Inside: R . I. Jewish Historical From The Editor.., page 4 Association 11 130 Sessions Street Mameh Loshn, Yiddish Loshn, page 6 Providence , RI 02906 Around Town, page 8 i ' I THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R.t AND SOUTHEAST MASS. I VOLUME LXXI, NUMBER 51 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1984 30t PER COPY Dershowitz & Kahane In Debate Rabbi Korff Donates Archives (JTA) - Rabbi Meir Kahane, Knesset a modified synagogue-state separation member and leader of the extremist Kach that takes into account Israel's Jewish To Brown University Party, clashed in a dramatic two-hour, nature. sometimes heated, debate here with Dershowitz warned that if Kahane's Harvard Law School professor Alan plan for the expulsion ofArabs from Israel Dershowitz on a wide range of topics is implemented, Jews not fitting the concerning Israel am;! American Jewry rabbi's "particular definition" of before more than 1,600 persons at t he Jewishness might also eventually be Hebrew Institute of Riverdale in the expelled. He called for territorial Bronx. compromise in exchange for peace along The debate, moderated by Rabbi the lines of the Allon Plan. He urged aliya Avraham Weiss, spiritual leader of the and intensified efforts to free Soviet, Hebrew Institute, consisted of a question Syrian and Ethiopian Jewry as a means of and answer format that included time for ensuring a Jewish majority in Israel. rebuttal. Many in the overflow crowd had In an exchange on the recently to observe the proceedings via closed uncovered Jewish terrorist underground circuit television. The attendees, who on the West Bank, Dershowitz expressed were searched by synagogue volunteers grave doubts that the "alleged terrorists" before being allowed to enter the building would be able to receive a fair trial in Sunday night, applauded enthusiastically Israel, but also expressed his "great throughout the debate but remained respect" fo r the Israeli judicial system. " If ord~rly. their acts are proved, I deplore them," he asserted. Much of the discussion focussed on Warns Of 'Holy War' Against Jews Kahane's proposal to expel Arabs from Denouncing those who take t he law into Israel and the West Bank. The their own hands, he predicted that such Brooklyn-born founder of t he Jewish actions would "absolutely guarantee" Defense League, asserting that .. no Arab escalated " holy war" against the Jews. He wants to live in a Jewish State," reminded called Jewish ter~orism a "denigration of the audience oJ the massacres of Jews in the Israeli armed forces," and stated that Palestine in the 1920s and 1930s. He a "mature state" must reject the doctrine asserted that Halacha forbids the of collective responsibility and distinguish granting of Israeli citizenship to between the guilty and the innocent. Baruch Korff non.Jews. Kahane countered that it is a by Robert Israel Halachic Authority Questioned .. disgrace .. to the Jewish people that t he Brown University announced last week upstairs LO lrn, bt-.... u.)'. Asked why "not one great Halachic trial will take place at all. He accused the that Rabbi Korff has pledged to raise "Here is a letter from December, 1945, authority .. has supported h_is proposal, Israeli government of necessitating the $250,000 toward the establishment of an when I worked with an Orthodox group Kahane replied that many rabbis agree actions of the alleged Jewish endowment fund to award scholarships to that networked, underground, to save Jews from the Holocaust. It's signed by with him in private "but are afraid to say underground. "If the government won't seniors in history and government, so." He termed the plan a continuation of expel the Arabs, that guarantees the personally pledging an initial $50,000 to President Harry Truman. And here is a letter from General Douglas MacArthur, the "population exchange" that began killing ot Jews," he declared. inaugurate the fund. To date, an dated 194 7, when I was working to get after 1948, when 700,000 Jews were Dershowitz forcefully attacked Kahane add!ttonal $33,000 has been received from Jews to immigrate to the U.S. And here," expelled from Arab countries. "They for advocating violence, referring several other donors. The fund will provide an the Rabbi continues, -as we walk up the weren't compensated," he said. He also times to the death of Iris Cohen, a $18,000 biennial study leave for a faculty stairs, "here is a photograph of my called fort he establishment of a theocracy secretary in t he New York office of member who has excelled as a scholar and teacher. A second fund, created by a gift of daughter when she spent two weeks as a in Israel, asserting that Israel must "do impressario Sol Hurok. Cohen died when guest of Anwar Sadat at his palace." what is ,Judaism, not that which is bombs placed by the Jewish Defense