Catalogue of One Thousand Galaxies

Catalogue of One Thousand Galaxies

CMG Catalogue of One Thousand Galaxies 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 HS classification z d m RC3.9 classification ma vis Diameter vhc Coordinates dmi S.B. Activity type, radio Name Accentuation No. Identification vgc SN Atlases P.A. B-V Arm class until Translation Explanation DH 20100923 i MB T, LC D Group, Cluster - Brachifrágius Sculptóris - One of the spiral J000834.25-335129.1 0.022719 2.5' 12.5 SAB(rs)bc Brachifragius arms of this galaxy is broken. The neologism G354.21402-78.58491 6811 km/s 217 kly 1.2' 13.6 - Sculptoris brachifragius (from brachium, arm , and 1 SG260.88631+00.57599 6801 km/s NGC 0010 31° 0.67 - fragius, from frango, to break ) is constructed Sculptor 93.2 Mpc - 60° -22.12 T=3.9, LC=II-III broken arm by analogy with the existing crurifragius, U159 H- C- V- 91.7 Mpc - with a broken leg . Sc(s)II-III J000956.38-245750.0 0.001848 5.8' 11.6 SA(s)c Inordinatus G043.68596-80.43440 554 km/s 38 kly Inordinátus Sculptóris – The name refers to 1.3' 13.7 - Sculptoris 2 NGC 0024 SG269.38724+03.22601 575 km/s the rather disordered structure of this late- 44° 0.48 - Sculptor 7.88 Mpc - type galaxy. 70° - T=5.0, LC=III disordered U141 H- C288 V- 6.89 Mpc - - J001106.59-120626.7 0.019617 2.2' 14.4 Pec Conjúncta Céti – The peculiar features of NGC 0034 G088.77684-72.24973 5881 km/s 170 kly Conjuncta Ceti 0.9' 15.0 Sy2 this galaxy and the long thin tidal arm and 3 NGC 0017 SG281.72234+07.03242 5945 km/s 31° - - compact single nucleus indicate that this Mrk 0938 Cetus 81.4 Mpc - unified 90° -20.47 T=-1.0, LC=LIRG system is the result of a recent merger. U121 H- C- V- - - J001403.90-231055.2 Scd(s)III 0.001558 G055.90269-80.67154 8.5' 10.6 SA(s)dm 467 km/s 80 kly Tenebrosus Ceti SG271.37990+02.90615 5.9' 14.7 - Tenebrósus Céti – This galaxy has a very 4 NGC 0045 492 km/s Cetus 159° 0.65 AC1 low surface brightness. Hence the name. 6.74 Mpc - dark U141 H37 C314,S6 60° -18.52 T=7.7, LC=IV-V 9.96 Mpc V145 Sculptor group Bodifee-Berger - CMG - vol. 1 31 Bacátus Sculptóris – The name 'string of pearls' is suggested by O'Meara, because in Scd/SBcd his view NGC 55 looks like the comet J001508.43-391313.3 0.000430 32.4' 7.9 SB(s)m? edge-on Shoemaker-Levy 9, just before it collided G332.66743-75.73874 129 km/s 60 kly Bacatus Sculptoris NGC 0055 5.6' 13.4 - with Jupiter in 1994, when it broke up in 5 SG256.24171-02.41235 98 km/s Caldwell 72 101° 0.33 - many pieces. Carolyn Shoemaker, wife of Sculptor 1.34 Mpc - adorned with pearls 85° -17.77 T=8.7, LC=V one of the discoverers of the comet, called it U159 H- C318 V- 1.94 Mpc Sculptor group a 'string of pearls', a title subsequently applied by O'Meara for NGC 55. (O'Meara 2002, p.282) - J001822.55+300446.2 0.023907 Praétor Andrómedae – Because of its 1.4' 13.5 SA(rs)c Praetor NGC 0070 G114.47356-32.24863 7167 km/s 133 kly position this galaxy seems to lead the small 1.2' 13.9 Sy2 Andromedae 6 IC1539 SG323.97492+15.56379 7339 km/s group of neighbouring galaxies. The Latin 5° - - Arp 113 Andromeda 100.5 Mpc - praetor (from prae, in front , and itor, from ire, 40° -21.41 T=4.4, LC=III leader U45 H- C- V- - to go ) literally means he who walks in front. - - J002151.41+222359.6 0.017856 1.9' 13.7 SAB(s)c pec Ithydromus Ithýdromus Andrómedae – The name, from NGC 0090 G114.00053-39.95828 5353 km/s 136 kly 1.0' 14.2 - Andromedae the Greek θυδρOµος (ithudromos), refers to 7 NGC 0091 SG316.32595+13.38532 5508 km/s 113° 0.73 - the remarkable straight arm caused by tidal Arp 065 Andromeda 75.5 Mpc - 34° -20.30 T=4.9, LC=III straight running interaction. U63 H- C- V- - - Caudífera Phoenícis – This galaxy, a - J002131.53-483727.5 0.010737 member of the small group called Robert's 1.9' 13.1 SAa? pec G316.05510-67.73462 3219 km/s 78 kly Caudifera Phoenicis Quartet, has a remarkable long tail, hence 0.9' 13.5 - 8 NGC 0092 SG247.59619-06.34502 3154 km/s the name. (Robert's Quartet was named by 149° 0.63 - Phoenix 43.2 Mpc - bearing a tail Arp and Madore after Robert Freedman, 70° -19.74 T=1.1, LC=I U177 H- C- V- - who generated many of the positions in their - catalogue.) - J002402.69+162910.5 0.002805 4.2' 13.3 Scd? edge-on G113.47843-45.88207 841 km/s 69 kly Aculeus Piscium Acúleus Píscium – The name is inspired by 0.5' 13.9 - 9 NGC 0100 SG310.52469+11.60708 982 km/s apparent resemblance of this edge-on bulge- 55° 0.43 - Pisces 13.4 Mpc - sting less galaxy with a sting. 