COMMON WIZARD REEP Sample file 'CHEGREA'C SCHOOL OF MAGIC 1. MaiN Gantx:N 2. MaiN Scl}ool BuilC>iNG 3. Met>itatioN t:ennace 4. GnaNC> Masten's 'Cowen 5. 'Cowen Of Secnet ExpeniMeNtS 6. Ancl}ives 'Cowen 7. MUSEUM Of MONStnOIOGY s. Celestial Obsenvatony 9. 't:eMple Of Rat> I 0. l{itcl}eNS I I. DiNiNG Anea I 2. AC>MiNStnatiON 'Cowen 13. Wanel}ouse 1 4. GniffON 't:al{e·Off Anea J 5. GniffON Stable 1 6. MaGic Doon 1 7. Guant> House Sample file Sample file ~ t ' ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .-.,:I I I I I I I ■ 11 I 11 I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I ■ I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ■ if; An Official DUNGEONS & DRAGONS ® Game Supplement 'C)JePRiNcipalities Of GlaNtRi by Bruce Heard Welcome to Glantri .................................................................................... 2 History of Glantri ............... .... ...... .. ... ... ... .. .. .... ... ...... ... ......... .................. 4 Geography of Glantri .............. ...................... ...... .......... .. ........................... 6 The Glantrian Economy ................................................................................ 9 The Grand Army of Glantri . 13 Politics and Rivalries in Glantci ......................................................................... 14 Marauders, Mages, and Masters ................ .. ............................. ... ......... .. ............ 22 Guilds and Brotherhoods ................. .................. ..... ... .. .............................. 32 Glantri City by Night ...... .... .......... .... ........ .. ... .... ............ ................. ... ... 38 Living in Glantri City ...... .... ........................ ... ......... .. .. ..... ..................... .. 49 The Great School of Magic ... .......... .. ............ ... ..... ....... ...... .... .... ..... ..... ...... ..... 58 Creating Spells and Magical Items .... ...... ....... ...... ......... .......... ......... ..... ...... ..... .. 64 The Secret of the Radiance ............................................................................. 68 The Seven Secret Crafts of Glantri . ... ..... .. .......... ... .... .... ..................................... 76 Adventures in Glantri ............................... ......................................... ....... 80 Critters from The Cauldron ........ ...... ........... .................................................. 94 Opinions and Views on Glantri .... ........... ... ............. ................ .. .... .................. 95 Credits: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS and D&D are registered uademarks owned by TSR. lac . Design : Bruce Heard PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION and the TSR logo are Editing : Aaron Allston, Karen S. Martin trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Product Manager : Bruce Heard Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random Coordinators : Karen S. Martin , Bruce Heard House , Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada , Ltd . Cover Anist : Clyde Caldwell Disu ibuted to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors . Interior Artist : Stephen Fabian Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd . Graphic Design : Dave Sutherland, Dennis Kauch , This module is protected under the copyright laws of the United Ron Kauth States of America . Any reproduction or other unauthorized use Cartography: Dave Sutherland, Dennis Kauth of the written material or artwork herein is prohibited without SampleTypography: Marilyn Favaro, Betty Elmore the express written permission of TSR,file Inc. 0 1987 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. TSR Inc. TSR UK Ltd. POB 756 [\qr The Mill, Rathoiore Road Cambridge CB14AD ISBN 0-88038-485-9 TSll , Inc , ll'tlOOUCfl Of' 1'04,tll tMAGIN.IITI- •• United Kingdom ~ I•.• I I I I I I 1111 I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I II I II I I I I I I• I I 11 I I I I I I ~ WelcoMe to Gla~tRi character classes. However, there is a price for "Know ye, Beholder of the Late Centuries, 'Ct)e PRiNcipalities Of GJaNtRi --------- this : graduate s from the School of Magic are that all in the dark ages did not grow from fearsome characters and they do inspire acer­ savage beliefs, or from the whims of a Glanrri is a large nation located northwe st of tain amount of awe, sometime s fear and primitive shaman. As with life, the spark the Grand Duchy of Karameikos (see GAZl hatred , in foreign places. Also, beyond Glan­ of knowledge does not create itself from for details) . tri's borders , clerics, fighters and even dwarves emptines s, but is a sentient gift from the It is a federation of ten principalities ruled have lately been hunting wizards who are higher sphere s of the universe. Those who by a council of wizards. Glantri is a nation run known to be Glantr ian or Glantrian-trained . wield the Power of the Radiance ignore the by magic-users, for magic-users. Their goal is It appears that defeating a Glantrian wizard is true nature of its artifact. to promote magic and make ir the leading a way of establishing one 's reputation . Ir is " Eons ago , when Blackmoor