Sunday Herald, December 31, 2006. - January 6, 2007, p. 10B. rime Minister Portia Simpson The Prime Minister added thai, about achieving growth that has PMiller made her inaugural "my vision is alxml empowerment: a>socir�tt-d with it, the wid�•sl possible Budget presentation in tbe where citizens takt: respnnsihilit) for range <:1! employment <)pportunities. As House or Rcpresentatinos on May 9, the malmge.ment of their ecvn.vtnic, part Qfthc growth agenda. I am insistent wbct-c she focused on a number ot' health. educational, cultural and that we facilitate, encourage and assist areas that \\'Ould reeeh't' spedal recreational needs, !<upported and the Jamaican peoplt' who have the " attention during the l006/U7 fiscal facilitated by the government . cntrcprencurinl spirit to grasp income­ Jear. Outlining Sl)mc k.::� art·as of gcm�ruti<>n t)pponunitit·s," she statt·d. priority. Mrs. Simpson Milkr �aid her The Pt·imc M.ini�1cr dted whal Vision fm· Jamaica :1dmini>tration intended w �trem"!thcn she said. was "c1;tical" inn.'Sbnent in ·'Mv position is not. merely the mncm-econumh: policy \vG h a ti"Unsforming . the country's IX11itical: but lt is also deeply comprehensh·e upgrade of the educational SJstem to raise phih>s1>phical. Tht: well-being of any development programme hy rooting it educational standards for all. create sodety depends on the well-being of all in community empowerment. a world class education and training Its pcnple. The measure or a good --This me.ans that the cotnmunitles system that produces a first class SOciCt)'. the.refore, iS ht)W j t treat;; the throughout Jamnica will play an human being capnhlc of competing in poor. the aged. those with disabilities important role. in defining what JS w b.: any Sl'ClOl' of the global et:onomy. and our W•)men and children:' Mrs. dont· and in ensuring �ucee�sful Sill'IJ'�on l\·1iller said in her opening implementation of the �tkvclopment Transforming Lives remarks. pmgmmmc:' she said. Mrs. Simpson Miller assured that "We must remind ou.rselves it. was Iter intention to accdemt.e tht� therefore, that people are the ultimate hn·estment Pt-ogrammes proce�s of Educational Transformation. end. and not the means tn the Jl<)litica! ·Turning to inl'estment which IHJUid lead to maJor progn•ss ill or pers(mal ambitions or (.lthers. We programmes. Mrs. Simp�on Miller said several aspects <>f the programme. must remind ourselves th:ll the worth of a most impressive J'acl..ttge M Stres<sing that it was the a person is nN based on thci r c,•onomic, inv estments was unden\ ay in the resp,)llSthtlity of the State to pmvide soci:ll or political status, but on their <.:ounfry and strei1gttu:ning the t�llpacity the t'nvirnnrnent and support for eoch 'G•xl-ghen possession of fr.;:e wilL of communities would onlY make this young person to discover his or her ability to reason t111d. importantly, on the package more impressiw. • unique gifr and dt·,dop this to it� full moral values they po�sess. We must ..These investments li.I"C related pNt•ntial, Mrs. Simpson Mtller said ne\' cr aiJ()W anyone to he t�ncum bcn�d to stt·ategic Industry dusters. youth del'elopmt'tlt must lx• focused on by the geography of birth. social or identified in the National lndustrinl positive is�ues surrounding the enmomic staru<' the t'rlme Minister IJolicy. They inc-lude: Tom·ism, appropriatt� transition strategies from Sllid. Mining, Shipping and Uerthing. childhood h) adolescence and into Mrs. Simpson Miller .s.tid she hml Information aud Communications adulth(Kld. a clear vish)O of Jamaica becoming a Technoh-.g:�· and Agro-processing,'' ''It musl not see young people as country thai. ··will rc.<�ch a swgc where she not<.'<l, adding that many of these problems and therefore bt· tmred itt we have universal literacy <tnd an Investments were now being finding strategies to "fix" the youth.'' cd1kation <Hld trainmg sy�tt•m that implemented. and ''we need to she said. l.l wa$ to this end, she nnted. produces a fir»t class human being organlSl• ourselves in a wuy thu1 will that f<)r thi s year. the. Natmnal Youth Sen ice t NY S) would he expanded from 3.000 to 5,000 rarti,·ipanls. facilitated by a provision of $500 millton. Tumi ng to the Nati<lllal Housing Trust. tlw Prim.: Mllli'<ter s;1id tulllis1il workers must be properly hou�ed in commumtics that were t•onvenient to their place of employment. 