University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Fort Sumner Review, 1909-1911 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-11-1909 Fort Sumner Review, 09-11-1909 Review Pub. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ft_sumner_review_news Recommended Citation Review Pub. Co.. "Fort Sumner Review, 09-11-1909." (1909). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ft_sumner_review_news/6 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fort Sumner Review, 1909-1911 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. jLA i:. The Fort umner Btevsew '"V A CASH-- VOL. 2 --- 9. FORT SUMNER, GUADULUPE COUNTY, N. M., SEPTEMBER 11, 1909. $1 YEAR, sary for the Fort Sumner Com- mercial Club to send an expedit- LOCALETTES ion up there to determine the P respective claims of these distin- CIRCUS DAY guished explorers- - Perhaps we Our Invitation Mrs. C. 0. Garver returned may wait until Dr. Cook gives us Thursday from Princville, Ills. his scientific observatious at the stud pole and learn from Lieut. Peary II Flankenehip & Co. have Eclipse wind how he made forty miles a day mills and outfits. in the polar ice. These pointers MELON DAY Once each week we pay for this space would be of great service to our A. P. Anaya been attend IN has expedition. for the privalege only of inviting you ing to legal business in Portales to become depositor of week. FORT SUMNER once again a this Blankenship & Co's. General our bank. Merchandise store was broken Just received a car load of wire at ONE DAY ONLY The person who reads about us Blankenship & Co's. into and about $75,00 worth of goods stolen last Sunday after- fifty-tw- o times a year ought to know Tom Wom-ac- k Celedón and Anatasio Trujillo noon. Dunn, "Pig" FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1st. fifty-tw- o - Yandell Coker ar- us at least times better- than have been attending court the and were rested and brought before J. A. read us but once. 'The best part of the week; ai Portales if he had of Perkins and given an examina- CAMPBELL BROTHERS CONSOLIDATED better he knows us the more likely he Eighty Acres of patented land, ten tion. Dunn was held for the miles south-ea- of town for sale Grand Jury, while the Womack is to us and our business methods. like C. W. FOOR. and Coker boys were dealt with SHOWS Your account, large or small, is urgent-l-y gentry in the hope that their Circus, Museum, Menagerie, Hippodrome Rev. James Brown, Presby- parents will take better care of solicited and respectfully invited. terian minister will hold services them in the future than in the CIRCUS and MELON DAY in the school house Sunday at 11 past - ' National Bank, o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. This town should be incorpora- BIG The First All are cordially invited. ted and suitable ordinances ONE TIME passed that would affcrl bitter 500 Finest Horse on Earth 500 Sumner, N. M. The Albuquerque Daily Tribune protection to the people of this cf Fort ' 42 Double Length Railway Cars 42 be had at the Sunnyaide Drug Co. place. The ntcesbitits for in- Five cents per copy. 20 Woeld's Famous Bare Back Riders 20 ; corporation continue to increase 40 European and American Analista 40 Arch Bishop Pitval will hold and it is to be hoped that a - 30 Lady and Gentlemen Acrobats 30 I . - Confirmation services here on majority of the people will be September 30th, and at Manuel anxious to incorporate. There 20 Happy Jolly Funny Clowns 20 Abreu's, old Fort Sumner, on is always a class of people, how-ee- r, 17 Performing Elephants 17 September 31st. who oppose incorpoiation Double Menagerie Hippodrome Races of towns: in fact they stand 700 PEOPLE ALL TOGETHER 700 By taking a doae or two of Bees Lax-itiv- e ready at all times to oppose law you will get prompt Cough Syrup, and order in any and all its forms SPECIAL FEATURE relief from a cough or cold. It gentij as it often interferes with their moves the bowels, heals irritation ol THE MARVELOUS RENELLO the throat and stops the cough. It is business. Will positively appear at each performance, r pleasant to take. Sold by SunnyBide ' Turning a complete somersault en a bicycle , v . ALL KINDS OF Drug Co. ' Announcement is hereby given FOR WHILE LEAPING THE GAP that thé monument of Soverign C. Di Smith is er ecting a store Solon McMilran will be unveiled Building Material, building alongside cf his second at LaLande Cemetary on Sunday One price of admission