% COEUR D’ALENE EVENING PRESS VOLUME 2, NUMBER 88 OOBUR D’ALENE, IDAHO, MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 18. 1907 PRICE FIVE CENTO TRANS-MISSISSIPPI CONGRESS ADMIRAL MOW RETIRES W IL L ISSUE Prominent Men Who Will Take Commandant at Boston Hatry Yard FRANK PRICE IS Part Since 1904. Muskogee, Okla., Nov. 1$.— Musko­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 18—Rear gee blossomed out today with elabor­ Admiral A. S. Snow retired from act­ GREENBACKS ate decorations in honor of the hun­ ive service today, being the third WILLING WITNESS dreds of distinguished delegates who officer of th a t rank to leave the navy are pouring Into the city for the this month, by operation of the age eighteenth Trans-Mississippi con­ limit. The others were Rear Admir­ Government to Increase Circula­ gress. All of the streets of the Fast als H. W. Lyon and Asa Walker. Testifies as to the Time Adams Oklahoma metropolis have been deco­ Rear Admiral Snow will be succeed­ rated in s lavish style and the prep­ ed as commandant of the Boston navy- tion $150,000,000 arations tor the entertainment of the yard by Captain William Swift. Cap­ Left the St. Joe visitors have been made in an un­ tain Swift was only recently restored precedented scale. This convention, to duty by order of President Roose­ WASHINGTON, Nov. 18.—Secre­ representing as it does, the commer­ velt, after having been under suspen­ KATHDItl’M. Idaho, Nov. 18.— asked if he did not endeavor to cat acy of silence to shield their guilty tary Cortelyou last night made the cial interests of the entire country sion for six months on a nine month's The trial o|! Steve Adams, charged Mason to nalp hunt Simpkins for the comrades. After investigation. Pres­ important announcement that as a west of the Mississippi, is by far the sentence for allowing the battleship with the murder of Fred Tyler, In state and receive a portion of the ident Roosevelt issued an order dis­ most important ever held In Oklaho­ Connecticut to run on a rock off Cul- the Marble creek country in 1904, $4000 reward This to said to have means of affording relief to the finan­ missing all the soldiers of these ma, and the recent admission of the ebra. moved alon|[ slowly today. occurred at Wallaea. Attorney Knight cial situation, the treasury would is­ three companies from the service of twin territories to statehood makes Albert Sydney Snow, who today O. M. Told a homesteader of the objected to the question and waa sue $50,000,000 of Panama canal the United States army, “without it especialy significant leaves the service of Uncle Sam's de­ Mica creek district and a surveyor of sustained. bonds and $100,000,000 certificates honor.” The opening tomorrow, which will fenders of the seas, was born in Rock­ tbe upper 8t. Joe country, was called Frank Price « u recalled and This order of President Roosevelt of indebtedness, or so much thereof be held in the magnificent new con­ land Me., November 18. 1845, and to the witniMW stand. He was exam­ Knight naked "you felt pretty good created a great sensation and was ined concerning tbe lay of the land when you heard of iioule'a death?” as may be necessary. The certifi­ vention hall just completed, will be graduated from the naval academy denounced by colored people all over of the nature of a statehood celebra­ In 1865. He served in the expedi­ and the conditions of the trails la “You bet 1 did.” “And you feel m cates will run for one year and will the country. Prom an idol of the tion. Addresses will be delivered tion to Corea and the attack on Core- 1904. yet?” “Well, I am not grieving over bear 3 per cent interest. The secre­ negroes, the president became in by C. N. Haskell, Oklahoma's first an forts. He has been Commander of Mrs KIllicit was called anil testi­ IL" moment their greatest “enemy.” The tary's action in coming to the relief governor, D. R. Francis of St. Louis I the Badger and the New York. Prior fied th a t h |»c wits a homesteader of Captain Laird who waa running of the financial situation meets with action of the president led to numer­ and many other well known men.! to becoming commandant of tbe Bo- • 1905 and saw Orchard and Simpkins the steamer bpokaae on Aug. t, 1194, President Roosevelt's hearty approv­ ous debates in the senate, directed The program for the entire session ton navy yard. In February, 1804, he that year. Her evidence was valua­ stated, when placed upon ths stand al, and the plan is the outcome of mainly to a discussion of the presi­ is the most imposing in the history was for four years commandant of ble only on account of proving Or­ that he came out of the woods with the