'l'heref<'rc, this year some 12 ne\\ projt•t·ts ronsi�ting of I .872 new uni.b arc to be cunstru<.:ted in the parishes of Westmoreland and Hanover. In addition, slw informed the House that some J ,205 hous1ng sol uti<'ns would he dell vered in the parishes of Kmgston and St. Andrew. St. Catherine. l'relawnv, St. Elizabeth and \Veslm<)rcland. A� part nf her m:mdatc II) ·"balance the Prime Mi11ister, tile MfJSI lltm. PtJrtia .Simpwm Miller arri•·�·I al Gorc/011 Hmtse f<�r her Jives of our people. while it�au.�llral b1ulget presematum. .;:nsurmg nmli and urban de\ clupmt·nt". Mrs. C:1!t.:ti-itc of C<>tnpetifi'f\\imtln iihysector maximise, . e�impson Miller said the Urflan "*. the w-orld eco�l ' Jaiiiail.:.a e1mwpristl �,4t U �·dopmcnt Corporation (UlX'+"'"a,; , iqjv_�tf�ti£.� w.ber-c our people will 111,1.h� access level an� for �expected to play a signifit·ant role in across tht· lx•ard, to first class hl�<lllh ofthcst•mvl�tmenls . pm�:iding more jobs for pcopit'. care, and to �a:fe and reliable .Mrs. Simpson Miller said the�c Thn:>ugh the Lift-up.lamaic:1 progmmc. tnmsportalion ''. inn•stnwnts W{)uld help to bring about Phast• IL this year, ;mother l. L 50() She explained that ht·r vision wns a better quality of life for all. persons would 11e empl(>yed, she ()rtt' community partidpalion_ 'vhcrc emdi�:ating povt�rty and neating disclosed. addin!! that these individuals of � ·'we create the space - the environment wealth. would aiS<) be trained and certified. set· where people thdr invoiYemt•nt in ''These nrt· vital compont·m� uf �Yhin!! them a skill for life. ationallifc as theJr i11.ht". ecomJmic growth. We ::rr pnsswnate ln addition to jobs crt:ated through National Library of Jamaica Prime Mifti.vter, the MMt !lou. Portia Simpson Miller delivers Iter iJUitlgural budget presenumo11. the acti\'ilics of the UDC. manv mort· a complete plan to detennine how \�·e l>quality, development and peace," jobs would be ncated thmugh the ca1t become an en•n biggerplayer in she said. construction of housing uevclopml!nts this growing sector, so that we can She added that there were still at Hellshire Park and Johnson Hill in use sport.\i to boost ewryother linked some serious social issues that were St. Catherine, Mount F.dgecombe in Industry, such as tourism and defined by rural and urban ptwerty, the \Vestmorel;md. Success in Montcgo entertainment," she informed. femiuisation and threat to sustain:ible Bay, and the Caymanas Development, Mrs. Simpson Miller also used the development of the HIV AIDS cross ' �he i nforrned. opportunity to ussure .the nation that pandemic. tx rdcr and internal "\Ve are not taking a chance National lnsuranl't' Sl·heme funds were human trafficking. which expose ynung with people's Jives, where they may secure and that the interest t)f girls to dehumanizing sexual win or lose. By creating jobs, we arc contributors would not be jeopardized. experiences, the rise in gender-based seeking to balance the lives or the She explained that the investment of $1 violcnl'C and the abulic of children, the u of people," she reiterated. bill.ion from the National Insurance ed cational undt·r-achit•vement the Fund <.Nil;) NIF l:(1r mkro and small poor in general nnd poor boys in " Urban Renewal business credit was part of the purlicuh1r and the need to empt)wer strategic thinking of the NIF Board to women and girls to tuke their rightful On Urlmn Hcnewal Pro!!rarnmes.� participate in pwjects that have u pi<Kt' in the Jamaican sodt�ty. Mrs. Simpson Milkr s<tid she was significtmt dcvelopmentnl i mpact, "My emphasis on community _ ''insi<>ting'' th:1t the people at the spet·iJkally gt"arcd at economic empowerment and partnership with gras�roots levd be consulted in the growth and employment creat on''. all stakeholders will result in the de\ lopmenl of pn::je..:ts at mun t i e thet"Om i y strengthening or the gou�mmental . leYel. ThcrefortJ this approach \Vas and non- gon!mmental stJcto:rs in the adopted .by the l.JDC as P'art of the Regional Partnership The Prime Minister said that while delivery of gender-sensitive Rural Township Re-development working \Vith development partners in pmgrammes and policies," she said. Programme for Port Mnria. the internaiional communi�y to assist •·J intend to give focus and s�rious As a result. she added. $23 million w of the country in achie1·ing the broad consideration the level human and would Oc provided by the mx: for financial r ou c s promote ViSIOns and objectives, her es r e thut can specific pmjects chosen hy the people. positive gender relations at all levels of ndministrati\.1n would be paying ·'This is how wt· intend lo empower the particlllar attention to the completion of the society.'' the Prime Minister outlin�o>d.
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