90° -18.38 T=5.9, LC=III-IV U81 H- C- V- 17.4 Mpc - - J002559.78+291243.1 0.015801 Hábra Andrómedae – This smooth, perfect 2.3' 12.1 (R)SB(r)0 + G116.28623-33.33124 4737 km/s 147 kly Habra Andromedae barred and ringed galaxy deserves to be 1.8' 13.5 - 10 NGC 0108 SG323.38762+13.78301 4904 km/s called Habra, meaning graceful, delicate, 62° - - Andromeda 67.2 Mpc - graceful, delicate pretty . βρG (female of βρOς) is a regular 56° -21.20 T=-1.2 U45,63 H- C- V- - Greek word. - Bodifee-Berger - CMG - vol. 1 32 S0 (8) pec J002915.09+025149.9 2 0.014146 2.5' 11.8 S0 pec edge-on Elácate Píscium – Elacate is the latinized G111.95608-59.53426 4241 km/s 141 kly Elacate Piscium 0.7' 12.2 - form of the Greek λακGτη (èlakatè, 11 NGC 0128 SG297.47558+06.97211 4342 km/s 1° 0.89 - spindle ), describing the vis υal appearance of Pisces 59.5 Mpc - spindle 90° -21.44 T=-1.9 this edge-on galaxy. U101 H7 C52 V- - - Architeúthis Sculptóris – The Sbc(s)(II-III) J003022.04-331441.4 0.005277 name 'Giant 8.2' 10.4 SAB(s)bc Architeuthis G338.30198-82.37750 1582 km/s 149 kly Squid Galaxy' 2.0' 13.3 - Sculptoris 12 NGC 0134 SG262.86945-03.55506 1565 km/s was suggested 50° 0.69 - Sculptor 21.4 Mpc SN2009gj by O'Meara. The shape of the galaxy indeed 77° -21.41 T=4.0, LC=II-III giant squid U159 H- C194 V- 19.2 Mpc resembles the body of a squid. Architeuthis - is the biological name of the family of giant squids, of the order of the Teuthida. - J003145.74-050911.1 0.013804 1.8' 12.7 SB(s)dm G110.02051-67.53030 4138 km/s 23 kly Fons Ceti Fóns Céti – The name is a poetic NGC 0145 1.6' 13.7 - 13 SG289.89981+04.17457 4214 km/s interpretation of the appearance of this Arp 019 108° 0.34 - Cetus 57.7 Mpc - fountain galaxy with its wide curling arms. 40° -21.00 T=7.8, LC=IV-V U101,121 H- C- V- 13.5 Mpc - Diáphanes Cassiopéiae – This small dE5,N J003311.99+483030.7 -0.000664 elliptical companion of the famous 13.2' 9.5 E5 pec Diaphanes NGC 0147 G119.81702-14.25281 -193 km/s 8.5 kly Andromeda Galaxy is free of dust and 7.8' 14.5 - Cassiopeiae 14 DDO3 SG343.32041+15.27343 -4 km/s therefore very transparent. See also NGC 25° 0.78 - Caldwell 17 Cassiopeia - - 185 (CMG20); its contrasting sister galaxy. 90° -14.22 T=-4.8 transparent U30 H- C12,16 V- 0.677 Mpc The name is a regular Greek word (διαφανKς, Local group diaphanès). Sbc(s)II pec J003415.57-274814.2 0.005284 3.9' 11.4 SB(rs)b ? G021.88958-86.13023 1584 km/s 81 kly Nodus Sculptoris 1.9' 13.4 - Nódus Sculptóris – This galaxy looks like a 15 NGC 0150 SG268.33422-02.82446 1584 km/s 117° 0.56 AC12 knot in a rope. Sculptor 21.7 Mpc SN1990K knot 65° -20.10 T=3.4, LC=II U141 C190 V84 21.9 Mpc - Pseudúrus Céti – The galaxy appears to J003402.81-094219.1 SBbc(rs)II have a tail, which in reality consists of a 0.012499 G108.86078-72.10033 3.7' 11.6 SB(r)bc background galaxy and a foreground star, 3747 km/s 163 kly Pseudurus Ceti NGC 0151 SG285.68270+02.35290 1.7' 13.4 - touching the northeastern spiral arm. 16 3807 km/s NGC 0153 Cetus 76° 0.62 AC9 Pseudurus is a latinized Greek neologism, 52.2 Mpc - with a false tail U121,140 H- C210 56° -21.73 T=4.0, LC=II-III also used in biological nomenclature, made 46.4 Mpc V118 - from ψεδ- (pseud-, false ) and ο2ρG (oura, tail ). Bodifee-Berger - CMG - vol. 1 33 J003446.71-082346.8 Sc(s)II-III 0.005510 G110.27552-70.85762 3.5' 10.4 SAB(rs)bc 1652 km/s 69 kly Amoenus Ceti Amoénus Céti – The name suggests that SG286.99085+02.54767 2.4' 12.6 - 17 NGC 0157 1716 km/s this good-looking but somewhat disordered Cetus 24° 0.48 AC12 23.5 Mpc SN2009em charming galaxy would be a charming place to live in.

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