property from Korff, has been established to support the archives. These archives To the right and left of the photographs gentilized Western civilization." League in a 1972 protest against a include papers t hat span more than 50 of Sadat are photographs of Richard Dershowitz, a ·prominent defense performance by a Russian orchestra years of both Nazi and Soviet persecution, Nixon. attorney, rejected t he notion that Israel exploded. the Holocaust, the revival of Israel, must ~oose between its Jewish character Such violence, t he Harvard professor "Here is a photograph of President and democratic values. "Zionism is a great continued, set back t he cause of Soviet relations with the Middle East, and the struggles for survival of European Jewry, Nixon and my daughter, but she didn't challenge to keep both," he said. "Rabbi Jewry "because it failed to distinguish which include the involvement of six want to shake his hand because she told Kahane seeks a false dichotomy." Calling between the critical and the frivolous." Presidents of the United States. him, 'Mr. President, you take too much himself neither a total secularist nor a Citing Kahane's praise for last month's time of my father and I seldom get to see killing of a Palestinian on a bus in East total disbeliever in a theocratic state, the When I arrive at Rabbi Korffs East him.'" Jerusalem, he called such statements civil rights advocate expressed support for Side Providence home to interview him, "despicable, anti-Jewish and racist." T he There are other framed documents and _there is a repofter from the Su11 Chronicle death of any innocent person, Jew or newspaper clippings. One document who wants to know more about the non-Jew, is a "tragedy," he said. recalls the time when Rabbi Korff spent Rabbi's association wit h only one of those Kahane Defends Using Violence time in a prison in France and went on a six Presidents, Richard Nixon. Back in hunger strike for the cause of Jewry; Kahane defended t he occasional use of 1974, Rabbi Korff made _headlines' when another series of letters from the World violence to protect Jewish lives and rights.­ he founded and became chief executive Jewish Congress recalls his efforts during "It is a terrible thing," he declared, "but officer of the · -National Citizens 1944 to rescue Jews from Hitler's gas sometimes it is a terribly necessary Committee for Fairness to the Presidency. chambers. thing." Stating that only violence brought This was during the Watergate furor, the t he issue ot Soviet. Jewry to "page one of impeachment hearings in Congress, which "There is nothing I am seeking to gain t he New York Times," he compared the ultimately brought about t he resignation personally," the Rablii tells me, "I'm not death of Cohen to the inadvertent killing of Preisdent Nixon in August, 1974.- looking to do business, only to perpetuate of ,Jews by th~ lrgun during the King the cause I served for 50 years.'' David Hotel bombing in pre-state days. Rabbi Korff has written a pamphlet on Accor(jing to President Howard But he asserted that if he became P remier the subject entitled The Personal Nixon, Swearer, Brown will also receive, upon of Israel, not ol)e Arab would be injured. Staying on the Summit. He gives a copy of Korffs death, his library, art objects· and "I don't want to kill them, I want to expel it to the reporter from Att leboro and tells gifts from foreign dignitaries as part of them," he reiterated. ·him that he will find all he wants to know the collection. Swearer said last week, Other topics covered in the debate inside t he pamphlet. ' He really doesn't "The Rabbi Baruch Korff Archives included the future of American Jewry, choose to dwell on his association with should be of great value to scholars and Black-Jewish relations, and the rise of Richard Nixon. historians interested in international Christian fundamentalism. Throughout, "I knew Richard Nixon at t he affairs during the past 50 years." Swearer Dershowitz defended Kahane's right to culmination of my career," Rabbi Korff has appointed the Right Reverend George speak. ..The democratic response is to says. "He's a very small part of my N. Hunt, Episcopal ,Bishop of Rhode answer him (Kahane) to persuade archives.- I have 96 cases full of Island, as chairman of an advisory people to reject his views on their memorabilia. The students are still in the committee to aid in the establishment of . demerits,., he said. process of packing it to take it over to the the Korff Archives and related funds. Kahane in turn called it "the greatest of library." "I especially wanted to do this," the tragedies .. that there are those who would When the reporter leaves, the Rabbi Rabbi tells me before I leave, "because I permit him to speak "because they'd also and I talk.
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