still was a power in the world. At the hub of their power also evident that foreign nations do not clearly great emp ire , visitors came from the stars stands the Grear School of Magic where most understand the Glantrian culture , and so per­ in a great chariot of foe and landed in the Glantrian mages and countless numbers of ceive it as a threat ; any Glantrian character, realm of mortal men . Stranded , they soon foreign spell-casters come in a pilgrimage ro traveling through distant lands , may be greet• disappeared from this world , leaving rare acquire the finest Glantrian techniques in ed with hostility or worse. remain s of their science. Among these, a magic-use . Though magic-users and elves have an huge object producing a deadly glowing advantage here , ocher character classes may be energy was buried deep into the rocks 'Ct)e FiNaJ GoaJ Of tt)e played within Glanrri . Although they have no under what was to become the City of CaMpaiqN -------­ future as nobles in this land (only wizards can Glantri . It was a great , wonderful piece of A strange magical power radiates from the be nobles) , their activities can still be very ma chiner y, indeed the very one that center of the capital , Glantri City. Although exciting . enabled the visitors to travel among the most mages believe ir to be a legend, a few Clerics are considered heretics in Glantri stars. Yes! Oh , Seeker of Lost Legends! This have discovered it co be quire real. This power, and will be executed if discovered. Playing a is the true nature of the Radiance ! called the Radiance , enhances the powers of clerical underground activist is a dangerous " It remained in the dark underw orld , wizards and, at very high levels, may allow a task, bur may provide a fun and exciting radiatin g its formidable aura for centurie s. particularly gifted mage co attain Immortalit y game . Pretending co be a fighter may be wise Then , disciples of the Sphere of Energy in the Sphere of Energy. As the pla yer­ foe cleric and druid characters. transformed the artifact , imbuing it with characters adventure in Glantri, they should Dwarves are highly prized in Glanrri magical powers in a plot to swell the ranks gradually discover the existence of the power because they are thought to have natural of their followers. And so, mortals could and its effects. The first goal of this campaign resistances against magic. Therefore , local learn forbidden sciences, thus becoming is co provide an example of how to reach alchemists will be delighred to have a few Imm ortals in the Sphere of Energy- a clear immortality . This should be the conclusion of "s pecimens " to stud y in laborator ies. In abu se of the Laws of Immortalit y. Energy a long series of adventures and of the cam­ shore: playing dwarves and even halflings may had sinned , and it was up to Thought , paign i tse If. turn to be a very unhealthy experience. Time and Matter to reestablish the balance The second goal of this gazetteer is to Despite their distru st for fighters and of universe. It was so, that Energy was to be offer players and DMs new options on how thieves, wizards recognize their value. Good punished by the object that was the very to play magic -users. New abilities are avail­ fighters can reach high ranks in the Glantrian focus of its sin." able at the Great School of Magic ; new rules army, and thieves will never be out of a job: on spell research and magical items are wizards consistently need them co recover developed in these pages , along with an stolen secrets, spells, and scrolls, and to spy on 'Ct)e Gaz etteeR ----­ Experience Points reward system more their rivals. Both of these classes may be This sourcebook deals with the Principalities appropriate for wizards. played without restriction in Glantri . of Glamri . Ir is a reference book for the eyes of Finally, the last goal of this supplement is to 1o fully understand the material used in the DM only, describing relevant past, present offer an interesting game background for this gazetteer , it is suggested that the DM use and alterna te future events affecting the Prin­ playing adventures in a land where magic is the Basic, Expert and Companion Sets. The cipalitie s of Glantr i. This gazetteer is a com­ prominent . This background can be used D&D® Masters Set is desirable but not abso­ plete campaign setting centered around the either for occasional incursions into Glantri, lutely necessary. Alchough this produce often mag ic-user and his craft. It will rake daring or as a permanent campaign setting for PCs refers to immortals , knowledge of the D&D® adventurer s on a fabulou s journe y, starting residing there . Specific methods are described Immortal rules is not needed here . when the y are apprenti ces and continuing co to allow characters to become dominion rulers their deeds among the high wizardry, the in a land ruled by wizards, as well as long-term How to Use 'Ct)is GazetteeR nobility of one of the most powerful magocra­ strategies to rise among nobility and become This sourcebook is a journey across Glantri ­ cies known in the D&D® game world , and one of rhe Wizard Princes of Glantri .
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