Wheel People BOSTON - SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 BOSTON - SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1985' BOSTON - SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 A fun day of bicycling and festivities, ., •• , 't" : featuring I •••••• f. • .••.• .'.'. M •.~•• GRAPE-NUIS • t-shirt for each participant AMER~N • festival after the ride on the Boston Common • Both banks of the • music Charles River • prize drawings • refreshments • Start and finish on FESfI~L the BOston Common CRW is proud to work with the Boston Area Bicycle Coalition and American Youth Hostels - Greater Boston Council as local sponsors of the First Annual GRAPE-NUTS AMERICAN BIKE FESTIVAL. Fill out the form below and send us $6.00 ($2.00 off nationally advertised fee) for each participant. We'll send you a registration packet including route information and details. (All proceeds go to the three local non-profit bicycling groups. If you would like to be a ride marshal, please call Lenny Gervais at 72)-1967.) Your Nome Iprintl Age Sex __ I Your Address I Clty Slote Zip _ I I Telephone ( I I Oote Make checks out & mail to I I Signature of Porent t Am B' k I "'Guo'd'onllfund."181 GrapeNu s er. ~ e Fest. I P.O. Box 1015-Kendall Sq. I Tolol Amount Enclosed $ Cambridge, MA 02142 I I, •I CLue PICTU~E: Scheduled for October 6, just before the club ride. Please come (even if just for the photo) if at all possible. Se~ separate article and Board Notes rides schedule fer details. NEXT MEETING: Tue., Sept. 3, at 7:30 pm MIl building 10, room 178 (10-178), Mass. Ave., Cambridg~. MEM8ERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND SOARD MEETINGS YOUR COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED. ~wTUMN ESCAPE RICE: Terry Clancy of the ~ung Association addressed the board on this ride. See separate article. :LU5 BROCHURE: Vicky Minden distributed some of the new CRW oublicity pamphlets. locks great; thanks Vicky. ;~A?E-NUTS AMERICAN BIKE FESTIVAL: To be ~eld Sat., Sept. 14. Volunteers are ~ still needed, call Vicky Minden at .•59-4376. :Q~ LAZY DAYS INVITATIONAL: Planning is ~ell under way. By the time you read ~~is, you will be saying what a great time is was! .ATERBOTTLES: Mark Lamkin has ordered 2JO in 3 colors, with club logo, to be available by the invitational for $2.50. ::ARD ELECTIONS:' The terms of three :oa,d members will expire in December. RED DIAMOND ~~is is your chance! See separate LINE BACK article in this issue of "Wheelpeople". -~=ASURERS REPORT: A satisfactory :alance was noted, a detail expense vs :~oget report is in process. CiTy BikES, MOUNTAiN BikES, BMX & CRuiSERS! ;~LL CENTURY: Will be September 22 to EXERciSE & TRiAThlON EOlJipMENT/cOMplETE liNE of clOThiNG ANd ACCESSORiES :i;hton Rock. Barry Fricks (coordinator) FOR COMMlJTiNG, RAciNG, TOlJRiNG, & of COlJRSE RECREATioN -otes that the starting point will be at ~~e Pillar House Restaurant at Rts. 16 ~ 129. See the rides schedule for details. ~:JE PROGRAM CONCERNS: Ride