INDEX Abolition Society of Pennsylvania accepts Ames, Fisher, 164 Missouri Compromise, 446, urges Negro Ammon, Harry, rev of Buel's Secwtng the education, 447, 448, 458 Revolution . , 267-268 Abolitionism, 77-78, affect of on Negroes, 460 Ammons, Elias, attacks Pinchot, 369-377 Academy of Music, Phila. Central High Anatomy, lectures on at Pa. Academy, 495- graduation at, 504, /ouaves drill at, 503 497 Academy of Natural Sciences, 236 Anderson, James, 47 Acheson, Dean, 299 Anderson, Jay Allan, rev. of Dorson's Folk- Adams, Dr., 63 lore and Folkhfe, an Introduction, n 9-120 Adams, John, 148, 169, on Swanwick, 165 Anderson, Maj. Robert, 497, 499, 500 Adams, Thomas R., rev. of Smith's English Anderson, William H., 526, 527 Defenders of American Freedoms, 1774- "Andrew W. Mellon, The Reluctant Candi- 1778, 117-118 date," by Lawrence L. Munay, 511—531 African Methodist Episcopal Church, Steel- Andrews, Wayne, Architecture tn New Eng- ton, 200, 205 land, rev., 548-549 Age, Francis J. Grund as editor of, 481 Anglo-African, 85 Agriculture Department, gains control of Anglo-Saxon Federation of America, 316,317 forests, 367 Ann RoyaWs U. S. A., by James, rev., 273- Ahlstrom, Sydney E., A Religious History of 275 the American People, rev., 407-408 Antislavery movement, militancy of Seward, Albany Hotel, Denver, 374, 376 189 Alcoa, 526 Apfelbaum, Earl P. L., rev. of Fuller's The Ale, duties on, 23, 29 American Mail. ., 272-273 Allen, Mary Budd, S9n Aram, William H. M., 504, 505 Allen, William (1704-1780), 14, assists Ed. Architecture tn New England: A Photographic Shippen, 59, 60; comments on Isaac History, by Andrews, rev., 548-549 Norns, II, 17, describes Jos. Fox, 18 Arctic exploration, Doctor Kane . ., by Aluminum Company of America, 520 Corner, rev., 276-278 Ambacher, Bruce, "George M. Dallas, Cuba Aristocracy in America (Grund), 465, 469 and the Election of 1856," 318-332 Armitt, Thomas, 26 American Colonization Society, 473 Art galleries, 491 American Forestry Association, 366 Asbury, John C., 227 American Institute of Public Opinion, 304 Ashby, Clifford, rev. of Wright's Fanny American Iron Company, 397, 402 Kemble and the Looely Land, 275-276 American Legion, Negro chapter, 202 Ashby, Turner, 336, 349 American I iberty League, 306 Asheton, William, 26 The American Mail: Enlarger of the Common Assembly, Pennsylvania (colonial) import Life, by Fuller, rev., 272-273 duties on slaves, 24-44 passim; powers of American Party attacked by Seward, 189; Speakers, 6-7, Speakers of, 3-21 corruption of, 197 Assessors, countv, 49; duties of, 50 American Protective Association, at Steel- Astor, Vincent, 296 ton, 203 Atlantic Islands. Madeira, the Azores and the American Revolution British maps of, 538— Cape Verdes . by Duncan, rev., 251-252 540; Development of a Revolutionary Men- Atlee, Samuel J., 47, 67, 68 tality, 540-541 Atlee, William, 67-71 American Silver, 1655-1825, in the Museum Atwater Kent Museum, Beale Exhibit, 486 of Fine Arts, Boston, by Buhler, rev., 545- Augustine Society, 45m 547 Aviation, Boake Carter on, 292 American Space: The Centennial Years, 1865— Ayers, Mary, 79 1876, by Jackson, rev., 278-279 Ayers, Thomas, 504 The Americans (Grund), 465, 468, 469 Azores, trade of, 251 557 558 INDEX October Babcock, Edward V., 518 Bell, Tohn (1797-1869), parade for, 494 Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 167, 181 Bell, John (fl. 1902), 367 Bachman, Peter, in I ancaster politics, 68-73 Bell, John A., 519 Bailey & Co , Phila , 489 Bell, Phihdore S., 87n Bailor, \\ J , 203 Bellers, John, 434 Baker, Aaron, 361 Benezet, Anthony, 37, 38, 41 Baker, Jean H , The Politics of Continuity Benezet Hall, 85 • , rev , 555-556 Benezet Joint Stock Association, 85 Baker, Thomas, 103 Benjamin Franklin' 4 Biography m Hi* Own Baldwin, Abraham, 169 Words, Fleming, ed., rev., 261-262 Balloons, ascensions of, 141 Berean Manual Training and Industrial Bancroft, Samuel (1803-1891), 489, 490 School, 204 Bank of North America, 138, attempts Berean Presbyterian Church, Phila , 204 monopoly, 152, Swanwick's difficulties Bernays, Edward L., 293, 294 with, 151, Swanwick's investment in, 137, Bethel Church, Phila , 45172, 462 138 Bethlehem Steel Company imports Negroes Bank of Pennsylvania, role of Swanwick in, to Steelton, 200; purchases Penna Steel I5o,i52,i53,i54,i55 Co , 200 Bank of the United States, 1st, 146, 151 A Bibliography of American Children s Books Banking, Swanwick promotes, 150 Printed Prior to 1S21', by Welch, rev., Banneker Institute, 81, 8^, 85 426-427 Bardsley, John, 242 Bibliography of American Cookery Books, Baring Brothers, 179 1742-1r86o>, by Lowenstein, rev , 271-272 Barr, John, 46, 47, 48 Bickerstaffe, Isaac, 106 Barrow, Thomas C, rev. of Henretta's Biddle, Charles (1745-1821), 165 "Salutary Neglect" . ., 126-127 Biddle, Charles J. (1819-1873) letter to Barton, Rev. Thomas, 63 G. M. Dallas, 343W, with Bucktail Regt., Baseball Negro teams, 86; night, 311 337,341,342 Bassett, Ebenezer, 79 Biddle, Edward (1738-1779), 20 Baths, Charles, 36 Bingham, William (1752-1804), 132, 404; Battis, F. C , 206 on Phila politics, 156, pro-British position Baumann, Roland M. ' John Swanwick of, 160 . .," 131-182; rev. of Beeman's The Old Bird, James, 77 Dominion . ., 265-267 Bird, James M., 454, 455W, 458, 459 Bayard, Gen. George D., 335, 347 Bispham, H C, 509 Beale, Albert Barnes, 485 Black, Frederick R., "The West Jersey Beale, Dr. Alonzo Potter, 485 Society, 1768-1784," 379-406 Beale, Clara S , 485, 502 Black, Jeanette DM rev. of Guthorn's British Beale, Daniel Steinmetz, 485 Maps of the American Revolution, 538-54° Beale, Edmund, 485, 487, 491, 499 Black Bondage m the North, by McManus, Beale, Edmund, Jr., 493 rev., 534-535 Beale, Edmund Denver, 485 Black Union Republican Club, Steelton, 201 Beale, Emilv, 485, 502 Black Warrior incident, 320 Beale, Henrv B , 485 Blackwell, Peter C. "... and the Negro Beale, Joseph Boggs, artist: diary of, 485-510; Community of Steelton," by John E. elected to Undine Barge Club, 502, ex- Bodnar, 199-209; publishes Steelton Press, hibits of drawings of, 486-487 205 Beale, Louise, 485, 502 Blue, Frederick J., The Free Soilers . ., rev., Beale, Marie Louise (Mrs. Jos. B. Beale), 486 Beale, Dr. Stephen T., 485 Blunston, Samuel, 57 Beale, Dr. Stephen T., Jr., 485 Board of Education, Phila., 446 Beale, William, death of, 493 Board of Street Railway Presidents, 244 Bear, Samuel, 51, 72 Board of Trade (Lords Commissioners for Beck, James M., 230 Trade and Plantations), 40, 42, 43 Becker, George J., 510 Boat race, Fairmount, 493 Beckham, James, 61, 62, 63, 64 Bockelman, Wayne L., "Local Politics in Beckley, John James, 149, 167, 174, 181 Pre-Revolutionary Lancaster County," Beeman, Richard R , The Old Dominion . ., 45-74 rev., 265-267 Bodnar, John E., "Peter C. Blackwell and Beer, duties on, 23, 29 the Negro Community of Steelton," 199- Bell, John (/7. 