Danville INSIDE Roman holiday: European adventure opens teen’s eyes in more ways than one PAGE 14 Governing Alamo: Supervisors OK a MAC, Weekly don’t renew SRV planning commission PAGE 5 6OL6 .UMBERs!UGUST Mailed free to homes in Alamo, Blackhawk, Danville and Diablo www.DanvilleWeekly.com Too close for comfort? Proposal to build fire station in residential neighborhood inflames homeowners BY DOLORES FOX CIARDELLI is bull’s-eye center,” said Price. “It’s at a con- Nanci and Ed Wolske built their house a students and foot traffic on Miranda Avenue. trolled intersection ... and is an adequate size.” few years ago and have had it on the market Other stations are located near schools, all 9-1-1 to report a fire or health “When that site became available, it was a for more than a year, before the Fire District said Price, and coping with concerns on emergency in the San Ramon Valley dream come true,” he said. bought the property next door. Now they Miranda are nothing new. “Even if it’s 8:30 in and within five minutes, a crew will But some of the new neighbors say it’s a bad fear it will be even harder to attract a buyer. the morning, emergency crews still have to arrive prepared for any crisis. Such dream. They cite environmental and traffic Nanci Wolske likens her back yard to go there,” he said. Cservice is the result of having trained person- concerns as well as financial. And they fear the a national park, with large oak trees and Neighbors also say that financing a large, nel and equipment that is up to date and well negative impact on the worth of their homes. Stone Valley Creek attracting an abundance modern fire station at this economically maintained, says Fire Chief Richard Price, as “By necessity you have to be in a residen- of wildlife. The former owner of the corner depressed time is irresponsible, especially well as fire stations that are state-of-the-art tial area, like schools are in residential areas,” house cut down several old oak trees and she since it is also building a Station 36 annex on and centrally located. Price said. “There is nothing unique in this is concerned that those remaining will not Lusitano Street in Danville. To this end the San Ramon Valley Fire site in relation to the neighborhood.” survive a new large structure on the lot. The cost of constructing the new Station Protection District purchased a 1.24-acre lot “We’re very concerned about traffic is- “The new fire station has nothing to do 32 is estimated at $3.5 million, with plans on Stone Valley Road at Miranda Avenue in sues, trucks coming roaring out,” said Nanci with improving public safety, it has to do with to fund it through a combination of reserves, Alamo earlier this year to replace the 50-year- Wolske, who lives on Stone Valley Road next a newer, bigger, nice facility for the firefight- capital financing and other sources. old Station 32 located half a mile west. door to the fire station site. “We feel the exist- ers,” reads an information sheet put out by The Fire District has had a 9 percent cut in “Alamo has one fire station, and this new site ing fire station is perfectly adequate.” the Wolskes. 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TR#42633 DOFU 01/2009 benefi ting Blackhawk Women’s Charity Scholarship Fund, Wheelchair Foundation, Benicia Rotary, Benicia Chamber of Commerce and San Ramon Valley VFW Post 75 A private party will hosted by Steve, Julie and Marisa Moore Sept. 26 and 27 • Buffet dinner, food, beverages throughout the day • Live music and DJ on Sept. 26 • LPGA tournament entrance tickets 3XUFKDVHRU/HDVHPurchase or Lease Any$1< New1HZ9ROYRE\-XQHWK 2009 Volvo by August 31st, • Gate access on the 9th hole of Lakes Course DQGHQMR\DZRUU\IUHHRZQHUVKLSH[SHULHQFHZLWKWKH2009 and enjoy a worry-free ownership experience with the Stroll in/stroll out all day! %HVW,Q&ODVV&RYHUDJH3ODQ <HDUV:DUUDQW\ <HDUV)DFWRU\6FKHGXOHG0DLQWHQDQFH Mail check for $75 (Sept. 26) or $50 (Sept. 27) <HDUV:HDU 7HDU&RYHUDJH payable to a benefi t charity to: <HDUV2Q&DOO5RDGVLGH$VVLVWDQFH LPGA Charity Event 6HH\RXU9ROYR6DOHV&RQVXOWDQWIRUGHWDLOV 571 Blackhawk Club Drive Get All of This Plus More Great Offers from Volvo! x :DUUDQW\0DLQWHQDQFHDQG:HDU 7HDUFRYHUDJHLVIRU\HDUVRU Danville, CA 94506 PLOHVZKLFKHYHUFRPHILUVW&HUWDLQOLPLWDWLRQVDSSO\5RDGVLGH$VVLVWDQFH LVIRU\HDUVXQOLPLWHGPLOHDJH A matching contribution will be made by For more details visit www.volvocars.us/safeandsound Pacifi c Rim Recycling. 925.939.3333 See Details at 2791 North Main St., Walnut Creek, CA www.WineforWheels.org/wfw/LPGAevent2009-new.htm www.lawrencevolvo.com Page 2ÊUÊAugust 14, 2009ÊUÊDanville Weekly 2009-2010 ./2#!, 7EIGHT,OSS#ENTER Streetwise After ASKED AT THE ROSE GARDEN IN DANVILLE Lose weight...and keep it off! info s!6ARIETYOF(EALTHY$IET0ROGRAMS s3TAFFEDBY0ROFESSIONAL$OCTORS.URSES A RESOURCE GUIDE s,UNCH %VENING3ATURDAY What is the first thing you do when !PPOINTMENT!VAILABLE 2009-2010 s.ON -EDICATION0ROGRAMS!VAILABLE Before you come home from vacation? s,ATEST&$!!PPROVED-EDICATIONS Shauntrell lost weight on our info program and you can too! 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Craig Harper in Danville, Alamo, Realtor - Purchase Loans Diablo, Blackhawk and In the summer, if my wife went on vacation - Refinance with me, the first thing would be to open San Ramon in September. - Consolidate Debt up the house, air it out, and she would go - FHA and First Time Buyer Financing around and check all the plants and water Advertising for about an hour. I would unload the car Call us today for a free loan evaluation. then check my e-mail. If my wife didn’t go Space We’ll provide the right loan options and on vacation with me, then it’s quality time give you the information you need. with her. Available. Call Cari and Doug Anderson Alex Lowe (925) 964-1213 Direct [email protected] [email protected] Freshman at San Ramon Valley High (925) 837-8300 www.carianddoug.com I’m usually pretty tired when I get home ext. 222. from vacation, so I go take a nap. My par- A Real Estate Broker licensed by the California Department of Real Estate. License #01841299 ents do all the work, like unpacking, when we get home from vacation. This summer, though, when we got home from Utah, I wasn’t too tired, so I went and got some pizza in Danville. Christine Hardy nutritionist One of the first things I do is check my business e-mail. Sometimes I even go by the office on my way home. Then I unpack and do laundry while I feed the fish real fish food. When I realize there’s no food in the refrigerator for me, I go grocery shopping. — Compiled by Stan Wharton; question submitted by Joan Kurtz Have a Streetwise question? E-mail [email protected] About the Cover The San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District has purchased property at Stone Valley Road and Miranda Avenue in Alamo to build a modern Station 32 but the residents aren’t happy about their new neighbors.
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