Index 12 2007 see Mikhalkov Aksenov, Vasilii, 165, 442, 602, 605 1612 2007 see Khotinenko Akunin, Boris, 240 235,000,000 1967 see Brauns Alabian, Karo, 456 Aleinikov, Petr, 73 Abortion (Abort, Grigorii Lemberg and Nikolai Baklin, Aleksandrinsky (theatre), 38 1924), 99 Aleksandrov, Georgii, 417 Abraham, 217, 571, 572 Aleksandrov, Grigorii, 8, 14, 142–147, 149–151, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Killer 2012 see Bekmambetov 158–160, 162, 165, 167–168, 175, 270, 275, Abuladze, Tengiz, 604, 607 280–282, 287–288, 294–295, 300, 308, 311, Repentance (Monanieba, 1984), 555 353–355, 357, 361, 367, 385, 392, 417, 428, 434, Academy Award, 202, 418, 546, 568, 580 456–457, 494, 524, 591–592, 603 Accordion, The 1934 see Savchenko The Circus (Tsirk, 1936), 142–144, 147–149, 151, 152, Accused of Murder 1969 see Volchek 354, 592 Admiral Nakhimov 1946 see Pudovkin Happy Guys (Veselye rebiata, aka Jolly Fellows, 1934), Admiral, The 2008 see Kravchuk 142, 144–149, 151, 152, 158, 162, 353, 456 adventure film, 13, 68, 76, 166, 174, 203, 204, 400 Meeting on the Elbe (Vstrecha na El'be, 1949), 14, Adventures of a Dentist 1965 see Klimov 428, 434 Adventures of Korzinkina, The 1941 see Mints The Radiant Path (Svetlyi put', 1940), 142–146, 148, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson 1979–86 149, 151, 152, 355, 456 see Maslennikov Russian Souvenir (Russkii suvenir, 1960), 159, 167, 168 Aelita 1924 see Protazanov Volga‐Volga (1938), 142, 144–149, 151, 152, 160, 168, Aerograd 1935 see Dovzhenko 456, 567 Affron, Charles and Mirella, 316, 317 Alenka 1961 see Barnet Afghan War (1979–1988), 218, 410 Alentova, Vera, 514 Agfa, 11, 272, 278, 287 Alesha Ptitsyn forms his Character 1953 see Granik agitka (agitational film), 302 Alexander II, 411, 412 Agokas, Nikolai, 274, 277,COPYRIGHTED 278 Alexander MATERIALIII, 208, 209 Agranenko, Zakhar, 368, 385 Alexander Nevsky, 1938 see Eisenstein The Immortal Garrison (Bessmertnyi garnizon, with Alexander of Macedonia, 394 Tissé 1956), 368 Alexander. The Neva Battle 2008 see Kalenov Aitmatov, Chingiz, 380 Alexandra 2007 see Sokurov Akhedzhakova, Liia, 466 Alive 2006 see Veledinskii Akhmatova, Anna, 79, 544 All Soul’s Day 1988 see Sel'ianov A Companion to Russian Cinema, First Edition. Edited by Birgit Beumers. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 0002711999.indd 631 4/8/2016 5:48:08 PM 632 Index All that Heaven Allows (Douglas Sirk, 1955), 215 Arsenal 1928 see Dovzhenko All‐Union Agricultural Exhibition see VDNKh Art Deco, 338, 341 All‐Union Party Conference on Cinema Affairs, Artek (Pioneer Camp in Artek, 1936), 275 106, 294 Art Nouveau, 427, 435 Alma‐Ata, 79, 415, 489, 590 Asanova, Dinara, 82, 603 Alone 1931 see Kozintsev, Trauberg The Thugs (Patsany, 1983), 82 Al'tman, Natan, 322, 323 Aseev, Nikolai, 94 American Film Academy, 232 Askol'dov, Aleksandr, 547 Americanism (amerikanshchina), 68, 73, 350 Commissar (1967/1988), 547 Amirkulov, Ardak, 555 Astruc, Alexandre, 179, 181 The Fall of Otrar (Gibel' Otrara, 1991), 555 Atanesian, Aleksandr, 469 Amphibian Man 1961 see Chebotarev; Kazanskii 24 Hours (24 chasa, 2000), 469 Ananishnov, Aleksei, 85 Atelier of Fashion, 338–341, 346, 354 Anderson, Lindsay, 129, 130 At Rest, 1936 see Ioganson