'* *'V";t'ivv -»r p - »«^ rtr< " <a <* „ *,,, tJI '' ,v * < t lllSIlISi 'v 1 ' & * * . o * * . - *• , - >*-'. V s. 5 1 ....'.:?v>;^ »5v ' ^ y.h--- y< IE EIGHT. • A..•'•:•' '.,4 .•*, ,"*,.- -vs'. * f« THE EVENING TIMES. GRAND FORKS, N. D. MONDAY, JANUARY 5, IMS. I*' Winter News and Gossips^Wor ort ML HtSOT "™* and Knobs—-At Last Hank Sees a Chance to Get Some Easy Money By Farren •ee.BUT this is rTHCRE'S 6EEM V<HV ^»U rmtTu.t * RftTTON RiDttf, toy A V4RE.C*.! HAT HEM) Mt,H<o8V, H6, Mts. I M ALMOiT TRAIN , fc MKH CMi'T HAVE. TWG. SURE THEY . t *•$<> ,v, HAVt A SLEEP VlflTHCUT TW5TWM OFFICIALS OF- I DON'T P«SS»TtV£ n ^ ? N H lL BE MIEN HAVENT G36T — WHY? BEIN' WWEO BV WE. MtAM VJR£CK?I BOWPEP TOE R0«> «*• THNK. s Mmpin AND — I k»TV A the mict 66-/ HERE NCT? • • • if rtant Meeting of Na- eoT went w ? ft*RiADY Inal Commission and IN&PECIIOlt |aternity Committee ERS' DEMANDS iRE TO BE HEARD _ i lent Fultz of the Fed- j £ lion is Confident They Will Succeed. ! mia.ti. .Inn. -Tin- .1 rriwd storduj i'f I'resident 1 >;in .I'din- the American league, Neerr- I111 Heydler of the National and r.nrney I > r< • >•1"i 1:-;s. prer-d- JESS WILLARD THINKS HE'LL SOON BE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP tlio I'ii tsiiurgli club «'f the |al league. is forerunner cling ill" tin' lint iimal baseball Ission tii'i'r today tint bids fair »o baseball history. MATTER OF os the initial appeaianee 011 TOWARD FEDERALS tional commission of John K. gmerttnr in" IVnnt\>'I vain, a"d t •' *• f " « ft J »SOIIUI S1.11r collfRf1 1.Hi red a i elected president. of I lie Na- : resolnti. 111 liniiiins membership to tile j league. tin-. supreme i-onrl of cnlb'^es of Minnesota and the two Da- I Chain of Events Points to ^ II wilt have before (ho vverk is , Iviitas. This Would haw. barred I.11-| wrestled wllli soiiio. weighty DEFIKIE STEPS I.her coilr:;o nf Decorah. Imv.i, from! Fact that American League tis propounded by tlie new further membership. The resolution I 11 players' federation. was lost. j will the national < 0111111 ission lie Head is in Collusion. in the discussion of the playcrs' \'o Summer isa-vlial!. | .tion's requests. The ti;i t.i< ni:> 1 I lie iliMltei' (if I'li-nlier regulating I ARE NOT TAKEN "summer baseball,'' which was ,.n the I of minor leagues iiiis appointed mitteo Mint is expecttd to ar- program for discussion. Was passed liv i Chicago, Jan. 5,—The address of ere to lionr the requests of Lin; without any action, tifiic of the rep'- j welcome for the Federal league hand­ rcs"!nal ives eviilently iinviiiK anv de- ' ed out <1 few days ago by President tion. Coyotes Threaten to Join the : ^national hoard's committee eon- sire to start anythins. The rule e\- Ban Johnson of the American league eluding 11 la ye rp under the tKitional ' has caused a suspicion in the minds of f Secretary i'arrell of the 11a- : •board. and Presidents Harrow Missouri Valley Or­ as.reemoiu from college, baseball was many wise leaders in the national e International league, Kava- ieii intact. Playing with •'semi-pro." ' sport that there is some kind of an of the Southern league, Chiv- teams dnrins the summer when school ! understanding between the head ol ganization. • lx n"' session is permitted hv the I the young major league aind the new 1 of the American association, ; ciinfereiice. ustioe of the Central association. organization. From the wording o( SevcriiI changes in the ctigibHItr ! Hear Animal Itc|iort. the famous address regarding the un­ rub s with respect to jiroparatorv siu- I desirables now in the game and the national commission will moot HURON IS AWARDED dents were made. Hereafter no benefits the new league could bring Horning and hear the annual re- ! student can plav on a college ! about by driving the undesirables out, 01' its chairman, August Ilerr~ ANNUAL TRACK MEET ; team except in those colleses which | the suspicious ones have good reason and its secretary. John K. ; have atti'iidaiice of less than 100 stu- ; for their position. Following these reports the uents in the collegiate department, [ There is abundant reason for rs for the ensuing year will 1K- find then only after he has been in thinking that one "undesirable" on n and from all indications both Summer Baseball Passed up , attendance and completed a full year's Johnson's list is Charles Murphy. errmajin and llr. Bruce will work. Tile rule which permitted one j Ever since Murphy became the head ed themselfes. i year of play while a preparatory