A� WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTÉ EXECUTIVE BOARD EB37/WP/1 19 January I966 Thirty-seventh Session ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Agenda item 3.3 REPORT OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE The symbol for this report given as ЕВ37Л7 should be substituted Ъу the symbol EB;57/WP/1. рт С V S Ц e^lio O^XeÀ ru^vnU (7. /. ^¿J DRAFT PRELIMINARY RETORT OP THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE (Report on its examination of the proposed programme and budget estimates for I967) CONTENTS Páge Introduction . vii CHAPTER I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Programme I-i Organizational Structure Headquarters - I-i Regional Offices I-i Sources of Financing International Health Programmes I. Funds administered directly or indirectly by WHO (1) Regular Budget • • • • • 1-2 (2) Ufiitèd Nations Development Programme (2.1) Expanded programme of Technical Assistance ..... I-6 (2.2) United Nations Special Fund 1-7 (3) Funds-in-Trust 1-7 (4) РАНО Regular Budget and Other Funds Administered through the Pan American Sanitary Bureau 工-7 (5) Voluntary Func' for Health Promotion 1-8 II. Funds administered by other agencies 工-9 III. Contributions by governments towards the costs of implementation of WHO-assisted projects 1-10 Budgetary Processes and Practices The Three-Year Budget Cycle under the Regular Budget 1-10 Page Programme Planning Procedures under the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance 工-13 Programming and Allocation Processes in UNICEF 工-15 Composition of the Regular Budget 1-15 CHAPTER II. CLASSIFICATION AND'XOMPUTATION OF"THE .ESTIMftTES Classification 工工一 1 Computation of the Estimates II-2 Findings and Observations of the Committee 工工-6 CHAPTER III. DETAILED EXAMINATION AND ANALYSIS OP THE PROPOSED PROGRAMME AND BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR I967 Part 1. Level of Effective Working Budget for 1967 and Main Items Accounting for the Increase over the Level for 1966 . • . •.工工1-1 Part 2. Detailed Analysis of the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates for I967 . Ill-5 Annex 1 to Official Records No. 146 - Summaries and Details of Organizational Meetings and Headquarters Activities Organizational Meetings (Part I of the Appropriation Resolution) 1. World Health Assembly I工工_5 2. Executive Board and its Committees Ill-6 3. Regional Committees III-7 Operating Programme (Part II of the Appropriation Resolution) 4. Programme Activities 工工1-8 5. Regional Offices 工 6. Expert Committees 工工工-46 Administrative Services (Part III of the Appropriation Resolution) 8. Administrative Services 工工工《-47 Common Services at Headquarters 工工1-52 Page 7 and 9. Other Statutory Staff Costs 111-56 Other Purposes (Part IV of the Appropriation Resolution) 111-57 Annex 2 to Official Records No. 146 - Regional Activities Africa Ш-б2 The Americas 111-68 South-East Asia 111-75 Europe • . 111-81 Eastern Mediterranean I工工-86 • • • . - . , • ;' Western Pacific 111-91 Inter-Regional and Other Programme Activities ••••••• Ill-96 Other Programme Matters considered by the Committee . 111-100 Part 3. Programmes and Estimated Obligations Presented in Annexes 3 and 4 of Official Records No. 146 ... Annex 3 of Official Records No. 146 - Voluntary Fund for Health Promotion III-103 Annex 4 of Officiai Records No, 146- Additional Projects requested by Governments and not included in the Proposed Programme and Budget Estimates 工工工-112 ... ....:.•••... :: ':'•'• •. : ...:. ... ‘‘ • ‘ CHAPTER IV. MATTERS OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD Part 1. Budgetary implications of increased salary scales for profesèional and ungraded categories of staff, and of travel standards • . IV-1 Part 2. Matters to be Considered in Accordance with Resolution WHA5.62 of.the Fifth World Health Assembly jy-9 Part 3. Other matters to be considered by the Board iv-20 Part Proposed Effective Working Budget Level for I967 IV-25 -iv - LIST OF APPENDICES 1. Averages used in computing the proposed I967 budget estimates, compared with average obligations in previous years (Appendix j^.l) 2. Resources of WHO and workload of certain administrative services (Appendix 5.2) 3. Field activities: estimated obligations expressed as percentages of total amounts under the regular budget by region and type of activity (Appendix 5.3) 斗. Continuing projects, projects composed of fellowships only, and new projects, for 1965, 1966 and I967 under the regular budget: number of, and estimated obligations, as provided for in Official Records No. 146 (Appendix 5.4) 5. Estimated contributions by governments to ШО-assisted projects in their own countries (Appendix 7.1) 6. Casual income (Appendix 8.1) 7. Amounts of casual income appropriated for the regular budget or for supple- mentary estimates, or transferred to the Working Capital Fund, during the years I956-I965 (Appendix 8.2) 8. Parasitic Diseases: the 1967 programme proposals in perspective (Appendix 9.1) 9. Health Laboratory Services: the 1967 programme proposals in perspective (Appendix 9.2) 