Andreasian, Sarik, 242 AT&T, 292, 293 Pregnant (Beremennyi, 2011), 242 August, Eighth 2012 see Faiziev Andreev, Andrei, 180 Aurora (cinema), 5, 41, 73 Andrei Rublev 1966 see Tarkovskii auteur cinema, auteurism, 7–9, 170, 178–198, 224, Andrianov, Aleksei, 471, 472 231, 236 The Spy (Shpion, 2012), 471, 472 avant‐garde, 2, 12, 45, 46, 50, 69, 72, 77–82, 106, 165, Andrievskii, Aleksandr, 281 167, 168, 294, 295, 300, 301, 316, 321, 323, 341, The Land of Youth (Zemlia molodosti, 1941), 281 365–367, 369, 370, 372, 382, 384, 500, 543 Andrikanis, Evgenii, 507 Avatar (James Cameron, 2009), 225 And What if it is Love? 1962 see Raizman Avdeenko, Aleksandr, 266 Anemone, Anthony, 15, 543–562 Avens, Harijs, 428 12 Angry Men 1957 see Lumet Averbakh, Il'ia Animation, 1, 7, 52, 100, 103–105, 236, 270, 272, 275, The Degree of Risk (Stepen' riska, 1967), 83 279, 280, 282, 283, 285, 287, 298, 321, 365, 366 Voice (Golos, 1982), 83 Anninskii, Lev, 174 Averchenko, Arkadii, 33, 35 Annushka 1959 see Barnet Avraamov, Arsenii, 297, 298 Anoshchenko, Nikolai, 274–277 Another Sky 2010 see Mamuliia Babochkin, Boris, 76, 79, 80, 394, 601 Antikiller 2002–3 see Konchalovskii E. Bach, Johann Sebastian, 570, 578 Anton’s Right Here 2012 see Arkus Bagrov, Petr, 5, 41, 68, 71–73, 79 Apollo (company), 27, 454, 599 Bakhnov, Vladlen, 521 Apostles, 570, 571 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 227, 230 April (short) 1962 see Iosseliani Bakuradze, Bakur, 470 Aquarium Park, 24, 585 Shultes (2008), 470 Arabov, Iurii, 85 Balabanov, Aleksei, 7, 84, 86–87, 206–207, 209–211, Aranovich, Semen, 84, 555 216, 244, 468, 608–609, 612 Torpedo Bombers (Torpedonostsy, 1983), 84, 555 Brother 2 (Brat 2, 2000), 86, 206, 209–211, 468, 609 Archive, archival, 11, 39, 58, 59, 61–63, 188, 260, 272, Brother (Brat, 1997), 86, 206, 207, 209, 211, 279, 280, 285, 298, 327, 435, 560, 601 468, 608 ARK (Association of Revolutionary Cargo 200 (Gruz 200, 2007), 86, 244 Cinematographers), 94, 95, 322 see also ARRK Dead Man’s Bluff (Zhmurki, 2005), 216 Arkus, Liubov', 86, 236, 239 Happy Days (Schastlivye dni, 1991), 84 Anton’s Right Here (Anton tut riadom, 2012), 236 It Doesn’t Hurt (Mne ne bol'no, 2006), 244 Arnoldi, Edgar, 37 Balázs, Béla, 62, 331, 486 Arnshtam, Lev, 77, 406 Ballad of a Soldier 1959 see Chukhrai G. Girlfriends (Podrugi, 1936), 77, 406 Ballets russes, 320, 586 Aronov, Grigorii, 188, 546, 547, 561 Balliuzek, Vladimir, 320, 323 The Seventh Satellite (Sed'moi sputnik, with Baltic Deputy, The, 1936 see Kheifits, Zarkhi Gherman, 1967), 188, 546, 547 Baltic States, 13, 427, 430, 435, 593, 606 Aronson, Moisei, 321 BAM (Baikal Amur Mainline), 438 ARRK (Association of Workers of Revolutionary Banishment, The 2007 see Zviagintsev Cinema), 75, 94, 106, 107, 109, 295, 480, 482 Banke, Andres, 6 0002711999.indd 632 4/8/2016 5:48:08 PM Index 633 Banquet 1962 see Ermler BDT (Bolshoi Dramatic Theater), 546 Barber of Siberia, The 1998 see Mikhalkov Bed and Sofa 1927 see Room Bardin, Garri, 236 Before the Judgement of History, 1965 see Ermler Ugly Duckling (Gadkii utenok, 2010), 236 Behind the Department Store Window 1955 see Barmak, Siddiq, 6 Samsonov Barnet, Boris, 4, 15, 62, 69, 102, 166, 168, 175, 307, Bekmambetov, Timur, 9, 205, 212–213, 216–219, 