takes you all the way through. o'- daily rain or shine. Afternoon show hand store. v September 19, 1909, at 3:00 Two performances p. m. D open one hour earlier. clock p. m. i 2 p. m. ; night show, 8 jots Section 1555 C L. 1S37 as amended, All members of Sunuside STREET PARADE 10:30 A. M. Paints require all children between the ajes Camp No. 68, are te juested to BIG of seven and fourteen years to attend meet at Katz Merc ntile Co's. the public schools during the entire noon, sharp, Excursions on all Railroads Builders Hardware tprm, under a penalty of not less than store at 12 o'clock five dollars nor more than twenty five to goto La Lande. SPECIAL RATES. dollars, where there is no legal excuse. A. J. Gilliam, Consul Ccm. n Right It B made the duty of the District XZ3 1 "Prices attorney to prosecute delinquent par Secretary Commercial Club, ESI C3 lya ents and guardians. Parents should Ft. Sumner, N. M. read the posted notices or the statute s The cantaloupesP?are a? good All roads will lead to Fort Manager. My sir: Harry W. NAYLOR, Local on this subject. Dear any Rocky Ford Sumner on the day of the big We haverecieved the nice bask and better than ever sent down hsre ai.d give an double celebra.ion. Let every The switch-boar- and phones et of '"Gem" cantal )upis which inkling of what the crop will be man in town make it his duty to arrived Friday and Manager Ack-erm- came yesterday by express, when the Fort Sumner nrigation see that at least ten, and, better is busiest man in addresed to the editor oí th.s the project becomes a reality. Can- stll, make it a hunered, of your town and says the Hello business paper. We wish to thank joj taloupes will then mean thousands friends are sdvised. Watch for will pick up next week. for this delicious treat, and v. e Day advertising, if not millions of dollars to Fort the Melon watch hasten to assure you that we find advertising, keep & Co. Sumner. -- Santa Fe New Mexican for the Circus EARICKSON fail to use up When you have piles don't the specimens sant, fully to posted and tell all your friends. Man-Za- the great pile remedy. The standrrd, if not superior, so SUCCESSORS TO the will be a big day only way to cure this annoying trouble far as our experience with this October 1st to apply something that will act on Through thi The famous Campbell Brothers A. B. HARRIS. is fruit is concerned. in Fortfcumner. all parts affected. That iswhatManZan efforts of the Commercial Ciut Consolidated Shows have reached is put up in a tube with nozzle If there is anything that the does. It the great circus known as Camp-tel- l t point in the development of FORT SUMNER, N.JvL attached. Sold by Sunnyside Drug Co. Daily Journal can do for Fort Brother's Shows has ajreec circus entertainment where there IN Sumner's "Melon Day", you DEALERS here on Melon Day. sno competition. The aim of Manuel Abreu was up from old only to ask this of us. We iO show have " managhment of the show the Crmpbell Brothers, is to Shoes, Sumner this week mixing stand for your great rich country Tne Dry Goods, Boots and Fort planned to stop their 26 cart ilways have new features and with his friends. no less than for our little city had troup and managerie (?) hert their efforts in this line this here and its surrounding district. of Furnishing Goods, feeding but were induced tt season surpass all other a. tampts. Gent's There is nothing better we know of We congratulate Ft Sumner for show when they were advise .tfo time, trouble nor expense for all kidney troubles than Pineules. people for their great resaurces. to really excellent in cases could done simultan- iave been spared and with a carps Furniture, Hardware, These pills are Very truly yours, f that it be of weak back and backache, pains hvtlie eously Melon Day. f assistants they been busy Clovis Daily Journal, with neck of the bladder, rheumatic pains The show is a big one ana buying new iraterial, animals, due to weakened, per, T. J. Mabry, editor. Groceries, Hay and Feed, and kindred ailments, troup almost as large nd engag'n? artists in eey disordered kidneys. Sold by Sunnyside carries a our population. The excep ine till now they have to offer Drug Co. A hrge basket full of canta- as Impliments and Wagons, tionally low given ty tnt to the public an exhibition Farming loupes, Gem cantaloupes, to be rales Mon- Santa Fe couclcd with this surpassing all previous efforts.
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