![A Selected Bibliography on the Mass Propagation of Rotifers with Emphasis on the Biology and Culture of Brachionus Plicatilis Mobashir A](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Gulf Research Reports Volume 6 | Issue 1 January 1977 A Selected Bibliography on the Mass Propagation of Rotifers with Emphasis on the Biology and Culture of Brachionus plicatilis Mobashir A. Solangi Gulf Coast Research Laboratory John T. Ogle Gulf Coast Research Laboratory DOI: 10.18785/grr.0601.06 Follow this and additional works at: http://aquila.usm.edu/gcr Part of the Marine Biology Commons Recommended Citation Solangi, M. A. and J. T. Ogle. 1977. A Selected Bibliography on the Mass Propagation of Rotifers with Emphasis on the Biology and Culture of Brachionus plicatilis. Gulf Research Reports 6 (1): 59-68. Retrieved from http://aquila.usm.edu/gcr/vol6/iss1/6 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by The Aquila Digital Community. It has been accepted for inclusion in Gulf and Caribbean Research by an authorized editor of The Aquila Digital Community. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Gulf Research Reports, Vol. 6, No. 1, 59-68 A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE MASS PROPAGATION OF ROTIFERS WITH EMPHASIS ON THE BIOLOGY AND CULTURE OF BRACHIONUS PLICA TILIS MOBASHIR A. SOLANGI AND JOHN T. OGLE Parasitology and Oyster Biology Sections, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564 ABSTRACT The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis has shown great promise as food for artificially reared fish and crustacean larvae. A list of references on mass propagation of rotifers is presented alphabetically by author. Citations cover and are indexed as culture, diet, ecology, physiology, population dynamics, reproduction, systematics, geographical distribution, food, and biology of rotifers with emphasis on Brachionus plicalilis. INTRODUCTION tion, and nutrient value. and it has shown great promise as There has been a growing demand in recent vears for initial and supplementary food for larval fishes- and crus- - - taceans. food-organisms for artificially propagated fish and crusta- The following list of references, arranged in alphabetical Artemia salina, cean larvae- The brine shrimp, is a widely order by author, is incomplete, but provides an easy ref- used organism to feed larval forms. However, increasing erence to the pertinent literature. Citations cover and are costs of brine shrimp cysts have forced the aquaculturist to indexed as culture, diet, ecology, physiology, population seek alternate sources of living food-organisms. dynamics, reproduction, systematics, geographical distribu- Some rotifers appear to fill this need in addition to pro- tion, food, and biology of rotifers with emphasis on the viding other benefits. The rotifer Brachionus plicatilis is genus Brachionus. The term “diet” refers to food utilized especially notable because of its short life cycle, simple by rotifers, whereas “food” denotes usage of rotifers by dietary requirements, capability of high density cultiva- other organisms for food. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Adachi, R. 1963. Studies on the culture of rotifer 7. Arora, H. C. 1966. Studies on Indian Rotifera. 111. Lecane tenuiseta Harring. I. Culture method and On Brachionus calyciflorus and some varieties of food. J. Fac. Fish. Prefect. Univ. Mie. 6(1): the species. J. 2001. SOC. India 16(1/2):1-6. 48-56. In Japanese. CULTURE, DIET. SYSTEMATICS. 2. -. 1964. Studies on the culture of rotifer 8. ~. 