Honourable Anne C. Cools, Intervener

Honourable Anne C. Cools, Intervener

Court File No: 35203 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF CANADA IN THE MATTER OF section 53 of the Supreme Court Act , R.S.C. 1985, c. S-26$ and IN THE MATTER OF a Reference by the Governor in Council concernin. reform of the Senate, as set out in Order P.C. 2013-10, dated February 1, 2013 FACTUM OF THE HONOURA23E ANNE C. COO3S, INTER4ENER Pursuant to Rules 37 and 46(11) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Canada (SOR/2002-156) STI5EMAN E33IOTT 33P STI5EMAN E33IOTT 33P Barristers and Solicitors Barristers and Solicitors 50 %Connor Street 50 %Connor Street Suite 1600 Suite 1600 ttawa, N (1P 6L2 ttawa, N (1P 6L2 Nicholas McHaffie Nicholas McHaffie Tel: (613) 566-0546 Tel: (613) 566-0546 Fax: (613) 230-,,77 Fax: (613) 230-,,77 nmchaffie.sti/eman.com nmchaffie.sti/eman.com Counsel for the 1nter2ener, Agent for the 1nter2ener, Senator Anne C. Cools Senator Anne C. Cools ORIGINA3 TO6 THE REGISTRAR COPIES TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF CANADA ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF CANADA Ban/ of Canada Building Ban/ of Canada Building 234 5ellington Street, Room 1161 234 5ellington Street, Room 1212 ttawa, N (1A 06, ttawa, N (1A 06, DEPARTMENT OF 8USTICE DEPARTMENT OF 8USTICE Robert 8. Frater Christopher Rupar Christopher Rupar Tel.: 613-741-2351 :arren 8. Newman Fax: 613-754-1720 Tel.: 613-757-4763 E-mail: christopher.rupar.:ustice.gc.ca Fax: 613-754-1720 E-mail:robert.frater.:ustice.gc.ca Agent for the Attorney General of Canada Counsel for the Attorney General of Canada 8OHN 8. 3. HUNTER , Q.C. SUPREME AD4OCAC7 33P AND TO6 6unter Litigation Chambers Law 377 Gladstone A2enue, Corporation Suite 1 2100 – 1040 Georgia St. w. ttawa, N (2P 0A7 Vancou2er, BC V6E 461 Tel: 604-,71-2401 Marie-France Major Fax: 604-647-4554 Tel: 613-675-,,55 Ext. 102 E-Mail: :hunter.litigationchambers.com Fax: 613-675-,5,0 E-Mail: mfma:or.supremead2ocacy.ca Amicus Curiae Agent for the Amicus Curiae, Bohn B.L. 6unter, C.C. AND TO6 DANIE3 8UTRAS SUPREME AD4OCAC7 33P Dni2ersity of McGill 377 Gladstone A2enue, 3644 Peel St. Suite 1 Montreal, CC 63A 157 ttawa, N (2P 0A7 Tel: 514-37,-6604 Fax: 514-37,-4657 Marie-France Major E-Mail: Eaniel.:utras.mcgill.ca Tel: 613-675-,,55 Ext. 102 Fax: 613-675-,5,0 Amicus Curiae E-Mail: mfma:or.supremead2ocacy.ca Agent for the Amicus Curiae, Eaniel Butras AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF NE: GO:3ING 3AF3EUR HENDERSON 33P 2RUNS:IC5 2600 – 160 Elgin St. P. Box 466, Stn. FEG DEPARTMENT OF 8USTICE ttawa, N (1P 1C3 P. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 561 Henry S. 2rown, Q.C. Tel: 506-453-2733 Tel: 613-233-17,1 Fax: 506-444-2661 Fax: 613-7,,-3433 E-Mail: henry.brown.gowlings.com Counsel for the 1nter2ener, Attorney General of New Brunswic/ Agent for the 1nter2ener, Attorney General of New Brunswic/ AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF PRINCE GO:3ING 3AF3EUR HENDERSON 33P ED:ARD IS3AND 2600 – 160 Elgin St. P. Box 466, Stn FEG Stewart Mc5elvey ttawa, N (1P 1C3 65 Grafton Street P. Box 2140 Henry S. 2rown, Q.C. Charlottetown, PE C1A ,B7 Tel: 613-233-17,1 Fax: 613-7,,-3433 Tel: 702-,72-24,5 E-Mail: henry.brown.gowlings.com Fax: 702-566-52,3 Agent for the 1nter2ener , 1nter2ener Attorney General of Prince Edward 1sland AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF NO4A GO:3ING 3AF3EUR HENDERSON 33P SCOTIA 2600 – 160 Elgin St. P. Box 466, Stn FEG Edward A. Gores, Q.C. ttawa, N (1P 1C3 400 -, 5151 Terminal Rd. P. Box 7 Henry S. 2rown, Q.C. 6alifax, NS B3B 2L6 Tel: 613-233-17,1 Fax: 613-7,,-3433 Tel: 702-424-4024 E-Mail: henry.brown.gowlings.com Fax: 702-424-1730 Agent for the 1nter2ener , 1nter2ener Attorney General of No2a Scotia AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF A32ERTA GO:3ING 3AF3EUR HENDERSON 33P 2600 – 160 Elgin St. Mar.aret Unsworth, Q.C. P. Box 466, Stn FEG 7,33 – 107 th St. N5 ttawa, N (1P 1C3 4th Floor Edmonton, AB T5( 2E, Henry S. 2rown, Q.C. Tel: 613-233-17,1 Tel: 7,0-427-0072 Fax: 613-7,,-3433 Fax: 7,0-425-0307 E-Mail: henry.brown.gowlings.com 1nter2ener Agent for the 1nter2ener , Attorney General of Alberta AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF MANITO2A GO:3ING 3AF3EUR HENDERSON 33P 2600 – 160 Elgin St. 1205 - 450 Broadway P. Box 466, Stn FEG 5innipeg, MB R3C 3L6 ttawa, N (1P 1C3 Heather 3eonoff, Q.C. Henry S. 2rown, Q.C. Tel: 204-745-372, Tel: 613-233-17,1 Fax: 204-745-2517 Fax: 613-7,,-3433 E-Mail: henry.brown.gowlings.com 1nter2ener Agent for the 1nter2ener , Attorney General of Manitoba AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF GO:3ING 3AF3EUR HENDERSON 33P SAS5ATCHE:AN 2600 – 160 Elgin St. P. Box 466, Stn FEG Graeme .. Mitchell, Q.C. ttawa, N (1P 1C3 ,20 – 1,74 Scarth Street Regina, S( S4P 4B3 Henry S. 2rown, Q.C. Tel: 613-233-17,1 Tel: 306-7,7-,3,5 Fax: 613-7,,-3433 Fax: 306-7,7-7111 E-Mail: henry.brown.gowlings.com 1nter2ener Agent for the 1nter2ener , Attorney General of Sas/atchewan AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF NORTH:EST GO:3ING 3AF3EUR HENDERSON 33P TERRITORIES 2600 – 160 Elgin St. P. Box 466, Stn FEG Department of 8ustice – Northwest ttawa, N (1P 1C3 Territories 4703 – 47 th Street Henry S. 2rown, Q.C. P. Box 1320 Tel: 613-233-17,1 Aellow/nife, NT H1A 2L7 Fax: 613-7,,-3433 E-Mail: henry.brown.gowlings.com Bradley PatIer Tel: ,67- 720-324, Agent for the 1nter2ener, Fax: ,27-,73-0234 Attorney General of Northwest Territories Counsel for the 1nter2ener, Attorney General of Northwest Territories AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF NUNA4UT GO:3ING 3AF3EUR HENDERSON 33P 2600 – 160 Elgin St. DEPARTMENT OF 8USTICE P. Box 466, Stn FEG Court 6ouse ttawa, N (1P 1C3 P. Bag 1000, Stn. 500 1qaluit, ND H0A 060 2rian A. Crane, Q.C. Tel: 613-233-17,1 Norman M. Tarnow Fax: 613-563-7,67 Tel: ,67-775-61,4 E-Mail: brian.crane.gowlings.com Fax: ,67-775-6175 Agent for the 1nter2ener, Counsel for the 1nter2ener, Attorney General of Nuna2ut Attorney General of Nuna2ut AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF 2UR5E -RO2ERTSON NE:FOUND3AND & 3A2RADOR 441 MacLaren Street, Suite 200 4th Floor, East Bloc/ ttawa, N (2P 263 Confederation Building St. Bohn%s, NL A1B 4B6 Robert E. Houston, Q.C. Tel: 613-566-205, 2arbara 2arrowman Fax: 613-235-4430 Tel: 707-727-2,67 E-Mail: rhouston.bur/erobertson.com Fax: 707-727-2127 Agent for the 1nter2ener, Attorney General 1nter2ener