225, 315, 325–327, 333, 342–344, 382, 454, 477–497, 233–235, 240–245, 452, 610–612 525, 591, 598 Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Killer (2012), 218 Alenka (1961), 495 Day Watch (Dnevnoi dozor, 2006), 212, 233, 470 Annushka (1959), 494 The Irony of Fate. A Continuation (Ironiia sud'by: By the Bluest of Seas (U samogo sinego moria, 1935), Prodolzhenie, 2007), 212 486–488, 495 Night Watch (Nochnoi dozor, 2004), 9, 212, 225 A Concert by Masters of Ukrainian Art (Kontsert Wanted (2008, Osobo opasno), 218 masterov ukrainskogo iskusstva, 1952), 493 Beliaev, Aleksandr, 81 The Fine Fellow (Slavnyi malyi, 1942), 490, 491 Belinskii 1953 see Kozintsev The Generous Summer (Shchedroe leto, 1950), Belka and Strelka. Space Dogs 2013 see Evlannikova, 492, 493 Ushakov The Girl with the Hatbox (Devushka s korobkoi, 1927), Belodubrovskaya, Maria, 10, 251–267 15, 166, 325, 344, 454, 480 Bergman, Ingmar, 543 The Halt (Polustanok, 1963), 495 Bergson, Henri, 166 House on Trubnaya (Dom na Trubnoi, 1928), 69, 166, Bergunker, Adol'f, 275 325, 342, 454, 480 Berlin 1945 see Raizman Liana (1955), 494, 525 Berlin IFF, 237, 238 Miss Mend (The Adventures of Three Reporters) (Miss Berlin: Symphony of a Great City 1927 see Ruttman Mend (Prikliucheniia trekh reporterov), with Otsep, Berna, Emil, 367 1926), 479 Bertolucci, Bernardo–Moon (1979), 32 Moscow in October (Moskva v oktiabre, 1927), Icebreak Betrayal 2012 see Serebrennikov (Ledolom, 1931), 483 Beumers, Birgit, 4, 10, 11, 14, 117, 179, 202, 203, A Night in September (Noch' v sentiabre, 1939), 487 206–208, 452–473, 501 The Old Jockey (Staryi naezdnik, 1940), 488, 489 Beware of the Car 1966 see Riazanov One Night (Odnazhdy noch'iu, 1944), 480, 491 Beyond the Arctic Circle, 1927 see Erofeev Outskirts (Okraina, 1933), 307, 382, 484–486, 488, Bezenkova, Maria, 9, 224–247 495, 591 Bezhin Meadow see Eisenstein The Priceless Head (Bestsennaia golova, 1942), Bimmer 2 2005 see Buslov 489–491 Biograph, 33–42 The Spy’s Exploit (Podvig razvedchika, 1947), 491, Bird, Robert, 6, 7, 66–88 492, 495 Birman, Serafina, 344 Valor (Muzhestvo, 1941), 489, 490 Blatova, Liudmila, 321, 331 The Wrestler and The Clown (Borets i kloun, 1957), 494 Bleiman, Mikhail, 68–71, 77, 78, 184, 258 Barsacq, Léon, 317 Bliakhin, Pavel, 106 Barskaia, Margarita Blium, Georgii, 100 Father and Son (Otets i syn, 1937), 123 blockbuster [blokbaster], 7, 9, 171, 202–221, 278, Torn Boots (Rvanye bashmaki, 1933), 120 423, 472, 519, 533 Barthes, Roland, 227 Blossoming Young: Parade of Physical Culture, 18 July Bartig, Kevin, 11 1939 see Medvedkin Bartkowiak, Andrzej, 364 Blossoming Youth 1938 see Solov'ev, N. Bartlett, Djurdja, 11, 337–361 Blue Bird 1940 see Ekk Basov, Vladimir, 434 Bodrov, Sergei Jr, 207, 209, 609 Shield and Sword (Shchit i mech, 1968), 434 Bodrov, Sergei Sr, 220, 241–242, 607, 609 Batalov, Nikolai, 140, 345, 351, 592 The Mongol (2007), 242 Battleship Potemkin 1926 see Eisenstein The Nomad (Kochevnik, 2006), 242 Bauer, Evgenii, 318–319, 333, 586–587 Prisoner of the Caucasus (Kavkazskii plennik, A Life for a Life (Zhizn' za zhizn' 1917), 318, 586, 587 1996), 220 Bazelevs, 217, 244 Bogatyrev, Andrei, 238, 242 Bazhenov, Pavel,
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