Inside Macintosh X-Ref General Index M introduction to Tb 1-3 to 1-16 MacPaint images 'MAC3' sound data format value Q 2-80, QC 5-98 compressing U 3-9 'MAC6' sound data format value Q 2-80, QC 5-98 macros for number conversion XU 8-8 to 8-9, 8-26 to MACE S 2-14 to 2-17, 2-66 8-27, 8-36 to 8-42 testing for version S 2-133 to 2-134 MacsBug XU 4-7 to 4-8 MACE. See Macintosh Audio Compression and 'macs' folder type Tb 7-54 Expansion magic pen Im B-8. See also pattern modes MACEVersion function S 2-35, 2-133 to 2-134 'magn' descriptor type IC 4-57 machine icon, testing for U 1-26 Magnitude function XU 8-28, 8-45 MachineInformation data type PS 4-7, 4-12 mail. See also letters; messages machine information records PS 4-7, 4-12 displaying the send-options dialog box AI 3-11 MachineLocation datatype U 4-29 forwarding AI 3-19 to 3-20 machine name U 1-27 obtaining letter descriptor of next item in In machine type, testing for U 1-26, 1-29 Tray AI 3-97 'mach' resource type MTb 8-6, 8-20 to 8-21, 8-29, 8-84 opening AI 3-18, 3-94 to 3-96 to 8-85 reading AI 3-93 to 3-107 machine resources MTb 8-6, 8-20 to 8-21, 8-29, 8-84 to receiving AI 3-17 to 3-19 8-85 Apple event handler AI 3-17 Macintosh Audio Compression and Expansion tools replying to AI 3-19 to 3-20, 3-51 (MACE) Q 2-31. See also MACE saving Macintosh character set Tx 1-9, 1-54, 5-16, 5-60, A-4 beginning AI 3-77 to 3-80 Macintosh Easy Open MTb 7-3 to 7-75 ending AI 3-80 application guidelines MTb 7-10 to 7-11 sending AI 3-11 to 3-16, 3-72 to 3-93 capabilities MTb 7-4 to 7-10 adding image content AI 3-16 defined MTb 7-4 adding letter content AI 3-13 and Edition Manager MTb 7-4, 7-10 adding native-format content AI 3-14 and Finder MTb 7-4, 7-5 to 7-7 adding standard-interchange-format and Scrap Manager MTb 7-4, 7-10 content AI 3-15 and Standard File Package MTb 7-4, 7-8 to 7-9 beginning AI 3-81 to 3-83 Macintosh environment XU 1-3 to 1-45 ending AI 3-84 Macintosh environment and QuickDraw GX extending the send-options dialog box AI 3-125 XO 1-44 to 1-45 main routine AI 3-12 Macintosh file system (MFS) send-options dialog box AI 3-73 to 3-76 defined F 2-26 MailAttributeBitmap structure AM 2-47, 2-48, 2-100 introduced F 2-24 to 2-102 Macintosh interface functions XU 1-3, 1-6 to 1-9 MailAttributeID data type AM 2-100 Macintosh Operating System O 11–12 MailAttributeMask data type AM 2-239 Macintosh Printing Manager XD 3-11 MailBlockInfo structure AM 2-159 compatibility with QuickDraw GX XP 1-30, 2-75 mailbox, letter tags AI 3-58 printing documents created with XP 2-44 to 2-45 Mailbox Closed event. See kMailEPPCMailboxClosed Macintosh Programmer’s Workshop PS xiv, 1-32, 1-38, high-level event 1-57, 1-65, 2-26, 2-30 Mailbox Opened event. See Macintosh script management system O 13, Tx 1-15, kMailEPPCMailboxOpened high-level event 1-35 to 1-45 MailBuffer structure AM 2-96 Macintosh system software O 3 MailCoreData structure AM 2-125 to 2-126 Macintosh Toolbox O 7–11 MailCreateMailSlot function AM 2-36, 2-213 to features provided by Tb 1-4 2-215 AI AOCE Application Interfaces N Networking Tb Macintosh Toolbox Essentials AM AOCE Service Access Modules O Overview Tx Text D Devices Pr Processes U Operating System Utilities F Files PN PowerPC Numerics XD QuickDraw GX Printing Extensions and Drivers Im Imaging With QuickDraw PS PowerPC System Software XG QuickDraw GX Graphics IC Interapplication Communication Q QuickTime XO QuickDraw GX Objects M Memory QC QuickTime Components XP QuickDraw GX Printing MTb More Macintosh Toolbox S Sound XT QuickDraw GX Typography XU QuickDraw GX Environment and Utilities IN-157 Inside Macintosh X-Ref General Index MailEnclosureInfo structure AM 2-111 to 2-112 printing and imaging AI 3-107 to 3-109 MailEPPCMsg structure AM 2-34, 2-113 to 2-114 replying to AI 3-51 mailer Catalog Browser. See Catalog-Browsing panel in sample AI 3-9 to 3-11 the mailer setting information mailer Find Panel. See Find panel in the mailer Enclosures field AI 3-120 to 3-122 MailErrorLogEntryInfo structure AM 2-128 to 2-129 Enclosures