leaders and BICYCLE Bill'S co-leaders are urged to read and follow 2~' NORTIt HARVARd ST. t~e ride leader guidelines for route ::anning, arrowing, and the pre-ride AllSTON,MA 021'4 talk. While not overly restrictive, 617-78'-~6'6 t~~se guidelines remind leaders of the * JUST A QUARTER MilE fROM HARVARd STAdiUM! * wany lessons learned in the past which a~~ important to an enjoyable ride. The Charles River Wheelmen is a group of active adult bicyclists who sponsor a year- round program to promote the enjoyment of bicycling, During the regular season (early Once again it is time to start Spring to late Fall), two ride loops are thinking about who will run for the 3 usually available every Sunday, designed to CRW Board of Directors. Each year be ridden at your own pace. The routes are new board members are elected for 0 arrowed in advance, and the leaders stay in 3 year term. the rear to insure that nobody gets left The Board of Directors are no~ behind. Our Winter Frostbite rides are more accepting nominations for board informal; the route and pace are decided by members. Three positions will be those who show up to brave the elements. open this year and possibly a fourth. The three positions are for bur dues- include membership in the League of regUlarly expiring terms. American Wheelmen; CRW members also re- The three regularly expiring ceive Wheelpeople, the club's newsletter. terms are for: Jill Lewis, Ed Trumbull and Greg Canty. If you Address all mail to the Charles River Wheel- remember, Greg took over for Karen men, 19 Chase Avenue, W. Newton, MA 02165 Lease last January when she resigned from the Board and can still run for 2 full terms. The 4th position which may become available, and runs through President Dave Brahmer 646-7208 the end of 1986, is for Mark Vice President Mike Hanauer 862-5927 Lamkin. He may be taking a new job outside of this area. Good luck to V.P. of Rides Dave Gat'rant 646--2492 you Mark. Information Jacek Rudowski 361-5273 Anyone wishing to make a 1'1en-lber-ship Dave :Brahmer 646-7208 nomination (or nominate his/her Mileage Edson Trumbull 332-8546 self) can send their choice on a Publicity OPEN FOR BIDS: could be YOU postcard to: Secreta"('y Mike Hanauer 862-5927 David Brahmer Treasurer Don Blake 275-7878 20 Orlando Ave. Winter Rides Wal tel"Md~ei 1 329-1586 Arlington, MA 02174 Nominations must be received by ItJheelpeople September 3, 1985 in order to be Editor Helen Jorgensen 655-9819 considered. Dist"I" i bu ti on Bill Fine 247-3804 Advertising Dick Lewis 641-1066 ; ~ Deborah Allinger 783-2073 .