(No Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet 1. L. GAULARD & J. D. GIBBS. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION, No. 351,589, Patented 00t, 26, 1886. It Fallis WITNESSES " ' INVENTORS (é (e.7zz---------, Butleidtorneys JohnZaccier Zico Gaddard, Gibbs, C22 s 72a-to-221-a--- P CA4, & 6-24-2-4- - N.PEERs, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D.C (No Model.) 2. Sheets-Sheet 2. L. GAULARD & J. D. GIBBS. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION, No. 351,589, Patented 00t, 26, 1886, --------------------------------------------------- t , tl : ses;---a as---- es- en -- F.E. ". ||l k | - if IEE i | TH's H ey iny is: ls s R 8. { R a t t f s r f Q st : f N 1. ; --- S8ities 3cs 3vowbots -%. 2/Greees 3. \ssS3 beit attorneys ZzaczeaMoza Zzzola Gazazz 62&s, N, PETERs, Photo-Lithographer, Washington, D.C. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. LUCIEN GAULARD AND JOHN DIXON GIBBS, OF THE COUNTY OF MIDDLE SEX, ENGLAND, ASSIGNORS TO GEORGE WESTINGHOUSE, JR., OF PITTS BURG, PENNSYLVANIA. SYSTEM OF ELECTRIC DISTRIBUTION. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 351,589, dated October 26, 1886, Application filed March 6, 1886. Serial No. 194,229. (No model.) To all whom it inval? conce7"n. ganized for the production in the main line Be it known that we, LUCIEN GAULARD, a of alternating currents-that is to say, suc citizen of the Republic of France, and JoHN cessive electric currents or pulsations alter DIXON GIBBS, a subject of the Queen of Great nately of positive and negative polarity and of 55 5 Britain, both of the county of Middlesex, Eng equal potential and duration. We have found land, have jointly invented certain new and by experiment that the dynamo-electric ma useful Improvements in Methods of and Appa chine of Alteneck, described in United States ratus for the Distribution and Conversion of Letters Patent No. 234,353, of November 9, Electric Energy, of which the following is a 1880, is well adapted for our purpose; but we Io specification. do not desire to confine ourselves to any par Our invention relates to the distribution of ticular construction of generators for Setting electrical energy for industrial purposes; and up alternating currents in the line, as there it consists in an improved art or method and are many forms of these known and used which an organization of apparatus, whereby the same will serve sufficiently well. 65 15 is carried into effect, by means of which we In order to operate a dynamo-electric ma are enabled to transmit from a central or supply chine for the production of alternate currents, station, through a main conductor, a primary it is necessary to provide some means for electric current of comparatively small quan maintaining its magnetic field. This may be tity but of high potential, and at a point or accomplished by a separate current derived 7o 20 points more or less distant, where the Said elec from an independent dynamo-machine, tech tric energy is to be utilized, to transfer the nically termed the “exciter.' Such inde energy residing in Such primary current of pendent exciter is shown in the drawings at high potential into one or more secondary cur E. It may be an ordinary direct-current dy rents of lower potential but of greater quan namo-machine of any suitable construction. 75 25 tity. The current of the exciter E is conducted from To this end the invention comprises certain its terminals in , by means of wires 1 and 2, combinations of apparatus having an organi to and through the field - magnet helices of Zation and mode of operation particularly the main dynamo or generator D. adapted to effect such transference of electric In order to valry, when required, the electro 3O energy. motive force of the generator D, it is conven By means of our improved method and ap ient to effect a corresponding variation in the paratus we are enabled to convey a useful strength of the current in the field produced quantity of electric energy to a much greater by the exciter E. This may be done in the distance than has heretofore been practicable, case of a shunt-wound exciter by an adjusta 85 while the cost of the necessary plant for elec ble resistance inserted in the field of the ex 35 tric lighting and other analogous purposes, citer. We have shown this plan in the draw especially that of the main electrical conduct 1ngS. - ors, is very materially diminished. R is a rheostat composed of a series of grad The accompanying drawings represent an uated resistance-coils, ' ' ', &c. A movable 4o organization of apparatus which We have found contact-arm or other equivalent device, S, is to be well adapted for carrying out our inven provided, by means of which the current for tion. maintaining the field produced by the exciter Figure 1 is a theoretical plan showing the E may conveniently be regulated. The same general principle of the apparatus. Fig. 2 is a result may be reached in other well-known 95 45 transverse vertical section of one form of con ways. The