1966. Responses of rotifera to variations Lecane tenuiseta Harring. 11. Organic nutrition. in some ecological factors. Proc. Indian Acad. J. Fac. Fish. Prefect. Univ. Mie. 6(2): 193-202. Sci. 63B:57-66. ECOLOGY. In Japanese. CULTURE, DIET. 9. ___. 1966. Rotifera as indicators of trophic 3. ~. 1964. Studies on the culture of rotifer nature of environments. Hydrobiologia 27: 146- Lecane tenuiseta Harring. 111. Environmental fac- 159. ECOLOGY. tors upon the growth of Lecane. J. Fac. Fish. 10. Ada-Parga, G. 1973. Variacion y frecuencia de Prefect. Univ. Mie. 6(2):203-210. In Japanese. algunas especies de Rotiferos provenientes de la CULTURE, ECOLOGY, PHYSIOLOGY. Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta (Columbia). Mitt 4. Adzhimuradov, K. A. 1972. Pitanie moldi sazana Inst Colombo-AlemanInvest Cient Punta de Betin Cyprinus L. v. Arakumskikh vodoemakh (del’ta r. 7: 15-30. POPULATION DYNAMICS. terek) na ranaikh etapakh razuitiya. Vopr. Ikhtiol. 11. Badalamente, M. & S. H. Vernick. 1973. The ultra- 12(6): 1079-1085. FOOD. structure of Bertramia asperospora Fritsch, a Branchionus 5. Aoki, K. & H. Konno. 1961. Frost-resistance of microsporidan parasite of the rotifer the rotifer in antarctic region. Bull. Mar. BioL plicatilis Mueller. Arch. Protistenkd. 115( 1): 1- Stn. Asamuchi 10:247-250. PHYSIOLOGY. 9. ECOLOGY. 6. Aronovich, T. M. & L. V. Spektrova. 1974. Vyzhiv- 12. Baker, A. 1951. Rotifera of Lahore. Proc. 3rd anie i plodovitost’ Brachionus calycifloms v vode Pakistan Sci. Con5 pt. 3. 1951:28 [Abstract]. raznoi solenosti. Gidrobiol. 2H 10(5):90-95. DISTRIBUTION, ECOLOGY. FOOD, PHYSIOLOGY, REPRODUCTION. 13. Bardach, J. E., J. H. Ryther & W. 0. McLarney. 59 60 SOLANGI AND OGLE 1972. Aquaculture: The farming and husbandry Uca pugilator (Brachyura, Ocypodidae), reared of fresh water and marine organism. Wiley-Inter- in the laboratory. Aquaculture 8(1):91-98. science. N.Y. pp. 294-295. FOOD. FOOD. 14. Bartos, B. 1951. The Czechoslovak rotatoria of the 29. Clement, P. 1969. Premieres observations sur l’ultra- order Bdelloidea. Mems. SOC. Zool. tcheorl. 15 structure comparee des teguments de Rotiferes. 1951 :241-500. DISTRIBUTION, SYSTEMAT- Vie. Milieu. Ser. A Biol. Mar. 20(3A):461-480. ICS, ECOLOGY. In French. BIOLOGY. 15. Berzins, B. 1957. Beitrag zur rotatorienfauna Gam- 30. De Beauchamp, P. 1938. Les cultures de Rotiferes bieus.Acta. Dop. 14: 230-235. DISTRIBUTION. sur Chlorelles: Premiers results en milieu septique. 16. ~. 1956. Liste de rotiferes provenant du lac Trav. Stn. Zool. de Wimereux Vol. jubilaire Mau- de kourna, ile de Crete (Greece). Fragm balc. rice Caullery. pp. 27-38. CULTURE, DIET. Mus. Macedonici Sci. Nat. 1. 1956:207-208. 31. ~. 1965. Classe des Rotiferes. In: Grasse SYSTEMATICS, DISTRIBUTION. P.-P. Traite de Zoologie ’ Anatomie. Systematique, 17. ___. 1973. Some rotifers from Cambodia. Rotifers, Gastrotriches, Kinorhynques 4: 1225- Hydrobiologica 4 1(4): 453 -459. SYSTEMATICS. 1379. SYSTEMATICS, BIOLOGY. 18. -. 1973. Rotatorien aus den Azoren. Bol. 32. ~. 1966. Observations apropos de Rotiferes. Mus. Munic. Funchal27: 84-89.DISTRIBUTION. Bull. SOC.Zool. Fr. 91:55-58. SYSTEMATICS. 19. Birky, C. W. & J. J. Gilbert. 1971. Parthenogenesis 33. De Maeseneer,J. 1971. Korte bijdrage tot de studie in rotifers: the control of sexual and asexual van de verspreiding van raderdiertjes in Belgie. reproduction. Am 2001. 11 :245-266. REPRO- Meded. Rijkfac. Landbouwwetensch Gent. 36(2): DUCTION. 71 7-723. DISTRIBUTION. 20. Bogoslovskii, A. S. 1958. Novye dannye PO raz- 34. De Oliveira, L., R. Donascimento, L. Krau, & A. mnozheinyu kolovratok (Avtoref. Dokl. prochit.) Miranda. 