UNITED NATIONS OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE SECOND SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SUPPLEMENT No. 11 UNITED NATIQNS Sl?ECIAL CQWTTEE QN PALESTINE REPORTTO THEGENERALASSEMBLY VOLUME II. ANNIXES, APPENDIX AND iVIAl’S Lake Success New York 1947 0 ’ UNITED NATIONS OFFICIAL RECORDS OP THE SECOND SESSION OF , THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SUPPLEMENT No, 11 UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL CQMMITTEE' ONIXLXSTINE REPORTTOTHEGENERALASSEJMBLY VOLUMEIf ANYEKES, AWENIXX AND MM’S Lake Succese New Pork 1947 TABLE OF CONTENTS ANNEXES Page @6@ 1. Letter dated 2 April 1947 from the United 17. Resolution adopted by the Special Com- Kingdom delegation to the Acting Secre- mittee concerning acts of violence . I4 taryGenera1 requesting a special session 18. Report of SubCommittee 3 on its visit to of the General Assembly on Palestine ,........ 1 certain assembly centres for Jewish rtfu- 2. Requests from the Governments of Egypt, gees and displaced persons in Germany Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Saudia Arabia and Austria .. t . 14 for inclusion of an item in the agenda of A@enclix I. Duppel Centre-IRO Cen- the special session ..,........ .. 1 SUB .. ..~.......................................... 17 3. Provisional rules of procedure oE the Spe- A#xmGx II. Copy of verbal answers to cial Committee ,I,,I,,..., ~~.. ~I ,.,...., ~,,,..,., ~.. ~ .. 2 questionnaire . .,,,,......,,,,...,.17 4. Itinerary of the Special Committee in 19. Text of the Balfour Declaration .. .. 18 - Palestine .. .. ...I .. .. .. 4 20. Text of the Mandate for Palestine ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,18 5. Transmission by the Secretary-General of ‘21. Article 22 of the Covenant of the League a cable dated 13 June 1947 from the Arab of Nations . .. .. 22 Higher Committee to the Secretary-Gen- eral concerning collaboration with the APPENDIX Special Committee ,....~..,. ~.. ~ .I........l...,..........,,,..,..., 5 1. Statement of Mr. J. D. L. Hood, rcprescn- G. Appeal for full co-operation broadcast by tative of Austraha, on his attitude to- the Chairman of the Special Committee 5 wards proposals in Chapters VI and VII 7. Letter dated 8 July 1947 from the Chair- of thereport . , . 23 man of the Special Committee to the Arab II. Reservations of Mr. J. Garcia Granados, Higher Committee inviting full c0opera- representative of Guatemala, to Recom- tion .. I. 6 mendation XII . , 23 8. Letter dated 10 July 1947 from the Arab 111. Special note by Sir Abdur Rahman, rep Higher Committee confirming its decision resentative of India , . 24 concerning collaboration with the Spe- (I) Independence of Palestine , . , 24 cial Committee .. I . 6 (il) The Mandate and Balfour Decla- 9. List of principal documents and written ration in their historical setting . 28 statements submitted to the Special Com- (III) Proposal for form of government . 40 mittee .. .,,,,.I.,.,,,,.,.,.,,ci (IV) Proposal for interim period , . 46 (V) Conclusions . 47 10. Letter dated 17 June 1947 from relatives IV. Reservations and observations of Mr. E. of the men sentenced to death by the Jerusalem Military Court on 16 June R. Fabregat, representative of Uruguay . 48 1947 .. ..~.................................................................... 11 V. Views of Mr. V. Simic, representative of Yugoslavia 11. Amendment 7 to the Palestine Defence A. Covering letter to Mr. Justice E. (Emergency) Regulations of 1945 .. .. 12 Sandstrom, Chairman of the Succial 12. Letter dated 23 May 1947 from the Committee on Palestine . .* . 49 United Kingdom representative to the B. The tnain features of the historical Secretary-General concerning transit of background of the Palestine question 50 illegal immigrants ......I....I..,...... 12 C. The appraisal of the Palestine Man- date and its functioning in the pres- 13. Resolution adopted by the Special Com- ent situation . 55 mittee concerning death sentences pro- D. The present situation in Palestine . 59 nounced by the Jerusalem Military Court 13 E. Basic principle-s and premises Eor the 14. Letter dated 22 Tune 1947 Erom the SIX- solution of the problem . 52 1 cial Committee iit reply to the letter from relatives of the men sentenced to death 1%: A P s by the Jerusalem Military Court 13 1. The Tours of the United Nations Special 15. Letter dated 23 June 1947 from the Gov- Committee on Palestine ernmcnt of Palestine concerning the rcso- 2. Palestine-Plan of Partition with Economic lution adopted by the Special Committee Union (Majority ?Jrol~Osal on 22 June 1947 13 3. City 0f Jcrusals,u-l~roposed B)oull&yics (Ma- 16. Reply of the United Kingdom represen- jority Proposal) tativc to the Special Committee resolution 4. Palestine-Federal State Plan (Minority Pro- 0C 22 June 1947 I4 1'0Sll) III - ANNEX I in conformity with rule 18 of the pr&sional rules of procedure of the General Assemblv. the Letter dated 2 April 1947 from the United Royal Egyptian Governmen? requests to in&de the followinrr additional item in the aeenda of Kingdom delegation to the Actln Secre- the forthco&ng extraordinary