www.minnedosatribune.com Vol. 129 No. 13 Friday, June 10, 2011 .JOOFEPTB .BOJUPCB$BOBEB3+&DFOUT UBY Trudy Adamson named Honourary STARS on a mission Parade Marshall File photo By DARRYL HOLYK ocal RBC employee, Trudy Adamson, has been Lchosen as the Honourary Parade Marshall for the 2011 Fun Fest Parade. Since 1985, Trudy has volunteered with Special Olympics Manitoba, having served many years as Photo by Darryl Holyk volunteer coach of the local Special Olympics team, Emergency Medical Services personnel watch as a STARS helicopter lifts off west of Minnedosa Th e Minnedosa Centurions. She has been recog- District Hospital on a mission to transport a patient to Winnipeg Sunday afternoon. nized numerous times for her selfl ess acts of gener- osity. Trudy has been named Female Coach of the Year for Special Olympics Manitoba two years; in By DARRYL HOLYK Th e bright red STARS has also been available Grand Prairie. Th e heli- 1990 and again in 2010. She was also most recently helicopter landed west of to assist in other medical copters measure 13 metres honoured with the RBC Regional President’s Com- or the second time in the local hospital shortly transportation incidents in length and feature twin munity Leadership Award. Fless than two weeks, a after 5 p.m. and was on the which benefi t from air 727 hp engines. Normal In addition to her eff orts with Special Olym- Shock Trauma Air Rescue ground for some time be- ambulance service, such cruise speed of the STARS pics, Trudy also gives generously to other com- Society (STARS) air am- fore the patient was loaded as Sunday’s incident and air ambulance is 240 km/ munity projects. She has served as Secretary of the bulance helicopter was in through the helicopter’s the May 24th incident in hr but can reach a maxi- Minnedosa Golf and Country Club and as Finance/ Minnedosa late Sunday rear doors. In preparation which STARS was used to mum speed of 280 km/ Stewardship Chairperson for the Minnedosa United afternoon, causing quite for STARS arrival, local transport a woman criti- hr in extreme emergency Church. a stir for locals curious as RCMP and EMS closed a cally injured in a car acci- situations. For her many volunteer acts of kindness to the to what was happening. A portion of 1st Street S.W. in dent to Winnipeg. Since 1985, STARS community over the years, Trudy is most deserving spokesperson for Manito- front of the hospital. STARS is a charita- has fl own over 20,000 of this latest honour, Fun Fest’s Honourary Parade ba Health confi rmed that In April, the Prov- ble non-profi t organiza- missions, including 1,453 Marshall. the patient transported ince of Manitoba signed tion based out of Alberta. missions in 2010. Patient to Winnipeg by STARS a service agreement with Started in 1985, STARS transports by STARS in was from out-of-town and STARS to provide emer- celebrated its 25th anni- Manitoba to date have Online subcriptions had arrived at Minnedosa gency response if needed versary last year. Its fl eet included a heart attack, Hospital by ground ambu- during the severe spring includes fi ve Eurocopter strokes, trauma incidents www.minnedosatribune.com lance from another health fl ood. As a result of this BK-117s with bases located and urgent pediatric cases. care facility. agreement, the helicopter in Calgary, Edmonton and 2 Friday, June 10, 2011 Th e Minnedosa Tribune Future of Healthy Active Minnedosa uncertain members were teachers program called Healthy off ered over the last year, and meetings take place Together Now (although including the Active Teen at TCS, HAM board mem- the group would prob- Sponsorship, After School bers want to stress that it is ably continue operation as Munchies, Grocery Store not a school or TCS group, HAM). With this program, Tour, Bike Safety Rodeo, but a group aimed at meet- HAM would be required to Blue Light Project, and ing the needs of the en- address four areas: tobac- Skating Oval followed, tire community. Indeed, co reduction and staying along with discussion of HAM has helped several tobacco free, active life- regarding which programs residents in all age groups styles, healthy eating and were considered most im- (children, teens, adults mental well-being. portant to our community. and seniors) and the pro- Th e dilemma fac- “We did decide that grams have been 90% suc- ing board members and there was defi nitely in- cessful. concerned citizens now terest in carrying on, but Board members re- is meeting the new crite- we will be downsizing to cently received a letter ria and fi guring out what about half of what we’ve from Joceyln Dowden, the programs HAM can con- done in the last couple Photo by Amanda Boyd ARHA liaison for CDPI, tinue to off er on a reduced of years,” stated HAM Fa- Community members meet to discuss the future of Healthy Active informing the group that budget of $5,000 for three cilitator, Kathy Tomlinson. HAM’s fi ve-year program