1760), 36 209 1973 INDEX 559 Boggs, Mrs. Joseph, 485 Burke, James F., 519 Bok, W. Curtis, 216, 217 Burnside, Gen. Ambrose, 338 Boker, George H., 340, 35:5 Burnside, James, 327 Bond, Dr. Phineas, 433 ^ Burr, Raymond J., 86, 87^ Bond, Dr. Thomas: foreign travels of, 434»; Business in American Life: A History, by and Pa. Hosp., 431 Cochran, rev., 268-271 Bonnin and Morris of Philadelphia . ., by Butland, James, 399 Hood, rev., 412 Butler, Jon, 200 Bonynge, Robert, 377 Butler, William O., 472, 477 Bookbindings, early Am., 124 Boston, public education in, 444^ Bowers, John C, 76 Cabinet, U. S., Harding's choice of, 511-531 Bowseman, Mr., 63 Cadbury, Henry J., John Woolman in Eng- Boyd, Dr., 71 land, 1772, rev., 112 Bradford, William, 164 Cadwalader, John, rev. of Corner's Doctor Breckenridge, John, 3i6n Kane of the Arctic Sea, 176-17% Brewster, Benjamin, 233, 249 Caffery, Jefferson, 294 Bricks, for Phila. City Hall, 248 Calhoun, John C, 321 Briggs, Casper W., 486 Callahan, North: George Washington: Soldier The British-Americans: The Loyalist Exiles in and Man, rev., 412-413; rev. of Oliver's England, 1774-1789, by Norton, rev., 259- The Journal of Samuel Curwen, Loyalist, 261 British-Israel World Federation, 316 Cameron, Simon, 196, 352, 356, 359; and British Maps of the American Revolution, by Francis J. Grund, 474, 477, 478, 479 Guthorn, rev., 538-540 Cameron, Mrs. Simon, 359 Broadbent, Samuel, 489 Cameron Dragoons, 502 Broadcasters, career of Boake Carter, 287- Camp Curtin, Bucktail Regt. at, 335 317 Camp Philadelphia, Civil War, 502 Broadway Theater, Denver, 377 Campbell, Bishop J. P., 90 Brooke, John, King George III, rev., 258-259 Campbell, James, 319 Brown, David Paul, 500 Campbell, John (1705-1782), 4th Earl Brown, Ira V., rev. of McManus' Black Loudoun, 16 Bondage in the North, 534-53 *} Cape Verdes, trade of, 251 Brown, John (1800-1859), abolitionist, docu- Capital punishment, of slaves, 31 mentary study of, 553-555 Carborundum Corporation, 520 Brown, Wallace, rev. of Norton's The British Carey, Annie Taylor, 333, 334, 340 Americans . ., 259-261 Carey, James, 181 Brown, William Wells, 461 n Carpenter, Emanuel, 61 Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, 370, 373 Carpenter, John, 50 Bruns, Roger A., rev. of Warch and Fanton's Carr, Wilbur J., 298, 299 John Brown, 553~555 Carroll, Kenneth L., rev. of Cadbury's John Bryce, James, 233 Woolman in England, 1772, 112 Buchanan, James, 318, 319, 324; and Ostend Carter, Beatrice Olive Richter (Mrs. Boake Manifesto, 322,330; relations of Francis J. Carter), 290 Grund with, 473-480 Carter, Boake: attacks labor, 305, 306; Bucktail Regiment. See 42nd Regt. attempts to deport, 308, 309; broadcast Buel, Richard, Jr., Securing the Revolution style of, 301; criticizes Roosevelt adminis- . ., rev., 267-268 tration, 307-312; death of, 317; early life Buhler, Kathryn C, American Silver, 1655- of, 289-290; fear of communists, 300; 182s .
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