Feed the Future Mozambique Improved Seeds for Better Agriculture (SEMEAR) Agreement No: AID-BFS-IO-17-00005 FY2019 4th Year of Project Implementation Annual Report: October 2018 - September 2019 31 October 2019 Revised Prepared By: International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) MOZAMBIQUE www.iita.org This report is made possible by the support from the Feed the Future, the US Government Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of IITA and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. 1 Annual Report for FY19: October 2018 – September 2019 i. Project Information Project Duration: 5 years Starting Date: October 2015 Life of Project Funding: Total project budget: US$13M Geographic Focus: Nampula Province (Angoche, Malema, Meconta, Mogovolas Monapo, Rapale, and Ribaué districts), Zambézia Province (Alto Molocué, Gurué, and Mocuba districts), Manica Province (Barué, Macate, Manica, and Sussundenga districts), and Tete Province (Angónia, Macanga, and Tsangano districts). Project Objectives 1. Increase the production and supply of breeder, pre-basic, basic, and certified seeds of common bean, cowpea, groundnut, pigeon pea, sesame, and soybean in the major Feed the Future Zones of Influence (FtF ZOI) and strengthen the national seed systems. 2. Scale-up and enhance the adoption of improved varieties and best management practices in the FtF ZOI using participatory approaches. 3. Enhance national policy dialogue on seed and fertilizer supply. 1 ii. Contents i. Project Information ........................................................................................................................... 1 ii. Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 2 iii. Acronyms and Abbreviations........................................................................................................ 3 iv. Contributors and Acknowledgements.................................................................................................. 0 V. Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................. 1 1. Project Background ........................................................................................................................... 3 2. Project Performance during the Fourth Quarter (July–September 2019) ............................................ 4 2.1.1 Progress on breeders/pre-basic and basic seed production ................................................................................ 4 2.1.2. Progress on certified seed production ..................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.3. Seed Distribution and Sales ..................................................................................................................................... 11 2.1.4. Seed Enterprise Development ................................................................................................................................. 13 2.2.1. On-farm demonstrations ............................................................................................................................................ 14 2.2.2. Training and scaling up adoption ........................................................................................................................... 16 2.2.3. Field days, exchange visits, and meetings ........................................................................................................... 17 2.2.4. Gender issues in SEMEAR implementation ....................................................................................................... 19 2.2.5. Environmental Monitoring and Mitigation Plan (EMMP) compliance ..................................................... 21 3. Communications and Farmers’ Outreach ........................................................................................... 22 4. Project Performance Indicators ........................................................................................................... 24 5. Major Implementation Issues .............................................................................................................. 28 6. Collaboration with Other Donor Projects ........................................................................................... 29 7. Key Activities Planned for FY 20 and Next Quarter .......................................................................... 30 8. Evaluation/Assessment Update ........................................................................................................... 31 9. Administrative Update ........................................................................................................................ 31 10. Financial Information ........................................................................................................................ 32 11. Success Story - Rescuing the confidence of the local farmers .......................................................... 33 2 iii. Acronyms and Abbreviations APROSE Associação pra a Promoção do Sector de Sementes (Associations for the Promotion of the Seed Sector) COPAZA Cooperativa de Produtores da Alta-Zambézia (Farmers Cooperative for High Zambézia) CIAT Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (International Center for Tropical Agriculture) CBO Community based Organization DINAS Direcção Nacional de Agricultura e Siviculta (National Directorate for Agriculture and Forestry) DPASA Direcção Provincial de Agricultura e Segurança Alimentar (Provincial Diretorate for Agriculture and Food Security) DUAT Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento de Terras (Land Rights / Title) FAs Farmers’ Associations FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FNDS Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (National Fund for Sustainable Development) FtF ZOI Feed-the-Future Zone of Influence FtF -InovA Feed the Future Innovations for Agriculture Activity FtF STP Feed the Future Seed Trade project ICRISAT International Centre for Research in the Semi-Arid Tropics iDE International Development Interprises IIAM Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique (Mozambique Agriculture Research Institute) IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture MINAG Ministério da Agricultura e Segurança Alimentar (Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security) MITADER` Ministério da Terra e Desenvolvimento Rural (Land and Rural Development Ministry) PAN Posto Agronómico de Nampula (Nampula Agronomic Post) PERSUAP Pesticide Evaluation Report and Safer Use Action Plan QDS Quality Declared Seeds SBS Sociedade de Beneficiamento de Sementes (Seed Beneficiary Society) SDAE Serviço Distrital de Actividades Económicas (Districtal Economic Activities Service) SPEED + Supporting the Policy Environment for Economic Development Plus SUSTENTA Projecto de Gestão Integrada de Agricultura e Recursos Naturais (Project for Integrated Management of Agriculture and Natural Resources) USAID United States Agency for International Development USEBA Unidade de Semente Básica (Basic Seed Unit) USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency 3 iv. Contributors and Acknowledgements Contributors Malita CJ, Boahen SK, Wiredu AN, Savala CEN, Chibeba A, Embaló FM, Belarmino D, Gaudêncio S, Maereka E, and Madzonga O, on behalf of project implementing partners. Acknowledgements Despite various adversities, the project has significantly made changes in practices and knowledge, and has increased availability and access to good quality seeds and other improved technologies within the Feed the Future Zone of Influence in Mozambique. The commitment and dedication of the project team, the technicians who engage in day-to-day activities with partners and stakeholders are mentioned in this acknowledgement. The efforts of the project Activity Manager - Paula Pimentel, the SDAEs and other stakeholders continually support our teams in this journey is acknowledged. Our commitment will remain, as we strongly believe that sustainably improving the functionalities of the national seed-subsector will increase productivity and production of the agriculture sector leading to economic growth. Thank you very much! Carlos Malita Nampula, October 2019 1 V. Executive Summary SEMEAR continues to strengthen partnerships and collaboration with stakeholders in the seed-subsector to sustainably increase the impacts of the initiative on the agricultural sector and the Mozambican economy. After four years of implementation, the results of the project are visible and the changes in the seed-subsector are evidenced by the increased availability of and access to good quality seeds of common bean, cowpea, groundnut, pigeon pea, sesame, and soybean. At the end of the FY19 season, SEMEAR produced 10.5 tons of breeder/pre-basic and 94.9 tons of basic seeds constituting 105.4 tons of early generation seeds which will be able to plant 2,843 ha for certified seeds in the upcoming 2019/2020 season. SEMEAR supported partners including seed companies, individual seed producers, farmers’ associations and NGOs to produce certified seeds through the supply of 30.85 tons of basic seeds, training on seed production, facilitation of seed field inspection and certification of 164 ha seed fields by the Seed Inspection Unit (SIU).
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