learned from the development and implementation of the initial Marshall Road Drain Project to finalize and develop an overall master plan strategy for other watershed drainage channels within southwest Stanislaus County. The objectives for this study will also be items (a) to (d) listed under Phase 1. These drainage channels include Hospital Creek, lngram Creek, Del Puerto creek, the Spanish Land Grant Drain, and Orestimba Creek. The DPWD and CClD have already discussed the possibility of constructing a regional desilting and tailwater recovery reservoir for the Spanish Land Grant Drain adjacent to CCID's Main Canal. The master plan report will review this proposal and other water management options in the study area. The study area covers approximately 85,000 agricultural acres between Interstate 5 and the San Joaquin River from just southerly of Orestimba Creek to the Stanislaus/San Joaquin County line. In addition to the water agencies mentioned above, the drainage study area also includes a large portion of the West Stanislaus Irrigation District (WSID). The feasibility study will develop and analyze data
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