of Newfoundland K Labrador AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF 2RITISH 2UR5E -RO2ERTSON CO3UM2IA 441 MacLaren Street, Suite 200 1001 Eouglas Street ttawa, N (2P 263 P. Box 72,0 Stn. Pro2 Go2t Victoria, BC V,5 7B7 Robert E. Houston, Q.C. Tel: 613-566-205, Nancy E. 2rown Fax: 613-235-4430 Tel: 250-356-5577 E-Mail: rhouston.bur/erobertson.com Fax: 250-356-7154 E-Mail: nancy.ag.brown.go2.bc.ca Agent for the 1nter2ener, Attorney General of British Columbia Counsel for the 1nter2ener, Attorney General of British Columbia AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF ONTARIO 2UR5E -RO2ERTSON 720 Bay St., 7th Floor 441 MacLaren Street, Suite 200 Toronto, N M5G 2(1 ttawa, N (2P 263 Michel 7. Hélie Robert E. Houston, Q.C. 8oshua Hunter Tel: 613-566-205, Tel: 416-326-4454 Fax: 613-235-4430 Fax: 416-326-4015 E-Mail: rhouston.bur/erobertson.com Counsel for the 1nter2ener, Agent for the 1nter2ener, Attorney General of ntario Attorney General of ntario AND TO6 THE HON . SERGE 8O7A3 , P.C. NOE3 & ASSOCIAS 250 East Bloc/ 111, rue Champlain Parliament of Canada Gatineau, CC B,H 3R1 ttawa, N (1A 0A4 Pierre 3andry Proposed 1nter2ener Tel: ,17-771-7373 Fax: ,17-771-5377 E-Mail: p.landry.noelassocies.com Agent for the 1nter2ener, Attorney General of Cuebec AND TO6 ATTORNE7 GENERA3 OF QUE2EC NOE3 & ASSOCIAS 111, rue Champlain 2ERNARD , RO7 & ASSOCIAS Gatineau, CC B,H 3R1 ,00 – 1, rue Notre-Eame Est MontrLal, CC 62A 1B6 Pierre 3andry Tel: ,17-771-7373 8ean-7ves 2ernard Fax: ,17-771-5377 Marise 4isocchi E-Mail: p.landry.noelassocies.com Tel: 514-373-2336 Ext. 51467 Fax: 514-,73-7074 Agent for the 1nter2ener, E-Mail: :ybernard.:ustice.gou2.qc.ca Attorney General of Cuebec Counsel for the 1nter2ener, Attorney General of Cuebec AND TO6 HEENAN 23AI5IE 33P 55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 300 ttawa, N (1P 6L5 Mark C. Power 8ennifer 5linck Perri Ravon Sébastien Grammond, Ad.E. Tel: 613-236-770, Fax: ,66-276-,375 E-Mail: mpower.heenan.ca Counsel for the 1nter2ener, FLdLration des communautLs francophones et acadienne du Canada AND TO6 COC & PA3MER HEENAN 23AI5IE 33P 644, rue Main, bureau 500 300-55 Metcalfe st. Moncton, NB E1C 1E2 ttawa, N (1P 6L5 Christian E. Michaud Perri Ravon Ser.e Rousselle Tel: 613-236-,071 Tel: 506-,56-7,00 Fax: 613-236-7632 Fax: 506-,56-,150 E-Mail: pra2on.heenan.ca E-Mail: cmichaud.coxandpalmer.ca Agent for the 1nter2ener , SociLtL de Counsel for the 1nter2ener, SociLtL l%Acadie du Nou2eau-Brunswic/ 1nc. de l%Acadie du Nou2eau-Brunswic/ 1nc. - i - TA23E OF CONTENTS PART I - O4ER4IE: AND STATEMENT OF FACTS .......................................................... 1 A. Overview ................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Statement of Facts .................................................................................................................... 3 1) 1ntroduction of the 1nter2ener ..................................................................................... 3 2) Legislati2e 6istory and Context ................................................................................. 4 PART II - INTER4ENERDS POSITION ON THE REFERENCE QUESTIONS ....................

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