JOURNALS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA SESSION 1979 Wdnd, n 6, THREE O'CLOCK P.M. This being the first day of the first meeting of the Thirty-second Parliament or Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia for the dispatch of business, pursuant to a Proclamation of the Honourable HENRY P. BEL,L-TIVING, D.S.O., 0.B.E., E.D., Lieutenant-Governor of the Province, dated the arttl day of April 1979, the members took their seats, after having taken the prescribed oath and having signed the Parliamentary Roll. The Honourable HENRY P. BELL-IRVING, D.S.O., 0.B.E., E.D., Lieutenant- Governor of the Province, having entered the House, took his seat on the Throne. The Hon. H. A. Curtis, Provincial Secretary, said: Members of the Legislative Assembly: I am commanded by His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor to announce that he does not see fit to declare the cause of his summoning you at this time, and will not do so until you have chosen a Speaker to preside over your Honourable Body. His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor hopes to be enabled to declare, during the afternoon, his reasons for calling you together. His Honour was then pleased to retire. The Hon. G. B. Gardom, addressing himself to the Clerk, moved, seconded by Mr. W. S. King, that Harvey Wilfred Schroeder, Esquire, Member for Chilli- wack, do take the Speaker's chair and preside over the meetings of this Assembly, and it was so Resolved. Ian M. Horne, Esquire, Q.C., the Clerk of the House, having declared Harvey Wilfred Schroeder duly elected, he was then taken out of his place by the mover and seconder, and conducted to the chair, where, standing on the upper step, he expressed his grateful thanks to the House for the great honour they had been pleased to confer upon him by choosing him to be their Speaker. And thereupon he sat down in the chair, and the mace was laid upon the table. 2 2 UE 6 1979 rr b v. M. J. Shaver. h lttr f th pt rvnl Srtr nd th rrpndn f th Chf Eltrl Offr f th rlt f th ltn f br t rprnt th rptv ltrl dtrt f th rvn n th ltv Abl t th nrl ltn r rd b th Clr Atnt, fll: "OICE O EUY OICIA SECEAY, "ICOIA, .C., n 6, "Mr. Ian M. Horne, Q.C., "Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, "Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. "Re: General Election, May 10, 1979 "EA SI— nr th tnntGvrnr b h prltn d n th rd d f Aprl , pld t dlv th ltv Abl f th rvn, nd t nr t hld ltn t fll vn d b h dltn. "h ltn r dl hld prnt t th prvn f th Provincial Elections Act. "Enld hrth lttr dtd n 6, (n dplt, f th Chf Eltrl Offr nd trrGnrl f tr, ttn frth th n f br h hv bn ltd n th ltrl dtrt ndtd n th lttr. "Yr vr trl "GEA . COSS "Deputy Provincial Secretary" (ECOSUE "CIE EECOA OICE, EGISAGEEA O OES "nvr, .C., n 6, "Gerald H. Cross, Q.C., "Deputy Provincial Secretary and Deputy Minister of Government Services "Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. "Re: General Election, May 10, 1979 "EA SI—h hrtfrt ltv Abl f th rvn f rth Clb dlvd n Aprl , , nd rt r d n tht dt lln fr Gnrl Eltn. h rt r d rtrnbl n n , . "Aprl 26, , dntd th d fr th nntn f nddt nd M 0, , dntd lln . " f rt d ndr tn 0 ( f th Provincial Elections Act fr jdl rnt n th Atln Eltrl trt nd frthr ppl t th rth Clb Crt f Appl rn fr th jdl rnt, nd n rd n th th Provincial Elections Act, n Ordr n Cnl h bn pd t xtnd th rtrn f th rt fr th ltrl dtrt pndn th dtrntn f th d ppl. 28 Eu. 2 UE 6 3 "e ae o e eu o e wis om Suswaeesoke a Suey Eecoa isics was amee o ue 6, , as a esu o e eg o ime equie o comee e ia cous. "I eeoe ow ceiy e oowig esos ae ee eece o eese ei esecie eecoa isics i e egisaie Assemy: AEI oe Eas Skey. AI OUAYSIMIICAMEE ames uio ewi. UAYEMOS osemay ow. UAY O Eiee Eiae aiy. UAYWIIGO ames Giso oime. CAIOO Aeae auga ase. CEA ASE AEY W. S. icie. CIIWACK aey Wie Scoee. COUMIA IE_ ames . Cao. Como_ _Kae Sao. COQUIAMMOOY Sua Macom egga. COWICAMAAA aaa ookma Waace. EA • Wae Kee aiso. EWEY Geoge Mussaem. ESQUIMAO EE ak o Mice. KAMOOS