years. Th e fi nal decision Th e group must obtain Minnedosa at its AGM Monday evening, June 6th. has reached its end and must be made and the more support from the if the group chooses to proper documents submit- community. Th is support By AMANDA BOYD history of HAM, which bacco reduction, HAM continue being funded by ted no later than June 24th; would come in the form began as a fi ve-year pilot has addressed all these the government it must putting HAM board mem- of brief letters from willing uring its Annual Gen- program through Chronic areas through their con- review and meet specifi c bers in a tight crunch. partners and community Deral Meeting Monday Disease Prevention Initia- tinued programs. Th e fi rst criteria of the new national A review of programs commitments to in-kind evening, June 6th, nine tive (CDPI). Th e ARHA initiative for HAM was or other contributions to community members had invited anyone in the the healthy canteen at the projects. Th ese let- met at TCS to discuss the community with a vest- TCS. “Th e thought was we ters must be submitted by Shed entered, June 24th. “If we cannot future of Healthy Active ed interest in preventing would work from a captive Minnedosa (HAM). Th e chronic disease to attend audience, the kids were acquire these commit- emergency meeting was a preliminary meeting and already there, and we’d ments by this date we will called due to changing this meeting was attended off er them healthy food,” not receive funding and gas stolen we will be unable to con- program criteria within the by 20-30 community mem- Nylen explained. Funded tinue,” Tomlinson said. government and the fact bers. Th e result was that primarily through grants amiota RCMP and Manitoba Crime Stoppers are that these changes must Minnedosa would be the and the ARHA, HAM has “Th ese changes have come Hasking for the public’s assistance in solving a recent to us with very little notice be made quickly if HAM is headquarters of the pro- partnered with many dif- break, enter and theft in the R.M. of Park. Sometime in to retain its government- gram and the board would ferent community groups and have caught us a little the early morning hours of Wednesday, June 1st, a per- off guard. However, we do funded status. advertise for a facilitator. over the years including son or persons entered a shed on a property in the R.M. To begin the meeting, Mandated by CDPI the TCS Parent Advisory have some ideas as to how and stole a quantity of gasoline. Th e shed was again en- to approach this and are co-chairwoman, Jackie to address activity levels, Council (PAC). While sev- tered with more gasoline accessed on Saturday, June 4th. Nylen, provided a brief nutrition levels, and to- eral of the original board hopeful. In the past we Th ese events are believed to be related. have received many in- If anyone has any information regarding these kind contributions from events, please contact the Hamiot RCMP at (204) 764- the community; it’s just a 2732, Shoal Lake RCMP at (204) 759-2390 or Manitoba matter of getting them to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS). “match” what is required 3DUNZRRG$XWR/WG for the applications.” Th e HAM board would like to stress that it is open to any (ULFNVRQ0% Look What’s Cookin’ new members, partners or contributions and would 'RGJH'DNRWD6;7&UHZ[ value any and all support &KHY,PSDOD/7 For Father’s Day &KHY7UDYHUVH/6):' from residents of all ages. &KHY,PSDOD/6 &KHY7UDLOEOD]HU[/7 %XLFN/XFHUQH&; *0&7RQ:7(;7[ &KHY0DOLEX/7&\O *0&6/(7RQ(;7:+/ /HWXVFDWHUWR If your label reads %XLFN$OOXUH&;/65 *0&7RQ6/((;7[ 'DGRQKLV &KHY,PSDOD/6 3RQWLDF0RQWDQD69(;7 6SHFLDOGD\ZLWK 11/06/30 %XLFN$OOXUH&;/ *0&(QYR\;/6/7 DPHDOKH¶OOORYH &KU\VOHU1HRQ/( &KHY6LOYHUDGR/7(;7[ Your subscription -81( is due &KHY,PSDOD *0&&UHZ&DE[-XVW,Q SPWRSP %XLFN/H6DEUH/7' &KHY7UDLOEOD]HU/6 5RDVW7XUNH\ +DP Call (204) %XLFN/H6DEUH/7' &KHY7RQ5HJ&DE:KO-XVW,Q 'UHVVLQJ9HJHWDEOHV 867-3816 %XLFN/H6DEUH/7' 3RQWLDF0RQWDQD(;7 3HURJLHV3RWDWRHV to renew 6DWXUGD\ *0&6RQRPD6/6&UHZ[ &DS 'HVVHUW&RIIHH -XLFH *0&6/(7RQ(;7[ (QMR\%%4HG5LEV 'RGJH5HJ&DE967'$LU DW8QFOH7RP¶V Jay-Bee Tours *0&6DIDUL6/79DQ$:' Spirit Lake Casino *0&7RQ6/((;7:+/ 8QFOH7RP¶V June 26th - June 28th, 2011 Pick up Minnedosa $139.00 P/P (d/o) Dealer Permit #1265 Shopping Email:[email protected] 5HVWDXUDQW Call Frank at 1-877-542-4923 6DOHV6HUYLFH 3DUWV 723&21',7,21('6$)(7,('&$56758&.69$16 689·6 Skydancer Casino July 10th - July 12th, 2011 /RFDWHGRQ+LJKZD\ Pick up Minnedosa )LQDQFLQJDYDLODEOH $125.00 P/P (d/o) ([WHQGHG*033:DUUDQW\5HSDLU )RU7DNH2XW&DOO Shopping $XWRSDF*ODVV5HSDLU Call Frank at 1-877-542-4923 Th e Minnedosa Tribune Friday, June 10, 2011 3 Sale Dates: *We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases JUNE 10 - 16 * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens! *We deliver within town limits Mon - Sat at 4:00 p.m.
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