Page Four .. THE SEMI-WEEKLY MADISON COUNTY DEMOCRAT, LONDON. OHIO Friday, June 4, 1954 THIS IS MY BEST 4-H CLUB from Ml claims and interests of do- that there be and Is hereby ' person and estate have been filed Sommers Dairy Herd fendanta therein and for such other created a new local school dis- in the Probate Court of Madison The fifth meeting of the Tais relief, legal and equitable as majr ti iet composed of all the terri­ County, Ohio for approval and set­ Is My Best 4-H Club was held on OSU To Release Has Unusual, Record be proper in the premises. tory comprising what is tlement: Lydia A. Carter Estate Said defendants are required to presently known as the Range Number 11,9St; Docket 5 Page 555. May 31st., at the home of Patric­ answer on or before the 10th day of Local School District, the Unless exceptions are filed there­ ia and Marjorie Dials. The meet­ Education Movie The purebred Ayrshire dairy July, 1954, or judgement will bn Stokes Local School District, to, said account will be for hearing herd of N. D. Sommers & Sons of taken against them. and the Madison Rural Local before said Court, on the 7‘h day ing was called to order by Pit Forrest K. Sldener, School District, AND THAT, the of July, 1954, at which time said Dials and the following subjects COLUMBUS, O., — Release of Grove City has achieved top rec­ Administrator clerk of the Madison County account will be considered and con­ SPORTS a new all-color sound motion pic­ ognition during a recent month for By Forrest E. Sidener, Jr», At­ Board of Education be and is tinued from day to day until finally were discussed. Old business, a torney, London, Ohio, May 27. 1954 hereby instructed to cause a disposed of. ture, depicting the educational outstanding production. The 27 copy of this resolution to be Any person Interested may file slight change in the date of the May 28 June 4 11 18 25 July 2. written exceptions to said account purposes and functions of the Ohio Grove City producers are credit­ published in the Madison Press Bake Sale. It will be held on June NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT * once a w’eek for two consecu­ or to matters pertaining to the ex­ 26th., 9:00 A. M., at Ray and State University, was announced ed with averaging 1108 pounds of Jlstate of Nancy M. Patton Ddi- tive weeks, such publication to ecution of the trust, not less than »ABE RUTH LEAGUE be completed not later than the five days prior to the date ret for Eagles To Play this week by university officials. 4.27r milk and 47 pounds of but­ ceased John R. Patton, Mt. Sterling, hearing. Maurice E. Beathard, Pro­ Carpenters. Also the 4-H model­ third Saturday following the SUNDAY MAY 3Q Ohio, H R. 2 has been duly appoint­ bate Judge. ing course and 4-H Camp was dis­ The 35-minute 16mm film, pro­ terfat, actual, which placed them ed and qualified as Administrator adoption of this resolution.” The motion was seconded by Mr. cussed. New business, the Club duced by the Department of Pho­ among the nation's top Ayrshire of the Estate of Nancy M. Patton Fhrlh Lewisburg RHE late of Madison County, Ohio, de­ Murray. on be herds in the Ayrshire Herd Test DODGERS 121 picnic was discussed tod also tography the campus, will ceased. The roll call was as follow®; Call, The London Eagles Soft Ball Baker and Turvey Community projects. available on a free loan basis to Division of 25 to 50 cows. Dated thia 24th day of May A.D. yea; Murray, yes; Meekef, yes; in With 16,000 cows on test, the 1954. Number 12,159 Docket C Page Snyder, yes; Lee, yes. Team motored to North Lewis­ TIGERS 2 3 0 After the meeting was adjourn­ high schools and other groups 28. Maurice E. Boathard, Probate The motion was accordingly de­ burg over the week end and re­ Garrard and Fergison ed refreshments were served and Ohio through the university's Ayrshire holds the record among Judge of said County. clared adopted. all dairy breeds as having the May 28 June 4 11 May 19, 1954. turned home with another victory Hitting star Fergison Home run games were played. Bureau of Public Relations. May 27, June 3 • . chalked up in their score book. RHE The next meeting will be held Production of the film, entitled highest percentage of cows on Resolution for th? <renfb>n of a They won oy a score of 6 to 3. INDIANS 15 13 1 “The University Story” was the teste New Local School District under PRORATE NOTK'E — Approval and on June 14th., at the homo of •Section Ohio Revised < ode. Settlement of Account. Account and .outgrowth of idea suggested by The team they defeated played Tomblison and Arrick Mary Lou Hill. an Mr. Cail offered the following vouchers of the following named into the semi-finals in the Tri­ PIRATES 8 12 3 Dr.Bland