ae Mai. KOOEAY eece aick Segay. AGEY oe owa McCea. MACKEIE oa eeick ocksea. MAIAIECOQUIAM oma ei. AAIMO ae Suic. ESOCESO oe icoso. EW WESMISE eis Geoey Cocke. O ISA Coi Sua Gaema. O EACE IE Aoy uius umme. O ACOUECAIAO Agus ee. O ACOUESEYMOU o ais. OAK AYGOO EA ia ay ougas Smi. OKAAGA O aicia ae oa. OKAAGA SOU Wiiam icas ee. OMIECA ackie ose Kem. ICE GEOGE O o ee eiic. ICE GEOGE SOU Wiiam uce Saca. ICE UE Gaam ica ee. ICMO ames Au iese. OSSA14AI Cisoe Acy. SAAIC A E ISAS ug Ausi Cuis. SUSWAEESOKE Wiiam Sewa Kig. SKEEA ak owa. SOU EACE IE oa McGay iis. SUEY Wiiam ick ae am. Ees a. ACOUE CEE Gay eo auk. Emey Oaka aes. 4 UE 6 1979 ACOUE EAS vd rrtt. Alxndr rrtt Mdnld. ACOUEIE MOUAI Gr Mr MCrth. Mr Evn Wlf. ACOUEOI GEY Grd l Grd. tr MGr. ACOUE SOU Chrl Stphn r. tr Strt ndn. ICOIA rdr rbr. Grdn W. nn. WES ACOUEOWE SOU Alln Wll. YAEIOOE h Mnvll Wtrlnd. "Yr vr trl, "K. MOO "Chf Eltrl Offr nd trrGnrl f tr" On th tn f th n. H. A. Crt, t Ordrd— ht th lttr f th pt rvnl Srtr nd th rrpndn f th Chf Eltrl Offr f th rlt f th ltn f br b ntrd n th rnl f th . nr th tnntGvrnr n ntrd th nd t h t n th hrn. h Spr, tndn n nr rht, thn p t th flln fft: MAY I EASE YOU OOU: h f Abl hv ltd thr Spr thh I bt lttl bl t flfl th prtnt dt th nd t . If, n th prfrn f th dt, I hld t n t fll nt rrr, I pr tht th flt b ptd t , nd nt t th Abl, h rvnt I , nd h, thrh , th bttr t nbl th t dhr thr dt t thr Qn nd ntr, hbl l ll thr ndbtd rht nd prvl, p ll tht th hv th frd f ph n thr dbt, t Yr nr prn t ll nbl t, nd tht thr prdn rv fr Yr nr th t fvrbl ntrprttn. h n. H. A. Crt thn d: M. SEAKE: I ndd b nr th tnntGvrnr t dlr t tht h frl nfd n th dt nd tthnt f th f Abl t r Mjt prn nd Gvrnnt, nd nt dbtn tht thr rptv prdn ll b ndtd th d, tpr, nd prdn, h rnt, nd pn ll n ll rnz nd ll, thr ntttnl prvl. I ndd l t r tht th Abl hll hv rd t nr th tnntGvrnr pn ll nbl n, nd tht thr prdn, ll r rd nd tn, ll ntntl rv fr h th t fvrbl ntrtn. 28 Ez. 2 JUNE 6 5 His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor was then pleased to open the Session by the following gracious Speech: Mr. Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly: Again, it is with a sense of great pleasure that I have this opportunity to deliver the Speech from the Throne to the First Session of the 32nd Parliament of British Columbia. Earlier this year, on March 22nd, it was my duty to deliver the Speech from the Throne to the Members of the 31st Parliament of British Columbia. Since that time, the people of British Columbia have elected this new Parliament. It would seem appropriate at this time for me to offer my congratulations to the Members who now sit in this new Assembly. I would also like to thank those who served their Province in the 31st Parliament. The speech delivered on March 22nd, 1979, to the 31st Parliament refers to commitments, policy directions, and principles which my Government will ask this Parliament to carry forward. Therefore, the Members of this new Assembly may wish to refer to that speech—and my Government would ask the Speaker, in due course, to deliver it to Members for their consideration along with this new document. With respect to the Speech from the Throne delivered to the 31st Parliament, my Government would like Members to give particular attention to the following commitments, policy directions, and principles, which my Government offered then and reaffirms now: • Senior citizens continue to have a high priority in the programs my Govern- ment wishes to place before you. • My Government wishes to add to what many consider the best program of health care in North America through the introduction of a Denticare plan. • My Minister of Human Resources will have before you initiatives for the handicapped and other disadvantaged people in our society. • My Government intends to eliminate any discrimination based on age, sex, marital status, or geographical residence in the setting of car insurance rates in British Columbia.
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