power for operating the main dy verter, and Fig. 3 is a diagram showing one namo D, as well as the exciter E, is furnished plan of arranging the apparatus when the by a suitable steam-engine or other conven transference of energy is to be effected at more ient motor, M. a than one point. At a point where the electric current is to Ioo 5O In the drawings, D represents a dynamo be utilized for any suitable purpose-as, for electric generator of suitable construction, or- instance, in one or more incandescent electric 2 351,589 lamps-We place one or more secondary gen may otherwise be greatly varied without ma erators or converters, as shown at C in Fig. 1. terial change in the result. For example, one The general principle of our secondary gen may be superposed upon the other, as in Fig. erator is analogous to that of the well-known 2, or the two may be placed upon different inductorium or induction-coil, with this excep parts of the same core or cores, according to tion, that while the induction-coil has hereto circumstances. fore usually been employed to transfer electric lt is to be observed that the secondary energy from currents of low potential and conductors shown in IFig. 1 of the drawings great quantity into currents of high potential are not united in series like the primary con O and small quantity, the function of the sec ductors; but their ends are joined together, as ondary generator or converter as applied in shown at III and IV, in parallel or multiple our invention is precisely the reverse of this arc, and from the last named junction-points namely, to transfer electric energy from cur of the secondary the conductors W and VI are rents of high potential to currents of low po led to an electric lamp or other translating de tential and increased quantity. Welhave con vice, L, by which the circuit is completed. structed converters for effecting this result in We will now describe the mode of operation a variety of forms, all of which involve the of the apparatus. same principle. In order that this principle When the dynamo-electric generator D is may be better understood, we will describe set in operation, a rapid succession of alter the construction and mode of operation of a nating positive and negative currents or pull simple form of the converter, which we have sations of equal potential and duration, tech shown at C in Fig. 1. Two iron cores, bb, nically termed an “alternating current, is set are preferably built up from a large number up in the main or primary conductor, the path of small soft-iron wires insulated from each of which may be traced in Fig. 1 as follows: other and mechanically secured together in a From one terminal of the generator D by the Solid bundle. line-conductor 3 to the primary conductor 4 It is usually preferable to unite the ends of 5 of the secondary generator C, thence return the cores, so that they will become magnetically ing by the line-conductor 6 to the opposite continuous. In Fig. 3, for example, we have terminal of the generator. The alternate cur 3O shown the cores in the form of a rectangle; but rent proceeding from the primary generator the core Ol' cores may be straight cylinders or D, by its inductive action in the secondary closed figures of oval, annular, horseshoe, or generator C, creates a magnetic field of alter other shape, this being merely a matter of con nate polarity, and this alternation of the mag IOO venience in collstruction or economy in opera netism of the field, in accordance With a well tion, but involving no change of principle. known law, generates by inductive reaction an Around the cores bib' the primary electric con alternate current in the closed circuit of a sec ductol's 4 and 5 are disposed helically in the ondary conductor situated within it. This manner shown in the drawings, which, how secondary current may be utilized for electric ever, are intended to represent the arrangement lighting or other purposes in the same manner I O5 of these conductors in a symbolical or typical that primary currents ordinarily are, by in manner only, the actual construction being cluding proper translating devices in Said sec preferably similar to that shown in Fig. 2, ondary circuit. helreinafter to be described. The most important and characteristic fea I IO By inspection of the drawings it will be seen ture of our invention is that which renders it that one conductor, 4, is coiled upon the left possible to make use of alternating and equal hand portion of the core, and the other simi positive and negative currents of moderate lar conductor, 5, upon the right-hand portion, quantity but of very high potential in the pri and the two conductors 4 and 5 are then con mary or main-line circuit, and to convert these nected at their adjacent ends, that a current into secondary or induced currents of much may traverse them in series, and thus develop greater quantity but of correspondingly lower magnetism in the iron cores b b, so as to es.
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