stu- • of the Chicago National league club, llowing the election a number ot —E. F. Chandler Re­ dent in addition to the four years of • Johnson's dislike has grown until now of minor importance will be de- j play allowed an athlete was done 1 Jess Willard. it is something akin to hatred. The by the commission after which elected Secretary. away with. Federals are going to hurt the pat­ U go into a conference with the Hit Migrating Students Hard. ! Jess Willard, one of the "hopes" of ronage of the West Siders as much ission from the national board Migrating students also were sa- j tho Caucasian race, who knocked out as they will any one if they succeed, u; 'ive to the requests from the 1 verely dealt with. Instead of the! St. Paul, Minn.. Jan. „ Dislikes Colonel Hedges. rs' federation. It Is hoped by Action , rule reading that the l-oayer migrating: j George Rodel not long ago, is now Then again it is well known that |rman Herrmann of the cotnmis- looking with longing eyes toward Johnson and Bob Hedges of the Qunboat Smith, the conqueror of Pel- •f-f that nil of this work c;an be ;i<— Browns have not been the best of c lished lomorrow so both the ky. Willard says he will try to get a friends for years. Ban never has been ission and the committee from mateh with- - Smith. Xo 'doubt victory^ .able to rid his Jeague of Colonel national hoard can have a free over the gunner would put Jes^ in Hedges, although a grand elltorf wa& on Tuesday immediately to go the very forefront of the ''white made three years ago to turn over a eotiferetnwith the committee tile lifth annual session of the latter any branch of athletics until after he, hopes" and earn for him the title .of the club to a syndicate of Mound ["int.ed by the baseball players' body at The Saint Paul. The .status of has been in attend,-nice a j"i>?J year, j white heavyweight champion. Gun­ City men. The memliers of. the syndi­ 'ration, which will be headed liy the Coyote institution was carefully Athletes who have received a degree j boat refuses to take Willard serious­ cate were unable to dlg'u'p;the neces­ avoided throughout the session until d Kti ilz. or have passed in enough hours to re- | ly and already claims the champion­ sary coi„ when it came—to a show­ Iiuirinnn Merrmnnu announced nearly time for adjournment, and It ceivo a degree from any college in the i ship. down, although they had been given niKht. tiic coinniisHion and the looked for a time like it would be conference, also aiv barred from en- I a clean bill of health by the char­ mittee of the Iiaiiniial board will passed by entirely, until Prof. U. |. tering athletics in that or any other acter committee of the league. .lulles. representing Dakota Ucsleyan [de some lime diirinK' today whoth- co/leg>. of the conference. Outlaws Desert Cleveland. 1S lie moetinn with the players' fed- university, dropped a boiub in the There was a prolonged discussion TENER WILL MAKE Another peculiar angle to the sus­ lion noinmill.ee would be open to shape of a resolution that any insti­ also as to whether commercial snb- picious affair Is that the Federals have tution in the conference, in order to CUNNINGHAM, CLOQUET i I public, .iecls and music nr art work should UMPIRE REAL BOSS out of Cleveland. The reason hold its membership, must play al ALL-STAR TEAM pulled ne rertue.sis oT the players' federa- l'o fm'Iuck'r] in tin; ro»|iiiremoniH for given by the new organization for deal exclusively with the sub- least two games with other conference college credits in order to he eligible, New York, .Tan. 5.—Strict discipline PITCHING STAR, MS deserting Cleveland was that it was of contracts, the wording thereof, colleges each season in each branch but no action was taken. The pur­ on the baseball field is one of the impossible to find grounds in that reserve cluu:;e and various other I of sport in which it participate?. pose of the proposed changes w-ts to things President John K. Tencr of city. This is hardly true, for there ,1 WtTfl TKyULUTH TEAM lies that tlio federation believes! Threaten 1.0 «li>in ,AIi>.»iiiiri Valley. I ''•' * athletes who d<j not i-ike a the National league will demand of are many vacant spaces in that city r Kll !lr FOR ft Id be done away with or at least* Acting President -Marsh.ill McKu- i " ' collegiate course leading to that could be secured if- needed for __ 1'tis umpires, according to his secre- Duluth, Minn., Jan.
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