field of a mailer AI 3-119 mailers From field AI 3-117 adding to a window AI 3-9 to 3-11, 3-46 Recipients field AI 3-118 Balloon Help AI 3-66 Subject field AI 3-116 basic support AI 3-7 specifying target of key-down events AI 3-54 closing AI 3-59 to 3-63 standard dimensions AI 3-48 close-options dialog box AI 3-60 target components AI 3-32 deallocating the mailer AI 3-61 updating AI 3-72 determining if possible AI 3-59 using Tab key to move among fields AI 3-53 to 3-56 cursor AI 3-66 mailer set AI 3-4 defined AI 3-4 mailer-state structure AI 3-30 to 3-34 determining if a mailer can be forwarded AI 3-31, MailIndications structure AM 2-102 to 2-106 3-50 MailLetterFlags structure AM 2-123 determining if a mailer is the target AI 3-31 MailLetterSystemFlags data type AM 2-122 determining whether the mailer has been MailLetterUserFlags data type AM 2-122 to 2-123 changed AI 3-31 MailLocationFlags data type AM 2-115 to 2-116 disposing AI 3-61 MailLocationInfo structure AM 2-116 drawing AI 3-72 MailLogErrorCode data type AM 2-128 drawing cover pages AI 3-108 MailLogErrorType data type AM 2-128 drawing-preparation function AI 3-122 MailMaskedLetterFlags structure AM 2-124 Edit menu MailMasterData structure AM 2-124 to 2-125 determining which commands to enable AI 3-69 Mail menu handling commands AI 3-25, 3-67 adding a mailer AI 3-47 Undo command AI 3-70 adding a tag to a letter AI 3-58 event handling AI 3-63 to 3-67 closing and deleting a letter AI 3-60, 3-62 expanding and contracting AI 3-56, 3-66 forwarding a letter AI 3-50 forwarding AI 3-49 removing a mailer AI 3-62 full support AI 3-7 replying to a letter AI 3-52 functions AI 3-45 to 3-122 when to enable and disable items for mailers AI 3-31 getting and setting contents AI 3-110 to 3-122 'mail' message family type AI 7-35 getting information MailModifyMailSlot function AM 2-36, 2-215 to determining buffer size AI 3-110 2-217 From, Subject, and Sent fields AI 3-111 MailOriginalRecipient structure AM 2-108 Recipients and Enclosure fields AI 3-113 to 3-115 MailParamBlockHeader parameter block handling mailer events AI 3-21 to 3-25, 3-63 to 3-72 header AM 2-94 mouse clicks AI 3-24 MailRecipient structure. See OCERecipient structure processing events AI 3-22 MailReply structure AM 2-97 initializing mailer functions AI 3-46 MailResolvedRecipient structure AM 2-108 to 2-109 initially expanded or contracted AI 3-47, 3-52 MailSegmentMask data type AM 2-110 to 2-111 introduction AI 3-4 to 3-6 MailSegmentType data type AI 3-86, AM 2-109 to moving AI 3-57 2-110 position AI 3-47 mail service. See also MSAMs preparing cover pages AI 3-107 adding a mail service only AM 4-22 to 4-28 AI AOCE Application Interfaces N Networking Tb Macintosh Toolbox Essentials AM AOCE Service Access Modules O Overview Tx Text D Devices Pr Processes U Operating System Utilities F Files PN PowerPC Numerics XD QuickDraw GX Printing Extensions and Drivers Im Imaging With QuickDraw PS PowerPC System Software XG QuickDraw GX Graphics IC Interapplication Communication Q QuickTime XO QuickDraw GX Objects M Memory QC QuickTime Components XP QuickDraw GX Printing MTb More Macintosh Toolbox S Sound XT QuickDraw GX Typography XU QuickDraw GX Environment and Utilities IN-158 Inside Macintosh X-Ref General Index setting up the associated catalog service AM 4-27 defined AI 3-7 to 4-28 getting AI 3-103 adding as part of combined service AM 4-12 to 4-22 main enclosures. See content enclosures modifying AM 4-30 main event loop, in the main segment Pr 7-4 mail service attribute AM 2-38, 4-21, 4-65 main routines PS 3-27 Mail Service record AM 4-66 to 4-67 and accelerated resources PS 1-38 AOCE version attribute AM 4-67 defined PS 1-30 associated catalog attribute AM 4-67 main screen initializing a personal MSAM and AM 2-38 defined Im 1-21 parent MSAM attribute AM 4-67 determining Im 5-27 slot ID attribute AM 4-67 mainScreen flag Im 5-17, 5-23, 5-31, 5-36 standard slot information attribute AM 4-67 main segment Pr 7-4 mail slots.
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