several conferences which have dent's power in making these whole­ of the congress, the speakers includ­ the New York navy yard. chard waa there. Adams who was oa his way to Spok- been held in the White House within sale dismissals. A feature of the dis­ ing Governors Hoch of Kansas. Folk Frank Price waa called and prov­ baving a ticket to that point. the past Tew days, when the financial cussion was the bitter clash of Senat­ of Missouri, Pindall of Arkansas, FIGHT SUGAR TRUST ed to lie a willing witness for the de­ situation was under consideration. ors Tillman and Spooner, who engag­ Cummins of lawn, Sheldon of Nebras­ fense. He now live* In Spokane but ATTRACTIVE RIVERSIDE PARK Secretary Cortelyou says that the ed in a fiery controversy on the race ka, Blanchard of Louisiana and Mead Pennsylvania Company Wants Dam formerly hOmextended In tbe Mat tile Panama bonds will afford substantial question. - of Washington; Vice President Fair­ ages of 130,000,000. creek dlstrik-t in 1904. He kept a ho­ Sixty Lota Wan Sold in New Addi­ relief, as the law provides that they A resolution providing that the tel and store about three fourths of banks, Hon. Gifford Pinchot, Hon. NEW YORK. Nov. 18.- Damages tion. may be' used as a basis for additional committee on military affairs make John Barrett, director of the bureau mile from Mason's and was well for $30,000,000 are asked by the Many persona took advantage of bank circulation. He also states an investigation of the facts con­ of American Republics, and others acquainted with Simpkins and Other the free excursions to Riverside Park that the proceeds from the sale of nected with the shooting was passed equally prominent. Pennsylvania Sugar Refining com­ people coming and going. His des­ certificates can be made directly late in January. In this committee pany In its suit against the American cription of Simpkins did not tally addition yesterday sad look ad the property over. It wae the first day available at points where the need as on the senate floor. Senator For- Sugar Refining company, known with the Other witnesses' evidence MURPHY AND KEYES of the sale under the easy payment is most urgent, and especially for the aker of Ohio—animated, it is allged, the “sugar trust,” which came up for He said thL jum pers tam e armed to plan and sixty persona took advan­ movement of crops, which, he says by bis desire to secure the support of Completed for GloveArrangements trial today before the United States the teeth With rifle and revolver tage of the opportunity to invest in “if properly accelerated, will give the the negroes in his presidential cam­ Contest. court for the southern district of New He said Phillips and Griffelh came paign—espoused the cause of the col­ the Iota. The addition I toe along the greatest relief and result in the most NEW \O R K , Nov. 18.— All a r­ York. The plaintiff is represented by- later. In some of his answers, the ored men. Senator William Warner, river front with n gentle elope from Immediate financial returns.” rangements have been completed for former Governor Frank S. Black, of proasrutlot's attorneys desired the of Missouri, represented the Roose­ Hm northern boundary to the water The secretary calls attention to the contest Wednesday ulgbt between New York. Associated with him are emnt to cifll him down which Judge velt administration at the hearing. giving an excellent drainage and the attractiveness of the bonds and Tommy Murphy and Bert Keyes. Battle 4k Marshall, of this city, and Wood did, threatening to have hint With only a few Interruptions, the making the location healthfaL The certificates as absolutely safe invest­ They will engage in a six round bout Joseph De F. Junkln, John C. Bell held for contempt of court. His evi­ committee held almost daily sessions lota are priced from $1$ to $100, pay­ ments. at tbe stag of the Sharkey Athletic and other attorneys of Philadelphia dent* corroborated o H, Todd as to for four months, examining 156 wit­ able $10 down and $10 each month Secretary Cortelyou adds that club. Great Interest is manifested Attorney Black is confident of succeai the bad tip I Is and rougbnesa of the nesses in all, including many of the until paid for. A number of the these relief measures will enable him in the battle, as Keyes has showt in the case, which, in amount of dam country. He claimed he saw Adams negro soldiers who had been dis­ purchasers yesterday will build human to meet public expenditures without great Improvement since he last box­ ages asked, is among the most Im­ and Glovef at the Mason cabin on missed from the service.
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