1962. Observacoes ecologicas sobre Byul. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir. Otd. Biol. 64( 1): Brachionus plicatilis Mueller em aguas tropicais, 155. REPRODUCTION. salobras e mesosaprobicas (Rotatoria). Mem. 21. ___. 1961. Systematics, geographical distribu- Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 60(2):155-163. ECOLOGY, tion and habitats of the rotifers Brachionus nilsoni PHYSIOLOGY. Ahlstrom and B. bennini (Leissling). 2001. Zh. 35. De Poortere, H. & N. Magis. 1967. Mise en evidence, 40:602-604. fn Russian. SYSTEMATICS, DIS- localisation et dosage de la chitine dans la coque TRIBUTION, ECOLOGY. des oeufs de Brachionus leydigii Cohn et d’autres 22. ___. 1962. Material to the study of the rotifer rotiferes. Ann. SOC.Roy. Zool. Belg. 97(3): 187- fauna of China. 2001.Zh. 41 : 1327-1 333. In Rus- 195. BIOLOGY. sian. DISTRIBUTION, SYSTEMATICS, ECOL 36. Deschiens, R. 1968. Le controle de l’action des OGY. molluscicides chimiques sur les associations zoo- R. Hebd. Seances 23. ~. 1963. Materials to the study of the phytiques des eaux douces. C. Acad. Sci. Ser. D. Sci. Natur. resting eggs of rotifers (Communication), Byul. (Paris) 266(18): 1860-1 861. BIOLOGY. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir. Otd. Biol. 68(6):56- 37. Donner, J. 1966. Rotifers [Translated and adapted 67. In Russian. REPRODUCTION, BIOLOGY. by H. G. S. Wright] Fredrick Wayne & Co. Ltd. 24. -. 1963. Materialy k izucheniyu pokoyasch- Lond., N. Y. 1966 [lst published in Germany ikhsya yaits kolovratok. Byul. Mosk. Obshch. 19561 pp. xii, 80. SYSTEMATICS, BIOLOGY. Ispyt. fir. Otd. Biol. 68(6): 50-67. REPRODUC- 38. Doohan, M. 1973. An energy budget for adult TION. Brachionusplicatilis Muller (Rot at o ria). Oecologia 25. -. 1967. Materialy k izucheniyu poko- (Berl) 13(4):351-362. CULTURE, DIET, ECOL- yashchikhsya yaits kolovratok. 11. Byul. Mosk. OGY, REPRODUCTION. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir. Otd. Biol. 72(6):46-67. In 39. Dougherty, E. C. & B. Solberg. 1959. Laboratory Russian. REPRODUCTION. culture of rotifers and gastrotrichs. I. Xenic cul- 26. ___.. 1967. Materialy k izucheniyu poko- tures. I1 Axenic, monoxenic, and attempted axenic cultures. Anat. Rec. 134:555-556 (Ab- yashchikhsya yaits kolovratok. Soobshchenie 3. stract). CULTURE. Byul. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir. Otd. BioL 73(3): 40. -, B. Solberg & C. G. Harris. 1960. Synxenic 60-79. In Russian. REPRODUCTION. and attempted axenic cultivation of rotifers. Sci- 27. Bryce, D. 1956. The nomenclature of Rotatoria. ence 132:416-417. CULTURE. Microscope 1 1:60-66. SYSTEMATICS. 41. -, ~ & -. 1961. Synxenic 28. Christiansen, M. E. & W. T. Yang. 1976. Feeding and attempted axenic cultivation of rotifers. experiments on the larvae of the fiddler crab Anat. Rec. 137:350-351 (Abstract). BIBLIOGRAPHYOF BRACHIONUS 61 42. Dougherty, E. C., B. A. Solberg & D. J. Ferral 55. Erman, L. A. 1956. On the qualitative food of 1961. The first axenic cultivation of a rotifer Rotatoria. Zool. Zh. 39965-971. In Russian. species. Experientia (17):131--132. CULTURE. DIET, BIOLOGY. 43. -. 1963. Cultivation and nutrition of micro- 56. -. 1962. On the quantitative aspects of metazoa. 111. The minute rotifer Lecane inermis feeding and selectivity of food in the planktonic (Bryce, 1892) Harring, '13. J. Exp. Zool. 153(2): rotifer Brachionus calycijlorus. Zool. Zh. (Acad 183-1 86. CULTURE, DIET. Nauk USSR) 41:3447. In Russian.
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