meetini of the tary-General re uesting a speeia T session United Nation8 General Assembly which is to of the General 1 ssembly on Palestine deal with the question of Palestine on 28 April (Document A/2&3) 1947. The item read8 as followa: The termination [Original text: Englisll] of the mandate over Palestine and the declara- tion of its independence. New York Accept, Sir, the assurances of my high&t con- 2 April 1947 sideration. Dr. Victor Chi Tsai Hoo, (Signed) Mahmoud HA88AN United Nations, Qyptian Ambassador Lake Success Sir, I have received the following message from my Goverriment: (Document A/288) “His Maiesty’s Government in the United [Original text: English} Kingdom requkst the Secretary-General of the Embassy of Iraq, United Nation8 to place the question1 of Paleitine Washington, D. C. on the agenda of the General Assembly at its 21 April 1947 next regular annual session. They will submit to the Assembly an account of their administra- Hi8 Excellency Trygve Lie, tion of the League of Nation8 mandate and will Secretary-General, ask the Assembly to make recommendations, United Nations, under Article 10 of the Charter, concerning the Lake Success, N. Y. future government of Palestine. Excellency, In making this request, His Majesty’8 Govern- I have the honour to inform you that I have ment draw the attention of the Secretary-General been instructed by my Government to request to the desirability of an early settlement in Pal- you, in accordance with rule 18 of the provi- estine and to the risk that the General Assembly sional rules of procedure for the General As- might not be able to decide upon its recommen- sembly, to include the following as an additional dations at it8 next regular annUa1 sessicm Unle8S item in the agenda of the special session of the some preliminary study of the question had pre- General Assembly convening on 28 April 1947: viously been made under the auspices of the The termination of the mandate over Palestine United Nations. They therefore request the Sec- and the declaration of its independence. retary-General to summon, a8 soon as possible, a special session of the General Assembly for the Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assur- purpose of constituting and instructing a special antes of my highest consideration. committee to prepare for the consideration, at (Signed) Ali JAWDAT the regular session. of the Assembly, of the ques- Ambassado* tion referred to in the preceding paragraph.” I have the honour to be . (Signed) Alexander Cluxx;as (Document A/289) [Original text: English) ANNEX 2 Washington, D. C. 22 April 1947 Requests from the Governments of Egy t, His Excellency Trygve Lie, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia Por I have the honour to inform you that 1 have inclusion of an item in the agenda of the been instructed by my Government to request special session you, in accmdance with rule 18 of the provisional (Document A/287) rules of procedure of the General Assembly, to [Origilial text: Gnglis1t) include tbe following a8 an additional item in Washington, D. C. the agenda of the 8p&ial session of the General 21 April 1947 Assembly convening on 28 April 1947: The ter- His Excellency Trygve Lie, mination of the m&date oveI Palestine and the Secretary-General, declaration of its independence. Please accept, United Nations Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. Sir, (Signed) Costi K. ZURAYK ; . I have the honour ta advise that according to Minister of Syria : Instructions receivccl from my Government and --- 1 , ._.> (Document A/290) Rule 2 [Original text: &zglish] If the Chairman is unable to perform his Washington, D. C. functions, a new Chairman Shall be elected for 22 April 1947 the unexpired term. Trygve Lie, Rule 3 Excellency, The Vice-Chairman acting as Chairman shall have the Same powers and duties as the Chair- I have the honour to state that I am instructed maxi. by my Government to request in accordance with Rule 4 rule 18 of the provisional rule8 of procedure for the procedure of the General Assembly, :he in- in addition to exercising the powers which clusion of the following additional item in the are conferred upon him elsewhere bv these rules, agenda of the forthcoming Special session of the the Chairman shall declare the oneninrr. and General Assemhly Scheduled to open on 28 April closing of each meeting, shall direct the udiscus. 1947: The termination of the mandate on and siona, ensure observance of these rules, accord the granting of independence to Palestine. Ac- the right to speak, put questions to the vote and cept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my announce the decisions. He shall rule on points highest consideration. of order, and, subject to these rules, shall have complete control of the proceedings at any (Signed) Charles MALI~ meeting. Minister of Lebanon in the United State3 II. LANGUAGES Rule 5 (Document A/291) The Committee will conduct its work in both [Original text: English} English and French except when it may agree that the interpretation may be dispensed with.
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