May 7, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 6 8075 It is with great pride and heartfelt gratitude tional Nurses Week. I thank Congresswoman of much merriment at the Philadelphia Award that I recognize the D-day veterans residing in EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON for her leadership in ceremonies held at Temple University. The California’s Second Congressional District and sponsoring this Resolution so that Congress keynote speaker, Ralph Smith of the Annie E. all of America’s veterans for protecting the val- can honor the nearly 2.9 million hard working Casey Foundation, described the experience ues and traditions of our great Nation. nurses across the country. of having Ms. Mattleman doggedly seeking May God Bless America, our veterans, and As we celebrate the fine women and men support and resources from a public official, those currently serving in the Armed Forces. on the front lines of our health care system, foundation or opinion leader as being f we recognize that registered nurses are vital ‘‘Marciened.’’ Governor Ed Rendell and Mayor to quality health care for all Americans. Michael Nutter said in such meetings it was RECOGNIZING THE 60TH ANNIVER- Nurses care for patients at every level—from best to say ‘‘yes’’ quickly, because no one SARY OF THE FOUNDING OF THE critical care, chronic disease, to preventative was ever able to say no to her visionary re- MODERN STATE OF ISRAEL and wellness care. They work in hospitals, quests. doctor’s offices, nursing homes, rehabilitation As an elected official who has come to HON. TODD RUSSELL PLATTS centers, schools and provide in-home care know and respect Marciene and her initiatives, OF PENNSYLVANIA throughout the community. Nurses routinely I extend my congratulations to her and thanks IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES perform some of the most important duties of to the Trustees of the Philadelphia Award for a patient’s treatment. their wise and popular selection. For a full Wednesday, May 7, 2008 In this National Nurses Week, I also want to measure of Marciene S. Mattleman’s accom- Mr. PLATTS. Madam Speaker, on May 14, pay special tribute to nurses in my district and plishments and unique style, I encourage my 1948, the dream of the restoration of a sov- throughout South Florida. From our elder pop- colleagues to consider the profile included in ereign and independent State of Israel was re- ulation, to working men and women, to our the Philadelphia Inquirer on May 4, 2008, alized. On that day, a mere 11 minutes fol- children, nurses help my constituents every which I have submitted into the RECORD. lowing the declaration by Israel’s Government, day. To honor all that they do, on May 9th, ANYONE IN NEED CAN JOIN HER CLUB the United States officially recognized the nurses in South Florida will participate in a (By Melissa Dribben) Israeli state—extending a hand of friendship program entitled, ‘‘Nurses Making A Difference Today’s Philadelphia Award winner uses and support which has not once been with- Every Day.’’ I can tell you that nurses do her pull to give kids—and others—a push. drawn. Today, 60 years following that historic make a difference every day and I thank them Marciene Mattleman is kind of a big deal. occasion, I rise to commemorate Israel’s inde- for their service. You’d never know it if you came across her pendence and congratulate the Israeli people I hope that this program, and the national at 7 a.m. in Society Hill, walking her ritual on their dedicated efforts toward establishing a attention we give to the good work of nurses two miles in 30 minutes as she has almost flourishing and thriving state. will encourage more people to consider this every day for 14 years. noble profession. It is projected that the need Or chatting up Ken, the concierge at the Israel is currently the only fully established front desk of the condominium where she democracy in the Middle East, having free for registered nurses will grow dramatically in and her husband, Herman, have lived for 12 elections, a free press, freedom of religion, the coming years, and we must do all we can years. and the separation of powers. In addition, to support this vital field. Or getting takeout at the deli next to her Israel is home to several of the leading univer- Madam Speaker, nurses exemplify some of Center City office, where she spoons out a sities in the world—spurring on its advanced the best that this country has to offer. I thank demure serving of chicken and broccoli from economy with an emphasis in the technology you for giving me the opportunity to highlight the buffet, but accidentally takes two sector. Israel’s political, cultural, and economic their value to our communities and the impor- Styrofoam containers, which the cashier no- tices and repacks without properly closing success has not been easy, however, being tant role nurses play in providing quality health care to all of our constituents. the lid. So by the time Mattleman sits down attained in the face of war, ongoing terrorist for a conference with her staff to organize an attacks, and unfair boycotts against Israeli f all-night chess marathon for city kids, businesses. HONORING MARCIENE brown sauce has pooled in the bottom of the I first visited Israel with five other members MATTLEMAN OF PHILADELPHIA plastic bag. of Congress in 2003 and was struck by the Watching Mattleman in these settings is degree to which ordinary Israelis were under like the papparazzi catching Meryl Streep the constant threat of terrorist attacks. Homes HON. CHAKA FATTAH yawning in one of those ‘‘see, celebrities are OF PENNSYLVANIA normal, just like us’’ photos. had bulletproof windows, security guards and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Don’t kid yourself. metal detectors were necessities in most pub- That deceptively delicate-looking woman lic places, and the threat of suicide bombings Wednesday, May 7, 2008 with her white hair brushing against her was a daily reality. Mr. FATTAH. Madam Speaker, the Philadel- shoulders is no ordinary grandmother out for I am confident that terrorist attacks and phia Award is my hometown’s most pres- a power walk. She’s a gifted educator, canny other roadblocks to Israel’s security and pros- tigious award for service to the community. Its social entrepreneur, and tireless fundraiser perity will not serve to undermine the resolve winners, since 1921, have included scientists, who has operated for 30 years in a decidedly higher realm than the rest of us earthlings. of Israel’s people. Instead, these attacks will educators, industrialists, religious leaders, or- Today, in recognition of her contributions only increase the vigor with which the Israeli chestra conductors, mayors, authors, philan- to Philadelphia’s underprivileged youths, people defend their commonly held values of thropists, and more. Mattleman will receive the Philadelphia justice, freedom, and democracy. This past Sunday, May 4, 2008, the Phila- Award, the city’s highest civic honor. Madam Speaker, I am honored to have this delphia Award was presented, on its 87th an- ‘‘I’ve had a huge amount of support, both opportunity to recognize the 60th anniversary niversary, to Marciene S. Mattleman, the emotional and financial, that enabled me to of the State of Israel, and sincerely hope that founder and developer of programs to ad- follow my instincts and act with independ- Israel will in the coming years finally attain the vance literacy, promote mentoring and college ence,’’ Mattleman says. ‘‘There is an enor- mous satisfaction to help other people get lasting peace its people have long desired. scholarships for low income youth, develop what they want from life. f after school programs in underserved neigh- ‘‘When you have a kid go to college who borhoods, and generally improve the lives of never thought they could, or learn to read, NATIONAL NURSES WEEK children in Philadelphia. Her triumphs include or win a chess tournament, and shake the the Mayor’s Office for Literacy, Philadelphia winner’s hand, it’s wonderful to see.’’ HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ READS, Philadelphia Futures, and currently She was chosen, says Happy Fernandez, chairman of the award commission, to honor OF FLORIDA the After School Activities Partnerships. Re- markably, her pattern has been to launch such her work this past year organizing after- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES school activities for the city’s children, and worthwhile projects, build them as self-sus- Wednesday, May 7, 2008 recruiting thousands of volunteers to lead taining and successful, then move on to her chess clubs and debate teams and teach hip- Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Madam next initiative. hop and yoga. But the prize is also an ac- Speaker, I rise today in support of House Res- Marciene Mattleman’s persistence is leg- knowledgment of her life’s considerable ac- olution 1086, recognizing this week as Na- endary in Philadelphia—and it was the subject complishments. VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:54 Nov 08, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\E07MY8.000 E07MY8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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