10. Additional requirements for I967: summary by appropriation section and purpose-of-expenditure code (Appendix 10.1) 11. Estimated total obligations under all funds: with percentages by major functions (Appendix 10.2) 12. Summary by purpose-of_expenditure code, indicating percentages of total regular budget estimates (Appendix 10.3) I?. Summary of budget estimates (Appendix 10.4) 14 • Summary table showing total budget, income, assessments and effective working budget (Appendix 10.5) 15. Scales of assessment for 1965, 1966 and I967 (Appendix 10.6) 16. Number of posts and estimated obligations for 1965, 1966 and 1967 under all funds administered directly or indirectly by WHO (including the programmes planned under the Voluntary Fund for Health Promotion) broken down by major subject heading (Appendix 10.7) I?. Comparison of the budget estimates for 1967 with those for I966, showing increases and decreases with percentages, by appropriation section (Appendix 10.8) 18. Main items accounting for the increase in the proposed budget estimates for 1967 (Appendix 10.9) LIST OF CHARTS 1. Structure of the headquarters Secretariat (Chart 2.1) 2. Development of established posts since 1952 (Chart 5.1) 3. Regional activities: Estimated net obligations under the regular budget for 1966 and 1967 (Chart 5.2) 4. Use of revised effective working budget of$44 1)1 800 for 1966, by percentages (Chart 10.1) 5. Proposed use of effective working budget of $ 49 200 000 for 1967, by percentages (Chart 10.2) 6. Estimated obligations under the regular budget for 1965 compared with the revised 1966 and the proposed 1967 estimates totalling $ 49 200 000 (Ghart 10.3) PRELIMINARY REPORT OP THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE (Report of the Standing Committee on Administration and Finance on its examination of the proposed programme and budget estimates for 1967) Introduction At its sixteenth session the Executive Board, in resolution EB16.R12, of established "a Standing Committee on Administration and Finance, to consist the pro- seven of its members, to make detailed analyses of the financial aspects of posed programme and budget estimates", and at its twenty-eighth session the Board, in 2 :, resolution EB28.R2 decided tc increase from seven to nine the membership of its Standing Committee on Administration and Finance". The Standing Committee, as established by the Executive Board at its thirty-sixth session, in resolution EB)6.R5广 met from 10 to 17 January i960. The attendance was as follows : Dr D. E. Boye-Johnson ... Dr A. Diba (alternate to Dr J. Amouzegar) Professor R, Geri6 Dr J«~C.' JIappi Alternate : Dr E. Elom Ntouzoo Dr.Ir. W» Jayesuria (alternate to Dr M. Din bin Ahmad) Dr К. N. Rao Mr H. N。 Roffey (alternate to Sir George Godber) Alternate : Mr J. G. Quinton Advisers; Mr C. P. Scott Miss T. A. H. Solesby Dr J. Watt Advisers ; Mr H. B. Calderwood Mr S. P. Gilstrap Dr С. P. Huttrer Mr J. Viachob Dr К. Evans, Chairn^i ox the Executive Board, ex officio Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions, 8th ed” p. 239. 1 I I • IM~ r ‘ - _ 丨》__ • ~ • I I - I •丨丨丨' 2 Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions, 8th ed” p. 2^0. I - , I •• M ^ _•••_•••"•,•• ••• • l_ I W • •Пт^ГЛЛШ•‘ •!•!! Ill I ^^mm^» At its first meeting, on Monday, 10 January 1966, the Committee elected Dr J. Watt as Chairman• It elected Dr J•-С* Happi Fren-сЬгlanguage Rapporteur and decided that the Chairman would serve as Rapporteur for his own language• 1 Pursuant to resolution EB36.R5 the meetings of the Committee were attended also by the following members of the Board and alternates and advisers: Dr T. Alan Advisers: Mr M. Sirman Mr 0. Aksoy Dr A. Benyakhlef Miss A.P.W. Lunsingh Meijer (alternate to Professor P. Muntendam) Professor F. Macuch Alternate: Dr В, Doubek Advisers; Dr A. Pleva Dr M. Chocholousek Dr D. P. Kennedy 'Alternate Mr W. G. Thorp The meetings of the Committee were also attended by the representative of the United Nations, Mr N. 0. Luker. In the course of its meetings, the Standing Committee, in accordance with its terms of reference: (a) made a detailed examination and analysis of the Director-General's proposed programme and budget estimates, including the formulation of questions of major importance to be discussed in the Board and of tentative 1 suggestions for dealing with them to facilitate the Board s decisions, due 广 2 account being taken of the terms of resolution WHA5.62; 1 (b) studied the implications for governments of the Director-General s proposed budget level; 1 Handbook of Resolutions and Decisions, 8th ed., p. 241. 一 IX — (c) examined the proposed appropriation resolution; (d) considered the status of contributions and of advances to the Working Capital Fund, and ( .) considered, and reported separately to the Executive Board on e the transfers between sections of the 1966 Appropriation Section, necessitated by revisions to the approved estimates made in conjunction with the preparation of the proposed programme and budget estimates for 1967.
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