L. Stradley, vice presi­ TmoiiA+U cot nf resolution: Judy Chamberlain MADhflN COEM’V, OHIO State Championship play off held star Arrick 2 doubles dent for student affairs. It is airry- Inasmuch as the Madison County Hitting News Reporter _ No. 12,lO7-< Board of Education has received GET THE BEST! in Hamilton Ohio last year. Lou 1 single td at acquainting prospective stu­ Forrest E. Sidencr, JrA petitions bearing the signatures of Administrator of the Estate Smith w.io went the entire route W L p CANAAN PREMIUM STRIVERS dents, alumni, parents groups and a large preponderance of the elect­ GET of Lkutha Slack, Dec'd. ors residing in the Range Local, the for the local 9 allowed only 6 scat­ TIGERS 1 0 1000 The Canaan Premium Strivers citizens of Ohio with the univer­ ■ Plaintiff Ntokes Local, and the Madison tered hits. Bobbie Converse who INDIANS 1 0 vfc Rural Local School Districts, ask­ 1000 held their fourth meeting at the sity and its educational functions Leona Chapas, et. al., used to pitch for London was the PIRATES 0 1 DOO ing the Madison County Board of home of Mrs. Louis Converse on and opportunities. Defendant® Education to create a new local losing pitcher. Whitie Pfarr hit DODGERS 0 1 000 May 27th. Committees for the Ice LRGAI. NOTICK school district to be composed of The complete cycle from high The unknown heirs, devisees, leg­ all the territory in the Ranpie Local, • ELECTRIC RANGES his 5th. home run of the season Thurs. June 3 6 p.m. Tigers vs cream social were assigned. The atees administrators and assigns of school graduation through univer­ the Stokes Local, and the Madison • ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS, with one man on base. This same Indians Ice cream social will be on June Bertha Black, deceased, whose Rural Local School Districts, in team will play the Eagles here in Fri. June 4 6 p.m. Pirates vs sity graduation is portrayed In the places of residence are unknown order to improve high school facil­ 11th. It will be given by the Cana­ and cannot be ascertained will take • ELECTRIC HOME FREEZERS London Friday night of this week, Dodgers w film. Scenes in classrooms and ities and to provide & more effi­ an Country Club and Canaan Pre­ notice that on the 27th day of May, cient school system; with Converse and Smith again Sat. June 5 6 p.m. Dodgers vs laboratories, as well as views of 1954, Qie plaintiff, Forrest E. Sick HOME APPLIANCE SHOP mium Strivers. All members were “BE IT RESOLVE© by the facing each other. Indians the university’s extensive building ener, Jr., Administrator of the Es­ Madison County Board of Edu­ present. A committee for the Plain tate of Bertha Black, deceased, cation, tn accordance with Sec­ Phone 68 l E. High St. program are included. The tradi­ filed his petition against them in tion 3311.26, Ohio Revised Code, City Fair Booth was assigned. The tional flag-raising at Ohio Stad­ Probate Court of Madison Count v, POST TIMS St'is Junior leaders helped the younger Ohio, the same being Cause No. 12,- MeBiirg Coach To ium and entrance of the famous 107-A in said court for the sale of members fill out parts of their certain real estate with consent of The foot-ball marching band, and a the distributees in said petition des­ 41 NIGHTS books and gave the girls assign­ few football scenes are among cribed as follows: Bhve To Celina ments. Hostesses were Charlene other highlights of the - Univer­ Situated in the County of Mad­ CARUSO’S June 8 Through July 34 Teen-Age Hennis and Haila Roby. Recrea­ ison, tn the State of Ohio, in the Bill Spitzer, head football, base­ sity’s numerous activities seen in Village of South Solon, and being Nightly Except Sunday tion was enjoyed by all. The next the film. described as follows: 1 ball and assistant basketball Set meeting will be on June 10th. Beginning at a atake In the FKERIA and RESTSUPAHT coach at Mechanicsburg High Written and directed by Prof. southwest corner of an allev inter­ INTRODUCING TNI NRW School for the past four years, to­ Martha Pennington Robert W. Wagner, under the secting Cleveland Street, and run­ Phyl, Lin and Anne News Reporter ning north to County Road; thence * AUTOMATIC day announced he had resigned supervision of Prof. F. W. Davis, north one hundred and forty-two PIZZAS TO CARRY OUT TOTALiSATOR to accept the position of head DEERCREEK COOK, STITCH chairman of the Department of feet to a stake; thence west, 50 t There were three big nights for feet to a stake; thence south one WAGERftHO* football coach at Celina High the eighteen seniors who displayed AND CHATTER CLUS Photograph^ “The ' University hundred and forty-two feet to a 3610 West Broad Street School.
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