~ ~ Dave Brahmer 646--7208 } Greg Canty 861-·7294 1. Mike H"mauel" 862--5'-927 ~ Mark Lamkin 877--4489 S Dick Lel.Jis 64J --1066 Jill Lewis 641--1066 il Ca'r-olle5ie)"o 628-6492 Edson TntITIbull ~ 1 847 NIGH.T RIDER ABOUT ONE THIRD OF ~Y TOTAL ~ILAGE IS DO~E AT NIGHT, (I ~ORK EVENINGS) SO I'VE LEARNED A FE~ THINGS THAT HAVE ~ELPEO KEEP ~E FRO~ BECO~ING A HOOD ORNA~ENT. I HOPE THAT INSPITE OF MY SO-SO ~RITING ABILITY I CAN PASS ON A FE~ POINTERS. THIS FIRST ARTICLE ~ILL DEAL wITH NHAT TO NEAR. GENERATORS AND REFLECTORS FOR THE BIKE WILL IN A LATER ARTICLE. I ASKED SEVERAL FRIENDS (THEY ARE NOT BI,ERS) TO FDLLO~ ME AROUND ~ITH THEIR CARS ONE ~IGHT AND GIVE ME T~EIR OPINIONS ABOUT VARIOUS TYPES OF CLOTHING THAT INURE. o CLOTHING FDR NIGHTTIME RIDING IS SI~PLE, wEAR NHITE MY FRIENDS NERE UNANI~OUS IN THEIR OPINIONS THAT A PAIR OF LONG NHITE PANTS AND A LONG SLEEVE NHITE SHIRT rlERE THE MO~ VISIBLE CLOTHING TO ~EAR. LIGHT GRAY, BEIGE AND YELLON ARE ACCEPTABLE IF YOU DONT HAVE ANY WHITE CLOTHES, BUT PLAIN wHITE WAS FAR SUPERIOR. THEY SAID THAT WHITE CLOTHING WAS BETTER THAN EVE~FULLY REFLECTIVE CLOTHING. FULLY REFLECTIVE CLOTHI~G wORKS ONLY WHEN A CARS HEADLIGHTS ARE DIRECTLY ON YOU, AND EVEN THE~ YOJ ARE ONLY VISIBLE TO THE ENABLES YOU TO BE SEEN. THE UP AND DONN ~OTION OF IT ON THE PEOPLE THAT ARE IN THAT CAR. (TO THE DRIVER OF A CAR YOUR ANKLE IS VERY ATTENTION GETTING, ~ND EVEN THE RELATIVELY THATS HEADLIGHTS ARE NOT ON YOU, YOU ARE STILL INVISIBLE) S~ALL AMOUNT OF LIGHT THAT A LEG LIGHT PUTS OUT CAN tiE MY FRIENDS SAID THAT THE NHITE CLOTHING wAS NOT QUITE ~S SEEN FOR QUITE A DISTANCE. HOWEVER, A LEG LIGHT IS NO SUBSTITUT GOOD AS THE REFLECTIVE UNDER DIRECT HEAOLIGH~S BUT IT FOR A GENERATOR. IF YOU WEAR THE LIGHT ON YOUR LEFT ANKLE, WAS A GOOD SECOND. THEY SAID WHEN THEIR HEADLIGHTS ~ERE (THE BETTER OF THE T~O) YOU CAN NOT BE SEEN BY A CAR NOT DIRECTLY ON ~E THAT THE NHITE CLOTHING ~AS SUPERIOR APPROCHING FROM THE RIGHT. YOUR OwN ANKLE BLOC'S THE LIGHT. TO ANYTHING ELSE. (THEY ALSO SAID I LOO,EO LIKE A GHOST YOU CAN ~EAR LIGHTS ON BOTH AN'LES, WHICH NORKS VERY NELL. RIDING A BIKE) A PROBLE~ WITH REFLECTIVE CLOTHI~G, OTHER :THE LIGHT ON YOUR RIGHT ANKLE wOULD HAVE THE RED LENS THAN THAT IT IS VERY EXPENSIVE, IS THAT AFTER BEING -FACING FRONT AND THE NHITE LENSE FACING BACK, BJT THERE IS NASHED SEVERAL TI~ES, IT LOOSES ITS REFLECfIVE ABILITY. -NOTHING ~RONG ~ITH THAT. IT IS ATTENTION GETTING, AND wHITE CLOTHES ARE ALSO FAR BETTER AT NIGHT THAN DAY GLON :CAN BE SEEN FRO~ ALL ANGLES. THE BEST LEG LIGHT I HAVE COLORS SUCH AS ~AGENTA, CHARTREUSE AND ORA~GE. THESE COLORS -FOUND IS THE NONDER LEG LIGHT, IT TAKES 2 C BATTERIES (NOT BECO~E INVISIBLE AT NIGHT AND EVE~ UNDER dRIGHT STREET -THE ~ONDER BATTERIES). IT IS QUITE DURA~LE. FORGET THE LIGHTS THEY APPEAR AS BROWN A~D GRAY. :LIGHTS FRO~ JAPAN, THE S~ITCHES BREA'. A LEG LIGHT ALSO A COUPLE OTHER ADVANTAGES TO ~HITE CLOTHES. -MAKES AN ACCEPTABLE BACKUP IF YOUR GENE~ATJR DIES. THEY ARE ALSO HIGHLY VISIBLE IN THE DAY TI~E, AND IF YOU - IF YOU ~EAR A HELMET. ~HITE IS THE dEST COLOR. ARE LIKE ~E AND DONTTAN NELL (I FRY) A FULL SET OF wHITE :IF YOUR HELMET HAS NO REFLECTORS ADD SO~E ~EFLECTIvE TAPE CLOTHES NORKS BETTER THAN #15 SUNSCREEN. ANOTHER NOTE TO -OR THOSE VINAL REFLECTIVE STICKERS. EVEN IF YOJR HELMET WEARING WHITE IN THE DAYTIME IS THAT SUCH CLOTHING CAN -HAS REFLECTORS, IT NILL HELP TO ADD MORE.
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